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Post something funny, then not funny about your character(s)!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Doctor Frohman, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    This thread is made off of what I saw as something awesome that Lechinsky made on the thread "Limitation of Joke Characters"

    Anyway, you post your characters name, something funny about them, then something not funny about em. I think it's a neat idea and feel free to do what you wish with it!

    I'll start.

    Funny! - Short, Clumsy, and Ignorant at times.
    Not Funny. - Was exiled from his tribe when he was a small child, having to fend for himself, ran into trouble with the USCM later on in life, and was enslaved and tortured after being shot repeatedly.

    Clarice Kara:
    Funny! - Open about her sexuality, tending to make jokes about around those more awkward to it. She uses peoples quirks to tend to mess with them, leading to some pretty funny times.
    Not Funny. - Abandoned as a small child. raised with the help of her adopted sister Grew up isolated from most, except for her family, beginning a relationship with her cousin. When Earth fell, she was taken by a company which abused the survivors. Stabbed her lover and left. Cheated on Tiger and betrayed Tetanus Fields. Mentally Unstable.

    Galen C. Jarius:
    Funny! - Oldest Human on the Server. Serves in the RA at the age of 83.
    Not Funny. - Prejudiced towards certain races. Once part of a Cannibalistic, Illegal, Mafia.

    Tonn Jarius:
    Funny! - Has an amazing, flanged voice. Jokes around often.
    Not Funny. - Followed Arizona in the path to Slavery after being abandoned by his family. Can't speak often, as he is punished for doing so. Has to keep his own thoughts to himself, being more like a slave than a person, even when free.

    (Some of mine aren't as short and sweet as Lechinskies, but I'd die if I left some of those out. Clarice's Not Funny used to be about two paragraphs big until I edited it. Feel free to make yours longer or shorter, or... whatever. There's not very many rules!)
  2. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Funny! She is hilariously inept at catching many human idioms as well as table manners. One time she simply picked up a hunk of meat from an exploded monster and ate it in front of everyone.
    Not Funny... Her entire former tribe is dead, she's lost many friends close to her, has been brutally tortured twice and blinded.

    Funny! He is the lovable neighborhood crazy guy who is mostly harmless and always happy to help in his own unique way! Like wearing random hats and bashing in the skulls of animals with a frying pan. And proceeding to scream at trees about owed money.
    Not Funny... How did he lose his sanity? Many many years of complete solitude leading to depression and suicidal tendencies that broke his mind.

    Funny! After studying a glitch hive-mind village for 5 years, pretending to be one of them, speaking with prefixes became a subconscious habit she has thus been unable to break. Ever try to lie your way out of a situation when you state that you're lying at the beginning?
    Not Funny... Her ship ran out of fuel jumping into the Antares Sector. Where does it come to a rest? Why a tentacle infested planet in the X-Sector of course, being unable to go closer to the core-worlds. But she totally didn't pick up anything that might cause her pain and misery later...
  3. Cassidy

    Cassidy The Strudel

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Funny! - Secretly was in a fangirl club.
    Not Funny. - Has mental breakdowns and it causes her to go into a state of either no emotion or causes her to overreact and say what she doesn't mean and hurts people close to her. Mentally unstable.

    Funny! - Once a proud owner of 157 Plushies.
    Not Funny. - Her Family died before she was old enough to remember them, and was raised in a orphanarium, She was never adopted.
  4. Gishy

    Gishy New Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Funny! - Once tricked a Floran into thinking they were a Glitch princess
    Not Funny - Is a massive drug kingpin, murders countless people out of paranoia.

    Funny! - Once fought an entire war with both of his legs missing
    Not Funny - Lost almost his entire family to his psychotic brother, leaving only him and his father alive. His father is forever insane.

    Funny! - Tried to find the square root of bicycle.
    Not Funny - Was driven forever insane by the sudden change of one of his sons, the death of his parents and wife.
  5. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Funny! - Has an obsession with battery acid. If Glitch could be alcoholics, he'd be the biggest of them all.
    Not Funny. - Lives in a constant state of paranoia. His singular, self-appointed mission is to prevent his renegade brother Beta from finding his way into the sector and starting a terror spree.

    Funny! - Has an incredibly dry and sarcastic sense of humor. Tends to make unnecessary and witty remarks during otherwise serious situations (read: firefights, political debates, etc.).
    Not Funny. - Grew up on a colony that was cut off and isolated after the fall of Earth, and soon after descended into pure anarchy as the strings of society unraveled themselves. What happened there still haunts him, and explains his addiction to coffee and other caffeinated products.

    Blood of the Sands
    Funny! - Whenever he feels he is being discriminated against, he shouts out "FLORAN NOT EVEN SSSTAB!"
    Not Funny. - "Blood of the Sands" isn't a name, it's a title - one he earned. He's an executioner.
  6. OmegaMatt

    OmegaMatt Last But Not Least

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Funny! Narcissistic Dimwit. Her unfounded self esteem leaves her flabbergasted when things never seem to turn out quite how she wants.
    Not Funny... Her motivation to do everything herself stems from deeply rooted in abandonment issues.

    Funny! Stereotypical Geek. His "Eureka!" moments are a mishmash of wide-eyed frenzy and unintelligible science terminology.
    Not Funny... He gave up his mission of traveling and spreading peace through out the galaxy after florans took advantage of his crew's kindness leaving him paralyzed and many of his friends dead.

    Ruby West
    Funny! Used to wear a mask, making it impossible to read her mood. Often came across as a creeper. Also there was the rumor that she had a 30 eyes.
    Not Funny... Suffers from bipolar and post traumatic stress disorder which has lead to drug addiction.
  7. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Funny. Seen as a very jolly and active avian. Might appear naive and far from a clever one, too. Often friendly and welcoming.
    Not funny. She is actually a very lone and depressed avian. She drinks and uses drugs to stay the way she is often seen.

    Funny. Sometimes she tries to show care, but it turns out awkward due to her not really knowing how.
    Not funny. Zealot sworn to Kluex. She is a martyr and her tongue is often drenched in poison.

    This whole topic.
  8. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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  9. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Or alternatively
  10. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Socially inept in situations where he's even a little uncomfortable. He's g-got that stut-stutter.
    Unfunny: He's a repentant Grounded seeking to prove Kluex favors action over birthright. He's also a TEENSY bit of a bigot when it comes to Floran Weeds.

    Obediah 'Odin' Fink
    Odin's the Jazz Monkey. He lays down the smooth soul for all to hear. Ya dig?
    Unfunny: Life as a Miniknog enforcer has shaped Odin into the pacifist he is today. He's pacifist to the point of being willing to die as long as he can play his saxophone and spread some love to the stars.
  11. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Funny - Naive, and sometimes a little slow. She gets uncomfortable around topics of sexual nature.
    Not funny - Single handedly caused the destruction of her home colony. She has been shot at least nine times, stabbed, kidnapped twice and tortured. She has almost no self esteem, and suffers from depression.

    Funny - Has a very loose interpretation of verbal boundaries, and isn't afraid to talk about anything.
    Not Funny -
    Stole a ship, leaving the original owners to die in a station explosion. He's torn by the guilt, and his usual upbeat mood will take a complete turn if the event is mentioned.
  12. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    • Funny: Despite his friendly nature, he is socially-awkward around new people and in new places.
    • Not Funny: He has killed an entire village of Florans, gone insane more than once and has recoverd, and has an evil person trapped in his mind
  13. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Funny: Generally tends to try to make all sorts of new inventions, often having them fail in rather comedic ways.
    Not Funny: Had his parents and the entire group of people he was trying to save when escaping Earth, die. It ended with a young child dying in his arms when he was too slow to save him and the rest.

    Funny: Always carries around pizza, even if it means stuffing slices in his pockets.
    Not Funny: Working as the enforcer for the Neo-Italian mafia, he is ruthless in a fight. He has even gone as far as to break every bone in a man's body over a minor dispute.
  14. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Funny: She doesn't understand figures of speech or anything related to sex, so she makes things awkward
    Not funny: She is afraid of purple and is mentally impaired
  15. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Short tempered, humanized, Spanish/Latin American sounding Floran. And the quote "I'm just some dumb plant pretending to be huma- Fuck you."

    Not funny: For the first time in years she became romantically attached to someone, he died three days later sending her into a self destructive spiral of alcoholism and depression.
  16. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Funny: often makes a fool of herself trying to make her superiors happy. Trigger Happy and Clumsy, not too good of a combo when around people.
    Not Funny: grew up in fear of the Miniknog as they had captured her family and took them away doing who knows what. socially awkward and speech impaired.

    Doctor Drenn Quantumheart
    Funny: he tries to be serious but everyone takes his maniacal laugh the wrong way.
    Not Funny: mentally unstable. lost his marbles long ago. he was once a great healer until humans tampered with his programming, and accidentally turned him into the glitch equivalent of a psychotic physician.
  17. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    funny: Is constantly being mistaken for female, and may overreact to such confusion. gave up the soldiering life (kind of) to pursue a career in fashion design. Oblivious to how flaming he acts (and it is very).

    Not Funny: He's a clone, and the resulting identity complex has slowly been driving him mad, in addition to breaking him emotionally. He had to break up with his original self's girlfriend, because his memories of that time were erased, and he just saw her as a stranger.
    In addition, he has had to tell numerous friends of his past self that since he lost so many memories, the person they knew is dead.
    And of course, all the normal biological problems that come when you spend most of your life in a vat (seizures, weak muscles, poor immune system, ect.)

    Funny: is the most manly apex you will ever see. all emotions are conveyed through flexing. He also has a button on his armor that makes the chest piece fall off, for impromptu posing.

    Not Funny: Was the son of an Apex politician, and spent most of his time squandering his youth on women and drinks, until the police caught him, dishonoring his family and exiling him to the antares sector.


    Funny: Is the most ridiculously over the top edgelord to ever edge.

    Not Funny: has a neural disease that will cause his brain to lose it's higher functions unless he receives routine doses of a rare drug.


    Funny: has a very thick scottish accent, and a staff-sized surgical needle for combat.

    Not Funny: Spend his free time being Dr Frankenstein, doing all sorts of strange experiments. His madness comes from not being able to save his family from a terrible disease.

    Hans ((human))

    Funny: His adopted son ( first Hans) uses his name as an alias, which has caused a small issue where financial information has gone to the wrong places, causing all sorts of chaos.

    Not Funny: in order to maintain his youthful strength, he installed an internal robotic skeleton based on Glitch biology. The tradeoff? In ten years, the skeleton will wear down and break, tearing apart his body from the inside.


    Funny: Saleswoman working for human Hans. She runs all his errands, and will never speak in anything but an energetic, cheerful voice. Even when trying to kill you.

    Not Funny: Spent a long portion of her life with an abusive husband, allowed her personality to be drastically modified to get rid of the trauma.

    #17 Donovennn, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  18. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Hugo "Shifty Eyes" Wuggins

    Funny! - He's a cowpoke with a mighty strong accent, partner.

    Not Funny! - He started space rustling folks after an Earth Bank foreclosed his Paw's Wind Farm on Mars, and after losing his livelyhood went on to become an alcoholic.
  19. Super Sugar

    Super Sugar New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Funny: It's easy to get her to laugh, whether by speech or by her yet unknown ticklish spots.

    Not Funny: Due to her past, which has built up a bit of repressed anger, she often hunts USCM Penal Colonies alone, using a rifle loaded with explosive rounds to clear out entire compounds at a time.
  20. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Funny: Has an easy time not caring about others.

    Not Funny: When she's your doctor.