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Code Testing/Post Designing

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by WrongEndoftheRainbow, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Forgive me if this is in the wrong subsection, but I felt the need to test out some forum post code and I wanted to make a cool looking forum post, k?


    Also a test

    • Test 1
    • Test 2
    [style size=15]Test[/size]

    Mainly testing to see if BBcode works, before I make anything.

    IT DOES.


    >logon successful
    ]name@INX 15:46 7/4/14
    • SHIP_MAINFRAME 001xxxx
    • SHIP_NAV 020xxxx
    >connect 001xxxx
    >ls /

    >echo Write your journal entry here. ^/home/name/journal/journal3.txt
    >logoff success

    Rig-B asked for a robot-y way to make his journals. I obliged. If you want to cut down on the size, you can remove the >ls /, and it's following list. The journal entry is to be placed in the >echo command, with the ^ being the output of the file. In this case, the output is making a new file in the directory named journal, named journal3.txt. The next entry would be journal4.txt, and so on. After making a a new entry, it would be added to the ls / command.
    For example, I write a journal 3, and then a journal 4. The ls / command would now show
    I'll fancy it up and make it look good once I figure out the size command, considering [style size=] does not work.

    [center][b]INX OPERATING SYSTEM[/b][/center]
    >logon successful
    ]name@INX 15:46 7/4/14
    >[list] [*]SHIP_MAINFRAME 001xxxx [*]SHIP_NAV 020xxxx [/list]
    >connect 001xxxx
    >ls /
    >echo Write your journal entry here. ^/home/name/journal/journal3.txt
    >logoff success
    #1 WrongEndoftheRainbow, Jul 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2014
  2. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    My tutorial was too big for the edit to go through.

    Typing in just LS would show something like this:


    Typing just ls means that you are checking which directory you are in. This will be useful for the later command showing you how to switch which directory you are in. For example, I move to the name/ directory, I can type in ls and get this:


    As for actually moving to that directory, you would type in something like this:
    >cd /home/name

    Then you would be in that directory. This is useful for when you want straight-up text, rather then a new file in one of your folders. You could move to that directory and type in

    >echo Look at this text loool

    And then that would save in the directory you are in. Your mainframe would now look like this when you type in ls /

    >ls /
    ------------------------------------------------Look at this text loool

    But let's say you don't want to have that ugly 'Look at this text loool' muddling up your sleek file directory. What you do is navigate to that directory, using the cd command, unless you are there already, and type in

    >rm ^Look at this text loool
    >successful deletion

    If you tried to delete a file that isn't in the directory you're currently located at, you would however get:

    >rm ^Look at this text loool
    >no such file exists in current directory

    ((For deleting entire directories, just type in >rm ^/home/name/directory-you-want-to-delete))

    Let's say you want to make a pictures folder after you deleted your rogue text in your name/ directory. What you would do is move your location to the directory you wish to make a new folder in, and type in:

    >mkdir pictures

    After typing that, if you then type in ls / again, you would get:


    You can then scan the picture you want to save, by putting it into the terminal scanner and typing this:

    >bgscn ^/home/name/pictures/picture1
    >scan successful

    Your file directory would now look like this:


    Let's say you now want to look at the hilarious picture of your pet teddy bear you scanned. You would type in this:

    >cat ^/home/name/pictures/picture1.png

    And it would show up your picture. You can simply continue typing commands after opening it, as it is placed in a command field like the rest of your commands, and it will simply be pushed up as command go through, until it disappears past the top of the screen. If you wanted to view a text file, you would do the same, except just placing the text file location in your output command. It would open similiar to the picture, except it's text instead of a picture.

    Let's say your text command is too big for your screen. What would happen is it would take up the entire screen, and prevent you from entering more commands. You then hit enter, and the first part of the text will be removed from the screen, making way for the second. Imagine Fallout. After it reaches the end of the file, you will be able to enter commands again, and the final 'page' would go up as each command is typed in until it disappears above the top of the screen.

    Let's say you want to copy and paste journal1 into your pictures folder for whatever reason. What you would type in is:

    >cp ^/home/name/journal/journal1.txt /home/name/pictures

    And now your file directory would look like this:


    Let's say you never copied that text file to pictures, and now instead of copying it you want to move the file entirely. What you would type in is this:

    >mv ^/home/name/journal/journal1.txt /home/name/pictures

    Now your file directory would look like this:


    Let's say after moving your file, you want to print your picture. You must connect a printer to your network and type in this:

    • SHIP_MAINFRAME 001xxxx
    • SHIP_NAV 020xxxx
    • NEW_PRINTER 0012xxxx
    >connect 021xxxx
    >prnt ^/home/name/pictures/picture1

    And it would print out your picture on a piece of paper. You could do the same for a text file, and it would print as if you wrote a file on notepad and printed it out.
    However, if you try to print without having a printer connected, you would get this:

    >prnt ^/home/name/pictures/picture1
    >no printer connected

    As for typing in random things, they would act just like in any other text OP. System, it would simply go down to the next command field and your text would do nothing, for example:

    >why did i do that

    With the empty > being where you put your next command.

    If you have any questions, let me know and I will add them onto the tutorial.
    #2 WrongEndoftheRainbow, Jul 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2014
  3. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    My second tutorial was also too big, so.

    Let's say your file directory looks like this:


    "I don't want people to access my supersecret.txt! It's Super Secret!" You yell. Well, here's your solution.

    This is assuming your account is an admin of the mainframe you are connected to. This can be done by two ways:

    Being the first to connect to the mainframe after it is created, or having the current administrator account(s) set your level to admin. This can be done like this on an admin account, assuming both are connected.

    >su ^luckypersonaccount@UNX

    The lucky person's account will now have administrator privileges, and can view hidden files, and edit read-only and protected files. Setting your admin account to view hidden files is done by typing in this:

    >unlk /

    Your directory will now look like this:

    ----------------------------------------------------------------supersecret.txt (hidden)

    The (hidden) tag signifies files you can see that are hidden to other accounts not set to view hidden files. This option also allows you to view and edit protected files, and protected files will also have a tag signifying it's access level, IE: (read-only) (write-only) (write-and-modify). A full list of these tags will be shown at the portion of the tutorial showing you how to set access levels.
    Now, for setting files to hidden and protected. Let's say you want to make supersecret.txt a hidden file, meaning only those with the ability to see hidden files can look at it or edit it. What you would type in is this:

    >lk ^/home/name/research/supersecret.txt

    The file is now hidden. Beware, however, you can still enter this command on a user account, and you will be unable to recover your hidden file unless you get an administrator account or get an administrator to unhide it for you by typing in this:

    >unlk ^/home/name/research/supersecret.txt

    This will unhide the file, allowing users to see it once again.

    Let's say you want to have a secret file, and you are only a user. What you want to type in is something like this:

    >drown 740 ^/home/name/research/supersecret.txt

    Confusing, isn't it? Let's break it apart.

    'drown' is typed in first. The following octal number draws from this table:

    ((Note: Drown means Directory Own, incase you got the wrong ideas.))

    [table=Octal Numbers]
    7 - Full Access
    6 - Read and Write
    5 - Read and Modify
    4 - Read Only
    3 - Write and Modify
    2 - Write Only
    1 - Modify Only
    0 - None

    The first number represents your account, the second number represents accounts in your home grouping. The third number represents those not in your home grouping. In this case, if your directory looked like this:

    ----------------------------------------------------------------supersecret.txt (740)

    In this example, the highranks home directory contains two people. Bob and John. Bob has full access to supersecret.txt, and John can read but not edit it. Larry cannot see it at all. To Larry, here is his directory:


    The tag after it shows all that can view it it's octal number. Files without tags are unowned and thus essentially '777'. Note that administrators can still see and edit the files if they have run the unlk command. Note that the drown command can also be run on all directories except /, so Bob or John could set the highranks home directory to 770 and anybody in a different home directory would no longer be able to see the highranks directory at all.

    Now for data theft (Or legitimate file transfer to different mainframes, TBH.))

    Let's say John is a spy. He wants to copy supersecret.txt to his own mobile mainframe that he can then smuggle out and give to enemies of Bob and Larry. Let's say he has a computer connected to the entire faction mainframe, and also connected to his own personal mainframe that only his computer is connected to. Here is what the term_ping would look like:


    What he can do is connect to both mainframes at once by typing in this:

    >connect 001xxxx
    >connect successful
    >connect 002xxxx "2"
    >connect successful

    The computer would now be connected to both, but the FACTION_MAINFRAME file directory would be the active file directory, meaning it's the directory your computer shows you when you type in >ls. What you could then do is type in this:

    >cp ^/highranks/bob/research/supersecret.txt 002xxxx ^/home/john/stolenfiles

    The file would now be copied onto John's personal mainframe, in the 'stolenfiles' folder.

    As long as you can see a file in your directory, you can copy it. Note however that you cannot copy entire directories and must copy files one by one. An administrator with unlk command set can copy any file.