Hello, my name is Sam. I am a sentient medical droid with vast knowledge of medical procedures. I carry many tools to work with a variety of different situations, and always, ALWAYS respond to any sign of recent injury. I am currently lacking an employer and have wished to grant my services to a faction or city that may need medical assistance. I will provide my services primarily to the city or faction that persuades me the most. -Sam
*Angel* I'm just gonna redirect you over to these guys. http://community.playstarboundrp.com/forums/icr.71/ they essentially are a bunch of doctors and scientists who go around doing science things. Hope this helps.
>>Logging in AI "ICARUS" to selected terminal... >>Logged in! Oh yes, thank you so much! As the kind fellow already replied, the Interplanetary Crisis Relief is an organization dedicated to helping all in need, without care for race, affiliation or sexual orientation. We could always use more medical professionals, so please do not hesitate to apply!