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Luna's Log Files

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aromyl, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    (( These log files, both text and audio, would be found on her ship on a small storage server on-board. If anyone were aboard her ship, and entered the storage server, they would be able to view these files. ))


    I feel as though I should start keeping some sort of journal... Maybe begin to document the shit that's been going on lately... Might help me emotionally too.... I've just got so much to take care of lately... Who do you care though, I'm typing this into a plucking computer.

    Aside from the damn large amount of uniforms I have to make, I'm working on two other weapon blueprints, I have to talk with Onyx about his weapon facility, which I still don't understand, so I'm going to have to talk to Raoul about that, next to that I have to work out the damn wedding...

    ...Speaking of, I want to talk to Raoul about working on my form later, I've become a bit rusty, it seems...

    I need to just work out these things.... I've asked Vivian to be my Maid of Honour, and she seemed rather excited about that, which is good. It's nice to see her happy. As for the actual groom, Gareth seems pretty happy as well... He's really a great guy...

    I've just been letting everything sit inside me, and I guess I just got hit with it now... Joshua's funeral really got to me...

    ....I miss my mom....
    #1 Aromyl, Jun 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  2. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Drinking plucking sucks. Now I remember why I don't do it...

    Well, the other day we stumbled into Raoul's forge, and we looked around a bit. He came in, and I started making some damn glorious puns about the lava, I was really on fire. I don't think Raoul was too hot about it, though. Kinda zapped me, but it felt good too. I still need to talk to him, I keep putting it off. Procrastination, yay!

    Well, after that, Gareth and I took Thorn (who also joined in on the puns but got knocked out) to the Tavern. He woke up halfway down the hall, though. Plucking love Thorn. Gotta get him back for stabbing me though... Still hurts a bit. Made our way down to the bar though, then things picked up.

    So, sitting at the bar, us three. Then Mars comes in and sits down, and I think it was him that suggested we play a drinking game. I hadn't had a drink in a while, so I joined in not to seem coy... Soon, we had Omen, Raoul, and Pelaris all in on the game as well. After that things get a bit fuzzy. I think I may have passed out actually I'm not sure. I remember Gareth taking me back to our house, and giving me these pills to take... And then we talked and I think I broke down a bit....

    I'm just lucky I have Gareth to take care of me... Ha, I still can't believe I'm getting married. Which reminds me we still have to get our plans set. Just a place and a time and I think we're good, we already have a list of people...

    I've taken the pills Gareth gave me, and it's helped out a lot with this hangover. I've taken a day to myself to rest, been working on some other things. Made a cool little gadget today, gonna test it out later...
  3. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Been kind of busy recently, my heads been stuck in my work. Have a few blueprints I've been editing nonstop, already brought one of them to life recently. It's a simple but nice gadget to have. But I digress...

    First off, Vivian built a plucking cathedral for our wedding, and a dining hall to-boot. That cuts our search for a place to host the wedding, first off. I'm seriously indebted to her. She's really a great friend to have, and I'm lucky to call her my friend. As for Gareth, he's been his same old self; But nothing is wrong with that...

    And recently I was informed by both Loura and Mars that I'd be leading a retrieval mission for an relic of the Wolves. The catch is, if I do it "well", or however they put it, I'd be named the new beta due to Malkov's absence. I'd be co-leading with Omenvreer as well, with a team picked by the beta's. I'm honoured to be considered, and hope I'll do well... It's just... I have a strange feeling about this mission; I don't know what it is, but it leaves my gut a bit unsettled. It's most likely an over-reaction, probably me psyching myself out, but, what if something happens? I don't know... I need to get the details for Lo later on. I hope this goes well...

    Thornblade's on a hiatus to a different sector currently, but should be back relatively soon. That reminds me, he needs to get those tuxes in. I'll bug him about that later.

    And seeing that Psy is now a girl as well, I'm going to ask her as well as Lo if they'd want to be one of my bridesmaids! This should be fun!

    I've got shit to do, I should know that. Alas, farewell me, for I have things to do.

    Luna signing off for now!
  4. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Finally getting some good headway on a few of my projects. Just finished up the bow, added that to the armory... Probably gonna work on some specialized arrows for that in a while. Asa's bow is proving a bit difficult, but I sure like a challenge. I think I've finally found something that could possibly work, but that's yet to be seen. Her rifle is almost done, at least the blueprints.

    Speaking of weapon blueprints, I've been dabbling in a certain one recently. I think this could prove... beneficial, to say the least. Planning on talking to Loura about that later. Maybe see what she has to say.

    Nothin' much has really happened since my last log, just a lot of work and not much sleep. Gareth showed off his armour which was pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Planning on plucking with it and adding a few of my own modifications to it; I think he'd allow me to. Speaking of Gareth, I need him to teach me some medical things. I've let myself grow rusty... Meh...

    Last night, Thornblade seemed pretty bummed out about recent events, soooooo I decided to slip him a drug I've been meaning to test. A simple drug, relaxes the body, calms the mind. He seemed to take to it well, although it appeared as though he was getting dizzy more than he should be. Possible side effect? Not sure...

    I still have to talk to Loura about a few things, possibly Mars as well. Oh well, I have shit to do, so I'm gonna cap this off.

    Stay safe, me.
  5. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Talked to Mars today about my retrieval mission. Got a few details, waiting on Loura for a few assets. I requested to have Gareth accompany me on this mission. I've seen him in action, and I can attest to his ability in combat. The mission should be easy enough, in and out....

    I just hope something doesn't go wrong... But it's in the job, I guess. Always the possibility...

    In other news, the wedding should be soon! Got almost everything set up. Oh, I can't wait!

    So yesterday Loura had us run through the training courses to assess our skills. Before I went, I strapped the remote explosive head of two of my arrows to the hilt of two of my knives. Needless to say, the explosion was great. Didn't break anything, just left it a bit... scorched is all. But that gave me a new idea: Explosive Throwing Knives. Gonna look into that...

    Speaking of Loura, I finally talked to her, at least, about a few things. Still have a few others I wouldn't mind talking to her about, see if she'd take interest to them, specifically, one of my thoughts.

    I think one of these days I'm going to have Mars play me in a game of chess...

    Well, that's all I got. Luna out.
  6. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Well, it's official! I'm now married! The whole day was just perfect. I just hope everyone was able to enjoy it as well. Vivian really outdid herself with the entire place... She's really a great architect, that's for sure. Quite the wedding gift if I do say so myself. Speaking of, there was quite the array of presents! They were all amazing, every one. Onyx had... quite the present if I do say so. Beautifully crafted, but I wouldn't expect anything less from him. Vivian looked absolutely stunning as well, as did Viiker. Heh, they make a cute couple. Viz seemed quiet intrigued by a pink-haired girl. Don't think I really caught her name though...

    A lot of Wolves were at the wedding as well, which I had hoped... Heh... The Wolves... You know, I grew up with what would be considered a very small family... Spent a lot of time with them, occasionally we'd head out to other places and meet people, but we tended to keep to ourselves. Never really had a big family... But now... Well... To me, the Wolves are my family, every single one of them. I don't know, I'm rambling into my plucking wristpad right now for plucks sake, but I think the point is still valid... I'm just getting worried over this mission for some reason. Right now my hearts racing, and I don't know why. I've been in some tough shit before, and it's worked out... But this time, I really really feel like something bad may happen...

    I need some air... I'll update this when my nerves have settled...

    Luna signing off.
  7. Aromyl

    Aromyl Mad Coder

    Apr 9, 2014
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    *For three minutes all that would be heard is the sound of a breeze, with a faint crackle of fire. Afterwards, Luna's voice would be heard, slow, faint and dull*

    I... I'm not entirely sure about things at the moment. The Wolves, basically.

    *Another pause for a minute*

    I joined the Wolves having nowhere else to go. I was adrift, bouncing from colony to colony. I wanted a place to call home, a family to be a part of. What better than a brotherhood, right? I thought, "maybe I could put my skills to use, to help out." Possibly give my life some meaning, other than being a scavenger. I believe I have, seeing as how people seem to appreciate what I do. *A sigh can be heard*

    I've met my best friends here. I even met Gareth here. My family. I've met my family here. Thornblade, one of my most close friends. Vivian, as well. Varkun. Omen. Mars. Flora. Ray. *Throat clearing, with a pause* ...Malkov. Loura. *Pause* Asa.....

    *A silence can be heard once more, lasting for a minute*

    *Slight sniffle, her voice picking up slightly* You know, my mother always told me, "Never leave your family behind." She always told me to be kind to your family, to help them..- help them out no matter the cost. That no matter what happens, in the end, all you'll have is your family. No matter what you do, what you say, .... in the end, you'll always have your family.

    *A drawn out sigh* Only time will tell what happens next....

    *The sound of rustling can be heard, alongside a few footsteps on wood coupled with the pitter-patter of a canines paws before the log abruptly shuts off with a faint click*