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The Tattered Journal of Megan Kara

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doctor Frohman, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    ((Feel free to post whatever you feel like, but remember it's OOC until you find the Journal itself.))

    [Written in a shaky fashion.]
    [Written in German]
    [The Previous Pages are Torn out]
    Journal Entry 7: Oh look, my handwriting is now very bad. It's hard to see out of one eye, apparently. The sewers down here are no longer safe, The Eminence watches and they've been hitting my group. Romei fixed me up as a parting gift from the crew. Damnit, they even stole my Katana, engraved with some weird-ass Chinese symbols. Not that I'm dissing my heiratage, or whatever, but I never took the time to learn the language itself. Adoption and all that. Oh, I've decided to rip out the previous six logs due to my blind faithfulness to Clarice and Issac. Alois, too. Those three are damn loyalists, won't bother with the sacrafices I have to do, try to win our freedom. The MFF's changed, though. Tyrone was killed in a raid and now we have no stable shipment of guns or ammo. Most of my men are falling apart and my cousin has joined Alois in his work. I need to... fake my death somehow, but not yet. Abelschrimen A. Amphenheimer will lead the MFF Remnants after my death. He's a natural leader and I'm sure he will figure out something. As for now, I gotta ship this food out to the Civ's taking refuge at HQ.

    Journal Entry 8: Everybody's dead, or gone. Blood litters the HQ, crates are smashed, but no sign of corpses... I've found bullets though, used of course. The green couch I once slept on is also ruined and they found my 'roids. Speaking of which, personal reminder: Shave. I'm starting to grow some stubble... damn side-affects. My voice is turning gruffer and my hair is starting to bald. I'm tough, though. Tough as nails. Probably the damn reason I'm still alive right now. Gotta find a new steroid supplier, though, and The Eminence is probably at Zone Seventeen sorting through the damn bodies they dragged out. Abelschrimen, please tell me you're alive...

    Journal Entry 9: Abelschrimen's alive, I've boosted his rank and given him the order of recruitment. Now, to disappear. There are some old train tracks, still electrified, but able to be past through. Its completely dark down there, but there's a secret area nobody knows about, not even The Eminence. I'm re-routing all the food and water to that small shelter of safety. Oh, and I'm bringing weights. Got to stay fit, eventually tear down The Eminence and all they hold dear.

    Journal Entry 10: I got a district change, all the way out to the Industrial little complex. I've met some guy named "Arizona" at the stripper place called, I kid you not, The Grizzly Vagina. Sounds like a Russian woman, am I right? No? Just me? Ok. Anywho, he's leading a new resistance sort of group, follows the same standards as my old one, but alot stricter and much better well armed. I'll be joining tommorrow, right after I pick up my welding mask.

    Journal Entry 11: I'm in! Got my own cot and everything. But with new groups comes new possibilitys. I've found a boat, big-ass sea-wall in the way, manned by guards, though. The boat doesn't work, so I'll have to fix up the engine, repair the hull, buy fuel, and get a bigass bomb to destroy the sea-wall in my way. Oh, and a radio jammer to get rid of the choppers as well. As for other boats, or guards, nothing that my shotgun-pistol-shovel combo can't take out. Also, I got new kevlar and my welding mask helps hide my grotesque eye.

    Journal Entry 12: Starting to like the stache... really growing on me. I kid, I kid, but really, nobody sees my face and its a nice warm little tuft of hair on my lip. Crow's been basically a father to me around here, and when I showed him my face, he straight-up handed me a razor. How uncouth. Anywaaay, engines starting to get fixed up, I got the bomb from Crow and I think Robe's starting to take a liking to me.

    Journal Entry 13: We assaulted a base today, Crow got injured and I left with a couple more bullets than I usually would like... we had to retreat, but I THINK we hit at least one of them. Not much else to write, other than Arizona's got some problems with, like, his kid Tony or someshit.

    Journal Entry 14: Crow tried to have sex with me... god-damnit, even more reason to leave on the boat. I've started to stay away from him more and theres talk of a new Mercantile comming to the District. The boat is completly fixed up, now just to get the jammer and the fuel.

    Journal Entry 15: Jammer is now working. No word from Marylin, Alois, Issac, Clarice, Konrad, Conrad, or any of them... I'm starting to worry if they either went off to Uyendinya or died...

    - Megan Kara
    #1 Doctor Frohman, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2014
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Journal Entry 16: This planet reminds me of Earth so much that I've been naming of home... this planet doesn't really even have any fish. Well, unless you count those shark-like fuckers and piranha-like stuff. Everything on this planet wants to kill you... the joy of being in the un-charted zone. Uyendinya had everything... bullet-press, bunker, plenty of supplies, and my fucking fishing boat.
    Jammer looks like it could be faulty, but... I dunno. I've been meeting with this Italian fellow, might be able to help me fix up the last patches in the hull. Some fuckers came and shot it up when I wasn't watching it.
    Oh, and I should cut down the swearing... mom always said it made you sound less intelligent.

    Journal Entry 17: I shaved, probably my last chance. The fuel's gotten, now to just fill up the boat and leave this place forever...

    - Megan Kara, Leader of The Remnants and Head of The MFF.
  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    [These Entries are soaked.]
    Journal Entry 18: I made it... some remote inlet. How I got here... not too conventional. So, as we were packing up the ship, Robe came out and I asked him to join me. Blah blah blah, we kissed and I left him forever. So, as the ship took off, we had no problems, but once the sea-wall blew out, the choppers started comming. The Jammer didn't work, so they flew up and just freaking littered the ship with bullets. The Italian, forgot his name, was torn up as I worked my way into the bottom of the ship. As I got there, the engine blew up and I swam out a hole in the hull. I had to leave my welding mask and other clothes behind, the water was too heavy. Glad I shaved, all that hair woulda helped weigh me down, too.
    Eventually, I swam my adrenaline-filled self over to this inlet. No idea how far away I am, but... I got this journal.

    Journal Entry 19: The Shelter's up. Acid rain won't hurt me now. Anyway, there's no real wildlife here, so I've been striding around naked, heh. Food and Water are the main priorities right now... maybe there's an underground water source, never touched by the damn pollution? I got three days, at most.

    Journal Entry 20: Food'll be easy. There's birds that fly around, nest in the trees. They've never seen human life, so I can literally walk up to one and strangle it to death. Sounds like Dodo birds. Wish they were Dorito birds, the meat tastes leathery and gross. Edible, though. Second day, here. So thirsty...

    Journal Entry 21: There's an ice-berg far north. This place is... huge. Bigger than I thought. The ice doesn't freeze melt because of how much... I dunno. Sciencey stuff. The water is delicious, much better than those damn canned stuff and definitally better than sea-water. The currents here can get rough sometimes, but maybe fish? Fish might get washed up ashore? I hope.

    Journal Entry 22: I've dressed myself in feather's from these birds. Helps me stay warm, thankfully. The more I think about it, the more of a prison that place feels like. Like the USCM Penal Colonies, but gone terribly wrong and not at all related to the USCM. None of us were criminals either, more like slave labor. Hopefully, the factories will over-load or something. The others could one day become free, too. Maybe.

    - Megan Kara, Leader of The Remnants and Head of The MFF.
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Journal Entry 23: This planet is heating up, fast. The glacier is starting to melt and the sea is rising... the earth begins to shake every-once in awhile and the sky crackles in the night. I swear, if those guys are starting a firefight and blowing up shit without me...
    Anyway, my shelter has started to become a hut. I've managed to scavenge together a rock and sticks, tied it together with some knotted pubic hair, and created an axe. The smaller, deader tree's are just for now, but eventually I'll make some kinda pick.

    Journal Entry 24: In the distance, there's large explosions, presumably where the city is... big blue explosions sometimes, others orange or red. It's scary to imagine what's going on down there...
    Hut is up and running, now just to dig a well. That glacier won't last forever.

    Journal Entry 25: A scouting ship landed nearby today. Cops, of course. Probably looking for a new outpost to set up... I gotta plan an ambush, get one of them alone and steam his gun. I'll write more once I accomplish this feat.

    Journal Entry 26: I took that fukher DOWN! A low rank, obviously, hadn't lost his balls yet. He was taking a piss and I grabbed him from behind, choked him to death. I have his kevlar, knife, gun... everything I could have wanted. Their main camp is nearby... just a few shots and they'll be down as well.
    Please don't let there be backup...

    Journal Entry 27: Every single one of them is kill. One of them had a journal too, read it and it turns out they were rogues fleeing from the city. Whoops. Oh well, they fought for the wrong side. Their ship'll take me off of this horrible planet and into the wastes of the universe... once I figure out how to activate the damned VI.

    - Megan Kara, Leader of the 'Fhuck this planet'
  5. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Journal Entry 28: Okay, Okay... so I crash landed on a planet that was filled with eyeballs and eyeball creatures and eyeball plants and cultists without eyeballs. I managed to hole myself up in a big, black tower, mostly ruined and there's water seeping in and starting to fill it up. When will this rain ever end? For now, I'm trying to get a distress signal...

    Journal Entry 29: So... I'm at this USCM base or something. There's sentient aliens out there, who knew? Like, some of them are birds, other's look like the slaves those bastards back on the militaristic planet used, and some are like... plants. Creepy. I introduced myself as Mange and haven't decided whether to show my gender or not. I remember what happened with Crow and... I don't want that to happen again. I'll have to make a decision later on, but for now, I'm Mange, not Megan.
    Also, Mange is an anagram for Megan and Mange is a disease that causes hair and skin to fall out. Sounds like what's happening to me.

    - Megan "Mange" Kara