Eyyyyy So what I'd like to do is have Xewyck diss the kraw-people at Liberty Mills and then get shot in the face. c: Yeap I need to kill him off, so could someone, maybe someone from the Holy Fleet, possibly play the guy getting ticked off? It doesn't have to be a real PC character you play, it could just be any ol' birdman. With severe anger issues?
Preach anti kluex stuff in the street. Be aggressive when confronted. Spit on someone. Get sacrificed publicly to Kluex on a slab. ??? Profit.
Most the standard guards seem relatively non-violent. Unless you attract the attention of one'o the zealots higher up in the chain... Blasphemy's a good way.
Such as: "I challenged Kluex to an arm wrestling match, and he was all like "Yeah right" and I was all like "Lets do this" and then I beat him, best out of five. He had me on the ropes when he cheated and tried to tickle me with his feathers though. In the end he just admitted he was only a nerd and not a god. We get coffee every thursday during my lunch break. He's okay, I guess. Too many fanboys."
If you want it done, this is probably the best way to do it. Give us some heads up on when you wanna get ganked so we can bring out the appropriate stabby authorities. Otherwise, you might rot in a jail cell for a IRL day or two while we track down our Stargazers.