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Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Corvus, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    So, as a few of you are aware, I've been commenting recently OOC about the lack of characters who represent genders other than male and female.
    This isn't a problem. Many people aren't even aware of the nature of gender.
    However, I'd like to potentially create a non-binary character (a character who is neither male or female). I have some ideas on how to go about this, but I'd really appreciate some ideas and feedback, as this is something I'm only somewhat familiar with.
    Also, I'll need to select a preferred pronoun for the character. "They/them" can get somewhat complicated, but I'd be willing to do "Ze/hir/zir".
    I'd also like to note what T.D. has already done with a few of her characters. She has dressed male characters in dresses, which is certainly a huge step toward a more inclusive and encompassing array of characters.
    I'd also like to note that I'd prefer if this thread didn't become political in terms of modern day politics.
    So, yes, initiate discussion, starting with advice, and we'll see where it goes. This'll be interesting, to say the least. :D
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    If gender and sexuality is the defining trait of your character, you should think up a new character.
  3. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Please note that Florans are a unisex species.

    I just made a whole lot of you uncomfortable.
  4. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    So wait. By "neither male nor female" do you mean a character who was just born as neither? Or... what? I'm a bit lost. Also, yes. Florans are unisex as a whole. But there still are the male and female... variants, I guess? I dunno.
  5. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    This whole thing-

    But I agree with Sen and I do suggest you to follow his advice. We already have like four characters that have their sexuality or some other dull thing as their main point. And they are hardly interesting characters.

    As for "pronouns", then "It" still exists.
    #5 Finestein Goodlad, Jun 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2014
  6. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    "where is the shemale option"
  7. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Obviously I'll be developing the character further and exploring some of the other traits I've been interested in experimenting with. I'm putting a lot of thought into this character to avoid that very issue. I won't just throw them into the world and come up with stuff on the fly, I'll actively write them long before they're used.
    That is a good point, though.
    Someone who was born either male or female and later in their life found that they identify as neither, whether that happened in their youth or during adulthood.
  8. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    He means one that doesn't identify as male or female. Gender is a separate concept to biological sex; a person can be born with male parts and identify as a female, and vice-versa, or neither.

    This concept is especially notable with the Floran and sorta cement that reality, since due to the fact that they are unisexual, it's easier for them to express their genders in whatever direction they want.

    I'm down with this as long as it's not the main focus of the character; this is especially notable given the setting in space. The conflicts of gender identity vs. the social constructs in society is cool characterization in a smaller, local setting such as a town or city, but is rendered insignificant in a setting of much larger scope like space. Everyone will easily accept it because there are far more things that would be considered more out of the norm in the first place, like crazy bird people and sentient man-eating plants.
  9. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Mostly what has been said above, uh.

    As long as your character gender identity/sexuality/dysphoria ain't ALL of the character, you can do whatev, son. Apart from
    that, research about it and apply it to your character, ask to actual queer people n all that jazz.
    In the end, IC most characters won't actually care much about what your char is apart from if they have a gun and if they
    are a man eating plan from outer space.

    Is all up to the RPer in question.
  10. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I come here out of curiosity and find this.
    I knew that reknowned quote would bite me in the ass one day.
  11. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    It all seems like a really irrelevant part of a character, unless you plan focusing on that part.
  12. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well, there is certainly a wrong way to go about it, which you yourself warned me about. The reason for this thread was mainly for advice, as previously stated, so I don't make this character in an insensitive or generally "wrong" way. Even if it is irrelevant, I'd rather not use it in an offensive way, and use it to my best possible capacity. :)
  13. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    If you plan making this character become 'biologically genderless', then I literally have no advice. If it's just the idea and how the character believes himself or herself to be like, then you can just say your character is from some strange colony like that with society that decided to ban recognition of every possible gender out there for one reason or another. Like while in truth your character would be of either gender, he/she wouldn't just recognize him/herself as one because the society this character came from would be like this.

    As for the pronouns, then there is already one which points out a genderless being (or an animal). "It". Not "zhir blame tham dum" or anything that tumblr managed to squirm out of their crack ridden brains.


    Mar 14, 2014
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    the solution is to not make a character at all

    seriously, it just sounds like you wanna make this character purely because there are no characters with the same gender/sexuality, which means you're just making a token trans character or something of the sort, and if there's one kind of token the server needs the least, it's the token dickgirl
  15. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I've written out the character, and I'm really happy with the way they came out. :)


    Mar 14, 2014
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    well in the end i suppose it just comes down to your opinion, if you write out a character who was initially conceptualized with the sole detail of "THEY'RE A TRANS PERSON" and (somehow) feel that the character is not only well-written but (somehow) will be acceptable to be played around others without coming off as offense or ill-researched, there's little I can do to stop you, but considering the fact that this character was founded on the idea of "oh I just wanna make someone that isn't a man or woman," no matter how many traits or other stuff you inject into it to maybe distract from or dilute that fact, doesn't give me very much hope you'll be able to play the character in a mature and tasteful manner
  17. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Mhm, completely fair. However, after a good amount of research, answering a large character sheet about the character and a lot of contemplation, I personally feel confident that the character is not only non-offensive, but on par with my usual level of roleplay. :3
    #17 Corvus, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
  18. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    This will be brief (jk) and filled with typos since I'm mobile, so apologies in advance.

    As Animator already (very insightfully) noted, yes. This is not referring to someone who is neither a male or female sex. Pretty sure the only hermaphrodite character on this server was creepy and a massive joke, and for good reason: it is exceptionally difficult to empathize enough to make a serious, interesting, and respectful character with that trait. This is partly because there is VERY little realistic reference material (from people and how they feel, not diagrams) and partly because, well, most people don't want to touch anything that foreign of a concept. And I don't recommend trying. It's hard.

    That said, if you want an absolutely fantastic example of a hermaphrodite done realistically and with empathy and emotion rather than "lol i am weird sex", check out "Nier", one of the few games by Square Enix that I really love for its writing. Oh, spoiler, there's a hermaphrodite later. (Don't worry, no sex scenes or anything. That I know of.)

    Regardless. That's not what this thread is talking about, but similar advice applies. He's talking about the concept of gender identity. Transvestites, men that identify themselves as women and vice versa, people that wish to be known as genderless, et cetera. Don't feel bad if this is a foreign concept; it's not seen a lot of popularity or media attention until recently, and even tgen, only in some regions. Some college campuses have very strong organizations for it, which is the only way I learned about the idea.

    It is a very, very touchy subject. Seriously. If you plan to make a character that deviates from the bi-gender system, here's some advice.

    1: Make sure you do it respectfully. If this is to explore some weird kink (in your case I don't think it is by your tone), just go home. You're gonna get laughed out of the room or offend people, or both, and I'll probably end up getting you on the IG screenshots thread myself. I will not pity you. : ( Treat this issue with the respect it deserves. This isn't a kink, it's a matter of people and how they think of their very identities. That's serious stuff.

    2: Do your research. If you're not personally a person that feels they want to break the bi-gender system in their identity, that's just fine, but talk to people who do if you haven't. Make sure you can properly empathize with this character. Understand how it feels to be conflicted in this way, or to try and work your way through a society that may not understand. How it's not a disease or a defect, but a matter of self, of the mind and the heart. Know your character. Know what this is like. If you don't, ask someone who does. Maybe a few someones.

    3: Have a real character. This is perhaps the most important. People that are one-dimensional do not exist. Unless it's a particularly dedicated activist, nobody's life will be centred around this issue. It's a smaller aspect if a bigger character. To be egotistical and use a personal example: My Avian character isn't straight. This has become relatively common knowledge so I'm now willing to OOCly acknowledge it. That said, his life doesn't revolve around that. That would be silly. He has hopes, dreams, worries, fears, friends, enemies, interests, a background, a career and a life he wants to live. Not being heterosexual is a very small part of that, and not even something he wants anyone to know, apart from his most trusted friends. He tries very, very hard to hide this fact about himself. It's probably not for the best, but he's scared of consequences to that being public knowledge. Worried people will think less if him somehow. Point is, he's got a life outside of that. It's a very small part of a much larger character. So, please, for all of our sakes: Make sure this character is a person, not a one-dimensional stereotype. We have enough if those.

    I applaud you for wanting to look into this issue before diving into it. If you decide to go through with it, I hope it goes well, but please treat this with respect, knowledge, and realism.

    Finally, if any of my statements have been offensive, I'm truly sorry. I, personally, am a straight male who identifies as a straight male, and I'm content with that. That said, I'm friends with a lot of people who feel strongly about this issue, and I think I'm saying this stuff well. I think. I try very hard to treat this issue with respect, but if I've offended anyone, then I'm seriously sorry. It was not my intent.

    (holy shizz that post took an hour.)
  19. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Yo, this is all awesome advice. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. <3
  20. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    To bounce on what Chronicle said about the transvestite issue being serious, think of it this way:

    Transvestites are commonly quoted as saying they feel like a woman in a man's body, or vice versa. Can you imagine that? They don't even think they're in the right body. That's fucking scary, no matter what way you look at it. Your body is yours, it's the one thing you are supposed to be certain is yours. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have even that taken from you? The singular constant? I sure as fuck can't.