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Rocco's Ship Design

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Animator, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Are you a hitch-hiking son-of-a-gun that hikes up rides with folks just to make it from place to place? Are you an aspiring entrepreneur that needs a trusty set of vessels to help transport things along the spacial super-highway we all know to be Space? Do you lack ideas, and need someone to point you in the right direction? Or are you just looking for a vessel now that your own has reached it's nine hundred billionth mile?

    If you're all of these and more, you've come to the right man.

    My name is Rocco, and I design and *build ships for a living. For years I've worked upon my craft, and will do so for many more. With me, you'll only get the guarantee of expert manufacturing, sound design choices, and sleek yet practical aesthetics that range from "I'm a bustling professional who only needs the bare minimum" to "I want to feel as if the plutocracy of the galaxy looked in my general direction and instilled into me the feeling of ultimate luxury", and many, many more.

    And the beauty of all this? My rates are particularly cheap. One-person vessels start at the low, low price of 50,000 pixels, and two-person vessels? Only at the low, low price of 100,000 pixels. I'm practically giving these things away; how could you possibly refuse?

    Below are the rates I charge typically for each kind of ship. Please review them carefully before considering purchase! With further negotiation, they're bound the change, but these are generally the typical pricing brackets for the blueprints or physical vessels that I sell.

    - One Man Vessel: This includes one bed, one bath. Very basic amenities.
    = Plain: 50,000 pixels/10,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Armed: 100,000 pixels/105,500 pixels for Blueprint
    = Battle (Such as a private fighter, etc): 120,000 pixels/20,000 pixels for Blueprint
    (Will take 5-7 Intergalactic Business Days to complete)

    - Two Man Vessel: Two bed, two bath. Basic kitchen, extra spot for any children raised in space.
    = Plain: 130,000 pixels/30,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Armed: 190,000 pixels/30,500 pixels for Blueprint
    = Battle (Corvette Class Battleships): 300,000 pixels/250,000 pixels for Blueprint
    (Will take 7-10 Intergalactic Business Days to complete)

    - **Full Crew Ship: Able to handle 5-10 people
    = Plain: 200,000 pixels/70,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Armed: 400,000 pixels/90,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Battle (Capital Ships): 700,000 pixels/100,000 pixels for Blueprint
    (More than 10 Intergalactic Business Days, varies from design to design)

    - **Colony Ship: 10 people or more.
    = Plain: 3,000,000 pixels/300,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Armed: 5,000,000 pixels/450,000 pixels for Blueprint
    = Battle (Mothership, Battle Cruisers, etc.): 10,00,000 pixels/500,000 pixels for Blueprint
    (More than 10 Intergalactic Business Days, varies from design to design)
    *I currently lack the man-power to build some of these ships. This does not apply to the One-Man and Two-Man vessels, which I can build by hand due to how simple they typically are.

    **I do not have the current materials to build these ships physically. In order to have these ships built physically, you must either a) Pay an additional fee of 30,000 pixels to fund getting the rest of the needed materials to build this ship, or b) Have you and whatever crew you have to participate in the building with me. If the latter is chosen, the price is reduced by 15%. This is only temporary until I have the needed employees to work with me in building these ships.

    As of yet, we do not currently have an office open publicly. Instead, if you're curious about purchasing a fine vessel, message me privately and we'll talk business.

    We are also hiring employees! If you're looking for a job and need employment, and are good at engineering, building, and overall labor, then feel free to also shoot me a message and we can work out a salary.

    Remember: Never settle for less. Always go for the best.


    This thread is more than just a simple market post to get a ship. This is going to be an IC way to bridge giving people ship designs through shipfiles and how they end up owning them OOCly. It's a very simple system, as follows:

    1. You request the ship.
    2. I make it, and hand you the shipfile (which is "the blueprint")
    3. You "build" it ICly, and swap ships with whatever character it applies to, and voila!

    If you're unfamiliar with the concept of switching ships, here is a handy guide.

    Finally, here are some examples of my work, so you can get an idea of what you're getting:


    I will not be doing custom sprite ships, mainly because I don't know how to do those yet. Enjoy!))
    #1 Animator, Jun 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2014
  2. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    (( dat logo ))
  3. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    (( I feel like I've seen all these ships on the Starbound Reddit. ))
  4. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    ((The second one was on the Reddit. Can't recall if I posted any else...))
  5. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    (( You're right. Sorry. Just recognized the one because it had the barrier for ramming and stuff thought it was neat. ))
  6. Roshadus

    Roshadus New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I am interested in this would you be able to build a large sized research vessel with only one bedroom and bath but a large amount of research rooms for various different studies? As well as a pool and relaxation room.

  7. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Rocco, I would like to speak with you privately sometime.
    Consider this urgent. You may reach me via Private Comms whenever you are able.

    I hope to hear from you soon.
  8. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Interesting. Message me privately and we will work something out; the ship itself, beyond the normal accommodations, will not provide research tools (i.e. a lab and the like), but can be prepare to feature them. Pricing will be judged, but beware, it may be more expensive than just a simple one-man vessel.
    Duly noted.

    Note that we do allow custom ship models that do not follow the given brackets and outlines stated here: However, they will be priced differently when it's negotiated, so keep that in mind.

    - Rocco
  9. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Can you makessss warshipsss?

  10. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I sell armed ships. Please note the pricing brackets for each class, labelled specifically with 'Battle'.
  11. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Can floran come and tour sssome already made shipss to make ssure they are up to floranss ssstandard?
  12. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I'm afraid we don't keep physical ships in our hangars beyond basic prototypes for multiple reasons: Potential for looting and stealing, needed space, the fact that we don't really keep the ships we make and instead have them shipped off to whoever ordered it.

    You're free to look at those prototypes, though, or the model constructions we keep of each and every single ship we make, scaled down to a ratio of 1 centimeter per meter size. It's how we keep mementos and reminders of the quality that we build.

    - Rocco
  13. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Floran underssstandsss, ssecurity isss important. Floran isss very interessted in buying ssome warshipsss, floran hass lotsss of pixelsss
  14. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Make your specifications clear to me in a PM and I'll see what I can do.

    - Rocco
  15. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    All of these prices are ridiculously low... Are the hulls made of cardboard? - Skarti
  16. Hawke

    Hawke ACK!

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((Slight nitpicking, but these are pretty cheap ships. 30k for a battleship, when one pixel is generally valued at or below a modern dollar? Daaaaayum.))
  17. Sen

    Sen Guest

    (( 30k pixels is too cheap for something that can decimate a planet ))
  18. Crimson Hunter

    Crimson Hunter New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Yeahh, if they're this cheap, I'll take 20.
    They don't explode or anythin', right? You know, normally.


    ((OOC: I recommend multiplying your prices considerably, possibly even by x10. This thread is a GREAT idea, though, and transferring shipfiles is a good way to do it. You might also want to allude to having a shit ton of workers or a corporation. Building ships as one person would be hella wild.))
  19. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    ((Apologies. I'm still trying to get a grasp for the pixel value, lemme adjust the prices.))
  20. Sen

    Sen Guest

    (( For any vehicle with military application, I'd look at the cost of real world aircraft carriers or fighters. ))