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Pelaris' Leather Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Crossed Swords, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -The Journal can be found in Pelaris' ship. Or in his folder that is in his backpack.-
    -The first few pages would be torn in various areas before finding some pages with actual readable writing-

    I give up. I have tried way too hard to try and save Sol. He won't take any help I offer and then tells me to 'stop caring' as if I could. Telling someone to 'stop caring' is like to tell them to slit their friends throat in that second and walk off. I hope the god damn nightmares don't come back.. If they do, i'm going to get help. The nightmares only come once I become angered. Usually when the anger is honed in on someone or something. Why..?

  2. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    Hastilly Scribbled Notes:

    I Am not good with words.

    Try to help friends.
  3. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -quickly written, almost scribbles-
    Oh my Kleux, Oh my Kleux!
    My feathers! THEY'RE ACTUALLY WHITE! I thought It was black but all the dirt and such from seven years without a shower made my feathers look black! But they're WHITE!
    next bit is in another paragraph, more neatly written-
    Took a bath at Cel's tree, well, sat in it for a while then let Sol go, then we all went and just hung out. After that everyone left and I went back and actually took an bath, polluted the water and came out with all white feathers. By Kleux I look amazing. Also went to Liberty with Cel, they banned Florans from mills. Which I don't get why! Some Avian girl named Ibis was hitting on me, and she thought our talk was a 'first date'. Anyways going to get some good sleep in my new bed.
  4. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    • Celeste: Floran girl who usually wears a black suit, she has red(ish) leaves and blue petals. She has helped me a lot.. Reminds me of my past friend that helped me after I was kicked out of my home.
    • Solour: Human male, he has to wear this gas mask for some kind of disease or something. He tends to play with my feelings, but past that he's alright.
    • Shadowstep: Avian male, he had a tough life, we share a lot of the past, except he's riches and I'm rags. He's helping me by giving me money and I give him a part of the profit.
    • Lief: Floran female, mute sadly, I don't want to push on the subject for I don't want to sadden her. I have to find her kin. Her mate is someone called "Firedrinker" and he's a leader of a tribe.
  5. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Found out my arm was broken while visiting a new friend named Storm. She healed me up and gave me a cast and such. I repayed her by making her four of those strap suits. (The leather straps that go across your body, page 27 of the designs). So had the cast for a day then went back to get it removed.

    Then I went to the Den as Celeste would most likely be there, Celeste was there with another Floran. So I talked with them both then Sol came and Lief as well... Sol went to the balcony, Lief followed him, then I followed Lief, then Celeste followed us for safety.. Lief ended up wanting to kill one of us, I said myself but she took more favor in Sol.. I can't remember much after that other than Lief stabbed me... Celeste came back to my ship and did something to my wound, it sewed it shut and stopped the bleeding. Thank Kluex she was a friend or else I may have bleed out.. I don't know whether to trust Solour or not.. He seems to just keep getting me hurt... Where do I go now?

    Shadow hasn't been responding to my radio's, i'm worried something happened.. Gah why is everything difficult, oh that's right, i'm past the climax of my life. All down hill now.. That is until the end. Then it's just a straight road.
    #5 Crossed Swords, Jun 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2014
  6. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Why is it that Liberty has all these weird people.. Was talking with a female Avian and she winked at me, don't know if she's hitting on me or if she's being friendly. So if she is hitting on me, I hope she doesn't act the same like the last Avian. She was just disrespectful. I accidentally took one of those pills Shadow gave me early and I want another.. I guess that's addiction?
  7. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Saved up for a ship, had to use some 'donations' I got from people.. Talked with Skarti, the Avian who helped me when that ?Glitch? assaulted me, he decided to try and make me lesser, as if being poor and gay doesn't already.. Talked with Lief as well, she's growing a tree at the Den, which confuses me on how it will live with all the snow.. A sapling would most certainly die from the cold and the constant blizzards, right? Everything is confusing now a days.. Just like how to feel about Solour, don't know if I should trust him or not..

    -the diary would now be located either in his backpack or in the cabinet over his bed in his ship-
  8. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    So i'm fully healed now! It has been a while since I've written in this journal. Met a cute guy named Sam at Taranis. He's a bit insane but i've actually dated worse. Been meeting a lot of people as well so i'm happy to see that.. Celeste got a mate and I like him, Sol doesn't seem jealous but I bet he is. Just Saying! Saw Sol as well, he was at some kind of place called "Union" and its a military base so not my fit.. A lot has happened since I've last written it's hard for me to remember a good bit of it.. Well time to sleep, talking gets tiring.
  9. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Gah.. Working on a ship is harder than I thought.. For scraping old ships and using the metal for money was easy. Taking metal off of new ships is a lot harder.. Moved the flying room up a level to replace for a relaxation room. Friend helped me with the construction so he helped a lot. Can't wait to show Cel and Sol! Wonder if they would want to try it with me.. Also decorated a bit more now that I got plucking 15,000!!! Stripping gets money fast it seems. Had a no strip session with a human who I think his name was ?Garet? But anyways he was cute, never touched but the girl beside him did. Also saw this other cute Human named Lance, he was just like Sol. Text book definition of Sol, only interested in girls and disgusted whenever I touch him! I wonder if they're brothers... Well time to take a rest, hard work is tiring.
  10. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    So, uh.. Celeste and Cyprus are getting married! I found someone to date as well! His name is charcoal and he's so cute! He's the exact opposite of me which is what I wanted to find! He's a Floran, pretty tall, black skin and he loves to train; his name is Charcoal. Need to tell Shadow and Solour~ Also had a small tub party in my new (Sauna/Spa room) and at first it was only me and Celeste, then I got Charcoal to come join, then I felt that Celeste was left out while me and Char messed around. (No not sexually whoever is reading this) so I got Cyprus to come by. Other than that I also need to start working on Cyprus' suprise, his tux, and Celeste's dress! Which will look AMAZING! Time to sleep and get to the drawing boards, but first I actually need to get measurements so I can make samples. Night~
  11. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -this page is just an add on to the first friends-
    • Charcoal: Love him! All that needs to be said Mr. Diary!
    • Storm: Helped a lot. Gave me a kick start which helped me a lot. She has numerous mates (Which is a first for me to see) and she loves them all. She's Floran with green skin and blonde foliage. She's a good dancer like me!
    • Cyprus: Dating Marrying Celeste. He's a pretty cool guy. Solour dislikes him and I can't see HOW or WHY he could hate him. If you see this Cyprus, love you! not literally
    • Lance: Human, red hair, apparently likes to stare at girl's breasts. He's just like Sol so nothing else to write down except he doesn't have the Sol disease. (NEW NAME FOR IT~)
    • Liquor: Taste's nice (Most of the time), somewhat cheap, and it relaxes you if you drink a bit of it! Too much though can cause hang overs, which I will experience at some point..
  12. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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  13. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    (( New name~ ))
  14. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    So starting on making a small home!~ Going to see if Celeste and Cyprus want to live on the same planet. Making a small wooden home for me and Charcoal. He gave me this bite that apparently means you're mates forever??? I love it, so cute with my scar! Also got an ?Employer? Well too tired and stressed to write any more, have work to do!
  15. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    So, where to start.. Blocked Solour and his Insane friend? Or how my leg got SHATTERED! Well let's just write down what happened.. While working on Lily's Wedding dress I got bored and radio'd Solour, asked him if he wanted to talk. He beamed in then his friend, she was wearing some kind of armor. She started yelling which didn't help at all. Then punched my door to my bedroom which apparently put a dent in it. Then when I was piloting the ship she continued fucking with my stuff, I went back down and she charged at me and bull dozed me, stepped on my leg and that's when the shatter happened.. Thank god they left after the ship entered orbit.. Once they left I called Storm and messaged Lily.. Hope Char keeps his promise and doesn't go try and find the person...
  16. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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  17. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Yes! Cast is off and my leg feels as good as new! Went around a bit to tell as much people as I could for the time. Haven't told Charcoal yet and I want to surprise him about it. Speaking of Charcoal I showed him the home and he likes it! I hope Lily and Cyprus will move in with us, the lake would be huge if they do. (Expand the lake to fit both homes) and we could make a middle building for us to eat and hang out together! I'm designing it right now and the tree's are slowly growing. Brick's have been placed and wood has been hammered down. The house is almost done and then I can relax. Also finished the wedding dress for Lily! Can't wait for her to try it on, hope she likes it! Well that's enough for now, need sleep and rest from running around. Feels so good with my leg all good.
  18. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Solour is back, got a bit of 'revenge' by head butting him. Which was fun! For me.. But I finished on the wedding dress for Lily and it looks amazing! I can't wait for her to try it on!~ Also still need to talk with Cyprus about getting his suit. I also finished on Char's suit and he looks so handsome in it! I'm so glad that we found each other.. Going to go back to my actual home and see all of my old friends again.. Will feel good to catch up. I just hope my father won't hear about my return.. I'm scared to know what he would do. Well, time to put my diary away.
  19. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    So, a bit has happened since my last entry.. Apparently I almost went into a coma, which from researching is not that good.. Don't remember how it happened or what caused it. Memory at first was a haze, but now it's coming clear. But whatever happened to me, is still a mist.. Plans are set, ship is ready and stocked up for my trip.. I leave in a few days... I just hope, that nothing bad will happen... That I can come back to Antares perfectly sound. If my father finds out about my visit, he'll either beat me till my feathers turn purple.. Or even worse... I'm afraid of him, last time we talked, wasn't the greatest.. I said some things I shouldn't have, and now I have to live with it.. Let's just hope and pray everything will be alright.
  20. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -At the top of the page, it would read- "Good bye.."
    I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of getting picked on, being treated LIKE A MONSTER. No one even needs me, Char is cheating on his wife for me. The only thing i'm good for in this galaxy is the clothing I make. There are COUNTLESS amounts of people who can make clothes, and some even BETTER than me.. Just going to do what my dad should have done. I kept fighting a countless fight. Throwing pebbles at a wall expecting the wall to break down. If my friends read this, tell Char good bye. Tell him that I loved him and that i'm sorry I can't be by him anymore. Tell Lily good bye, and that i'm sorry for leaving her, I tried. Tell Solly good bye, and that I actually did have a crush on him. Tell ShadowStep good bye, and that i'm sorry for losing his gun. Tell Flora that I said good bye and that I am moving to a different galaxy, I can't have her know the truth.. Good bye my friends, it was nice meeting you all.. It was fun... I guess..