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Diary of Roses

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Destroyer713, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    ((The following writings can be found in a diary adorned with roses locked within the ship locker of Rose's ship.))

    Entry 1

    Hsss... Where doesss Floran even begin?

    Ssso much hasss happened sssince Floran lassst try to write in one of thessse... But Floran need to write thisss down or Floran will forgetsss... And hopefully Floran not misssplace thisss one asss well...

    Sssome time ago, Floran left Taranisss Tribe after Metalman smash bottle on head and nearly make Floran blind... Floran flee out of fear and worry that Floran really wasss pet of Metalmen like othersss have sssaid. Floran thought of creating new tribe to ssstab Taranisss, but then Ssstupid Birdmen on Liberty Millsss arressst Floran for sssome reassson, take Floran's Flute, then beat Floran and leave for deadsss...

    Floran woke up to find ssself on Opportunity with Sharp and othersss liek Sssativa healing Floran. Floran did not underssstand, and ssstill doesss not underssstand. Sharp later sssay Floran wasss misssguided, and isss why Sharp forgive Floran for betrayal. Floran know what Sharp like, and Floran knowsss Sharp not like traitorsss. Isss Sharp usssing Floran for sssomething? Or hasss Sharp really forgiven Floran? Floran not sure... have to watch out for ssselfsss...

    Ssso much hasss changed sssince Floran came back to Tribe. Tree isss much bigger, Tribe hasss new Shaman and Sssecond named Quickclaw, even Tribe name isss different. Floran can't figure out what any of thessse namesss mean... Taranisss... Ailanthusss... Floran not underssstand...

    Floran wonder... Tribe isss now ssseparate from Metalmen part of planet nowsss. Isss probably to keep Tribe from being called petsss of Metalmen. But... Isss really true? Metalmen could probably come into Tree and ssstab everyone if wantsss... Maybe Floran over-thinking itsss... Even if John giving giftsss to Floran like new Flute and Sssoft Thingy, isss probably jussst trying to be nice to Floran after all that happen to Floran. Floran not sssure...

    Hsss... Even if othersss give Floran new Flute, Floran want Floran's Flute back. Other Flutesss are jussst too different from Floran's Flute. Floran's Flute isss too preciousss to Floran to jussst give up... Floran not want to give upsss. John sssay Assstora looking into getting Floran's Flute back, ssso Floran will jussst have to wait and sssee what happensss...

    Floran got in argument with Quickclaw todaysss. Sssaid Floran needed to jussst let thingsss go, be nice, and not ssstab ssstupid Meatbag, even though ssstupid Meatbag try to blind Floran again with bottle! What doesss Quickclaw know??? Even if isss older than Floran dessspite how young Quickclaw isss, Floran isss not ssstupidsss! Floran know thingsss too!

    Hsss... Why doesss Floran have to sssit by and be nice to everyonesss??? Being nice never sssolved anything for Floran! Being nice didn't ssstop Eldersss of Tribe on Floran's home planet from trying to take Flute away... Hsss... Being nice never help Floran ever!

    Hsss... Floran need to show universsse that Floran can fend for ssselfsss... Then maybe finally Floran can have homeand friendsss, play Flute, eat Oculemonsss... and live happily... Isss all Floran wantsss... Floran not trying to be ssstupid... Floran jussst... need to think thingsss through carefully and not act rashly...

    Firedrinker called for moot for Floransss. Floran think Floran go and at leassst watch. Floran needsss to figure out what Firedrinker hasss to sssay... Thensss... Floran decide what Floran going to do with life... And where Floran will go...
    #1 Destroyer713, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2014
  2. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Entry 2

    Hsss... Ssso Floran went to Moot... Talked about Ssstupid Birdmen, Ssspurgle, and Metalmen...

    At leassst everyone could agree that the Ssstupid Birdmen were a very big threat to Floransss. There wasssn't much talk about Ssspurgle, maybe becaussse not many of us knew jussst what it wasss... And maybe isss not very big threat to Flroansss right nowsss...

    Of courssse... Everyone elssse sssaid Sharp wasss pet to Metalmen on Taranisss, even after all the changesss to Tribe... whatever it isss called now. Floran not certain other Floransss right about Sharp being pet to Metalmen ssstill. Sssure... John and Assstora are may be too nice, but isss much better than other Metalmen, essspecially Franz... who blinded Floran and did nothing to help and only mocked Floran for "Not turning awaysss" or whateversss. Floran certain other Metalmen on Taranisss can't be trusssted...

    Now Floran have big decisssion to make... Doesss Floran ssstay with current Tribe? Or doesss Floran leave and join Meat-Biter or Firedrinker'sss Tribesss? Whatever Floran doesss... Floran needsss to wait and sssee if Assstora got Flute back from Ssstupid Birdmen firssst. Floran alssso need to think if leaving Tribe isss bessst thing to do, and not ssstupidsss...

    Hsss... What isss Floran to do?
  3. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Entry 3

    Hsss... Ssstupid Birdmen decided to ban all Floransss from Liberty Millsss today...

    Everyone elssse try to passs it off asss nothing, but Floran sure it mean sssomething. Isss Ssstupid Birdmen trying to keep Floransss away ssso they can prepare to attack all Tribesss? Floran not really sure what to think about it...

    Floran will need to talk with Meat-Biter about it latersss... But for nowsss... Floran need to find out if Assstora got Floran's Flute back from Ssstupid Birdmen...
  4. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Entry 4

    Hsss... What isss Floran going to do??

    Sharp sssaid Floran should not get involved in fight with Ssstupid Birdmen, that it too dangerousss for Floran... But how isss Floran sssupposssed to ever make sssure no one try to take away Floran's home, friendsss, and Flute againsss? Floran try to tell Sharp that being nice never help Floran before, but Sharp wouldn't lisssten...

    Floran not underssstand what Sharp isss trying to do. Floran know Sharp isss not nicessst perssson ever, but Sharp give Floran's Flute back after Assstora got it back, Sharp try to keep Floran from doing dangerousss thingsss, and Sharp even called Floran sssissster...

    Hsss... Floran not have sssissstersss, though. Floran not know any family at all. Wasss jussst born with ressst of cocoonkin on Floran home planet like everyone elssse... How can anyone sssay isss Floran's sssissster?

    Ssso... Floran joined Firedrinker's Tribe today, but Floran not leave Ailanthusss Tribe either... Floran not sssure why Floran not leave, though. Maybe Floran not want Sharp to worry about Floran. Maybe Floran afraid of what happen if Sharp find out Floran leave. Maybe sssomething elssse? Floran not sssure anymore...
  5. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Entry 5

    Hsss... Floran not underssstand anything anymoresss...

    Firedrinker hasss not done anything to attack Ssstupid Birdmen. Maybe isss jussst waiting to grow ssstronger, and maybe waiting for Meat-Biter ((Who she doesn't know is dead)) to sssteal more Birdmen shipsss. Floran not sssure, but Floran should jussst wait and sssee what Firedrinker doesss...

    Hsss... And Sharp... Sharp wasss asssking why Floran wasss ssspying on John! Floran not even ssspy on anyone!!! Hsss... At leassst Sharp believed Floran... Floran could tell Sharp wass about ready to kill Floran. But... Sssomething didn't ssseem right when Sharp left Floran...

    Why would Sharp think Floran ssspying on John? What point doesss Floran have to ssspy on one Metalmam Floran can trussst? Unlesss... Isss John trying to do sssomething to Floran nowsss?

    Floran not even know what to think anymoresss. What Tribe should Floran be a part of? Who can be Floran's friendsss? Will Ssstupid Birdmen ever try to attack Floransss? ...Will Floran ever have a home and friendsss?

    Oh, before Floran forget, Floran found other Floran who look a lot like Floran. Floran wasss called Witherbane, and had pretty flower on head jussst like Floran. Floran not know why that isss. Isss alssso very quick and agile like Floran. Maybe jussst coincidence? Or maybe Witherbane isss...? Nosss... Isss not posssible. Floran never had any family besssidesss cocoonkin on home planet. No one ever left Floran's home planet before Floran did anyway, ssso why would Floran not remember a Floran who look jussst like Floran?