Sorry, It's just me counting how fast I can finish my stuff. I had a bit of problem with that before. And you got my steam if you need anything.
BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS So I've been just sketching and planning for the future. Alas. I came up with nothing, but just three sketches of my three avians. Decided to go a bit more detailed on Rookster's look and made her look more like a bird rather than notabird.
Decided to make another SKETCH/DOODLE/WHATEVER. Krishna again, but unmasked. Since I just hated how it turned out the last time. EDIT: Corrected her beak a bit.
Updated Rookster. Her armor was redesigned to give it a more intended heavy look compared to what she had before. Aswell showing around her new wound. Also to celebrate certain events.
Quite nice work. The only thing I was wondering about was whether there should be a third claw/toe on the feet.