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Okay better idea

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Grifter, May 14, 2014.


Good Idea?

  1. Yar

  2. Neigh

  1. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Yeah, yeah it's just something for an event. When it comes to small, isolated events, we really should have some creative freedom for things like this, aye?

    I thought this was turning into a "mutants and anything of the such cant exist on the server in any shape or form" sorta deal.

    However, as we've stated, creative things like this live and die within the boundaries of the event time.

  2. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Good point.
  3. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    If players try to play as a rakghoul outside of the event, report them to a moderator with proof and we will deal with it. The code of conduct rule #8 "No custom races or characters from other media. Stick to the official lore" will not be bent or broken for them.
    #23 The Grand Mugwump, May 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2014
  4. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    The Virus is now Project Guardian V-889
  5. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    You could probably adapt this idea into an Agaran Plague and have it result in the same effect with a more relevant source material. You'd even have better items to work with to add with the horror, what with all the structures and stuff.
  6. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    My two cents here.

    It's a virus that technically creates metahumans. Metahumans are not allowed. Genetic mutation is not allowed, I'd assume an exception would be if your character were to mutate all the aliens on a planet to make them look the way they do. But that's a bit asinine and insane. No one would do that. While I can assume that the virus will be cured by endgame, it does not change the fact that: A.) Metahumans. Genetic mutation. B.) Custom race. C.) Similarities are overwhelming from what I've read. Too close to another form of media, branch it off and make it your own idea entirely, I'm even willing to help if need be.

    Overall, I'd have to give this a 0/10, would not bang. Seal of disapproval.

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  7. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    nut metahumans narfy, just zombie boner people
  8. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    That's more or less a metahuman. Theoretically a metahuman would be a superhuman, but it's synonymous with mutant, so.. Yeah. Basically what about half the people are saying here is that the very core of your idea goes against the CoC.
  9. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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  10. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Why can't it be a sort of Neurological Plague? it doesn't have to be a new race. Just a brain-function altering virus of a sort, a failed biological weapon? there are more organised ways around this problem that don't break rule #8, it could also alter your skin or something akin to Leprosy or a Flesh-Eating virus that isn't lethal. You could forego the more extreme kind, to prevent permanent scars on any infected PCs by making it a sort of Rash or Allergic Reaction kinda thing. It would be crucial to limit this to the event, please criticise my suggestion.

    Maybe the virus can only spread on the planet in question for environmental reasons. And if it suddenly is unable to spread, the person in question goes into some sort of massive seizure and the more dangerous aspects of the disease begin to go haywire putting the host at massive risk of death?

    There are scientific ways to isolate it to one planet for one event that would prevent such a thing from effecting anybody else and if allowed by a Mod would let you guys have your fun :)

    Infact, the above suggestion would force the scientists to work on planet instead of bringing subjects aboard a ship, seeing as patients brought onto a ship would go into disease Panic/Lethal mode. That would be exciting.

    If this event does happen, this is the kind of unique/strange event that would definitely and crucially need a Moderator to carefully moderate it... I think.

    If you want an educated tip from me, don't make them Zombies, don't make them Ghouls, a dead guard wouldn't turn into one, they'd be dead. Do it realistically, mutants are in the game, but that doesn't mean you should make them mutants. I suggest you just make it a disease, or a plague, similar to what you reference then isolate it to the planet, and use that as a sort of framework for the event.
    #30 SirFruitcakes, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  11. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I like this idea, So basically, They'd just be mentally infected?
  12. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Sort of, mentally implies it's all in your head, it is and isn't. It'd be a real plague, or virus, or whatever, but for the most part the real danger of it wouldn't be the rashs, spots, or such it causes. It would be the effects on the brain, like real Neurotic diseases (Not disorders, dont get them mixed) it could slowly crop up as hallucinations, forgetfulness, misinterpretations on speech, varying levels of bad hand-eye coordination, drowsiness, various problems like that, and be treated temporarily but poorly with anti-hullucinogenics and in the later stages anti-psychotics, infectees would likely be delusional and well, crazy, in varying ways. And the final stage all of the previous symptoms could dissipate as the victim goes into full-on severe paranoid delusions.

    Let's call the Final Stage Infected FSI for short in this explanation.

    The Plague would concentrate the more dangerous delusions on the non-infected, being somehow able to tell them apart, making it where the FSI see the other FSI as allies for one reason or another, depending on the character mindset and how they'd think in that situation, using their trauma/fears/etc to push them into negative reactions on the non-infected (NI) and good memories, likes of people, morality, sense of justice, to push them into positive actions to aid the other FSI. Basically they could see you as crazy, the NI as villains/pirates/miniknog, and the other FSI as innocent/bystanders/friends or as they were, I mean if the Miniknog or some bloodthirsty pirates are attacking you'd probably help that guy you hate over there anyway.

    The FSI wouldn't kill people, they'd infect them this way, and as soon as they're infected the FSI would be able to tell and then cease hostile interactions, seeing them as good people, allies, or whatever.

    In some rare cases, a FSI could temporarily revert back as they were at the cost of being unable to spread and then randomly (With smaller symptoms than original) revert back to being one of the FSI, this would be especially likely when they somehow figure out they're sick through their delusions with others being unable to really tell them through the delusions, after breaking out the memories they had while being a FSI would fully wipe akin to being cloned with the same side-effects and the delusions slowly unraveling in nightmares over time the characters life, and they could act as a sort of sleeper agent, not even knowing they're infected, this could lead to a large dose of paranoia added to the mix for the NI.

    There is no bad guy in this situation, both sides are good, ones just fiercely conflicted and very very sick.

    Pretty much, assume the virus itself is the super-weapon, not the FSI.

    If done this way and right, non-generic character death wouldn't be a real risk but good RP would be the pure deciding factor in the success of this event, and i'll be bluntly honest, I don't see this working unless you use a similar framework to my first post and a Mod (Or two) agrees to oversee the event, and thus allow it.

    And the loophole in the whole sleeper agent bit, is if people know someone was infected, that wouldn't even help.

    I wouldn't even try it without Mod approval personally.

    Criticism appreciated, thank you.

    And this post was made assuming you got a large amount of players interested in joining the event, this kinda stuff is only useful that way, 'cept for fluff.
    #32 SirFruitcakes, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  13. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Meesa likes