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Liberty Mills hospital logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Keycross, May 7, 2014.

  1. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ((Only Doc Moses and Doctor Dwayne can access these through a shared computer at Liberty Mills hospital, unless it's hacked)).

    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log1.txt

    It's about damm time Dwayne and me begin to communicate better and see if we can save some more souls at Mills, or at least get a goddamm full night sleep. Dwayne, I hope you don't ignore the paper I left.
    Anyway, long stories short, list of important stuff:

    -If you see fucking florans getting inside, make sure they don't go past lobby if they aren't bright enough ones. And need to begin creating some rules to enter hospital, this seems a fucking bar.
    -Try to tighten entering hospital rules. And if there's some big shit at hospital, it's over. We call families for security because I'm tired of jackasses around (and most are fucking visitors. Should think of restricting coming around just because).
    -Patients seem to get better, even the girl isn't crazy all around anymore.
    -Beware of a hylotl smart-ass in a all-around cool suit since she is out of fucking reality. Argued with her, hopeless.
    -The supplies were left by her later, won't last a shit. Don't people around see we got our fucking hands full all days and won't last a shit. Those'll last two days, if we are lucky.
    -If when I come back tomorrow from the Solari factories I see the guy with the broken shoulder still waiting for surgery, I'm gonna beat your ass up. And if I find whoever checked him when happened, will do too.

  2. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log2.txt

    >>>hey hobkn@k u think i dnt do mbloody job u fukn think agen u f@ker. ill bash ur head in i swear on me mum. u wanna f@kin GO m8????
    >>>also notes:

    - find contractors2upgrd the hospital; request fundin
    - ban that f@kin hobkn@k naked white bird n his feathery arse
    - stock up. man i gott talk2my people again4this.
    - punch moses' face in
    - again

    >>>moses u f@kin remember who th bloody lifter here

    >>>::extend session?::<<<
    >>>::no input detected, idle timeout::<<<

  3. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log3.txt

    Ain't it a surprise, you actually read it, yet you miserably fail at writing, jerk. It's a fucking computer, take your time. Notes today? Heh.

    -Didn't see that guy again, still need to know about his broken shoulder. Damm it Dwayne, it wasn't that hard mentioning it.
    -Calm day, surprise. Getting this place some more supplies has been met with lack of funding... again. Fuck it, consider to request it from Mills residents... if there's still some souls who actually care about this godforsaken place. Families won't give more, got their own in case there's a need of extras for their workers, fuck the rest. Same for upgrades, as they can easily replace people.
    -Sure, punch my face hard enough and all work goes for you, moron. Don't have time for another fucking argument, you don't either.
    -Shit, I forgot to check for some kind of manual to fix glitches. Dwayne, better mention if you can fix them 'cause I don't have slightest clue. If not, help find a freaking book ASAP.

  4. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log4.text

    >>>f@ker wat u sayn bout my typin im

    - ladys name is eyisa, broken arm bird is ren
    - naked white bird dude is skirty
    - i talkd 2 som contacts, we'll hav a basic stim n bandange shipment soon, but its rly limited #damn
    - i always make sur2punch soft enough2hurt but not2ko #loveu2
    - we have a few books about glitches at our archives, ill try 2find those. if not, gotta do a listing. i only kno human medics man. im studyin on hylotl rn #dissectthefrogs2414

  5. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log5.text


    - naked white bird dude is skarti*. do not let him in as a visitor
    - added basic security upgr8ds. u owe me lunch moose
    - oh ya later in dat pic, colour boxes show what its connected 2
    - camfeed on this comp
    - intercom for those hobkn@ks. id scanner under intercom4staff when no one's mannin the grates
    - grate w the lever

    >>>attach: deez_upgrdz_ayy.png

    >>> View attachment 1407


    Attached Files:

  6. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log6.text

    -You find a fucking book, leave it on my desk.
    -Goddamm, you really should take care of glitches if you go around installing all that shit. And I owe you shit, it's our fucking hospital, not my free-charity ambulatory.
    -You want a challenge, try to learn floran. Freaking tree-huggers are a pain in the ass to learn.
    -The day we have fucking time, I'll try showing you on hylotls, apex and avians.
    -Didn't need stupid comments on Skarti. Everyone knows that fucking bird is nothing but ego.
    -Rushing over Zelena's, something big happened at mines. Whatever it is, I'll make sure charging something permanent.

  7. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log7.text

    - hobkn@k i bloody did i left a datapad w 3 ebooks in ur desk's drawer
    - fixin and installin some basic equipment =/= bloody fixin synthetic sentients, u hobkn@k
    - f@k man, fine, ill bloody study up but u btr gimme those teachins
    - man u kno my temper but fine
    - writin up som rules for the hospital
    - u still bloody owe me lunch bc u keep eatin mine u sodl@k

    #7 Kai, May 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2014
  8. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log8.text

    -Finally got a handheld radio good enough for entire Mills. Need one, I'll fetch it, but I don't want to hear more fucking shit from your food. Sorry if I leave some other that you don't like, heh.
    -I know, but it's hard to teach shit when both keep working like this.
    -Would bet money to see if Skarti is worse than the hylotl smart-ass. Left another micro-batch of supplies.
    -Great job with rules, man. I'm making list with banned jerks so everyone knows who can't be let in.
    -Still waiting fucking answer from Zelena's.

  9. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log7.text

    - hired new staff
    - finally got a replacement janitor after jeremy died. #ripjerthejan
    + his name is santiago. brown, bad english, speaks spanish apparently. be nice to him.
    - also hired a glitch(!) medic, has intermediate knowledge on medicine on all races
    + name's ani but i call her ann shes sorta an intern for now shes not taking pay apparently??? just wants a place to live
    + told her to stay at any vacant beds as of now
    - also i need to meet u face2face again srsly ugh

  10. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log7.text

    - f@k im weak i think i fell in love again



    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log8.text

    - F$%^@$%^@$FDSJFHJ

    >>>::extend session?::<<<
    >>>::no input detected, idle timeout::<<<

    #10 Kai, May 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log9.text

    -Heh... heh... my mouth it's pointing 2:50 right now. If you ever want to talk about it, feel free. Funniest thing that could happen around here.
    -Left a radio good enough for entire Mills at your desk. Now stop bugging me around for your freaking food.

  12. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro

    >>>make Log10.text

    - HELP
    - WHAT DO
    - MOZE IM

    >>>::extend session?::<<<
    >>>::no input detected, idle timeout::<<<

  13. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log11.text

    I'm angry. SO fucking angry. Holy Fleet has been asking around about some stupid glitch, description is same as Annie. The freaking idiot helped some guy that had to be taken into custody to escape, or at least is involved. Until this gets sorted out, I'm kicking her immediately from our staff. I don't want trouble with those birds, and I don't fucking want MY staff doing that kind of stuff. If needed, I'll begin writing up policies, SINCE NOT MANY SEEM TO REALLY CARE WHAT WE HAVE TO DO AROUND, GODDAMM!!!!

    And shit, after this I'm beginning to feel I got lucky having you around, Dwayne. Weird, but never got into shit like this.

    You want to talk with ol' Moses again about that last conversation of ours, give me a call. And remove the idiot glitch from staff, if she tries to come back I'll deal with her myself.

  14. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro
    >>> remotedevice=PDA891

    >>>make Log12.text
    >>>initializing speech to text

    - Water am I gone a do
    - Fuck
    - Am eye getting fired moss
    - Eye can't live in the hospital fur ever

  15. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log13.text

    Don't ever think of... why the fuck I'm even writing this shit down. Will have to talk with him.
    Dwayne, you are the only one who has really cared about this sinkhole apart from me. I'm sure as hell not kicking YOU, no matter what.
    And with your blindness... I can't hold everything anymore until I get more staff... competent one, and smart enough.
    Just another freaking situation to take care of. Just rest and listen, this has only begun.

  16. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro
    >>> remotedevice=PDA891

    >>>make Log14.text
    >>>initializing speech to text

    - Donut tell Santy ay go
    - Leave him out of this mess

  17. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log15.text

    Been awhile wince I actually had to make any note.

    -New guy in staff named Elijah, makes us two now. Dwayne, if you read this, gave him your office for obvious reasons.
    -Lad, I expect willingness to work and save sorry asses so they don't die. That's all.

  18. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: douliftbro
    >>> remotedevice=PDA891

    >>>make Log16.text
    >>>initializing speech to text

    - Bro
    - Bro my
    - Bro tell him too not mess my stuff
    - Special my snow glub

  19. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>>User: Moses

    >>>make Log17.text

    Fuckin' Dwayne, I kept most of yer stuff in my office in case ye end showing up yer sorry ass around again.
    I told ye anything can happen, and couldn't wait for you forever.
