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Æternitas Shipyard

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tsaryu, May 4, 2014.

  1. Tsaryu

    Tsaryu New Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Introduction. Interstellar greetings, this is 7724 of Æternitas Shipyard.

    Status. Upon comissioning several types of ships with various purposes, it is now time for commercial trade. If you like to inquire additional informations or ask for an inspection, do not hesitate to contact me.

    Guarantee. All ships come with a rust-through warranty for 10 years on Delta Obsecri 51 III (equal to about 57,2 Terran years).

    Warning. None of these ships have been designed for military purpose. Refitting comissioned ships with weapons automatically voids any and all warranties and terminates the right to bear the Æ-Garland ([​IMG]) as bow ornament.

    Notice. All Ships come pre-equipped as shown on preview image, unless otherwise requested.

    Browse. The following ships are for sale at Æternitas shipyard. To enlarge images, simply click on it. All sizes are given in u (units/blocks).

    T22 Aspida-Class Corvette
    Designed for individuals who travel a lot of short distances and are on a budget. Enough room for personal belongings and mission equipment, powerful enough to be on Alpha Mu Omicron 710 in the morning and on Alpha Tau Minoris in the evening. The 30u long main corridor can easily be refitted for additional equipment storage or other devices.
    - Decks: 2
    - Length over all: 68u
    --- Bridge: 10u
    --- Engine Room: 7u
    --- Technical: 8u
    --- Personal Quarter: 9u
    --- Sanitary: 4u
    --- Galley: 7u
    --- Multi-purpose: 10u
    --- Underdeck Storage: 12u (=4 standard containers of 2x3u each)

    - Engine: ÆOF200N
    - Sensor Array: Kartograph 28.2
    - Price: 42.000 pixels

    T24 Aegis-Class Corvette
    The "big sister" of the T22 features more room for everything. Almost every room was enlarged, the underdeck storage room is even 50% larger! As its little sister's, the 38u main corridor can be refitted for various purposes. Mainly targets business individuals, merchants of small goods, or explorers who just need more room for storage and equipment.
    - Decks: 2
    - Length over all: 82u
    --- Bridge: 12u
    --- Engine Room: 9u
    --- Technical: 10u
    --- Personal Quarter: 15u
    --- Sanitary: 6u
    --- Galley: 9u
    --- Multi-purpose: 12u
    --- Underdeck Storage: 18u (=6 standard containers of 2x3u each)

    - Engine: ÆOF260N
    - Sensor Array: Kartograph 28.2
    - Price: 48.000 pixels

    T42 Gryphos-Class Frigate
    With four decks quite a bit bigger than the corvettes, this is the smallest ship class that can be used for both solitary and longer missions. Recommended crew: 2 (minimum) to 4. Image above shows example for 2 crew. As most rooms can be refitted for other purposes, it is also possible to use recreational equipment for creating a cruise ship for a few wealthy passengers. Engine room and Bridge are both two-deck. Comes with Creature Capture Station by default.
    You or your pilot need a class D pilot license.
    - Decks: 4
    --- Bridge: 15u + 9u = 24u
    --- Engine Room: 14u + 12u = 26u
    --- Technical: 10u
    --- Tactical: 10u
    --- Personal Quarter: 14u + 12u = 26u
    --- Sanitary: 6u
    --- Galley: 10u
    --- Mess: 14u
    --- Multi-purpose: 10u + 6u = 16u
    --- Underdeck Storage: 12u + 12u = 24u (=8 standard containers of 2x3u each)

    - Length over all: 93u
    - Engine: 2x ÆOF400K
    - Sensor Array: Kartograph 28.2
    - Deep Space Sensor Array (DSSA): Horizon Amp 52
    - Price: 82.000 pixels

    T60 Pytheas-Class Cruiser
    Looking for a complete solution for almost everything? With a highly efficient layout for a wide range of different rooms across six decks, there should be nothing you can't do with this ship. Be it deep space exploration, reconnaisance under severe conditions or multi-sector travelling without resupply possibilities along the way. Standard layout provides multiple crew quarters for up to seven crew members and an additional guest, multiple sanitary rooms, a three-deck engine room (with a between-deck for fuel storage), a two-deck bridge with attached observatory beneath, spacious galley and mess, a guest quarter, "Two Forward" recreational facilities for long journeys, a sickbay, a library, a chapel for religious services and three work/study/research rooms and a storage deck for all those supplies you need on a three-years-voyage. The computer core is capable of simulating complex astronomical, chemical and biological analysis. The main corridor is 66u long and can be equipped as well, if the storage deck shouldn't be sufficient. There are two of each console in the technical compartment for efficient and quick maintenance and repair.
    You or your pilot need a class F pilot license.
    - Decks: 6
    --- Bridge: 27u + 22u = 49u
    --- Observatory: 9u
    --- Engine Room: 18u + 18u + 9u = 45u
    --- Engine Room Storage: 9u (=3 standard containers of 2x3u each
    --- Technical: 18u
    --- Tactical: 10u
    --- Personal Quarter: 18u + 18u + 18u + 18u = 72u
    --- Sanitary: 4u + 4u +9u = 17u
    --- Galley: 14u
    --- Mess: 22u
    --- Two Forward: 22u
    --- Arcade Room: 14u
    --- Guest quarter: 14u
    --- Sickbay: 28u
    --- Storage: 28u + 28u = 56u (=18 standard containers of 2x3u each)
    --- Midship storage: 6u + 6u + 6u = 18u (=6 standard containers of 2x3u each)
    --- Chapel: 32u
    --- Library: 18u
    --- Work/Study/Research rooms: 18u + 18u + 18u = 54u

    - Length over all: 150u
    - Engine: 2x ÆOF600K, 1x ÆOF400K
    - Sensor Array: HyperKartograph 720.4.12
    - Deep Space Sensor Array (DSSA): Horizon Amp 52
    - Price: 344.000 pixels

    T72 Pelargos-Class Barge
    If you need a lift for some items from one outpost to another or from planet surface to space, this is your perfect solution. Highly purpose-oriented design with integrated, enlarged freight deck. Can be used for shuttle services, too. Because of its low-cost-high-efficiency ratio, this barge is used in dozens at large freight ports, earning it the nickname "bee".
    - Decks: 2
    --- Bridge: 7u
    --- Engine Room: 9u
    --- Sanitary: 4u
    --- Personal quarter/Multi-purpose: 13u
    --- Storage: 28u + 28u + 28u = 84u (=27 standard containers of 2x3u each) * Please note that this is the ideal case. Bigger containers use more space.

    - Length over all: 62u
    - Engine: ÆOF260N
    - Sensor Array: Kartograph 28.2
    - Price: 36.000 pixels

    T74 Geranos-Class Barge
    In case you want to move more cargo over further distances, the T72's big sister is your transporter of choice. With a significantly larger freight deck and the ability to fly even short interstellar distances, this barge is the right tool for traders.
    - Decks: 2
    --- Bridge: 9u
    --- Engine Room: 9u
    --- Sanitary: 4u
    --- Personal quarter: 11u
    --- Multi-purpose: 11u
    --- Storage: 40u + 40u + 40u = 120u (=39 standard containers of 2x3u each) * Please note that this is the ideal case. Bigger containers use more space.

    - Length over all: 76u
    - Engine: ÆOF320N
    - Sensor Array: Kartograph 28.2
    - Price: 48.000 pixels

    T80 Kolossus-Class Interstellar Freighter
    Behold! You have seen them flying across many sectors and quadrants, hauled by but the biggest freight companies, but now you can buy one, too! If you want to haul a few thousand tons of cargo from Alpha Sector to X sector or vice versa for big profits, this is the right choice for you. Features hardpoints for two (!) 52x24 ISO-Containers. Both of them can be loaded and unloaded seperately, and even manually on each console in the top corridor. Please be aware that this ship is unable to land on planet surfaces due to its size and weight. Words alone probably cannot describe this technically state-of-the-art ship, which barely fits into the Æternitas Shipyard, so have a look at its facts:
    You or your pilot need a class G pilot license.
    - Decks: 5
    --- Bridge: 21u
    --- Engine room: 16u + 16u + 16u + 9u = 57u
    --- Personal Quarter: 12u + 12u = 24u
    --- Galley: 12u
    --- Sanitary: 4u + 4u = 8u
    --- Technical: 4u
    --- Top corridor: 120u

    - Length over all: 170u
    - Engine: 3x ÆOF880X
    - Sensor Array: HyperKartograph 720.4.12
    - Deep Space Sensor Array (DSSA): Horizon Amp 52
    - Auxiliary Flight Stabilisator (AFS): Getztret Psi 2
    - Fine-tuned Proximity Sensors (PSA): Meepmeep 3.8
    - Price: 580.000 pixels
    #1 Tsaryu, May 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2014
  2. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    these are beautiful ships))
  3. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Beautiful yes expensive also yes.
  4. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Seems like rival competition Raideck. I look forward to seeing what you guys can bring to the table.

    - Talon
  5. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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  6. Tsaryu

    Tsaryu New Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Gratitude. Will contact author of trade request. You receive two 50% off coupons for one Æternitas ship each, one for you and one you can distribute among your friend pool. Coupons valid until 748.1.1 (equals to Terran date 2015-05-08).
