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The Nuclear Amalgamation (unfinished)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Hackery, May 3, 2014.


Is the NA a good faction idea?

  1. Yes, the NA sounds great! I'd totally join!

    8 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but I'd rather not join.

    8 vote(s)
  3. No, it's bad.

    21 vote(s)
  1. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    <Insert Flag Image Here>
    Libertas Supra Omnia
    Freedom, regardless of race, creed, or affiliation. The Nuclear Amalgamation stands for freedom for all. The Nuclear Amalgamation stands for freedom over the totalitarian governments of the USCM and the Relzurratt Armada, and against the dictatorial rule of the Astral Empire. Freedom against the harsh, overbearing rule of the Armada, freedom over religion - You can worship anything you want - Freedom against the Miniknog, as we will take you under our wing. We give you the freedom to protest, the freedom to spread your religion- even the freedom to ensure that your business is safe from the overbearing laws of other governments. We value people by the individual. Our ranks are based off meritocracy. We will stand- and fight against the oppressors, and by the devotion of the Amalgamation's soldiers, every single one of them will find the freedom that they desire, be it freedom of religion, of speech, of having such worries about the government interfering in their business and pursuit of happiness. No, you will not be captured and sent away like you would in the Miniknog. No, we will never make you submit to our rule- If you want to join, we welcome you, if you do not, so be it. People, rise against the oppressors who call themselves "just" and "righteous", dash them against the ground and show them your fury. Hunger, Poverty- Those are the crimes of these organizations, and we will make sure that you will all live in peace, without these crimes.

    We came to this galaxy in peace, with a dream of freedom and prosperity. Behind the strength of our freedom- our natural rights, we reached- and took a stand before the gods themselves. Through Freedom, through our loyalty and devotion to the cause, through painful sacrifice, we allow YOU to be free. We fought, and died for YOUR right to be free. For the betterment of all kinds, we have discovered powerful technologies, to allow for all- Each and every single one of you- to be free. Free forever.

    Then, brothers and sisters, will you take a stand against the oppressors? Will you submit to the Emperor of the Astral Empire? Will you give in to the crimes of the Miniknog? Or will you fight? We leave you with that decision, and we hope that you'll break your bonds. Your rights will triumph over the tyranny of the enemy, for they do not have the will to break our strength! Your coffers will always be full, and no one would ever challenge the undeniable rights that you and your businesses have.
    We will become like the sun- Always providing energy, always bright, a symbol of hope, a symbol of a golden age of prosperity. Libertas Supra Omnia!

    -Lazarus Qi
    High Praetor of NA Weapons Development Facilities and NA Biotech Researching Facilities
    Consul of the NA Military
    Basically, I've been seeing plenty of freedom fighters, free planets, etc. but no faction for these free planets/characters. However, there are plenty of "order" organizations- The RA, US, AE, Knight's Order, etc. So, I decided to offer this up as a suggestion. Please reply if you have any suggestions, etc.

    OOCly, we will provide you with pay, food, uniforms/armor, and weaponry, both ceremonial and operational. We will provide you with a structure, and ranks, and help people who give us a call. The NA is a PMC and a business along with a government, we will also sell weapons to those who want to buy. Honestly, they "protect rights" but what they really want is to secure more freedom to sell and buy whatever they want, and empower their economy further.

    ICly, the NA is a welcome home to people of all kinds, as long as they like business, freedom, and prosperity. They will be the needed opposing force for the "crazy" knights of Taranis, "oppressive" RA, "evil" Astral Empire, and "Unresponsive and Passive" USCM. Being a business-run organization, the NA gathers resources through sales and expansion. Currently, there is only a single airship on Liberty Mills and a couple cruisers, but in order to boom economically, they must expand beyond Liberty Mills and into other colonies.

    Main Colors: Blue for Loyalty and Freedom, Gold for Economic Prosperity and Technological Advancement.
    Praetorian Guard Colors: Black for Discipline and Unity, Teal for Tactical Superiority and Leadership.

    Legionnaire: Your basic soldier, follows orders and has a high potential of moving up the chain of command.
    Decanus: Can lead a team of 5 Legionnaires. (a Contubernium)
    Centurion: Can lead a team of 3 Contubernia. (a Centuria)
    Legatus: Can lead a team of 2 Centuria. (A Cohort)
    Praetor: A planner, helps advise the general (Consul) as to moves and administration. An advisor to the Imperator.
    Consul: Leader of Administration, can lead captains, can post administration-related subjects on forums.

    Uniforms: You can choose your own back items and/or whether to wear headgear in training/reserves to show individuality. The NA is, after all, about the freedoms of the people.

    Uniform: (Infantry)

    Uniform: (Navy)

    Uniform: (Officers)

    Uniform: (Administration Officers)

    Uniform: (Training/Casual, Auxiliaries (reserves))

    Uniform: Praetorian Guard (Elites)

    Weapons: (Currently classified, awaiting IC resources to be mass-produced)

    Rations: 250x roast dinner on join. Use them wisely.

    Payment: Will be arranged.

    List of Unfinished Business:
    Get images for all uniforms and rations and weapons.
    Get header image.
    Get recognition from other organizations.
    Get recruits.
    Get a main base set up, on a separate colony or otherwise.
    Respond to any replies.
    #1 Hackery, May 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  2. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    (Updated pictures of uniforms and added payment/rations info, added Roman ranks)
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( Oi, Imperator was a suggestion for the holy fleet >=o ))
  4. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    (( Imperator is the roman rank for General or Emperor. I followed the structure of a roman legion xD Changed it to the political roman Consul though. Any more opinions?))
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    ((Latin names/ranks/etc. are super common though. Really anything thats like an irl bit like rank systems etc. Are pretty much fair game for anyone. Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, Latin, Greek, etc. All are pretty mich generic resources as far as naming conventions go.))
  6. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( Wasn't implying that he couldn't use it. Just pointing that out. He's free to use whatever. ))
  7. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Why is everyone using brackets this is a OOC thread in an OOC subforum

    I'm supporting this, good idea and presentation
  8. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Liking the rations idea though. That's something new.
  9. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    The rations idea is because of how the NA is designed to "serve business and the people". In essence, those who serve the NA shall not have to worry about "poverty" or "oppression" again. Like the NA, the Roman leaders had a idea of sponsoring public "panem et circenses" (Bread and Circuses) to win supporters.
  10. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I'd suggest that even though IC rations are a good and fun idea, I wouldn't bother OOCly. Anyone can get whatever food they want OOC with no charge, whenever they want it. So I'd say stick with rations, but just don't worry about actually handing out food.

    Also, I understand the organization is still very much so under development, but I'd suggest putting in civilian roles ASAP. In the mission statement the NA is a peaceful organization looking to combat oppressive organizations, but if the only job that is immediately available is military, it's a bit contradictory. Also, if you're not a military organization, avoid the RA's "You can do whatever you want, but military's the best choice" thing.

    Might I also ask why the "Nuclear" Amalgamation?
    #10 Avis, May 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2014
  11. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    The companies that created the NA are mostly supplied by the mining and usage of uranium, plutonium, and solarium in creating energy via nuclear power to fuel the galaxy. However, another trait that describes them is their use of nuclear weapons, and nuclear-powered equipment. (If you look closely, each of the guns that we sell have their own little fusion reactor to provide the electricity used in the Gauss coils. Of course, that means that gunpowder is made obsolete.)
    However, the NA is very much a military organization. We defend the rights of business and the people, and while a long time ago, everything was peaceful, the NA became slightly paranoid and built up its military with the discovery of opposing forces. All they said during the speech that they initially came to the galaxy in peace, hoping to build up business. The companies eventually came together and decided to oust the competition and organizations, leading to the military role. In contrast, there WILL be peaceful jobs. The NA, after all, is still a business.
  12. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it won't do you any good to claim you are here in peace when you intend on going to war with these other organizations that much of the galaxy is fond of. It'll get the NA a bad rap pretty quick. Not saying you need to change it, but it's just a suggestion.
  13. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    What the NA is saying is that they CAME in peace, but then through external influence (Holy fleet occupying LM, noticing USCM inactivity, RA aggression through cracking down on Cultists/Redcrest) they became more militaristic due to political pressure. (Basically, Oh, they're strong and can wipe us out if they wanted to, let's get strong so we can resist and have a say in things. Think Pre-WW1 Europe, Why did everyone go into an arms race? While remaining "peaceful", there is still strong nationalism and militarism.)
  14. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Ah, alright. Thanks.

    Anyways, glad to see you're fleshing this out and making it official. The NA will work out a lot better for you that way.
  15. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Yeah, whenever someone buys something, or asks "What's the NA?" I redirect them to this site. I wonder what happened to the Astral Empire? They kinda just... disappeared...
  16. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Yeah, I loved the whole concept n' stuff but the moment you enter the planet its a complete ghost town. . . Damn, they sounded awesome.
    Hope this faction turns out well (Though considering the amount of alts I already have, im gonna give it a miss)
  17. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Why all the hate in the poll? IMO it's not the best faction ever made by anyone, but it's not BAD... It just needs to be fleshed out some more.
  18. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I think it's from when there was not a lot of info. I constantly updated things throughout the week, and I guess that's what happened. Or, it could be your average, no-life internet troll. Anyway, will flesh it out some more.
  19. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    A Light Tank, this piece of armor values maneuverability and speed over the firepower of other NA Tanks, but it's a start.
    ICly, we've made one prototype, and are currently gathering resources to start mass-production.
  20. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Gotta say, not a bad tank. Id give it a 4/10 for good use of materials, but little to no details. *cough*built mine first*cough* Also, USCM is not inactive, we're just undergoing a period of OOC leadership change and major reformatting.