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Franz's Personal Tome

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kaiser Franz, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #1

    Not to sure how to start one of these, I've never been much of a record keeper but I suppose I should start seeing how Eris is probably going to get me killed in this hunt of hers. The Squire's seem to be making progress so far, Laasi and Razor underwent their Forging today and overall I'm quite pleased with how they took it. Laasi went first and although I didn't have much of a doubt that she'd handle it well I did not expect her to enjoy the immolation as much as she did, it was nice to see someone else that enjoyed a healthy dose of flame. Razor's didn't go quite as smoothly but for a Floran she took being lit on fire fairly well. Unfortunately, I had to give her a second round of the Forging before her trembling stopped but it seemed to work, she can now wield her Wyvern's Breathe without any of the fear or twitching she struggled with before. Let's see, the Soldier Handerson also approached me and asked to be taken on as a Squire, he seems like a good sort so I of course accepted. I'm curious how an Avian will handle the training, it does not seem to be for the light of heat but I am hopeful that he'll make it through just fine. Also note to self, stop telling new Squires that I currently have a 100% mortality rate on those under my command, it doesn't seem too good for morale.​
  2. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #2
    A fine day I had today if a bit hectic. I was watching Sharp, John and some other Floran I don't know go at it in the Inn when what may have been the universes worst assassin beamed down onto the planet. He went on about how he wanted to kill Big-Mech, an odd Squire in the Order, for crimes supposedly commited against the Assassin's family. Naturally I was going to politely inform him that he should leave Taranis immediately when Kimoyo, being the daft Hylotl she is, actually offered to assist him! (Note to self, figure out how exactly she became a Knight.) Instead I directed then both to John so the whole sordid affair could be cleared up. Well John was just as bewildered as I by the potential assassin and instead of tolerating his madness decided to end the threat right there and then. Luckily John blundered in his strike and I was the one who got to finish the imbecile off, my how he burned. It was not long after that the call went out for a technician to repair Window Omega's optics. Now I'm no technician but I have some experience with custom optics and I thought I may enjoy playing doctor so I volunteered post haste. Amazingly no one questioned me or asked for a degree of any kind before allowing me to begin repairs on Omega. I have to say I don't know why doctors are so proud of the craft, it doesn't seem that difficult. I merely ripped out Omega's damaged optics, my she is such a whiner, and replaced them with my old ones. The wiring was fairly straightforward and after a few minutes I restored sight to my gender-confused friend. (Note to self #2, add doctor to my list of titles.) after that it was off to Liberty Mills where I explored the Undercity with my favorite Monkey Squire, Laasi. We also ran into Omega and her Knight Avi, both of whom I assaulted mercilessly with my witty jokes and sexual innuendo. The fun came to an end for a time when we returned to the surface and found that obnoxious Construct had returned and was apparently intent in gutting Aissa for some reason. After quite a fight that left all the Squishes involved in varying states of injury, the Construct was finally brought to a halt. When it came to watching the wounded I ended up being responsible for a human who's name I never caught but whom I shall refer to as Little Buddy. Unfortunately my Little Buddy was quite worst for the wear and after hauling him across almost the entire colony to the hospital I was fairly sure he was done for. After some confusion though a doctor was finally brought in to treat the Humans and although he seemed to have no idea how humans should function normally he somehow managed to stabilize Little Buddy. After that the rest of the evening was fairly plain. I made friends with two Apex, Veronica and Graves, and drank at Haus with two. I also ran into Eris again who apparently is now wanted and works for a PMC. I had to inform her that I was ceasing attempts to court her and although I know it broke her heart I hope to remain friends with her still. Flame knows hers isn't the first Squishy heart I broke and it probably won't be the last.​
  3. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #3

    Today was fine if a bit dull for my tastes. I was talking to Avi and Omega at the Inn as usual and being my normal charming self when all of a sudden Avi ran off back to the keep. I didn't think much of it until I stumbled upon her and Omega conversing in her chambers. Apparently Avi had taken all the jokes and other 'rude' comments I made towards her to heart and was quite hurt. When I found her she was crying in her chambers, more than a little hurt and angry with me. After expressing my sincerest of apologies and sharing perhaps a bit too much personal information with her she finally forgave me. Unfortunately she also felt it was necessary to hug me and was not quick to let go either, it was perhaps the single-most uncomfortable experience I've had in my life. After making up with Avi and heading back on my way I ran into Laasi, who is quickly becoming my favorite Squire. After sitting around the bar and insulting each other for a time we set out to burn down Sam's abandoned tower. While we were there Laasi produced what she called a Molotov Cocktail, which is apparently a combination of alcohol and fire. Naturally I was quite excited when she showed it to me as it combined two of my favorite things in the galaxy. As I quickly learned though Molotov's are NOT for drinking. After lighting it up and smashing it over my face I managed to burn out my optics. Laasi had to lead me back to the Keep by hand, not that I'm complaining. After An-DRE crafted me a new set of optics I invited Laasi to join me on a stroll around Taranis to my favorite spot overlooking the Abyss. I must admit I enjoyed talking with her quite a bit, she may be the most sarcastic being I have ever met (myself excluded of course.) That was probably the highlight of the day, the rest of the evening passed without any notable incidents. Sometimes it's nice to spend a day without any fights.​
  4. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #4

    Miss Eris's antics have ceased to be amusing. I was minding my own business, enjoying a civil conversation about death with my new acquaintance Tom when she strolled into Taranis and sparked up a small conversation. After a while she asked if we wanted to visit Liberty Mills. Fool that I am I completely forgot that she is still a wanted fugitive and agreed to accompany her along with Tom. I arrived on the planet not long after the two, just in time to see Eris fleeing from two bounty hunters. After watching her escape from the pair I joined her on her ship and proceeded to angrily remind her that I had given my word that she would cause no more trouble on the planet or I personally would be held accountable for her actions. Tired of her company and achieving nothing in Liberty Mills I then returned to Taranis. I was lucky enough to watch a rather disastrous duel between Omega and a Human who's name escapes me. Apparently Omega was dead set on killing the poor fellow so Avi stepped in to try and stop her Squire, somehow she only managed to get herself impaled by Omega. After she realized what she had done Omega collapsed to the ground in some kind of despair, distraught over her actions. Realizing there was nothing I could do to help them I left the combatants to the care of John and some other bystanders who seemed more than capable of dealing with the situation. Instead I went on another stroll with Laasi while things sorted out. I rather enjoy her company, even if she is the second most sarcastic being I've ever encountered. I was enjoying myself so much I almost strolled into Avi's room with her hand still in mine when we returned to the Keep. I can't imagine the annoying giggles Avi and Omega would share if they seen it. Flame, I hate giggling.
  5. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #5
    It's been an odd couple of days I must say. Eris was taken by some bounty hunter off of Liberty Mills. Shortly after her arrest someone claiming to be a friend of hers arrived on Taranis and requested my assistance in freeing her from her captor. When I informed the man that I was bound by my word to those folk in Liberty Mills and could not assist her he attempted to call me out as a coward and a weakling. What followed is a bit fuzzy but as I recall I was going to burn the impudent man but was pulled back by other Knights and instead stormed off and damn near burned down the old tower instead. The next day Taranis was visited by an embassy from the supposed "Holy Fleet," which was a grand ole time where I was able to try out some fun new bird puns. Unfortunately the rest of the day was not quite as amusing as John and Sharp managed to get themselves thrown in the jail at Marathon. Due to this little debacle Astora, who finally returned to Taranis, is going to be taking command of the Order. Lastly my title has changed to Knight Commander in the Order and myself and Laasi are, as she says, officially courting now.
  6. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #6
    I almost broke Avi today, I often forget how damned sensitive that girl is. I gave her a lecture about how she couldn't neglect Omega's training just to run off with Shiny Britches Jr. and she fell into some kind of despair. She ended up having a sparring match with Omega and immediately went on about how poor of a Knight she had been and then tried to tell Omega how I would take over her Squirehood. Of course Omega flew into one of her rages, exclaiming how she was going to challenge me to prove Avi's worth as a tutor. I promptly reminded her and everyone else who was the Knight Commander and after shouting Omega down and thoroughly chastising her and Avi, I dispersed the group and got on with my duties. A few hours later after everything had calmed down I ran into Cain and invited him to join the Wyverns. Obviously he accepted, serving under myself is one of the greatest honors imaginable. It was fairly quiet for the rest of the evening, except for when Omega stumbled upon Laasi and myself. I'll have to figure out how exactly she found us to prevent it from happening again.​
  7. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #7
    'Exciting' times here in Taranis. I Knighted Laasi and Hans and Sharp finally returned, which I'm rather happy about actually but obviously will never tell her. She has been rather on edge lately though. Case in point I was merely sitting around with her talking, and I made a crude joke about her and John when she lunged on top of me and started trying to beat my head in, which is normal Sharp-ish behavior. What concerned me is that she stopped the fun little scuffle, looked down at me and began to cry, CRY! Sharp doesn't cry when I make fun of her! She hits me, I hit her back, we break something and then have a laugh about it, I've never made her cry before, it was deeply unsettling. I've made multiple friends of mine burst into tears over the past couple of weeks and I can't say I'm supremely pleased with myself about it. Anyhow, after apologized and we talked for a moment I offered to take her out to burn some things with me, she seemed rather eager to do so so I got a spare flamethrower from my quarters and took out out wast past the Tribe's Tree. When I brought her to the ruins to start burning she had some kind of panic attack, apparently a friend of hers had committed suicide there. She fell into a heap and I had to carry her back to her room and spend some time calming her down. It was rather calm after that, Laasi had I had a duel at her request and she somehow managed to temporarily disable me. After that we took a stroll and discussed my misgivings about the way the Order had been running recently. She made some valid points and I've determined to set my issues with Astora's leadership aside and just focus on keeping the Order strong. I also hope someone gives that annoying priest a good smacking soon, maybe I'll look into doing it myself.​
    #7 Kaiser Franz, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  8. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #8
    Taranis is finally starting to get back to normal, normal being the operative word obviously. Sharp isn't quite as much of a downer anymore which is nice I suppose, back to normal warrior/pervert Sharp it seems. I finally brought RazorVines up to full knighthood, making her the third Wyvern Knight in my warband. I suppose I'll have to get around to finding one more pyromaniac to join me and my Wyverns but I just haven't seen any promising candidates on Taranis lately. I own a tavern under the Inn now, I call it the Gaping Dragon. We've already had a couple of bar fights, I've forced two minors to drink whiskey, and I lit Sam on fire. I don't know why Aissa and the Liberty Mills bar crowd complain so much about trouble at their place, running a bar is easy if you keep a flamethrower on hand to maintain control. I've also taken up the role of a Corsair in my spare time, it's a fun distraction but merchants don't put u much of a fight so it's usually only fun for a short while. I do like the sound of Corsair Prince Franz III though.... Maybe I'll see about putting together a crew and getting into some real trouble.
  9. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #9
    My name is Franz, Franz Ludwig III if anyone bothered to actually ask the rest of my name. I am the exiled Prince of a backwards Kingdom, I am a Knight Commander, I am a dangerous pyromaniac, and I fear I have lost my way. The time that has passed since I've last written in this tome has left me deeply confused if not somewhat unsettled. I had another outburst, a far worse one than the last. Sharp and I were fighting over some moronic comment I made and when things escalated it happened again. The Flames roared up inside and I went completely berserk. I pulled my flamethrower on Sharp, struck a Soldier repeatedly, tried to immolate Omega and who knows else and finally ended up burning down the whole damned clinic. I am beginning to loathe the constant need to burn I feel deep inside and dread the day when I will no longer be able to control it and will surge up and claim me and those I care about most. Then into this confused situation came Ricardo, a nervous quiet young fellow and now the individual I care for most deeply. I cannot explain these feelings I have for him so I will not try. I know he loves me and I, him and that will have to be enough. I regret that I had to end things with Laasi to be with him but the advice Liz and John gave me was true and I know I have made the right choice. I am taking him to a friend's wedding soon and I look forward to that, hopefully it will lift my spirits some. Somehow in all of this I came to be promoted by Ser Astora as well, I am now Second in Command of the Order, answering only to him. To be honest I feel overwhelmed but I will not allow myself to fail or be lax in my duties. The Order took me in and has become the closest thing I have to family, I will do all I can to keep it strong. My name is Prince Franz Ludwig III, Second in Command of the Knight's Order. The path I have found myself on is chaotic and I know not where it will take me, but I will walk it with pride until my end.​
  10. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Entry #10
    Well I found my little tome. It's been a while since I've actually picked this thing up. Much has happened since I last wrote down my thoughts in these pages. Some good, some bad, most of it isn't anything I would care to write down or remember. Let's see if I can cover some of the events in brief . . . Avi and Altan were captured by a deranged Glitch who reprogrammed them back into a false-hivemind. John and I discovered the Glitch's plot and Avi and Altan were promptly recovered and restored to their old selves. I had a one Knight fling with Sharp. Get it? Knight, it's a joke. Ah even when I'm writing I'm funny. That happened, I regretted it and told John. Bad, painful things happened after that but we've all moved past it. I've picked up a few new Squires . . . One of whom now looks creepily like me and is wonderfully sarcastic. I should promote him to Knight Journeyman soon. Met a hiveminded Glitch named Ceral, tried to help her break through the lies fed to her by her programming, it freaked her out and she latched onto me and started calling me her Sire. I eventually helped her break through her delusions, she fell in love with me and then we had a quick fling . . . Ricardo was obviously not happy when he found out and he shot her when she confronted him. This sounds warped I know but I thought it was rather sweet actually, him getting all protective of me. Not that I need protecting obviously! An old friend of mine named Ciphias who served under me in the past recently arrived on Taranis and has come back into my service so that was a welcome surprise. I've also taken on full command of the Ordo Militum while Ser Astora is away. That's been . . . fun? I suppose? Luckily I've got a fair bit of experience with diplomacy and such as I've already had to meet with a representative of the Holy Fleet twice. Once over the safety of Acolytes and other Fleet members visiting Taranis and Gryphon and then the very next day another meeting over the DEATHS of two Acolytes who initiated a firefight on Taranis. I suppose I've wasted enough time on this silly little tome of mine, back to trying not to ruin the whole Ordo Militum while Ser Astora is away.​