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Selling Magnetic Accelerator Guns! (Gunpowder is for Scrubs)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hackery, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    *Starting Hologram Advertisement:*


    Hello, and Welcome to the Nuclear Amalgamation Weapons Purchase Facility!
    Main NA page here: http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/the-nuclear-amalgamation-unfinished.3683/
    Pixels will speak the most here. ((Please meet IC for your delivery))
    To Order, Please Reply.

    UPDATE: There is now an embargo placed upon all RA personnel. Traders operating within RA airspace will not be affected, but anyone affiliated with the RA military will not be traded with.
    UPDATE: There is a Promotion for Exxon members: We can provide you with military arms, as we noticed that Exxon is quite beneficial. -900 Pixels per Gun
    (UPDATE: NEW Screenshots! With the New Recolorations/Guns, and New NA uniforms!)

    In Stock:
    AF-19 Gauss Compact S: (A MAG appears, the hologram slowly rotating in front of the NA logo)
    1000 Pixels
    Your most trusty carbine out there, the AF-19 fires hard, and fires a lot. Quite simply, it's the definition of MORE DAKKA. Look it up. Under Dakka in the dictionary, you will find a picture of the AF-19. It's that good. Maybe we should consider it a compact LMG? I wouldn't say, but this here is a beautiful work of magnetic acceleration.

    The AF-20 Gauss Tri-Extension enables the firing of three bullets at a time, with a innovative recoil system to prevent an excessive amount of recoil when firing. Of course, this leads to a higher amount of bullets per magazine, and an overall increase in weight, firepower, and sound. Recommended for firefights, but not as good as the AF-19 for stealth operations. (Add 500 pixels for extension)
    AF-12 UltraC: The most compact and silent SMG that you can find out there in the MAG world. Designed for stealth operations, it combines the firepower of the AF-19 with the covertness of a SMG. A want for assassins, spec ops forces and the like, the AF-12 UltraC is always reliable- it's silent, deadly, and can be wielded in one hand. (1200 Pixels)

    NA EX-1 "Destroyer": Time to bring in the heavy weapons. This is the experimental upgrade to the MP-1, to have even more firepower. Made of a lightweight material, the EX-1 can be carried by 1 person, and can be fired ship-to-ship, used to take down enemy aircraft, blow up enemy tanks... You name it. Shoulder Mounted, we're still working on making it more compact... and less absolutely huge, as it is basically a ship weapon taken off, innovated with, made smaller and usable for infantry, and listed here. We're working on it. (5000 Pixels)


    NA MP-1: (A MAG appears, the hologram slowly rotating in front of the NA logo)
    2500 Pixels
    The single-fire MAG that is the MP-1 is a monster. Literally. The shell fires heavily, and is of such a high caliber that it can make things go explode. Like a blue rocket. Except not a rocket. It's reload speed is quite fast, and the recoil is low, because of how we like to use INNOVATION to make our MAGs even more awesome


    NC-4 Gauss MagShot: (A MAG appears, the hologram slowly rotating in front of the NA logo)
    2000 Pixels
    Need something that can shoot from far away, and shoot HARD? (A little less than an impervium shortsword) Especially a pistol? This here is the MAG of Magnums. More Dakka unfortunately does not apply here, but to see that slug from your sidearm (Or two, if you dual-wield) puncture the head of that assassin that's after you is satisfying enough.


    NA "Secutor"-class Light Tank:This is a facking Tank. For Military purchase only, 'cause otherwise you wouldn't have the funds. A light 1-man pursuer tank, it is armed with the NA C-1 Odachi, an Anti-Armor main gun that can kill infantry in one shot with decent splash radius, and destroy other armored vehicles with its innovative 6-shot magazine. Secondary is a NA CG-2 Chaingun.

    If you would like to purchase a MAG, please contact this galaxy's branch of the NA.

    You could find our ships around Liberty Mills at the current time.

    Change: A Supply Airship has been built on Liberty Mills, the NA Palanquin. Keep going west until you see the NA Sign, then go up. A Endangerer-class Rocket Transport will take you to the Supply Dreadnought (NA Gensokyo) if your beaming device does not work.

    *Boop. The hologram shuts itself off*
    #1 Hackery, Apr 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2014
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    20 AF-19's
    20 MP-1's and
    10 NC-4's.

    Send me a message for when you people can contact me and deliver the goods.

    ((preferably between 7pm and 8pm UTC-07:00))

    - Shadowstep
  3. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Aye, I'll get those two you as soon as possible. A supply dreadnought will be coming to y'all ASAP.
    Remember, there's no gunpowder needed... so we fire the entire bullet! That's like... 60% more bullet, per bullet!
    Don't forget to pay!

    -Conglomerate Researcher Ray Okazaki
  4. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Intrigue. That NC-4 Gauss MagShot seems rather interesting. Addendum. Since I seek a proper firearm to use with my shield, perhaps I shall purchase one for my own use once I scrounge up enough funds.
  5. Sen

    Sen Guest

    gunpowder better
  6. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I will await your purchase, Mr. Omega.
    As for gunpowder- It's for scrubs! It's dirty, energy-consuming, and keen to explode rather violently when exposed to fire. Oh, these MAG weapons will function perfectly under water- something that gunpowder weapons lack. Cheers!

    -R. Okazaki
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

    no it not

    bullet will disintegrate in water due to high velocity and friction

  8. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    (( I recommend taking pictures of the guns in some form so I can see them instead of attempting to visualize it))
  9. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Physics. Strange to find those on a floran post.
  10. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Educate. A bullet will disintegrate if it were fired directly into water, due to a sudden increase in friction on the bullet that would tear it apart. However, if the bullet were to be fired from within the water, there will be no sudden forces large enough that cause disintegration, and the gun would fire almost as well as if it were fired in air.
  11. Sen

    Sen Guest

    that is stupid and fake lie

    try drop rock from high above planet, watch air friction melt rock, no sudden force but still melt because friction not care about accelerate only force

  12. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Gentlemen. This is a place for trading, not for discussing the laws of physics. (As awesome as it is...)
    The MAGs are able to fire in both air and water and not have their bullets vaporize because it is travelling at a slower velocity than, say, a meteor.
    If your hypothesis, Mr. Sen, was correct, then normal scrub-gunpowder guns would vaporize too. Therefore, problem solved.
  13. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I'd like to speak to you about providing weapons for Stark.
  14. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    ((When are you available?))
  15. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    ((Now, or around 7 PST))
  16. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I agree with sen on this, while meteors move at 25,000 Miles per hour a standard railgun muzzle velocity is still 5,600 mph. To compare, a 647 grain .5o BMG bullet will have a muzzle velocity of 928 mph and absolutely shreds itself under water. So my gut instinct says that your guns do not perform as advertised.
  17. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    You get what you pay for. That's why my arms run far higher then this shovelgear.

  18. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    This is false, if not, then all orders, transactions, etc. between this "company" and the Armada will be rendered void and null. The Armada does not purchase subpar weaponry, and thus far has relied on the those weapons provided by it's unified R&D division, and supplemented by verified private firearms manufacturers. In addition, the quality of these weapons, and the ability to deliver on the contract is suspect due to one "Ray Okazaki's" criminal record.

    According to R.A. records, you were found guilty of tearing down an LM citizens home, injuring the citizen, then firing upon, and injuring a glitch citizen as well. Your punishments included fines, expulsion from the R.A., and Flogging, up to 45 strokes. The record shows that, you were physically incapable of surviving the full measure of flogging via baton, and you were promptly deported to Liberty Mills.

    In the future, it is advised that you do not use the name of the Relzurautt Armada to promote any private endeavors on your behalf.

    High Legislatore Hollow
    Relzurautt Armada
  19. Zach

    Zach New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Laser weaponry is very much superior to this, though, firing under water can comprimise the discharge as well.

    Built my own, wasn't too hard, swapping some parts, and it.
    Honestly, I really don't see why anyone still uses slug weaponry, with no need to worry about different ammo types, easily aquired ammunition, reliability, and parts aren't hard to find in the slightest. Plus, you can tune down your armor punching Anti-Vehicle rifle's discharge to nothing more than a slight burn, if the situation calls for it.
  20. Hackery

    Hackery New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    We are currently researching laser weaponry and are close to success. (I just need to find a way to make it lag the game less, been testing it on other servers). We do not endorse the RA, the information has been updated. Currently, the RA has no affiliation with the NA, and we do not recognize them within our business. When Laser weaponry is tested and mass-produced, we will replace older technologies.

    Statements that the RA have made only apply to one member of the NA military. This does not reflect our business as a whole. Please disregard their message.

    Response to Boomb1rd:
    Competition is welcomed. Feel free to boost the economy, as we stand to protect the rights of businesses.

    -Praetor Lazarus Qi
    #20 Hackery, May 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2014