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674's Helmet Camera Logs and Recordings

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doctor Frohman, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ((I promise myself that I won't screw up like all my other logs. This'll be done over-time, hopefully, and whenever I feel like making logs, I'll make em. If you want me to do logs/recordings, message me and I'll bump it up on the stuff I need to do.
    Also, these logs are private and can only be accessed when three things are met prior:
    1. You have 674's Face-Plate
    2. You have 674's Data-Pad
    3. You have minor technology skills))

    [Helmet Camera Recording titled: Test1.avi loading up.]
    *The Camera on the Face-Plate of Unit 674 flickers on to a small, square shaped room. The walls are made of strange metals, dark and cold to the touch, being slightly shiny at parts, and small blots of blood in others. In the center of the room is a dark suited unit wearing a dark-black trenchcoat over his normal poly-fiber kevlar. His mask is detailed dark-red, and the oxygen filter is replaced with slits, as if the unit had undergone tremendous surgery and will never leave his suit, or mask, again.*
    "<:: All of your helmet cams should be functional. Speak softly and clearly these exact words."
    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording as 'Test 1'"

    *The Camera, however, continues going, and it looks to the right. The shoulder pad of the unit is visible and over her is the rest of the row of units, 581 included. The Camera then looks to the left, seeing the other part of the row. All of the units seem to be wearing the same exact kevlar, masks, and other attire that 674 normally wore, with one thing out of the ordinary; the back part of the mask, where the hair would be jutting out from, were sealed up by a part of the suit, allowing for an easier bio-lock for new units.*
    "<:: Six-Seven-Four, your helmet camera did not save correctly. I can tell from here. Repeat the phrase or you will be seeing me with 581 after training as well."
    "<:: Y-Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

    *The Camera stays there, positioned at the dark-suited unit long enough for one to make out the number "2258" on his kevlar, by where his heart should be. Eventually the camera recording stops.*
    [Helmet Camera Recording titled: Test1.avi shutting down.]

    ((OOCly attached a file of 674 so you can see what she and the other units would have looked like. Only one difference, the suit would be more gray than black at their ranks.))

    Attached Files:

  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ((OOC notes to myself as well in here about font 'n stuff.
    Helmet Camera Recording and Mechanical Stuff = Courier New
    Actions and Stuff that happens in the Recording = Arial
    OOC notes and other = Georgia

    674 Speaking = Tahoma
    Size = 3 ))

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: What_Lies_Ahead.avi loading up.]

    *The Camera is angled at around 86 degrees towards 674's barely scarred face as she eats her rations with a spoon and talks inbetween spoon-fills. The room itself seems dimly lit and the roof is concrete. In-between sentences, she shovels small portions of the liquidized food into her mouth, being seemingly alone as well.*
    "Well, here I am... Earth got blown to shit, but I'm alive, and so is most of my family, so I don't got much to complain about."
    "Though, the work here... gah, there's all this training, beating, hurting, I remember one of the superiors talking about neutering and saying he'd do it himself to 581 when the time comes."
    "581 is one of the units here, he's taking a liking to me, I can tell."
    "Hasn't seen my face yet, and neither have I."
    "Hell, we're only still 'cruits. I should be able to show him in time. Probably during a food break."

    "We can eat with these masks on, you know, as most of our food is processed into a liquidy form and the mask lets that shit in with a straw."
    "I ought to stop swearing... if a higher-up found this, he'd beat me straight."
    "Can't wait to visit Issac, though. He's got a store and everything and I bet he'd be jealous of all my new gear."
    "Welp, I'm done with my food, time to head out and patrol with 581. Save recording as 'What Lies Ahead'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: What_Lies_Ahead.avi shutting down.]

  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Promotion.avi loading up.]

    *The Camera is facing outwards past a steel barrier, aimed at a circtalic, large, green trashcan. The buildings behind it are mostly made of concrete, but some of the windows are boarded. The trashcan seems to be on a leaf-strawn sidewalk curb, and sticking out of it are a pair of legs, wearing blue pants.*
    "<:: I've been promoted, today."
    "<:: I noticed, you talked my ear off about it."

    *The Camera turns left, showing a unit standing next to 674. He is looking directly at her and his tag "581" is noticeable.*
    "<:: I'm not talking to you. I'm recording with my Face-Plate Camera."
    "<:: I was going to do one of those, but 2258 "talked" me out of it."
    "<:: Right. Anyway, I'm an 07, now. No longer a recruit, so they let me out of the HQ."
    "<:: Still have to patrol with another person, remember."
    "<:: I was getting to that..."
    "<:: Anyway, I've also been shoving unconscious civ's into the trashcans outside HQ."

    "<:: I assume 2258 knows about this?"
    "<:: He'll find out eventually."
    "<:: Not like I'm hurting them, more like... embarrassing them."

    *The Camera then turns right, looking at the civilian, now conscious, squirming about in the trash-can, trying to get out.*
    "<:: Haha... save Helmet Camera Recording Titled 'Promotion'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Promotion.avi shutting down.]
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Days_Flying_By.avi loading up.]

    *The Camera is looking out a re-inforced window, probably bullet-proof, towards the bottom of a street. 674 is obviously underground and looking outwards towards a fenced gate. Eventually, a black man wearing a dark-green jumpsuit walks through the gate, entering a construction-like zone. The Camera shifts a bit, shaking a little as it is pointed towards a notepad, 674's hand scribbling out the details of the man, and the current time.*
    "<:: The day's seem to just keep flying by. I'm an 06 now and I spend my time looking through this damn window, monitoring whoever goes in and out of that fenced gate. Its supposed to be a great job, but all that seems to happen is a couple of civ's enter then leave as soon as they came. Also, 581 and even 2258 watch me as I lean on the window-sill. Definitely staring at my posterior. Nothing I can do about it, though... bleh."

    *The Camera then looks behind at a few units shuffling off and past. To the right of the room is a stair-case, and to the left, a doorway. 674's watch area seems to be a popular traffic zone.*
    "<:: These next few days are going to be boring, but hey, at least I'm not out there getting shot at."
    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording Titled 'Days_Flying_By.avi'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Days_Flying_By.avi shutting down.]

  5. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: 5EH81.avi loading up.]

    *The Camera is pointed in an 87 degree's angle, towards 674's face. She has a few more scars than she did last time she recorded her face.*
    *The surrounding area is the cafeteria with concrete ceiling and floors. The walls are made of concrete, but have wires and terminals as well as tables to help furnish the area. Around the other tables are a few 05's and two Ranger's, but nobody sits with 674.*
    *674 begins to speak, slowly and softly.*
    "My cousin, Marilyn, is going to join up with us. She's a weak, frail one, but she'll adapt. 581's off doing some work with 2258, or... something. I really don't want to know."

    *Suddenly, loud radio chatter comes from 674's radio, but among it, the following words can be heard.*

    "<:: Six-Seven-Four, report to the Torture Chamber, immediately."

    *A worried look appears on 674's face, she then slips on the mask, showing that she had eaten all her food previously, and was just merely meandering in the cafeteria. She grips her hand on her radio, a click being heard as she says.*
    "<:: Right away, s-sir. Inbound."

    *Six-Seven-Four rushes across the cafeteria, the jingling of her belt being as noticiable as her boots clamping on the cold, concrete steps. She turns left, then heads through the lobby after passing two sets of blast-proof doors. She takes off her glove, presses her hand on a hand-scanner, and then proceeds through yet another blast door, then heading left, down the winding passage, passing her window-lookout. She then heads down the hall-way, to a blast door, which slides up and open for her. She moves towards the torture chamber, but a loud voice calls out.*


    *Six-Seven-Four then moves to the viewing chamber, and the door slides open for her. She heads inside, to look out of the one-way window, watching as 2258 pulls his combat knife out. There is a HELIX inside the room as well, one of the medical crew, standing in the corner, trying not to get in the way.*

    *In the middle of the room, tied to a cold, iron pole, is 581, completely undressed and nude. 2258 moves in closer, lightly pressing the knife against his 581's gentilia, then slicing it off in a quick motion. However, 581 seems unphased, as he is unconcious and unaware of the scene.*

    *As soon as 2258 cuts 581, the HELIX moves in, preparing his surgical and medical kit. 2258 then looks towards the one-way window, staring directly at Six-Seven-Four.*
    "<:: I can feel your heat-signature. Take this as a warning."
    "<:: Save this as 581. I will look at it later."

    "<:: S-Save Helmet Camera Recording a-as Five-E-Eight-One..."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: 5EH81.avi shutting down.]
  6. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Welcome_to_the_force.avi loading up.]

    *The Main Camera view is pointing outwards at a line of OfCs and their trenchcoats. Through the cracks in the line, you can faintly see some RCTs, most of their numbers on their chest-plates hidden. The room 674 is in is similar to the cafeteria, but no tables or benches remain in place.*
    *The room is quiet, except for 2258 yelling out commands for the RCTs, like tuning their radio frequency's and what-not.*
    *Overall, the footage is mostly silent, and just a record-keeping of what happened.*
    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording as 'Welcome to the force'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Welcome_to_the_force.avi shutting down.]
  7. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Guns.avi loading up.]

    *The Camera is looking down at a pistol on a windowsill. The pistol seems to be outdated in nature, being a simple USP Match with a black coated tip. The Camera doesn't move, nor change from this position throughout the entirety of the video.*
    "<:: Finally, 05, I can carry a pistol and actually help out society. 513's been going through immense training with 2258, her hands have been just... broken, twisted, bloody... 2258's pushing her past the breaking limit, its fucking sick. Though, when 2258 pulls people aside, they tend to... rank up faster. Probably will catch up with me at the rate she's going. Its her third day on the job and already an 07. It took me three fuckin' weeks till I got there."
    *674 stops, taking a minute to catch her breath, her rant over.*
    "<:: As I was saying... I can carry a pistol now. Picked out a USP Match instead of a Nine-Millimeter Pistol. Like the kick it has, compared to the other. I've seen 04s and 03s walking around with better pistols, like tacticals and glocks. Heard the Glock kicks like a mule, though. Screw accuracy, heh."

    "<:: Speaking of accuracy, when I was ranked up, 2258 brought me down to the firing range, showed me how the pistol worked, how to reload, all that jazz. Then he set up explosive barrels and rotten fruit along it. The barrels were mostly blocking the fruit, leaving little room or gaps. He then told me to shoot the fruit, without shooting the barrels, and if I hit a barrel, the resulting explosion would surely kill us both. By then, I was already sweating, knowing that I am a s- *cough* horrible shot. I brought up the pistol, giving myself about ten seconds to aim down the sights, and take a light breath before firing. I kept with this tactic, although slow, until I managed to shoot all of them, which was about... ten or so. Heh, the next thing I know, 2258 unslings his shotgun and fires a round, right into the barrel! I hit the dirt, figuratively, as there was a harder, colder concrete instead, placing my hands on top of my head for cover. 2258 simply laughed and bits of shrapnel went flying past. He then said it was a test, and that I was dense for believing he would risk his life on the skill of an 06. The barrels did jac- *cough cough* nothing at all to the firing range, nor the supplier who was nearby."

    "<:: I've got to cut down on the swearing, man, 2258 heard me swearin' up a storm talking to 513 and beat me, right in front of her. She'll remember that for the rest of her training, I bet, knowing what will happen if she disobeys. I can still feel the scorch marks on my back, too."

    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording as 'Guns'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Guns.avi shutting down.]
  8. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Nothing_sir.avi starting up.]
    *674 is moving forward, the camera pointed outwards towards a gate with a glimmering blue aura about it. As 674 moves through, it seems to fizzle a bit, but doesn't do anything else. 674 looks behind her, 513 following. 513 nods, and the two move forward until 674 stops, looking forward at an 03 unit by the tag of 784. He looks up at them, sliding his pistol into its holster.*
    "<:: What's up?"
    "<:: We had some questions... that uh... we need to know."
    "<:: Eh... come over here."

    *784 becons for them to follow as he moves further away from the barricade. They move towards a broken up fence, the bottom part torn upwards to allow passage, instead of going through, they simple stand infront of it.*
    "<:: Whaddya need?"
    "<:: Are you... brainwashed the higher ranks you go?"

    *784 lets out a light shrug.*
    "<:: Well, yeah, I'd say I'm about... a third brainwashed currently. Its over-time, though, not like BOOM immediate brainwash."
    "<:: What... rank does it start?"
    "<:: It's mostly in effect at the ranks of 03+ but, hell, you guys are brainwashed a bit. Propaganda and all that is everywhere, officers knocking it in your noggin, all that jazz."

    *The Camera shakes a bit, then looking forward at 2258 stomping towards them, his trenchcoat blowing in the light wind*
    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording as-"
    "<:: What are you three doing out here?"
    "<:: Nothing, sir!"

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Nothing_sir.avi shutting down.]
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Evidence.avi loading up.]

    *674 is looking forward at a bolted, metal prison door. The peripheral vision of the camera showing to her left a heavily armed and armoured prison guard, wearing a uniform much like 674's, but different in coloring.*
    "Let me out, you cock-sucking sons-of-bitches!"
    *674 turns around, it becoming noticeable that she is in front of another prison cell.*
    "<:: Do I have to gag you? Quiet down."
    "Bitch! I bet you were born and your mom took one look at you and went 'NOPE!' and threw you on your damn face!"
    "<:: Second warning issued."
    "Second warning issued, beep boop, plug in your chargers into the electrical outlet that is my asshole, beep boop!"
    "<:: Final warning issued."
    "The hell you going to do about it?"

    *674 grips for her baton, pulling it out and flicking it on. She then uses her right hand to open the door, peering inside. Suddenly, the prisoner dashes past her, elbowing her in the gut as he runs out the door. A loud burst of gunfire is heard and 674 sprints after him, hitting him with the baton in the back of the skull, causing him to drop. The heavily armed and armoured prison guard moves forward, firing a full clip into the mans head before moving back to his post outside the interrogation chamber.*
    "<:: Save Helmet Camera Recording as 'Evidence'."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Evidence.avi shutting down.]
  10. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Help.avi starting up.]

    *674 is moving along through an alleyway with a group of three other units. She looks down for a moment at her feet, her 03 badge being noticeable. She looks up at the rooftops, holding her pistol out.*
    "Hey down there, supplies!"
    *674 looks up, raising her pistol, the other units doing the same with their assorted weaponry, when suddenly a large wooden crate is thrown off the building, directly at them. 674 dives out of the way, rolling on the concrete. She quickly gets up on her feet, raising her pistol firing three shots, then one of the units calls out.*
    "<:: Six-Seven-Four, scale the building. You two, come with me, 04, stay here, wait for him to peek his head. He's unarmed and should be easy to take."
    "<:: Yessir."

    *674 watches as the three Rangers run off, kicking open the door to the building and beginning to sweep inside it. She looks back at the HELIX, she giving her a nod, then begins to move to the building. 674 grips onto the ledge, the building being indented slightly and still in construction.*
    *Four shots are sounded, 674 turns her head, looking towards the HELIX, then proceeding to continue to climb, her pistol in hand. Suddenly, a crate begins in sight and 674 shimmies to the left as another crate full of books fall past. She continues to climb up the construction bits, until she peeks her head up to the end of a sniper barrel.*
    "Night Nigh-"
    *674 lets go of the ledge, hitting her chin on the ledge, then falling backwards, snapping her leg, then falling another three stories onto her back. .308 Hunting Rifle Shots ring out, and the Camera shutters lightly as 674's screams of pain are muted out.*
    *674 begins to crawl towards cover with her hands, still being fired apon, but more pistol, SMG, and Shotgun shots ring out as the sniper is surpressed. The HELIX rushes out, gripping her hand as she lightly mutters...*
    "<:: Help..."

    [Helmet Camera Recording Titled: Help.avi shutting down.]
  11. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Decrypting Process Halted]
    [Pending reason...]

    [Biosignal loss]

    [Loading scans prior to loss...]

    [Unit has received blunt damage to the cranium]
    [Scanning for brain damage]
    [Unit's Mental Status Unchanged]


    [Unit has mental impariations. Request psychiatric help immediately]

    [Unit has recieved blunt damage to the torso]

    [Scanning for damage]
    [Minimal damage, light bruise. Medic not required]

    [Unit has regained consciousness]

    [Unit has taken piercing damage to the lower knee]
    [Scanning for damage]
    [Profuse bleeding, organs visible. Requesting medical attention immediately]

    [Unit has taken cutting damage to upper leg]
    [Scanning for damage]
    [ERROR: Sensors have been cut. Leg is assumed amputated]

    [Unit has taken cutting damage to lower-right shoulder]

    [Scanning for damage]
    [ERROR: Sensors have been cut. Arm is assumed amputated]

    [Disease Contracted: Tetanus]

    [Requesting medical attention immediately for the following: Leg Wound, Arm Wound, Disease]

    [Unit has taken blunt damage to left hand]

    [Scanning for damage]
    [Broken Index, Thumb, Middle, and Pinkie finger(s)]

    [Unit notified]

    [Biosignal loss]

    [Playing back last three seconds of recorded audio]

    "I'm sorry."

    [Audio Ended]

    [Awaiting further instructions...]
  12. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Biosignal Loss Stage Two in Effect]

    [Primary Objective: "Remy" has been completed]

    [Secondary Objective: "Tetanus" is in progress]

    [Tertiary Objective: "Captain" is awaiting]

    [Quarternary Objective: "513" is awaiting instructions.]

    [Please note: "513" requires input from a live individual before being put into action]

    [Biosignal inhibitor has stated: "Once Stage Three goes into effect, these logs will become open to the public, and inputs will be given."]
  13. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Stage Three Authorized]
    Available Commands:

    • Inquire (Subject)
    • Download (Video Log Title)
    • Comment (Comment Goes Here)
    • Activate 513

    ((Congratulations! We have made it through 674's story-arc! All unanswered questions will be answered by the computer program she developed while being bored out of her wits on Luminara. All posts are now open for IC knowledge and can be commented on. ))
  14. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Inquire: Promotion.avi

    The fuck Clara.

    - STPM
  15. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Inquiry Recognised...]
    [Audio File Uploaded to Public from Encrypted Archives]
    "Knew somebody would ask about this. It was all fun and games, nobody really got hurt. I was young and found such things hilarious. Still do, but don't really do it anymore. To whoever inquires about this, hope you see my point."
  16. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Inquire: Evidance.avi
    This guy deserved it. but why are you so violent.

    - STPM
  17. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Inquiry Recognised...]
    [Audio File Uploaded to Public from Encrypted Archives]
    "Some of you are probably wondering 'Why didn't Clarice shoot the shit outa that guy?' Well, because I wasn't supposed to. The guy was set for interrogation, had valuable information on him. The stupid robotic cun't shot him on sight, due to a possible breakout. I was later then demoted for killing him, then promoted by that asshole 2258."