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Calypso and VI

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Chromis, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I have already started making a civilization on an arid planet named Calypso, this place is under a huge dome both entrances/exits are armed for exterminating savage wildlife. In this city the main focus is its bar and nightclub named Siren's Song, but the city has many other attractions as well. This city is going to be along the premise of Omega from Mass Effect, so it is going to be loosely governed, and a home for crook and criminal type characters. Also in this city it involves black-market trading, and many similar type of events. Basically in a whole its a criminal hub, and is going to be the home of VI which stands for Vengeance Incorporated. This is going to be a mercenary guild which is a group that stands for there sense of justice and morals, which may conflict with many other peoples sense of justice. That's what I got so far right at the moment, if anyone is willing I am open to constructive criticism allowing me to make this more enjoyable for the whole community.
  2. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hai, firstuff all welcome to de forums.
    We've already had a conversation talking about how there's too many colonies and too little players. :c
    Also, your colony is really similar to Tetanus Fields.
    I'm sowweh for being an absolute jerk, buttuh, stahp construction and see if people support this idea. It would be really bummy if peeps don't like Calypso when you finish it.
  3. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Thank you for your input! I'm glad someone finally took a little time to respond to this. Well first off I did a little reading on the Tetanus Fields forums and reviewed some of the stuff. It seems that the people of Tetanus are in kinda the same situation as people will be in my "proposed" civilization. The thing is from reading it looked like Tetanus is kinda a "everyone together" type city, it kinda felt like it had a homey feel, which Calypso is quite the opposite. I might of not described Calypso the right way, which might of gave it the Tetanus vibe. Or it could be that I'm interpreting Tetanus wrong in my sense, which then if you could describe it more accurately for me. Now I also know that there are a load of colonies out there on this server, its just from reading them I haven't found a lot of interest in most of them, there is a view in my mind that they are all quite similar in a way, and I was looking to add something that could change that. I also do know the whole factor that people might not like it, but on the bright side I love building my own stuff so if people don't want to come I won't be disappointed at all. Again thank you for welcoming me to the server, and also for the feedback. ;)
  4. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Yiss -fistpump- not a jerk
    Anyways, let me describe Tetanus. Yesh, it is a "everybody together" place, but it is a haven for criminals and rebels. I do get that Calypso is kinda like "on da streets yo" but it's just too similar to Tetanus. You could make like a bar or something, but I'm not sure too many people will say that it's a unique one-of-a-kind colony.
  5. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I see... you have quite the valuable input, and its not like I'm constructing it right now anyways I would have to wait for files from the other server it is on. But you provided some great input maybe I should contact this Tetanus and see if I can make the bar there, so I don't have to wait for the files. The bar can also be themed along the lines of Calypso and stuff, kinda like Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars. Thanks a bunch. :3
  6. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Awhahwhhahh... -Blush-
  7. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I like this idea, and yes it could be similar to Tetanus in a sense... but... if you don't mind me including a very opinionated point of view which in no way would reflect the entire community's opinion on this idea, I think that having a more serious criminal oriented hub that was more cleaned up and not a junk heap refugee camp would be good. Tetanus has a special theme about it, when it was small time it was a safe haven for criminal escapees and people with dark backstories who were hoping for sanctuary.... but then it got popularized and suddenly an influx of characters, some who had no reason to be living in the junk heap, much less drinking sludge in the bar, showed up, and the reputation shifted as more of a 'community' colony rather than the shanty junk ex-criminal town that it initially had about itself (not to forget influxes of wacky characterswho totally uprooted the colony's theme).

    Most of the colonies on this server are community orientated and friendly (depending on who your character is), or if at the very least having some negative influences, are heavily controlled by authority (The Empire is quite possibly an antagonistic faction controlling Luminaria but it's laws would restrict other factions or antagonists moving in). In this sense, if you are a criminal or a nasty character, or hell, just have a bad attitude, your options of living somewhere get constricted really quickly. You're not the 'good' or 'lawful' type, and your standing in almost if not all the colonies go down the tubes. IF this happens, more often than not you'd have to just be idling on your ship figuring out what your character would do, lest they visit a colony and get killed by the inhabitants.

    Case in point this is why I think your colony would be a fresh start... granted there'd have to be some sort of government or politics that keep it from getting overrun by authoritative factions, but I can imagine it being like Roanapur from the show Black Lagoon. There the island in the show was a central environment. It had a few factions that were high in power, but those factions didn't enforce their own law or attempted to put a stop to small scale crime. The sense of it being a shady island town still held up no matter who was in power, instead of other colonies where the leading government plays a heavy roll on an individual level with laws and such. (I haven't played the Mass Effect series so I won't know what Omega is like... T_T)

    So yeah, that's my 2 cents. I'd love to see this colony develop on it's own and, hell, I'd love to help get it up and running. Let me know what you think about my opinions XP
    #7 TAP123, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  8. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Well first of thank you for your opinion, I'm glad that you had more of what I'd imagined what Calypso would be. The way you explained it was a lot better than I had presented it originally. I feel the exact same reading up on these factions and colonies they are really either peaceful places or heavily militaristic, there is really no in between but some do come close. When the files that come from the server that I was on, if you want I'd love for someone to come up with specifics on other things such as the government. Again thank you for your input.
  9. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I don't know if you hang around Tetanus Fields, but it's actually a place with strong law enforcement. People always say that when you talk about lawless places, just because Tetanus is a dirty underground slum doesn't mean there isn't a player-driven police force that will mess your character up if you don't behave. It's easier to commit crime on Liberty Mills or Haus than it is on Tetanus Fields.
  10. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Oh, whelp.
  11. OmegaMatt

    OmegaMatt Last But Not Least

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I think the best way to capture Tetanus's theme would be to show some pictures of the place:
    View attachment 1179 View attachment 1180 View attachment 1181 View attachment 1182 View attachment 1183

    First is our market. We have one character that is a thief and fence working there.
    I am currently in the process of starting a grimy diner called The Oven (Except everything is heated in the microwave, shhhh)
    Next is our bar, The Rusty Girder. Yes, we do already have a bar. We serve cheap strong booze and "Sludger"
    Then there is our housing. The residents all live in makeshift houses fashioned out of shipping containers.
    Finally is our scrap grinder. The backbone of our economy is grounded in mining and scrap salvage to produce durasteel.

    As for crime, so long as you don't commit a crime on Tetanus, most characters don't care what you do off planet. Tetanus can be a haven for criminals, but it is not a place you can go actively committing crimes.

    Tetanus is currently still in the process of being rebuilt after being blown up. Our regular player base has shrunken considerably and we are in need of some new residents. We still have plenty of room for buildings and businesses. Now is a great chance to jump in and help shape the future of Tetanus if you are interested.

    If not, I wish you the best of luck in founding your own colony and I'd be more than happy to discuss government, law, and such.

    Attached Files:

  12. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Well know seeing some of Tetanus I see that the concept and the actual design is a lot different then I'd imagined. Calypso isn't going to be slums all the way, its more of a criminal base I guess, and it's not to slummy looking.

    Here's some pics.
    View attachment 1185 Here's the bar/nightclub.
    View attachment 1186 Here's one half of the black market trading alleyway
    View attachment 1187 Here's the other half.

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    #12 Chromis, Apr 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2014