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Titus Shipyards

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tman9000, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    *A video message pops up on the screen with a few ships flying across*

    Hey there! Need a new ship? Is your old one broken and junky? Come see Talon of Titus Shipyards. That's me! We have plenty of ships available for purchase on both personal and corporate levels. I know it's hard to let go of a nice hunk of metal you've traveled the stars with for years and years. Let us upgrade and repair your "hunk of junk" and get it back up running like new! If you have any questions, please feel free to see me in person or at one of my shops. Currently only located on Talon's Reach, look for the Titus Ships sign out front!

    *the message stops with Talon grinning and giving a thumbs up on the screen while he's sitting in the cockpit of a space cruiser*

    *As Talon's face disappears, interactive buttons appear allowing you to view the different ship styles available*

    Name: Salvager
    Class: Personal Grade
    Cost: 8,000 pixels
    Description: Well...this baby has a working engine as well as breathable air. Let's face it, if you run into anyone with any sort of power including ramming speed, you're screwed. This is a last chance kind of deal for someone looking to get off world. This piece was the last surviving section in a space station that exploded. Somehow the survivors made it to a local planet to call for help. I've replicated that module to fuel your dreams of space travel. By your last resort today!


    Name: The Drop Ship
    Class: Military Grade*
    Cost: 10,000 Pixels
    Description: The Drop Ship is capable of holding four soldiers and a pilot. This vessel is used to invade planets and overwhelm them by number. The ship comes equipped with basic needs, therefore you must prepare yourself before leaving for a fight!


    Name: Bounty Hunter Vessel
    Class: Personal Grade
    Cost: 15,000 pixels
    Description: This bundle of joy is meant for that one person who is always on the go. This person cares more about finding a bad guy then they are about eating a healthy meal, or taking an actual shower. The accommodations of this vessel are very small, but you will have access to everything the average bounty hunter needs, including a nice state of the art pulse canon for the hot pursuits!


    Name: Traditional Ship
    Class: Personal Grade
    Cost: 18,000 pixels
    Description: This lovely piece of machinery is bound to give you something to call "home". The ship is capable of housing an individual comfortably for life in a fleet of ships, or it can simply be used for those long trips across the galaxy.


    Name: Light Fighter
    Class: Military Grade
    Cost: 20,000 pixels
    Cost: Universal Grade
    Description: This vessel has the quick maneuvering capabilities and size to quickly land a few key shots on an opponent's ship. Sneak in, do the dirty work, and be out before you're spotted. Maybe you're just a civilian in a "not so friendly" neighborhood of the galaxy. This ship will keep you safe enough to fly away should you find yourself in danger!


    Name: The Stealth Ship
    Class: Military Grade*
    Cost: 25,000 Pixels
    Description: The entire ship is invisible to both sensors and the naked eye. The large generators power the ship and an electric compound that causes mirroring. The technology is very heavy on power and can only be limited to a one man ship. This vehicle is great for observing a planet from a safe distance.

    Name: Supply Vessel
    Class: Universal Grade
    Cost: 30,000 Pixels
    Description: This vessel is equipped and ready to haul a massive amount of whatever you need from point A to point B. Due to the capacity for both crew and cargo that this ship can hold, please be advised that an escort is recommended.

    Name: Explorer's Vessel
    Class: Personal Grade
    Cost: 75,000 Pixels
    Description: The Explorer's vessel is great for anyone who likes to live on their ship. The accommodation allows for long travels without need for stopping planet side. The tanks and other cargo allow for the Explorer at large to test different materials on known sources. The navigation controls also allow the crew to get a glimpse of what's available from the planet before making a deadly decision.

    Name: Taxi Shuttle
    Class: Commercial Grade*
    Cost: 80,000 Pixels
    Description: The Taxi accommodates a wide number of guests and takes them all to your preferred destination. A cafe and bathroom are available for longer trips. Note that the navigation room is fully automated, allowing for a single operator to run the ship.

    Name: Medium Cruiser
    Class: Military Grade*
    Cost: 120,000 Pixels
    Description: The Medium Cruiser is a great vessel for escorts and the like. In the heat of battle, it can either aid other Military ships or the crew can make haste towards the battle. This unit houses four units, Captain included. Due to boarding parties, Security systems have been upgraded to lock when necessary.

    Name: Miner's Vessel
    Class: Commercial Grade*
    Cost: 125,000 Pixels
    Description: With our state of the art Mining vessel, you will be able to get everything you need from a planet and process it safely on your ship. Due to the amount of heat mining puts off, we have installed a lava drip engine system. All heat waste from coal and other fuel materials should be placed directly into the drip. This Vessel accommodates four workers and can sustain them for a few days of work at a time.

    Name: Science Vessel
    Class: Universal Grade
    Cost: 140,000 Pixels
    Description: This science vessel is equipped to handle your entire workload, or maintain a safe distance from the area you're studying. With the glass dome, you'll be able to view anomalies from viewing distance without having to worry about radiation. Grab your lab partner and get your work started today.

    Name: Carrier Vessel
    Class: Military Grade*
    Cost: 150,000 Pixels
    Description: The Carrier Vessel comes equipped with two drop ships. This allows you and your crew to dispatch from a nearby, safe location. In the event of attack, the Carrier ship is equipped with a large defensive cannon. This is not meant to withstand a large firefight, but can get you away in case of an emergency.

    Name: Lava Bar
    Class: Commercial Grade*
    Cost: 160,000 Pixels
    Description: Here you can see the wonders of molten core technology. The entire bar is run by automated systems and one crew member. Want to start a series of mobile bars across the galaxy? Then get started here! This is also great for someone who likes to host a ton of parties, but has friends all over the galaxy. Living quarters included.


    *For all Military and Commercial grade vessels, bulk purchase are available at discounted rates.

    New ships will be available in later posts. New Ships ((as of 4/25/14))

    #1 Tman9000, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  2. Dingbat

    Dingbat Strange Quark

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Yes. actually, it blew up.

    I can't come to you unless I get transport. But I need parts.
  3. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    whut r ur prices i have a really old ship i kindof stole lol where can we meet this ship is junk
  4. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    ((Soon I'll be posting pictures of all the available ships)) Please contact me via radio until all ship advertising is available. The current list stands at
    Drop Ship - 10,000 (Military Grade)
    Stealth Ship - 25,000 (Military Grade)
    Supply Ship - 30.000 (Universal Grade)
    Explorer's Vessel - 75,000 (Personal Grade)
    Miner's Vessel - 125.000 (Commercial Grade)
    Carrier Vessel - 150,000 (Military Grade)
    Command Vessel - 175,000 (Military Grade)
    Cruise Liner - 200,000 (Commercial Grade)

    If you have any questions for me, I'll check back in the near future.

    Pricing plus pictures of the ships were placed above.
    #4 Tman9000, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014
  5. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    wtf i cant afford that my budget is 5 vox im don here
  6. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Sorry for the inconvenience. If you would like to perform basic upgrades instead of purchasing a new ship, please let me know.

    - Talon
    #6 Tman9000, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014
  7. Corso

    Corso New Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    Do you have virtual models of the ships that you can post? Particularly the Explorer's Vessel?
  8. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Yes. They are now above and ready for viewing.

    - Talon
  9. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Hello all, new ships are now available for purchasing ((as well as gave it some better pictures to view the ships))
    Stop at our shops in Opportunity and Talon's Reach if you would like a demonstration. There is a mobile location, however it is traveling with a fleet of ships in an undisclosed location.

    - Talon
  10. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Time to get my hands on ships for Stark. I'll order:
    2 Stealths.
    6 Medium cruisers
    8 Mining ships.
    1 Science vessel.
    1 Command Vessel.

    I'm also interested on a exclusivity contract between Titus Shipyards and Stark.
  11. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Ariexe work for Talon. Ariexe inform bird about order. ariexe happy he make business. Ariexe do mathsss. Priccce come to Two million and eighty fivvve thoussssand pixelssss (2,085,000). That lot of pixelsss. Ariexe wisssh he had that many.

    Pleassse make transssition to me or Blue Bird in persssson for big order.

    Have niccce day and enjoy ssshipssss.

    EDIT: Ariexe feel dumb! Ariexe mention trade route with Blue bird. Enjoy your ssship and we look forward to trade route
  12. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Alice, I'll be happy to complete this purchase order for Stark, however we need to hammer out some details for exclusivity. Currently, I'm a proud resident in The Relzurautt Armada. While their military contracts are with another company all together, should the need arise, my home's military gets the first picks on whatever ships I have available at the time. I can draw up a more formal contract and have it sent over to you after a while. Please let me know if you have further questions.

    - Talon
    #12 Tman9000, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014
  13. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I was actually thinking of semi-privatizing Titus Shipyards to Stark, being founded and paid by Stark, but requiring Stark's approval for extern contracts. I really dobut RA will need any ships as they alredy have CC.
  14. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    I've sent a PM to you Alice regarding that information. At this point, we'll keep this private.

    - Talon
  15. Tman9000

    Tman9000 New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Name: Large Cruiser
    Class: Military Grade
    Cost: 155,000 pixels
    Description: This military vessel is able to offer you some of the finest tech this side of the galaxy. Housing a four main crew plus its captain, this vessel equips you to take on entire space stations, obliterate small vessels, or simply strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with its intimidating presence. The forward cannon on this vessel proves it to be a very formidable ship in the heat of battle.

    Name: Command Vessel
    Class: Military Grade*
    Cost: 175,000 Pixels
    Description: Commanding a legion of Carrier ships allows you to take out a whole planet with ease. This vessel and communicate directly with up to four carrier ships at once. If you've done your math that is a maximum of 32 soldiers you can drop on a single planet or station. The Command ship also serves as a great escort for the carrier ships with its two beam cannons. On the left you have a flak style, and on the right single beam style. The advanced medical bay will also allow you to stay in orbit for the long battles.

    Name: Cruise Liner
    Class: Commercial Grade*
    Cost: 200,000 Pixels
    Description: The Cruise Liner is able to hold a maximum of six guests, a crew, and a captain. This is a great vessel for offering tours to the galaxy or a nice place for you and your friends to rest. The luxury night club offers a pool and the best jams around. If you are looking for something more eloquent then head to the restaurant above the navigation room for a nice meal among the stars. Perhaps you're looking for some different kind of relaxation. For you, we have a nice lounge and arcade.

    Name: Flagship
    Class: Military Grade
    Cost: 500,000 pixels
    Description: This beast of a machine is everything you could want in a flag ship. This model comes with a large forward canon. While the charge time on this sucker takes quite a while, once it goes off you won't have any enemies left. The side arm canons protect the Flagship during heavy battles and can be controlled within the main command area, or run automatically. Two small ships are available to you for scouting, forward assaults or the like.

    ((Note, this will be the end of standardized ships from here on out. For this character at least. From here, if you don't see what you want, you'll talk to Talon about custom ships.))