April 14th So, I started writing a journal, I guess. I never thought I would wind up doing this, but I needed to vent, and those walls of text aren't really coherent enough for anyone to understand. I got pissed at Prism again. Well, he's Luke now. One of these days he's gonna be Samuel, and then Rick, and then he'll be dead. I feel bad about it, though. He's a good guy, he just keeps wrapping me up in his nonsense. He should find someone who'll take his burden. Like, Blade, she's good with that type of magic stuff. I just hope, one of these days, Luke will be at rest, and I'll be able to meet him without being afraid. His shenanigans killed mom, and I'm not sure if I should be mad at him for that. He meant well, I suppose. It wasn't really his fault anyways. So, I'll stay away for now. I'll wait until Prism is calm. I'm sure, one of these days, he'll put all of this behind him, and be a normal Floran. However, here, now, today, I don't feel comfortable around him. -Corvus
I had a really nice day today. Mysi and I chilled at Stark for a bit, then we had lunch on her ship. We went to the Marathon bar where she got some tasty looking non-alcoholic beverage (which I'll need to try) and played air hockey. I also saw Lydia there, she was wearing some awesome pink clothing. After that, I talked with some people on the radio, including Yung. Hopefully the film "Yung Love" is made within the next 24 hours. -Corvus
We're starting to prepare a camping trip for Mysi's birthday. It's going to be a lot of fun, and she seemed really excited. I found a good planet for it, hopefully she likes it.
The trip was okay, but we were interrupted by that damn Salt-Leaf again. He thinks I'm some criminal, I can't even remember the criminal's name, though. Apparently the criminal killed his family. I tried to talk him out of it, and I really scared Mysi, I think. I guess I was just reminded of mom, and how she died when I did nothing. I know how it feels to lose every part of your blood that you have left. It's painful, it makes you want to cry, it makes you want to stand up. I guess the hard part is just learning to sit back down.
I finally met up with that May Izumi woman. She was exactly the way I expected her to be. She was getting harassed by some hillbillies, and without knowing it was her, I decided to take the defense. It wasn't romantic, that would be silly, since I'm already dedicated to my awesome Mysi, and I'm not into humans. They're icky. She was really worked up, but this Hylotl with a long name calmed her down, and then they started kissing, so I left. Don't like being a third wheel, heh. I feel like maybe she expected me to be different. Or, maybe I am the way I appeared to be in those messages. I don't know.
Liberty Mills scares me. Especially since I'd hate to go there and instantly be judged as a racist. I guess I'm swapping over to Taranis as my hangout. It's a nice place, nice people, cool robots. -Corvus
I'm actively disgusted by the Stargazers even more every day. I just hope that, maybe, they'll wake up one morning and see how far away that Mill is, and just drift across the stars, and make themselves happy instead of tying themselves down to a god. Although, maybe my hatred of them is almost... religious. I'm too self aware for my own good. It kills me. -Corvus
The Second Fleet no longer owns Liberty Mills. This is an awesome day. Hell, I might even consider believing in some god again, this can't just be up to chance. There's gotta be some divine power causing this. Naw, I'm just playing. Heh. I'm glad that their influence isn't so far spread now, though. They're dangerous people with volatile beliefs. -Corvus