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Father to Daughter, a chat log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Liraxus, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN:All right, I think I set this up correctly.
    Teddykin654:yeh u did
    SativaRN:Never actually tried one of these chats, took half an hour to set this up, I would say that's great for my knowledge!
    Teddykin654:LOL XD
    SativaRN: I set the chat to private, I don't want to have any possible spies, we have enough security problems already.
    Teddkin654:not like its bad i escaoed.
    SativaRN:It is, Teddy. You're not under arrest any more, but I'm pretty sure the Relzzeraut Armada wouldn't enjoy your company in Opportunity, considering the fact you have Barbados with you.
    Teddykin654:lol yeah im happy hes alive, what he did was stupid tho
    SativaRN:How is he?
    Teddkin654:hes fine, his legs are a tiny bit busted, byt i got like 2 bullets in me right now and i feel better already
    SativaRN:You're one resilient little brat, huh?
    SativaRN:And your new friend?
    Teddykin654:shes not new daddy we met at aikys
    SativaRN:Remind me to talk with her some time via this chat.
    Teddykin654:kaaay, hows ria?
    SativaRN:We're closer than ever.
    Teddykin654:aaaw <3
    Teddykin654:wat was it? date? cuddling?
    Teddykin654: ...
    Teddykin654:EW YUCK
    SativaRN:Be quiet, not like you're innocent yourself. Then again, who is these days?
    SativaRN:What did you expect to happen, Teddy? Just us kissing?
    Teddykin654:yeah but shes avian your floran
    SativaRN:And Aiko's relatinoship with P-8 isn't awkward?
    Teddykin654:fine point taken
    SativaRN:All right, I have to go, I'm getting a message from the RA.
    Teddykin654:Rubs-it-butt armada?
    SativaRN:Sure. Love you, sweety.

    SativaRN has left the room


    Teddykin654 has left the room
  2. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654:hey dad you here?
    Teddykin654:guess not
    Teddykin654:man i got nothing to do
    Teddykin654:OH I KNOW
    Teddykin654: spinning in my chair like i just dont care
    Teddykin654:waitin with barby in my little lair
    Teddykin654:got nothin to do so i might as well wait
    Teddykin654:while aiky gets banged by dumb ol p-8!
    Teddykin654:got not fucks to give
    Teddykin654:just trying to live
    Teddykin654: singing by the text
    Teddykin654:wondering whats next
    Teddykin654:to the stars aboooove
    Teddykin654: there still is loooove
    Teddykin654:lol i realyl need to get into showbiz

    SativaRN has entered the room.

    SativaRN:Hey, sweety.
    Teddykin654:heeey dad <3
    SativaRN: How's it going?
    SativaRN: Well, you certainly have the voice to make it sound great. :^)
    Teddykin654:aaaw thx
    SativaRN: By the way, what did you want for your birthday?
    Teddykin654:nothing much uh
    Teddykin654:a new computer?
    SativaRN:Well, that could take a bit...don't know if I'll be able to make it to the 20th
    Teddykin654:take your tiiime im just gonna play games on it
    SativaRN:I did find that uh..."Nintendo Entertainment System" you wanted, goes for like 8000 pixels, jesus.
    SativaRN:Nah, not yet. :^)
    SativaRN:Just a punishment, sweety.
    Teddykin654:curse youuu sativaaaa!
    SativaRN:That's dad to you.
    Teddykin654:by the way whered you get that name
    SativaRN:My dad gave it to me, Sativa is apparently some sort of drug used in medicine. My Floran name is Skullcrusher.
    Teddykin654:really? how u know?
    SativaRN:I have a hunch, considering a good bit ago, I had some sort of split personality problem.
    SativaRN:I never told you? That was when the problems with my psyche started popping up, when I took head trauma, I just acted more...Floran.
    Teddykin654: oh and i take it skullcrusher was the other guy?
    Teddykin654:your weird daddy
    SativaRN:Says the Hylotl with a giant crystal growing out of her back.
    Teddykin654:hey this things rad
    SativaRN:Yeah, I know. It looks beautiful. :^)
    Teddykin654:daaaaaaaaaad be quiet barby might look
    SativaRN:Hahaha, all right sweety, I'll go, okay?
    Teddykin654:YES PLZ THANK YOU
    SativaRN:I promise I'll get you that computer, and maybe that Nintendo thing if I can.

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN:She thinks she has me, she don't, yo. XD

    SativaRN has left the room.
  3. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    SativaRN has entered the room.


    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654:whaaaaat im busy
    SativaRN: Oh quit complaining.
    SativaRN: Do you want your computer or not? What kind do you want?
    Teddykin654:god whatever i cn play DooM on daddy
    SativaRN: *Doom
    Teddykin654:noooo, DooM
    SativaRN:Why is the M capitalized?
    Teddykin654:because style
    Teddykin654: cabbage patch kid
    Teddykin654:yeh that's right
    SativaRN: Okay, guess I'm sending this Nintendo thing back.
    Teddykin654:YOU GOT IT???
    SativaRN: The thing's apparently busted, so the seller just gave it to me, said that some "pin" thing was busted.
    SativaRN:Good, then I guess I got lucky.
    SativaRN:You move into Marathon yet?
    Teddykin654:yep i hate it
    SativaRN:It's the USCM, what did you expect? Just come live back here at home, Teddy. If Tarl ever bugs you about Barbados here, I'll intervene.
    Teddykin654:daddy, i want to live on my own
    Teddykin654:im not sying get outta my life but i want to live my own life, see how i do
    Teddykin654:so far its actually p. sweet
    Teddykin654:ya dig?
    SativaRN:All right, sweety...
    Teddykin654:i love u daddy
    SativaRN:I love you too, sweety.
    SativaRN: Anything happen today? :^)
    Teddykin654:bigfoot let me live at her place, if you ever see me in maraton then call me settia
    SativaRN:I suspected you would start befriending urban legends.
    Teddykin654:nooooo her names veronica
    SativaRN:Lovely name, can't wait to metthem
    SativaRN:*meet them
    Teddykin654:remind me to get em on the chat when theyre around :3
    SativaRN:Cool, anything else?
    Teddykin654:well, a floran named iris kind of borrowed my bed
    Teddykin654:she ddint have a bed to go to... i felt bad...
    SativaRN:You didn't DO anything, did you?
    Teddykin654:no, she just cuddled up to me and fell asleep shes like a little kid
    SativaRN:Aaaaw, you have an admirer.
    Teddykin654:i said the exact saem thing to some dude she jumped.
    Teddykin654:shes more excitable than me...
    Teddykin654:also aiky has a kid now
    SativaRN:Excuse me?
    Teddykin654:robocop made her a kid
    SativaRN: Oh, that Glitch stuff...
    Teddykin654:yeah shes really sweet and cute and stuff
    SativaRN: Don't be a bad influence, now.
    Teddykin654: p. sure i can be a friend, daddy.
    SativaRN:Well, you don't drnk or drive or whatever, I'm sure you'll do fine.
    Teddykin654: okay im gonna go before iris wakes up shes laying next to me in he bed.
    SativaRN: Okay, love you sssweety.
    Teddykin654:lol, cabbage head.

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN has left the room.
  4. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654: oh btw forgot to say that me n aiky slept together the other night
    Teddykin654:yknow girls stuff
    Teddykin654: it got awkward...
    SativaRN:I'm busy, sweety, can we talk about this another time?
    Teddykin654:we watche some stupid ripoff of nightmare on elm street
    Teddykin654:how aiky can watch these is beyond me
    SativaRN:I guess not.
    Teddykin654:lol, but yeah the movie was a joke i mean good god
    Teddykin654:WHO LETS THESE BE MADE?
    SativaRN:Тедди, я действительно не волнует.
    SativaRN:Русский, но вы не знаете, что. <3
    Teddykin654:that mean "ilove you"??
    SativaRN:Уход говорить о мальчиках?
    SativaRN:Готовы отказаться?
    Teddykin654:fine whatever ill letcha do your stuffs

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN:I have found my Teddy blocking mechanism.
  5. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN:I take it you checked underneath your game console?
    SativaRN:Be happy I got it for such a steal, you probably have that pin thing it needs.
    SativaRN:I THINK I got the right kind of games for it...some crud about a plumber jumping on turtles.
    SativaRN: What's with all the mushroom in this game? I have another tab open, and I keep seeing images of these red mushrooms.
    Teddykin654:you eat them to get big!
    SativaRN:...That sounds like a drug, as a mushroom-head, I disapprove.
    Teddykin654:maybe if I eat your mushroom ill grow smaller than you XP
    SativaRN: Oh shut up.
    SativaRN:I wanted to hold off, but I couldn't resist, consider this a taste of what's to come.
    Teddykin654:ffff i cant wit to put this in bigfoots place
    SativaRN:So, what's Marathon like?
    SativaRN:Well, no shit, it's the USCM, no one likes them.
    Teddykin654:yup yup
    Teddykin654:bigfoots place is really cramp but that just means me n barby can be closer :3
    SativaRN: Uh huh, I like cuddling Ria.
    Teddykin654:aaaaaw XP
    SativaRN:Yeah, her feathers are soft and warm, they...make me feel better. 8^)
    Teddykin654: oh the ways you can interpret that~
    SativaRN:Want me to take that NES back?

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN:Bloody hell, didn't want you to just leave like that.

    SativaRN has left the room.
  6. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654:watha need?
    SativaRN:I just need someone to talk to...
    Teddykin654:what happened?
    SativaRN:...Me and Ria had a fight.
    Teddykin654:WHAT HAPPENED?!
    SativaRN:We had a meeting with Sai, and I didn't really say anything...
    Teddykin654: thatst not helping!!!!!!!
    SativaRN:Ria and him had an argument...I didn't want to pick sides...I love Ria, but...god, I should have spoken up...I cried after Ria left my ship...
    Teddykin654:daddy ffs
    Teddykin654:you need to BE there for her, for gods sake! YOUR A COUPEL FOR A REASON!
    SativaRN:I know...I want to make it up to her, I don't want this to happen again, I love her...
    Teddykin654:uuhhhh get her a chocolate egg? nearly uh...wazzit called again?
    SativaRN: Easter? Yeah, the 20th.
    Teddykin654:my bdays on easter?! WOAH!
    SativaRN:It's the day Christ was reborn, a really old human legend that's the basis for Christianity.
    Teddykin654:i find it funny tht we can p. much just clone people, you know like reborning or something
    SativaRN:And I don't think getting her a chocolate egg is a good idea.
    SativaRN:Considering she can lay them, I don't want to really be offensive.
    Teddykin654:yeah i wonder if she lays em all the time
    Teddykin654:like a chicken
    SativaRN: Probably not, would be weird as hell though, just waking up together to an egg in our bed.
    SativaRN:Ugh...that would be horrifying...kind of.
    Teddykin654:kind of?
    SativaRN:I want a son some day, I want a part of me to live on...
    Teddykin654:what about meeeeeeeeee?
    SativaRN:You're your own girl, Teddy, you don't need a father any more.
    Teddykin654:but i WANT one daddy, i love you!
    SativaRN:I love you too, sweety...
    Teddykin654:geeze man dont bother with another kid, too much trouble dude
    Teddykin654: ya dig?
    SativaRN: I dig.
    SativaRN:At least I can dream.
    Teddykin654:well then agan itd be cool to have bro but that's sbesides the point.
    SativaRN:What should I get Ria then?
    Teddykin654:...chocolate bunny?
    SativaRN:And flowers?
    Teddykin654: one flower, daddy, a booqet is oversellign it
    SativaRN:Noted. I'll have to search around a bit for that chocolate rabbit though. Not like they're particularly common after Earth blew up.
    SativaRN:Thanks, Teddy...I'm feeling better...just tired as shit.
    SativaRN:...It was polarizing, sleeping alone again, I kept trying to snuggle NOTHING.
    Teddykin654:aaaaw that means you care about her
    SativaRN:True...all right, deary, I'm getting off, I need to do a bit of work. Love you.
    Teddykin654: love u too daddy, bye!

    SativaRN has left the room.

    Teddykin654 has left the room.
  7. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN:Hey, Teddy, ever get that Nintendo thing fixed?
    SativaRN:I realized I didn't have any games for it, I checked a few online auctions, and they go for like 600 pixels a pop.
    SativaRN:Good god.
    Teddykin654:aaah dont worry i can get a fwe games
    Teddykin654:my n64 still works tho :3
    SativaRN:Whatever makes you happy, still not as fun as Cool Wizard Island 2.
    Teddykin654:lolwut, dude, thats a zelda ripoff
    SativaRN: A fun one.
    Teddykin654:your taste blows lol
    SativaRN: Bite me.
    Teddykin654:i bit u :3
    SativaRN:I'm confused.
    Teddykin654:nvm hows mom?
    SativaRN:She's doing well, still in bed after last night. :^)
    Teddykin654:ah kk
    SativaRN:How's Barbados?
    Teddykin654:hes headed home n stuff cant waaaaaaaaaaaaaait 8D
    SativaRN:That's good.
    Teddykin654:didja hear yung has an agaran kid ro whatever on the radio?
    Teddykin654:he is now king of the weirdos
    SativaRN: Oh boy...great.
    SativaRN:Wait a sec, Agarans are plants, and Yung's human.
    SativaRN:...Might have to ask Ria to check if she's well...you know.
    Teddykin654:maybe its the other way around or something?
    SativaRN:I'm not risking those chances.
    Teddykin654:im getting off i wanna go bug someone XD
    SativaRN: Teddy, no.

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN:God damn it, Teddy.

    SativaRN has left the room.
  8. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN:Happy birthday.
    Teddykin654:yeah it was okay
    SativaRN: Okay? Anything bad happen?
    Teddykin654:nothing other than BARBYS DAD IS FUCKING ALIVE
    SativaRN:Teddy, language.
    Teddykin654:yea but wtf hes alive
    SativaRN:A clone, like me.
    Teddykin654:yeah but you die so long ago your your own person
    SativaRN:...The concept of cloning is a tricky subject for me, I don't really deem myself a clone, yeah...I have a different body, but my cloning machine records my thoughts, I have to update it every week with new information I register, it's actually really damn impressive, wouldn't be surprised If this thing were of Apex origin. Long story short, I keep a back-up brain on this thing.
    Teddykin654:and u found that by stupid luck wow
    SativaRN:It's a gift from god.
    Teddykin654:ffs dont go religious now
    SativaRN:I'm not...but I still like to believe SOMETHING is out there, Kluex, god, whatever.
    SativaRN:Kluex fascinates me more, but you never know.
    Teddykin654:cuz u just looooooooooooooooove avians
    SativaRN:They have a rich culture I appreciate...that and their feathers are comfortable.
    Teddykin654: ;)
    Teddykin654:didnt saaaaaaaaaay anythiiiiiiiiing
    SativaRN:Whatever, by the way, sorry for being a bit late with that computer.
    Teddykin654:its fine ITS SO GOD DAMN COOL I CAN TYPE NOW YIS
    SativaRN:And yet your grammar still blows. :^)
    Teddykin654:grammar shmammar
    Teddykin654: soooooo quick recap of cool crud I got today
    Teddykin654: some sort of universal emulator arcade thingamambob
    Teddykin654: a cute little photo album(your picture blows btw)
    Teddykin654: a big bunch of corn and a few pixels...
    Teddykin654: a DooM poster
    SativaRN: Quit spelling it like that, you don't spell "Doom" like that!
    Teddykin654:lalalalala im blind blah blah blah yadda
    SativaRN:Blind, huh?
    SativaRN:You're fat.
    Teddykin654:rude. >.>
    SativaRN:Right I already met Barbados' father, he had a bit of a debate if he were his real father considering he's technically a clone. I convinced him he was...I think. Just be kind around him.
    SativaRN:Which brings me to my next subject.
    Teddykin654:FFS MARKUS
    SativaRN:You're only 16, you're not ready for this kind of devotion! Think, Teddy!

    Teddykin654 has left the room


    SativaRN has left the room.
  9. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN:Go apologize to Izzy, to her face.
    Teddykin654: ok im sorry

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN: ...Wait, really? Well fuck, that was easy...

    SativaRN has left the room.
  10. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654: yoooooo
    SativaRN: Hey, how's it going?
    Teddykin654: its going, watcha need?
    SativaRN: Nothing, just checking up on my favorite daughter. :^)
    Teddykin654: aaawww i was playing smaaash
    SativaRN: Smash?
    Teddykin654: yeah, smash bros barby got me some kind of arcade machine that plays pretty much anything its the tits yo
    SativaRN: All right, and how's that computer I sent you?
    Teddykin654: p good, im on it right now XD
    SativaRN: Oh, so that's where you play Doom?
    Teddykin654: yup yup
    SativaRN: Sorry, *DooM
    Teddykin654: OH BTW DID MOM GIVE BIRTH?
    SativaRN: Yep, healthy looking egg, want a picture?
    Teddykin654: PIX PLZ
    SativaRN: Sent it to your phone.
    Teddykin654: AAAAAAAH HES SO CUTE
    Teddykin654: well for an egg but you know what i mean
    SativaRN: Yeah, I'm going to lose it when I start hearing the kid peep.
    SativaRN: Like "Peep, peep, peep!", my face would melt at the cuteness.
    Teddykin654: LOL
    SativaRN: How's Barbados been?
    Teddykin654: gooooooooood, hes teaching me something called "Qii" or whatevs
    SativaRN: Qii?
    Teddykin654: some thing about dodging then striking, iunno, bigfoots also making me excersize a bit more
    SativaRN: Like?
    Teddykin654: squats, im also doing pushups and stuff.
    SativaRN: Heh, keeping your rear in check?
    Teddykin654: DAD WTF
    SativaRN: Hahahaha, relax, you know it's my job as a father to embarrass you. :^)
    Teddykin654: u suck sometimes
    SativaRN: Indeed I do. XD

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN: Let this be an upside to being a father.

    SativaRN has left the room.
  11. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room

    Teddykin654: whaaaaaaaaaaat
    SativaRN: I saw a posting for a teacher, I'm signing you up.
    Teddykin654: WAIT WHAT
    SativaRN: Teddy, you barely have an education, you need this.
    Teddykin654: I have my own life ffs dad
    Teddykin654: what did I say like...LAST MONTH?
    SativaRN: All right, what's the square root of 81?
    Teddykin654: 8
    SativaRN: Yup, school for you.
    SativaRN: Teddy, you'll thank me for this, trust me.
    Teddykin654: u suck

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN has left the room.
  12. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ((Aaaw, Poor Teddy D: ))
  13. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN: You're still not picking up my calls.
    Teddykin654: stfu i dont want to go to school
    SativaRN: Do you still have the money I sent you to go to the teacher?
    Teddykin654: yeah yeah
    SativaRN: Good, Teddy...look, I get it, school blows, to be honest, I didn't really enjoy the more serious lessons my father taught me.
    Teddykin654: wat
    SativaRN: I was a kid too, well...technically, I was born at my current size.
    Teddykin654: waaat
    SativaRN: You would be surprised that I was a bit of a troublemaker as a kid, when the other humans picked on me, I actually fought back...I was a bit of a brat, really.
    Teddykin654: wow really?
    SativaRN: Definitely! One time, Mazlovk stole my mushroom, when he did that, I bit right into his arm.
    SativaRN: I will say that I love having sharp teeth.
    Teddykin654: lol, any other stories?
    SativaRN: Okay, another time, Boris tossed me to the ground, he was one of the few folks in the village that could kick my butt, he kicked me a few times before he slipped, lets just say that he has permanent claw marks on his face.
    Teddykin654: geeze daddy you were a badass!
    SativaRN: Nah, I really wasn't, it was just self defense, I hated doing it.
    Teddykin654: then why ya tellin me?
    SativaRN: I guess it's because I took up fighting as a bit of a hobby, nothing life threatening, but I can't really do it any more since I have to help Ria watch over your sibling.
    Teddykin654: yeah, true...
    SativaRN: Teddy, I hate to ask you this, but have you ever considered children in your life?
    Teddykin654: not realy i mean theyre super cute but im not sure i can really raise one well :(
    SativaRN: Well, I think school can help you be a better person, you're already trying to fix your body, and I want you to have a wonderful mind to boot.
    SativaRN: You're a beautiful young girl that has alot of opportunity's in life, I want you to find your opportunity, like I did mine.
    Teddykin654: ...okay dad, ill go to school
    SativaRN: All right, my little mercenary.
    Teddykin654: you really approve?
    SativaRN: I don't like the fact you want to kill for a living, but if you think you'll be happy with that job, I'll support you.
    Teddykin654: thanks dad, im gonna go now, love you.
    SativaRN: Love you too. :^)
    Teddykin654: bye

    Teddykin654 has left the room.

    SativaRN has left the room.
    #13 Liraxus, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2014
  14. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Teddykin654: uuugh hes late again!
    Teddykin654: what to do what to do
    Teddykin654: okay might as well start a to-do list
    Teddykin654: 1. buy more good movies(like secret of nyhm or whatever it called damn that's a hard movie to find >_<)
    Teddykin654: 2. find out where the fuck spitfire went to
    Teddykin654: 3. apologize like fuck to ruby
    Teddykin654: 4. see mom more often
    Teddykin654: 5. go outside more often
    Teddykin654: 6. find out why aiko isnt responding to my calls, i sent her like...over 5000 of them.
    Teddykin654: ...Now that I think about, I don't think sending the lyrics of "Breaking the Habit" a word per-text was a really good idea to get her attention.
    SativaRN: Jesus, Teddy.
    SativaRN: I was here the entire time, you didn't see me on the chat listing?
    Teddykin654: WHAT HOW MUCH DID YOU SEE?????
    SativaRN: All of it, relax, sweety. I'll see if I can't find that movie for you.
    SativaRN: Why did you need me here?
    SativaRN: Also, who's Ruby again?
    Teddykin654: oh, rudy, really cool girl with kickass blue hair, shes super kind and well i cut her shoulder open after barby faked his death
    SativaRN: Oh...well, you'll have to apologize. If I see her, I can tell her you want to see her.
    Teddykin654: thanks dad
    SativaRN: It's what I do.
    SativaRN: You know, this fathering business is surprisingly easy and lax.
    Teddykin654: just wait until the baby arrives. >:3
    SativaRN: And listen to its cute little peeps? Hahaha, that would make me keel over and die of cuteness.
    Teddykin654: dork XD
    SativaRN: Dweeb.
    Teddykin654: Dummy
    SativaRN: Stoopid
    Teddykin654: lol, you becoming feral daddy?
    SativaRN: Wouldn't dream of it.
    SativaRN: Dammit, I have to go, later, sweety.
    Teddykin654: kbai

    SativaRN has left the room.

    Teddykin654 has left the room.
  15. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SativaRN has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    SativaRN: Okay, so about what you typed to Sharp in Starnet.
    Teddykin654: ITS TRUE!
    SativaRN: You do realize that she's Floran, right? Florans have a different culture than Humans and Hylotl, Teddy!
    Teddykin654: ya okay still doesn't mean jack shit
    SativaRN: Language!
    Teddykin654: bite me i have a home and everything
    SativaRN: What, your ship?? What happened to Marathon?!
    Teddykin654: IT GOT BORING!
    SativaRN: Boring doesn't just make you leave your home, Teddy! You have responsibility now!
    SativaRN: I gave you the chance to grow up and you're barely showing it.
    SativaRN: Teddy, get over here, now.
    Teddykin654: make me.
    SativaRN: GET OVER HERE NOW, I'm revoking your ship privileges!
    Teddykin654: ...fuck off sativa
    Teddykin654: im living my life just fucking fine, i have a bf that keeps me fed, I have plenty of friends, and i can defend myself just fine with what barby taught me
    Teddykin654: quit being the stereotypical overbearing father and leave me the fuck alone
    Teddykin654: your not evne my real dad, like i ever had to take orders from you
    SativaRN: Teddy...you don't understand, you're not the only one good at combat, I've fought people like Sharp, and she left me wounded many times. I have no clue what Barbados taught you, but I worry Sharp would still best you, and I don't want to wake up to find out you're in her tribes stomach.
    Teddykin654: ill be fine, leave me alone
    SativaRN: Teddy...I may not be your real father, hell, I shouldn't even be your father legally, I'm only about...7 years older than you...but I still treat you like a daughter, I love you like you were my own sapling! I just don't want you to get hurt...
    Teddykin654: i know sat but if your gonna just be this forceful then im gonna push you away
    Teddykin654: this happened with alotta people
    Teddykin654: just let me live my life
    SativaRN: Teddy...
    SativaRN: If I ever find out you got killed, I'll never forgive you, nor myself, I'm going now, love you.
    Teddykin654: mmhmm

    SativaRN has left the room.

    Teddykin654: sat wait
    Teddykin654: shit

    Teddykin654 has left the room.
  16. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vint'hinzz has entered the room.

    Teddykin654 has entered the room.

    Vint'hinzz: Hey, Teddy, how's it going?
    Teddykin654: P. good. :)
    Vint'hinzz: Sweet, anything happen?
    Teddykin654: Killed a Floran!
    Vint'hinzz: Really? Where?
    Teddykin654: I went to a small little planet and found one scavenging food, it was good.
    Teddykin654: Apparently you guys have purple stomachs.
    Vint'hinzz: Heh, that's a fun little fact.
    Teddykin654: Yeah, I've been way better at defending myself since you saved me from that ambush.
    Vint'hinzz: Yeah, I'm glad I was able to save you, don't know what I'd do if I didn't.
    Teddykin654: Yeppers! You defended me good!
    Vint'hinzz: Remember when I cut that one Floran's stomach up after he cut your um...eye?
    Teddykin654: It's fine daddy, it's recovering, and yeah, that was neat.
    Vint'hinzz: What about when I tore off that one Floran's neck?
    Teddykin654: Mmhmm~
    Vint'hinzz: Or what about when I bit into that one Floran's arm after
    Teddykin654: What?
    Vint'hinzz: It tore your
    Vint'hinzz: what
    Teddykin654: Daddy, you okay?
    Vint'hinzz: Sorry I gotta go.
    Teddykin654: Okay, daddy...

    Teddykin654 has been kicked from the room.(Reason:Account Deletion)

    Vint'hinzz: why did you leave us
    Vint'hinzz: i said i was sorry

    Vint'hinzz has left the room.
  17. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vint'hinzz has entered the room.

    Vint'hinzz: Hey Teddy, I saw some images of Opportunity, it looks great...well, not that great, but I'm sure some napalm can fix that!
    Vint'hinzz: Yep, leaves, trees, foliage out of a Florans asshole is just covering my old home, I'd love to check it out myself, but I think I'd just get caught if I faked being a Blackleaf. :)
    Vin'thinzz: I got this whole thing set up, Ted, I hired a whole entire group of mercs to deal with this, it'll be awesome, I'll even record it for you if you want!
    Vint'hinzz: Everything will be okay, Teddy.
    Vint'hinzz: Once everything in Opportunity is fixed, we'll bring Izzy, Ria, and Tawno here and maybe even more people! It'll be just like old times.
    Vint'hinzz: Everything will be okay.
    Vint'hinzz: Everything.

    Vint'hinzz has left the room.
  18. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vint'hinzz has entered the room.

    Vint'hinzz: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?
    Vint'hinzz: oh
    Vint'hinzz: I deleted your account.
    Vint'hinzz: Why would you do that? It was just an arm.
    Vint'hinzz: I apologized.
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?
    Vint'hinzz: Teddy?

    Vint'hinzz has been kicked from the room.(Reason:Excessive Spam)
  19. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vint'hinzz has entered the room.

    Vint'hinzz: Hey Tedster, ever been to Asani?
    Vint'hinzz: That place sucks, Opportunity was way better.
    Vint'hinzz: I only went there two times, and the second time was just due to some retarded Apex falling down the well.
    Vint'hinzz: No, his name wasn't Timmy.
    Vint'hinzz: Anyways, while I was there, I ran into these humans and Skarti.
    Vint'hinzz: Skarti's still a dick, but I was spitting down the well onto the dumbass Apex, so I really don't blame him...much.
    Vint'hinzz: One human was some female that had the weirdest fucking attire on, she looked like she was from some war or something I don't care about, said she knew "Things" about security, yeah right, try running a colony some time, toots.
    Vint'hinzz: What does she do when there's a possible explosion about to happen?
    Vint'hinzz: Instead of beaming to our ships, lets use a massive fucking gate and hope that'll stop the debris from hurting us.
    Vint'hinzz: Idiots these days.

    Vint'hinzz has left the room.