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Dr. Panin's audio log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Coldmaj, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    ((This log can ICly be found on Pan's computer on her ship))
    ((Also, OOC replies are a-okay!))​
    #1 Coldmaj, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2017
  2. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Greetings! A large amount of things have happened recently. First of all, the sessions with Veronica turned out to be a success; after explaining the dangers of memory loss, giving her the available solutions and giving her some time to think, she made the decision to take the memory loss injection. The... inaccuracy of the injection made her forget... one week more than the preferable amount... however, she seemed hap- well... less sad about the subject! All she needs now is some time, and she should recover... hopefully... this should also lower the amount of alcohol she consumes.

    Did not check on SharpTooth for a while... I hope she sorted the issue with John and her previous mate out..... while I am on the topic of clients I have yet to check on; I should.... probably check on Pulsar soon... perhaps, I have learnt a thing or two more about memory loss from the sessions with Veronica.

    Though I only went on one, the expeditions I went on with Kandy has... given me a new interest! I shall now keep working on my biology minor, for I have decided to, on my free time, experiment with other living beings, the flora and fauna of the universe! Not sure if that will include Florans... That's beside the point! The main point is; I should update this log with my discoveries! *she pauses for a few seconds then sighs happily* The universe is such a wonderful thing.

    Daddy update! Daddy's left ear is gone now... I should... probably go easy on my hacks... though... when one is enraged, there is not much say in one's actions.

    #2 Coldmaj, Apr 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
  3. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    *Nothing but her ship's background noise for a couple of minutes, then a sigh, then she starts talking in a soft voice, almost whispering* Uh... uhm... big n-news today! *mouse click, then a stereotypical news theme, followed by a female news anchor's voice* "Good afternoon. The infamous pirate captain of the "Omnipotent Pirates", Dr. Panin has been caught! The whereabouts of his ship however, is unknown. He is currently being interrogated by the USCM. So far, the only information we got is that he used to be a scientist working for the Miniknog, well known for building the first successful... simulated womb. More news later tonight" *mouse click* *gulp* ... *a loud thud followed by stone cracking and crumbling sounds* Heh... *sniff* th-there goes Daddy's nose... *she inhales deeply, then sighs*

    #3 Coldmaj, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
  4. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    *Heavy panting* G-greetings! *she stays silent a bit, controlling her breath* Pulsar and Abby; her romantic partner apparently, just left, and I got alerted... *gulp* m-more news... concerning daddy... I... am unsure if... I want to see it... *she stays silent for a moment, then a mouse click, and the same news theme starts again, the same news anchor starts talking* In other news, we have received more information concerning Dr. Panin from the USCM! Dr. Panin, spoke more about his pirate life, and said that he quit after multiple crew-members escaped. The USCM are currently searching for the pirate ship, because as Dr. Panin explained; the previous co-captain, an Avian by the name of "Griffin" is now captain- *mouse click* *The news report pauses then you hear Pan controlling her breath, then another mouse click after she calms down* -ing the ship. Piracy, is not the only crime Dr. Panin has committed; Dr. Panin confessed to the USCM about his "experiments", many of them... we have claimed to be... too disturbing to share. One of his... less disturbing... experiments, include the simulated womb; in which he took a female Apex or a "Test subject" *Pan's muffled sobs are heard in the background* as he claimed, and... f-fertilised her *the news anchor clears her throat* then somehow extracted the egg cell, transferred it to the "womb" and... grew the b-baby there... a-and when the baby was due, the machine... g-gave birth to the baby. *the anchor pauses for a moment* Dr. Panin said "I raised her by myself, pesky little one she was... well... not until I managed her like I do with all my subjects, zap them when they make a mistake, give them a treat when they do as you say. However, after eight years of testing and keeping her alive, I decided she did not do well for me, money-wise, so I did the logical thing, sold her to testing, and used that money to start a life of piracy" *the news anchor pauses after reading that out, then clears her throat* Th-the... location of the daughter is unknown; Dr. Panin claims not to remember how she looked like, as he said he never paid much attention. Another experiment Dr. Panin ha- *The recording cuts abruptly just as Pan's muffled crying grows louder*
  5. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Horrifying things happened to me today, things that remind me of why I hide behind my armor... An... interesting person... visited my ship today... I thought her outfit looked familiar... especially when she changed into that black officer hat... at first I thought she was a member of DarkStar, however, upon getting her up and scanning her; I got alerted, so I set the therapy room to lock-down mode; shutting the doors, and shooting an electro-magnetic pulse. After checking the alert, I found a post on StarNet, someone that described her clothing, apparently, that "woman" was "Faversae" , so I warned her, then beamed all living organisms in the therapy room the scanner can detect down, then shut down the oxygen support in the therapy room, waited for a few minutes, reactivated the oxygen. To my surprise, she was still there when I opened the door, lying on the floor, I did a thermal scan on her body, and she appeared to be cold. After that, I took her to my lab, however, when removing her armor, it seemed to be stuck on her, so I decided to skin her instead! Skinning was fun, reminds me of my biology studies... I should probably get to work on that again... I'm going off track here. Anyways! When I skinned her, she was robotic inside, however, not quite a Glitch, she... or... it was more like an android, I sawed it's armor and head, and got a look at it's insides... it... had some communication devices inside of it, might lead me to it's creator... though, I might need a technician to safely operate them.

    Faversae's cane is interesting... it has a button, on the end of it, by stomping the cane with force on the ground, the button will be pressed, what happens when it pressed? I have yet to find out... for I fear it ending horribly. Faversae also had a medical needle labeled "Pulsar" upon scanning the blood, I have found out that if this is actually Pulsar's blood, then her blood contains Sap blood cells, Oil blood cells, Apex, Hylotl, Avian and Human blood cells. At first I did not know of what to make of Pulsars "transformation", however, now, it seems plausible.

    Another Faversae came to my ship today, disguised as another person... I... was terrified again. She said she was a doctor, and that she was the creator of Faversae, and she knew about her being in my ship from Pulsar... she came prepared, because after doing the enhanced measurements of security, nothing was out of the ordinary, she -looked- Human, she passed for a thermal scan test, I had her remove -every- -single- -item- on her, yet... after calling Pulsar and checking if she told anyone about Faversae being on my ship... she said no... I locked, and EMPed the therapy room, then beamed all living organisms there, down. After hearing the doors click open, I checked the cameras... she over-charged the door... she looked like Faversae... I panicked, beamed down to Taranis, then called the Order, and... they took care of her... thankfully...

    Another Faversae interrupted a therapy session I had with SharpTooth... the Order took care of that one too... thankfully. Update on SharpTooth! She's... not doing so well... it's like, I try to solve one problem, and she comes back with five more...

  6. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Thinking of contacting the USCM... about my father... but... they might take me to him... I-I... don't think I'm ready to see him... not sure if I want to. With all of this pent up aggression... I might snap just by seeing him... *she sighs* It might help though... to finally release all of this anger...

  7. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    The USCM said I can see daddy whenever I'd like... they also allowed me to bring one to three people along... I think... that would help... not sure of who to bring though.... *pause* In other news! SharpTooth *sigh* is getting worse... *another sigh* if only she listened to what I say... oh well... she'll get over Zinnia soon... I hope. SharpTooth's a good person... she would risk her life for me... I guess she's definitely someone to bring along.

  8. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    John swung his sword at me today at Taranis... mistook me for someone that "looked just liked me". *her tone gets angrier* I mean! After all I did, he didn't even think twice... *she sighs* Would have been dead if it was not for my armor... *she sighs again* Guess that's a reminder of why I keep it on all the time... *THUD!* *stone cracking and crumbling*

  9. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Got some help from an Apex called *she sighs in content* Arhicath.... He... fixed my eye... and... now it functions like it should do! I remember it hurting me... though... I don't remember feeling the pain... strange. Well! He was sweet, and I realised we had a lot in common! I hope I see him again sometime!

    Ape damn it! I made him hate me!


    Oh... never mind... he was just busy... babysitting?

  10. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Okay.. everything's set up... all I have to do... is call SharpTooth, and Pulsar, invite them... and they'll come along... right? What if they're busy... I mean... this is my final chance to see daddy again... *she pauses for a moment* Strange thing is... I don't know how I feel once I see him... I miss him... but I also hate him... I... I'm wasting time... I should just call SharpTooth now...

    Okay! Both of them are coming, I just have to punch in the co-ords... *beep beep beep beep beep beep beep* this should be right...

    Ugh... USCM security is so boring... bright side is... well... "bright" side... I'll say daddy in a bit!

    *you hear Pan's muffled crying and her ship's background noise in the background, this continues for about five minutes until she finally speaks* H...he -hates- me...

  11. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Okay! I think I've recovered from that -awful- incident. And hey! I don't have to clean rubble off of my bedroom anymore. Anyways... I haven't been updating this audio-log ever since that happened... *she sighs* perhaps it's because it reminds me of him... On the subject of reminding me of him, USCM informed me that they've found my Father's old laboratory, and... they... gave me access to look at their findings... I don't think I want to see it though... not now anyways... I kept memories of that place kept away for a reason...

    I've recently met and worked with, Dr. Enolie, a psychologist that works in this sector. She transferred a client she had to me, "Wren", an brown Avian. He lives in Liberty Mills, which, makes it hard for me to check up on him, given that I have to avoid all members of the Holy Fleet to not be questioned about my helmet. He's a nice kid, with good friends, his paranoia and nervousness isn't a very extreme case, however, he seems to have trouble with memory loss.

    Lab-rodents and other animals I've captured to experiment on broke loose the other day, thankfully I've gotten help from Ashlyn to take care of them... however... I'm starting to lose my trust in her... I mean... she can easily kill me with nothing but her bare hands... Due to losing trust in her, I resulted to asking for help publicly... however... my trust issues didn't help... so... it took a while... but Arhicath replied! And he helped take care of the issue! B-but... after that he... *she takes a deep breath, pausing for a moment* he reminded me of my father... *she sighs* worst thing is... he was making some good points...

  12. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    *she takes a deep sigh* USCM located the place my dad used to "work" at... turns out... it shut down a couple of years ago. Apparently they kept archives of -every- document they had though... so, USCM are looking through them to track down the other researchers... however... they found something other than documents... *sniff*

  13. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Scans are here... *she sighs* Apparently those are "documents" -I- left. Given it's from father's lab... I must've been three to eight years old when I wrote these... *she pauses* I've... kept memories of those days locked away... for a good reason... I'm unsure if I want to unlock them...


    *Five image files are added to the "Personal Audio Logs" folder on Pan's PC:*
    (( [Scan_001] - [Scan_002] - [Scan_003] - [Scan_004] - [Scan_005] ))

    #13 Coldmaj, Jul 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
  14. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Oh Ape... where do I start? *she sighs* I've met a nice Apex named James Russell... he's sweet... handsome... funny... but he just -had- to be the most dangerous Apex I've met... well... after my dad... *she pauses before speaking up again with a sudden more high-pitched and happier tone* Anyways! We're dating now! That's all that matters now, who cares if he's probably wanted by Miniknog?! ...right?


    I've been trying to go out in public without my helmet lately... I actually unfolded my helmet a bit today! I mean, not enough to... uh... eat or drink anything, but... I made progress! I can't even come close to even touching my helmet with my eyes open though...
