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Veronica's Ship Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Crossed Swords, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    --Well a Tragedy happened while on my trip.. A pirate cruiser decided to smash our main ship in the trade run. Didn't end well, not at all.. I decided to write about it so people could hopefully find it and try and help me with it.. Anyways back on topic, both ships blew up, killing everyone that couldn't escape. My father was on the ship, and only two people lived the explosion... They made it out of the ship before it got rammed.. I was destroyed at the fact that, I lost my father, and the last time we spoke was an argument.. I regret not spending enough time with him.. Going to drown my self in this alcohol I picked up on the way back.. Oh and /almost/ lost my eye aswell.. Blind unless someone can somehow fix it.. Anyways i'll probably write more as it comes.. Veronica out."

    (( OOC replies are accepted ))
  2. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    --Well leaving these logs stowed away before I did something that could alter my life. Went to see a girl that had a name of 'Pan', she helped me lose memory of my fathers death. I would have night mares about it, hell i'm going to forget where I put this by the end. And i'll be fine about it, so I'll need to catch up on everyone again. Hopefully I can forget it and stop having nightmares. -slight sigh can be heard- Hope everything turns out alright, well shouldn't keep her waiting. Veronica out."
  3. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -A new book would be started, fresh and unused- "Well i'm thinking of starting journals so might as well. Got my memory wiped apparently, what ever my past me didn't want me to remember, must have been really big.. It would give me, well, her, nightmares. Pan, the person who knew how to do so let me watch a video she recorded that was before the wipe. I had her stop the video when I said "I would get nightmares every night-". I wrote down a list of things my past me wanted to remember. Here's the list.

    • Married to Andrei
    • Teddy has crystal fins
    • Teddy's in trouble
    • Aissa has a brother
    • Apartment at city called Marathon

    -Anyways, I'm going to house two of my friends in Marathon. They're going to share a bed in the upper level of my small (its killing me how compact it is but I have to live with it...) apartment. I hope to move out of that small place and get something with more room. It will allow me to place more furniture and have more breathing room, also my two friends could get their own room. Well i'm going to write more in the future.

  4. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -Today I moved apartments to the western side of Marathon, now Teddy and Barb can have their own room /and privacy/. The room is looking quite nice. Got my desk and computer put in so I could work on journals. Have the couch and TV ready. I just need to find where to get a fridge at... Going to try and fit in a bed for my dog, whom of which still needs a name. Apparently Skarti got enslaved some how, I tried to raise the price to 10 million pixels so I could slap him then set him free, sadly once I sent the message, the auction was closed. Still glad to hear that the person who purchased Skarti set him free. I'm still amazed how Skarti got captured in the first place, anyways gotta get back to decorating my new apartment and working on the company my father left for me...

  5. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -Is is just me or do I think that Skarti needs a punch to the gut every month to straighten him. He's always short with everyone that isn't Avian. Well I wish I could have bought him, would of slapped him THEN let him free. Hell maybe more if he yelled at me. Well back to work, so much stress from running the company..

  6. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -Well today was quite interesting. Went to Marathon to hang around in my room and saw Barb on the way there. So he hitched a ride with me to our room, /Teddy and Barb are living with me/, so I brought him to the room and showed him it. Apparently this weird grey box that was on the table besides our TV was called a Nentindo Nintendo, and it was for video games. Soon after Teddy showed up and apparently, it was her birthday. I was so stressed at the time I fucking chugged, YES CHUGGED, my whole fucking barrel of Banana Rum. Anyways growing my hair out as well, had Teddy brush it. What riddled me is why the hell she would have a brush... Meh. She got rid of knots, I think, and was mad about something I cant quite remember because the alcohol was still in my system.

  7. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -Got Teddy her birthday presents today. Got her four, wait no, five games and something 'special'. She really enjoyed the games. Spent around 3,000 pixels on that gift, but it was nice to see her happy. They had sex on my couch and I spent an hour of countless pain cleaning the stains out. Need to see Pan soon... I got this letter, only read a quarter of it before I gave up, it had to do about my past. What ever my past me doesn't want me to know, but who ever sent me this letter knows something about it. It scares me because I only read the first few sentences then I read who it was from. The had an initial of K. Nothing else. I'm scarred of who I think it is... Well, going to stop typing now, the stress is about to kill me.."

  8. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Well had a sleep over with Teddy a few nights ago. Mostly talked together about things that are happening that each of us are unaware of. Apparently Teddy is bisexual I think the word is. I want to try to become that but can't really find someone to partner with for it.. Also another idea has been concerning me is breaking up with a man I apparently married named Andrei, don't know how to contact him or anything. I guess I could shrug it off but I don't know...


    Talked with Gareth, a man I met at Memoria, he is going to make me a new eye with modifications in it so I'm going to be happy about that. Paying him largely for it since I need the eye.. Anyways, he's going to message me when the eye is ready. Wonder if Teddy it getting one from him too...

  9. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Got my new eye.. Costed less than what I thought.. But hey, new eye! /Yay/! Got some modifications to go with it. X-Ray and Infared, mostly have it on X-Ray with a scale of 1 so it can only see through my hair. I don't know why I feel different with it, can't turn back now. Teddy slightly approves of it, found out I can see through clothing with it. Heheheh...


    I lost... Had a drinking competition with another Apex, went through four barrels each before I was on the verge of passing out. There are times I wish I didn't record everything in my ship. Had audio logs of the whole thing and he said he was in love with me and wanted to sleep with me. I'm glad he didn't or else would have broken my girl friends heart.. Wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I cheated on her.
