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Alyx's little book

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alyxx, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Seven and a Quarter

    I returned to Taranis again. I'm starting to get a certain bonding with it, I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm making roots with the Florans and the Glitches in the area. At least, none of them want to eat me.

    Anyways, my first sight was Felith. And his companion, a Floran named Petaldancer.

    We chit-chatted again, and got to know eachother a bit more.

    I figured out that his life's been risked not once or twice, but three times already.

    The first one, in an explosion, the second one, by mutilation, and the thirth one, by an explosion again.

    He's a pretty stubborn Avian. With biometric stuff everywhere.

    Next, I told him what happened one month ago, back at Pulsar's party. I told him what happened after he left. He didn't knew about the Assault, and how Space had his moment of glory.

    ...Then, a very pissed Orchid appeared. She started to say "How tasty Avian eyes are", right where Felith was. He lost an eye thanks to this guy named "Traptooth", a crazy Floran. At least from his opinion. I don't know who he is, or what he has done, so...

    Then, things escalated quickly, and Orchid was being held by another Floran, while Felith had his hand on the holdster of his pistol.

    However, I don't want a shootout in the Inn, so I jumped in, and calmed the situation a bit with my incredible Speech of how Floran traditions and jokes are. It worked, somehow.

    After that, Orchid left, pissing even more the Floran that was holding her to don't say anything strange, that ended running after her, seconds after she left.

    Once the situation was a bit more calmed, we returned to our talk. Felith said that he was planning to buy an augment for his arm. Blades installed on them. However, the augment's not presicely cheap. Five digits, Felith says.

    I have some spare Diamonds. 400, to be prescice. And gold. I find no use for them, but Felith will find them usefull.

    After giving them to him, I had to depart. I hope that he doesn't suffer a fourth time of pain. He's the first living Avian that I meet after everything started.

    I'll also have to start gathering some extra Rubium. I have a pretty sculpture in mind, and I need materials to make it properly...
  2. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Nine

    ...Today, is the great day.

    One week of preparations and strange procedures to make this Wedding official.

    I'm so... Exited... Nervous... Happy... I can't describe all my feelings right now.

    I just hope that nobody ends killing someone during the Wedding, as it's gonig to have a Tournament at the end.

    ...And a large banquet with all kinds of Meats, or at least the ones we got our hands on the Market.

    However, I think that I don't have all the Crystals I would need... But well, I'll make something in the way.

    Day Fifty-Nine and a Quarter.


    Ichora's out of range for a part of the Guests. ((Ergo it got wiped, right when I needed it most.))

    But, we found something.

    There's this planet, -19, 17, Alpha Pi-1 Peg 7950 I-a, a place designed for Weddings, Avian-Style. ((Not OOC-Knowledge, this is free for use.))

    Of course, with a certain modification, we could add an Arena to it. Perfect!

    Day Fifty-Nine and a Half

    ...Everything went as planned.

    ...After rushing a few things.

    Anyways, most of our Guests couldn't come, but instead, Felith invited some of his USCM friends.

    ...So, when everything started, we were flodded with many uniformed people. But they're nice, so I found no trouble.

    Oh, Diary... I have so many feelings flodding my hearth right now, that I can barely write...

    I'll better keep all the fantastic stuff that happened for myself...

    Just if you could record my sighs...
  3. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Sixty.

    I went back to Taranis, and got a bit calm from all the stuff that Space and I did after the Wedding.

    I met this Floran, Shadowraze again. He's the one that beated the Glitch-Apex, whose cranium I had to fix.

    He has some strange neurological connection a a Cerulium Duck, properly named "Quacker". He "talked" to him, telling who was nice, and who wasn't.

    This catched my attention. I heard from Glitches that earned a permanent bound with certain objects, to the point of taking them like if they were really alive.

    However, if it happens on Florans, it's a new thing for me.

    I decided to dig deeper on this. He got me to where he got "Quacker". A little settlement, named "Mapple Hills". From what I saw, it has a little cafe, and the shop from where he got it.

    The shop counts with many other items, but I decided to go only for a second duck. A golden one.

    For Shadow's eyes, he was the brother of "Quacker", and they don't get alone well. In fact, for him, they fought, to the point of forcing him to throw the other one away.

    After some chit-chat, we decided to separate eachother. I must say that this golden Duck has my attention. they're the best ten diamonds Iv'e spent.
    #23 Alyxx, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
  4. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Eighty?

    I don't know how to start...

    Well... I will start with Slavery, that business that I always tried to avoid.

    One week ago -I think-, I was enlsaved, during one of my jumps into X-Sector. Around three guys wearing weird Human-like armours assaulted me while I was in a mine, and blocked any ways I could beam back to my ship, using some kind of collar on me. Of course, I tried to defend myself, but Kluex... Those were big guys.

    Anyways, I spent around... Five days stuck in a cage, along with a few other people. However, if we spoke, the Collar would release a painfull spark. There were a few Humans, Florans, Avians, Hylothls... There was even a Glitch, for some reason.

    Then, "freedom". The ship I was being held on made a stop on a station, apparent meeting point for an exchange.

    However, it was a trap. For them.

    I could hear on the Radio the "Warden" had, that there was someone in the station, and that it was slaying each one of them. He then beamed away, into the station. I used this moment to escape, as the Station exploded the very next second, disabling the ship. I went straight for the teleportation device, and warped to the closest safe destination. How wrong I was.

    When I opened my eyes in the new place, I was inside another ship, where a Human was waiting, with some kind of pistol, aimed straight at my head.

    However, she noticed my "collar", and instead of shooting me, she knocked me out with a single pistol whip.

    When I woke up, I was inside an Avian Sarcofagus. I shouted for help, but instead, a strange accent shouted back, "asking" for me to shut up.

    ...So I did.

    I spent a whole day there, starving, thirsty... Untill the Sarcofagus opened, and I saw the face of the Human that held me captive. Again. It was a human Female, with white hair and yellow eyes, not much taller than me, and a very strange accent. Then, she just removed the Collar from me, showed me into the Teleportation plate, and warped me away.

    ...Then, I landed in a barren wasteland.

    However, since I ddin't had the Collar on me, I could use my Radio again, and call for help.

    Then, Spacechaser showed up, beamed me up, and I was free again. Free from that cage...

    After spending a whole day with him, he vanished. Again.

    I decided to re-visit my friends meanwhile. Iv'e already seen Felith, Viiker... And I met this Floran named Goldleaf meanwhile. Oh, and Felith's... "Floranfriend", Petal.

    Iv'e still got to check the whole list, and head back to Taranis too. And I have to hire someone to rebuild Ichora too. It's a bit... Decrepict recently.

    I'm bringing better equipment to the X-Sector next time too. If I ever go back there soon.