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Skyrider files: Lyra's journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Keycross, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 21:

    Been busy lately, and it's been great! Mills doesn't have much haulers yet, so both families usually have something to ship around, mostly being planetside. Since I'm mostly over their skies, asked to leave bird over them, I'm tired landing and taking off so often, would be nice leaving it on standby around those skies.

    Not much else to mention. Nest is good enough, days are calm (being Mills is odd) and mostly general talk... Heavens, almost forgot about Danien. Engineer for Solari's, it's weird how he talks but good person, told me how it's working with families and let me know their conditions... I'm lucky just hauling.

    Skies haven't been this clear for months, will make sure they stay this way!
  2. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 22:

    Heavens... how can everything get plucked out so fast...

    Bar finally gets reopened, and even before ordering anything, a floran that SEEMED only curious, plucks blood out of my neck with her own teeth! I felt going into aether... but fortunately, only fainted, and someone treated my neck. Now it's fully bandaged...

    Wait a moment, I really wrote THAT word!?? Sheesh, erased, never though even writing it like that. Anyway, after I rested a while before doing same in my nest...

    ...to go back to bar and try to find what happened, and find while I was at my nest some idiot hatchling decided it was fun launching rockets inside, will be closed again for some time...

    ...then find Corson out at streets his plucked all out, some of us around carried him over hospital, was inside hours, but seems he will get through it...

    ...and when I can finally try and relax at cafe, a group of avians come around Mills, -devoted- ones. Doesnt seem situation is bad.. yet. At least, I saw Omizu and injected something that she claimed it would heal neck way faster, I let her since I know her... but still jumpy. I see that floran again, I'm sending into aether...

    I... just want to rest... and wake up seeing this has been just a nightmare...
    #22 Keycross, May 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
  3. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 23:

    Lately skies are mostly quiet, don't like it at all. All is going like usual, but those soldiers around aren't exactly what Mills need. General bad temper, added to Mills visitors bad temper, something's going to take off sooner or later.

    Our best bet is surviving it, as always... and without losing Mills in the flight. Speaking of, cargo is already loaded, time to take off!
  4. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 24:

    More trouble... and this time at our own nests!!

    Raideck came just to speak a while, traded some of our own past... and then some loud noise comes from nest below mine.

    I have already been enough in Mills to know that's not normal... so went to check taking my blaster down, just to be safe. And was a crazy glitch (different than last one)! Saw someone at the other end, took some height, and plucked part of his legs out... which didn't seem to slow him that much! Still, that alerted those soldiers around and came in to help for once, plucked him out after me taking a punch (didn't break anything, fortunately, but...ow!) and sitting on floor to avoid some ball he threw at me (not a grenade, it was big)... and didn't stop at all (oh, and the soldiers though it would be useful throeing the ball back at him). Rolled out of his way when going after them, and ended escaping... from the window (not before we tore of his chest and an arm)!

    Finally could get to the people at the other end... were Wren and Aissa (didn't know she lived down here at all)! Both were wounded, and Aissa was... say nervous (and his arm bleeding, what happened?). Soldiers proved as useful they've been lately (came a lot later, and heard they didn't even find the glitch), leaving saying they were to secure perimeter after stopping Aissa's bleeding (they didn't come back, and heard they didn't find the glitch, yay), leaving me alone without any idea to carry both to hospital... then someone...something? came out of bathroom (my hand simply crossed his face... feeling strange). Said it was a spirit, some friend of Aissa.

    Followed him to bathroom, and saw a ball stuck at toilet. Talked to me like I'm a complete idiot, telling me wall was magic (sure!), and after too much time of it, I stuck him at toilet again to see if he cleared his skies. At least, a doctor came by and tried to calm her down, and as words were useless, injection time. Asked me to hold her still, and acted like an idiot hatchling (Heavens, Lyra, 155 cm doesn't make you a big one even if she wasn't much bigger) and got into the floor. Usual today.

    Doctor could do most of it alone, just held one of her arms... and finally off with both to hospital. Aissa was totally out, Wren same as her. And before I knew, was rushing back for Aissa's friend, plainly forgot about him, leaving doctor with them.

    Soldiers landed off sooner (finally)... 'Spirit' was still acting like a jerk, and both decided to leave the ball in the toilet again. Took it out upon their departure, and finally told me it was a 'hologram', and asked me about Aissa, got very worried, and told him I would show way to, uh, him, to hospital. Surprisingly enough, when he's in that ball, can roll around, but... I'm sorry I laughed, Remy, it was funny seeing how the ball can't go through stairs.

    Ball didn't weight that much, and since there are a lot of stairs at Mills, told him I would carry him over to Aissa. Left the 'holoprojector' (finally got told what it was) stuck next to Aissa's bed, and checked over Wren. Checked him, and was... more or less fine... due to circumstances. Doctor explained Wren about his arm... it's broken... and since him will have a long recovery, offered him taking care of him until he was fine if at some point he can't nest anymore there. Doctor told me to leave since 'visitors time' ended, and had to do so.

    Oh, just to mention, Skarti showed up along a soldier and plucked so much Doctor that he got punched, and later demanded to be tended. Not surprising coming from that hatchling, but the soldier didn't help us at all, but seemed to be guarding area because of Skarti. And they say keeping order around, sure.

    And because all of this, I couldn't make a delivery! Have to make it up flying around until late...
    #24 Keycross, May 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014
  5. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 25:

    Don't know how to describe it... and it really wasn't Vecks fault...

    When I get into bar, I see the glitch that plucked Aissa and Wren, and a lot of those from Holy Fleet... heavens, couldn't even fire him and before anyone knew, someone stood between soldiers and glitch, then Vecks activated security... helping him to escape. Too late warning him.

    And while it was escaping, the idiot standing between both didn't stop heating soldiers up, until the point they arrested him (not peacefully at all), and yet another one began arguing with them and ended up arrested, too. One time soldiers doesn't get plucked up, but people need to prove some point and end argument badly.

    After everyone left, it was just me and Vecks, and later Moony came by, too. Mostly talked about what happened, and that Holy Fleet. There are lots of different impressions on them.

    Everything happening even before I go to work... flying around will make me feel better, always did.
  6. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 26:

    I'm... alive, and that what counts, right?

    Let's see. First, I'm having a break at cafe, until some armored one with a personal heavily armed robot comes by and begins being the most polite and kind person in galaxy... when we don't even know eachother, presented himself as Dianthus. I know better that he's after something.

    Then, I'm just sitting out of bar when I meet the most peculiar Fleet troop. Very calm, polite, and what really threw me off, reasonable. And sort of creepy, since he knows more than most would do. And as it couldn't be, ended asking about religion. We didn't speak much, since we got interrupted... twice. I don't think it's the last I'll see of Meru.

    That wasn't the least of my worries, because right after leaving to nest, I had to get involved in Mills daily trouble. Found Badstar, we got to talk, Dianthus came with his robot, and before anyone knew, robot mentioned Arizona... whom Badstar seemed to go after, because short after he stood in front and drawed his shotgun without any alert. I trust him way more than... Arizona, not Dianthus... so drawed mine to help him. Kind of embarrassed keeping him as a wall, but he's the armored one... not me. After some crazy shootout, Arizona walked out to escape, leaving his drone as wall... I agreed with Badstar to be thrown over to try and get him... without seeing another one was coming our way.

    Crawled over underground stairs, as fast I could, but still got plucked at ankle... Moony helped me getting in cover. After that, pursuing Arizona was out of feathers, so... we had to bring those drones down as we could. Had to even use a grenade... took us a lot to sent both into aether. We won't miss any of you, after all what happened. Shields, lasers, rockets... how??

    Got my leg treated at hospital, won't be able to run at all for some days, and won't be properly healed for some time... but I was lucky. Or maybe not so much... who knows. Thank you for bringing me over, Crosswell...

    Anyway, time to go bed... need to rest.
    #26 Keycross, May 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2014
  7. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 27:

    Quiet day... fortunately. Could take more rest than I though, but I'm still disturbed by Meru's visit... came only to ask some questions about last night's fight, and we ended talking quite a lot... and kept thinking all day of my mistake... according to him, of course.

    Maybe... maybe I just should deal with it. I have fled enough times. And I feel only first one had good reasons... maybe some other time, too... but now, at Mills, I'm feeling at home, and promised months ago not running anymore. And heavens, not even from second wing. So better to fly through temporal.

    And finally find some truth after all this time. Even if it comes to the worst.
  8. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 28:

    Situation is getting worse. A lot.

    I heard there was someone killing some Fleet soldiers around... just for fun! More visitors arguing with Holy Fleet because it seems to be the 'right' thing to do, and the only thing they are doing is worsening everything. And heavens, they can be so stupid...

    Danien got plucked after not letting them take him into custody... then some visitors came in again as they are the ones keeping watch around... and one even drawed a rocket launcher!! What will be next, a war to take them all out?

    Walked back to nest, had enough for today... but it seems trouble can't just fly off. Something was happening at one of the nests, Fleet was looking for someone, and decided just to watch above from stairs. I'm still not sure who threw it, but a grenade began filling stairwell with gas... and later another one with fire. Who's the idiot throwing that where people live?? Soldiers went right through fire, telling me just to wait up there to be safe... still, drawed my blaster. I'm in Mills skyes and know them quite a lot, after all.

    There was a shootout down there... and after some time, couldn't help. No one is going to take nests outs, so went down, and first one I see is someone that was probably just passing through Mills, shooting at Fleet soldiers. Knew and listened more than enough to pluck him, and managed to, after two full clips and the grenade I always have around since this had to happen sooner or later... but my feathers still bristle. He shot rockets in there! Oh, and it was just a robot, I'm beginning to hate those used just to make trouble. I didn't even see what happened with another one, heard he escaped.

    As usual, people began coming after that... and Crosswell came while I was looking at it. Asked him to help me bringing it up to nest, I'm tired being the last flying on. Handerson and a friend of his seemed to see me and followed, ended explaining them what happened, more or less... and then, thanks to some idiot in radio, got alerted about robot's head. Had some strange part inside, so plucked it out, and since it's interesting, takes place instead of grenade after everyone left. No one is going to steal it.

    Needed some fresh air to calm down after all that happened... and after just watching how some other fight ended with everyone beaming back to their birds, met some visitor who actually wants to find a nest around and doesn't seem one to make trouble around... and not because he's polite... but calm

    So more trouble, ended with a broken robot at nest, my wound hurting for forcing it... after a day like this, I really need to rest feathers. A lot of time.
  9. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 29:

    I still can't believe I got it off my feathers...

    An avian I saw days ago approached me... by name, when we never introduced ourselves. It's a priest whom Meru told of... my little... problem back in Avos. The only he knew of, anyway. Wanted to talk about it, and I've looking for too... took him to the bar, it's so quiet lately that even seems abandoned. At first he even though I wanted to harm him... right now, makes me laugh.

    We talked for what seems all night... actually, wasn't that much. Trying to explain everything to him was hard, not even I remember how it exactly went, so scared that time. Wanted to make sure if I still believe or not in Kluex, how doubts came... and it will be redemption through acts rather than turning in... he already knows what would happen if I did. I have to admit and thank him for this... he's taking some risks too, believing in me. Told me to return praying again if I still didn't... and suggested joining Fleet if I wanted to help around, but still not sure about that one.

    Anyway, don't want to dissapoint him... or Kluex.
  10. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 30:

    Managed to speak with Meru again... had to get him off his duties for some time, still feeling bad about that.

    He already knew more or less how the talk with his brother went, should have guessed. Wanted to know his oppinion about joining Fleet, been thinking for days... we ended talking about independence and how it can go in an army. He's convinced I'm not made for it, and suggested working externally for Fleet. For now, fine, but we'll see... still remember ho hard it was just to haul around Mills when began it, heavens.

    Honestly, I'm not having much hope on it. But deserves a chance, at least.
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 31:

    This is it, then. Imagined it would turn it this way, and even talked with some people to set mind straight. Need to talk with Meru a last time before doing it, though.

    Apart from that... met someone much like Wren, a kid working around that goes by Dustwing, find curious how he gets so easily frightened by everything... enduring Mills life will be hard for him.

    Also, I got the displeasure of meeting someone calling herself as "Blade of Kluex". Says coming to protect Mills, but as far I've seen, she has ruffled Wren and Dustwing... a lot. Always shouts and gives orders though she just got around with no real authority, and even so, wouldn't be popular at all under our sky.

    And... seems I get some days off, after flying without stop these weeks. Don't have much idea about that Waterosa place, but I'm looking forward to it!
  12. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 32:

    Waterosa was unexpected... in many different ways.

    First of all, the weather. So much heat, it was so bad to the point I got forced going back to bird for some old clothes from home that were still stored in locker. Sunny every day, clear skies, opposite from Mills, anyone can forget about whole galaxy staying here. And heavens, first time seeing an ocean like this! The breeze, the water... perfect.

    Food also was like anything I've seen in my life... although I haven't seen much anyway, ha ha. Resort cooks are amazing, but I don't think I could afford this each day. Also pecked fish for first time, after seeing some people from Mills around: Vecks, Wren, Aissa and Hawke (does he even work there?)... it seems a lot were given vacations.

    Great days, indeed.

    And now is when weird part comes. Still not sure how it began, but I found talking with Vecks about Fleet, Flightless and Grounded, and told me about his past... first time in his life he ever does with anyone. His story made short, had a Grounded pilot called Farric, worked with him... until Stargazers found him and offered him to look over crimes and let him back home should he began to tell them about any Grounded or people helping them back at some colony called New Sedna. Farric did it, and ultimately Vecks had to confront him... sending him to aerther. Worst is, That made Vecks only keep looking and talking for the worst that happens back at home -like I don't know a thing. Heavens, I know Avos isn't perfect, there are some flaws, but... there is any organized place which is? Since then, been flying away a lot of times... we didn't left in best of terms, after he kept wanting to know my past, which I didn't want to tell him just because asking...

    ... but after a good night's rest, found him again, decided to tell him since he's been one of the few being honest on his oppinions, and we continued to talk. Told him my little problem with a Stargazer, and from there... straight dow until crash. I... I can't believe he kept trying to get me rid of home like that... and didn't want to listen to me, either. When I though I could talk with someone openly...

    Heavens, and tomorrow back to work.
  13. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 33:

    This is it, then.

    Found Meru by coincidence, at Talon's Reach... well, more or less him, and was willing to talk as long I didn't do anything stupid, so, obviously, went along his few rules. And he didn't like that much I was around that place.

    Discussed with him everything I've been thinking of after talking with several people since last time we spoke, and also his his own concerns, whom weren't that many, but, being him, the important ones. The one that he worried mostly was about 'blood sacrifices'... understandable. He had to go doing something around, so took a seat and gave it some though. That is what Vecks mostly complained about.

    After he was done, we continued for a while longer, up at my bird, as he wasn't feeling comfortable around Reach, explaining him some of the less... unpleasants sights I have seen before arriving into Antares, and my general opinion of it. He seemed to see I wasn't budging and ready to. That one is sometimes hard to follow. But honest to the talon.

    Who knows what awaits in the next dawn?
  14. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 34:

    Why am I even writing this, if i know what's going to happen next? I did it, in the end... didn't go as expected, like usual, but I can't really complain.

    Thinking back on this year, it's being both incredible and frustrating, depending on the time. And in the end... everything just to fly back into flock.

    Anyway, I'm going to be pretty busy from now on if I want to keep up woth the rest, and mind is much clearer since I began this... it's been useful, but everything ends at some point.
  15. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    >>null journal*.txt
    >>null journal**.txt

    >>remove journal*.txt
    >>remove journal**.txt


    >>Powering down...
    >>. . .
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