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Skyrider files: Lyra's journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Keycross, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    ((Everything is always written to a external computer at ship, there's no way of getting it except on-site)).

    Entry #1:

    Entry 1.1:
    Wiped the few old ones I still had around, I got past over that and never forgetting those memories. Now, I'll try to keep these more or less updated in case something... goes bad. Everything's fine for now, at least.

    Been a month getting far from that accursed place... fights and shootouts were already bad, but that illness was the worst, would have killed me if it weren't for Morningon. Still, went too far doing one of her experiments as she was treating me. Some days I though I was going to lose myself to... whoever this knowledge and... fragments of memory belonged. Not entirely myself, I can see straight my personality has partially changed.

    Well, I guess I had to vent a bit out even if it's a computer, feeling better. Anyway!

    Today I finally reached a galaxy were I could make contact with other people. Heard about a bar and checked it out, no one was there at the moment so I used the time to check their starnet. Amazed how many settlements and cities are around, will have to visit some and see if these parts are less problematic.

    Entry 1.2:

    Well, didn't go as exactly planned, but still quite good. Visited a city called Stark, but unfortunately Alice had to work on something around and couldn't show me, but told me enough about the place. I hope she can manage to keep her dream alive, somehow remembered me of good old Proton.

    Later, I managed to visit Marathon. Some would say they are a bit paranoid about security, but no one will disrupt that place thanks to it. After all I've seen, I understand their concerns and I actually agree their methods. And even so, they make sure to be polite and show comfort as far I've seen. The only con is... underground bunker, which means no sunlight or fresh air. Well, nobody stated it was perfect.

    That's more than enough for starters... will continue working on this when I remember.
    #1 Keycross, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2014
  2. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #2:

    Things are going a bit slow for what I'm used to, but well, nobody said everything's can be done fastly. Haven't done any progress on seeing more settlements, but it's all right. Been busy to calm down nerves and think of my own troubles inside my mind. All the... influx of knowledge and memories have stopped, which are best news I could get!

    At least, until I woked up this morning.

    It was quite a short dream, but... wait a moment, more than a dream, that should be called memories. Images, voice and thoughs of whoever they were... now inside me. Simply great. It was like I was trying to figure something in front of a readied crystal but not powered up, when suddendly I said "I... I just can't continue with this. Not after what I heard." And that's it, absolutely no idea what was all that, but I spent my good fifteen minutes calming and realizing what I went trough.

    If anyone asked me, I'm not interested of remembering past things that can't be changed and all this stops, but it seems I can't really do anything about that. If they come, let them in and deal with it... like I'm usually doing lately. And when I close this, I'm going to figure how to strenghten systems security, just in case. No one comes into Skyrider, but you never know. And if that was weird, I can't imagine what more I can get to see.

    Done with overthinking. A new day is still out there, let's go!
  3. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #3:

    Quite a huge breaktrough today. Im very tired, but it was worth it.

    Was a quiet day, just recharging ship engines, din't like how they were begin loosing their glow. Then I heard someone trough radio stranded down without fuel somewhere, and he was reluctant calling for help for bad experiences in the past, that poor Floran, but in the end accepted it. Gave him some of my reserves, and insisted giving me fresh vegetables farmed by him while he was down there, those carrots were tasty. He's quite cheery given all his circumstances, which is good. The human that also came by for the same reason seemed strange. Exchanged some words with her, and in the end parted our ways, but I guess I'll see both of them some other time.

    While I was down there, my pass to visit Opportunity finally got accepted, so I headed over there when I got the chance. Upon arrival, only one... eh, kind of robot was present at their bar. He wasn't exactly the best welcoming committee, as I discovered later some things he said were jokes, and it's hard telling when he's or he's not. Fortunately, the bar owner arrived a while later, and seeing there wasn't much work for him around, didn't mind showing me their town. Exchanged some more words with Iron, that robot, before returning to bar. I still don't know what meant when said mass-producing when talking about someone.

    While we were out, another of the residents came by, their resident doctor. He outright said some things about not talking of kids to Iron, and then I pieced everything together. I talked a bit with him while all of them were drinking alcohol, Shadow (bar owner) and Shellton (doctor) began to tease eachother, later we ended in some natural lakes west underground as they wanted to swim for some odd reason. All was fine at first, later both of them began heating temperature, and then... Iron. I never imagined a robot could be drunk and act like... like that. I don't even want to write about that, it was so GROSS, even wanted to shock him. I've run through some bad weathers in my life, but nothing like that. After things calmed down, found some interesting and sad things about him, who knows what will happen with him in the future. At least he got a good bunch of friends on his side, so I'm confident he'll be fine.

    PS: Remember to stay a bit away from drunks in the future. Things get crazy around them.

    PPS: Remember to wash clothes and clean pistol first thing tomorrow. With everything that happened, I coudln't do it.

    Time to go bed, took more time than expected...
    #3 Keycross, Apr 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2014
  4. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #4:

    It's been mostly quiet today. Got to talk with Blade, a hylotl that thinking of it, is very similar to Maarlek. Speaking of him... eh, better later. Anyway, asked me if I wanted to help in some project of hers and agreed to have a look, wants to build some kind of hylotl baths at an underground lake. Couldn't help her that much even seeing the place, only giving the ideas I had after asking some questions which she seemed to agree. Hadn't any pipe on her ship, so began to llok through radio to buy and found someone. She went away to seal a deal and waited there at her request.

    In the meanwhile, tried to contact again with that glitch, and he answered! Got worried with so much silence, specially since last time was hard to maintain comms and said he needed to, uh... recharge. Still quite distracted with some domestic stuff on his end, but nothing to worry about. Spoke about their situation, and I wouldn't say it's one that can be resolved by just sitting. Don't know how to give some stable help, but will find the way, I know what they are going through... firsthand.

    It seemed the day was going to end just like, but Maarlek contacted me! He came these parts much more like me, by accident, and wanted to see me just to catch up, I knew from first moment it would been pleasing for him. After a while, began explaining him what happened before splitting, and for the first real time, he was confused, which was the obvious outcome. I'm still a bit sad he though I'm not anymore the 'same' as before, which is partially true but... but... I'm mostly the same as always... Am I? My personality didn't changed that much, I believe...

    Of course I am, heavens! Thinking otherwise would be the wrong attitude to 'fight off' those memories. Shouldn't have let him go on with that, and the worst is that I may lose him just for -this-.

    Time to take some rest, there's still a lot to do!

    PS: Laughed quite a lot when i though of it... Blade and Maarlek seems alike the way they speak, maybe it's dumb, but they probably would do a nice couple. And not just for being hylotls, ha ha...
  5. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #5:

    Well, so today I finally met Sativa. His behaviour is quite surprising for a floran, although it's not that strange as he claims been raised by a human, don't see him as a liar. Why would he, anyway? I asked him about working around and he didn't have much options, so I'll have to think to roll it in my head for a while before deciding... and felt dumb when asking of what I though -hair-. It was just a hat worn for years that seems natural on him. Also had to go and apply for residence since without it I won't be able to get any work here at all, figures. At least for now, Opportunity it seems.

    As there wasn't anything to do around, went back to ship and began working on that graphic for size/time when charging up. Got scared last time, I knew that bright wasn't good, so I need to adjust some things before I could leave doing it on it's own rather to keeping some sort of watch, but safety measures and being onto it helps a lot. Haven't finished it yet as I write this, too few data to make it reliable so I'll have to do some more trial/error making sure aiming to low values so there's not an overcharge. But anyway, it's going ahead!
    #5 Keycross, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #6:

    Finally met Izzida! She looks much alike to Shellton, I can see why they are together. Could speak to her getting shipments of crops, and reached an agreement. Oh, and though she's suppossed to be in charge of comms... seemed she didn't even know about it, or weirder... what was that about. We need to speak to Sativa about it, couldn't get anywhere.

    After that, they left on their own.Not much else to do around and I didn't feel like closing up inside Skyrider, so moved to Marathon to see if I could find Maarlek, felt that was about time speaking with him again about my... issue, and show him he was somewhat wrong.

    When I arrived, he wasn't around but still I decided to stick around to see if I was lucky. Saw a strange human going around, didn't even stop to speak, just said hi... and off he went. Anyway, I knew he resides here, and surprisingly enouogh, at least for me.... that he joined them, don't know any details though. While I was taking a break reading a bit, he found me. After some speaking, he understood better what happened, and also that I was still me... all right, even after all this time, saying or writing that IS creepy. But it's the truth, isn't it... Anyway, after solving that issue, got late enough for me, so I went to leave and he wanted to accompany me. At the gate, though there seemed to be a small issue with some hylotl and... a box. I think I heard somethign about... spores? I didn't know why, but I felt an unseen chill at those words. After she got in, we could get out and bid our farewells.

    And... caught me with my guard off, first time he -almost- openly ask for a hug. Felt quite happy seeing that.
  7. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #7:

    I'm fine, but seems that today has been more like a feeling sad day. At first couldn't speak with Sativa as he was busy, Izzida didn't stop to greet... felt a bit confused, they seemed at most serious. Ended up in the bar with Sativa and Izzida, I'm saddened they have to resort to alcohol just to -drink- down problems. As if that really helps... in the end, facing them (either alone or with help) is the best way, but that must come out of their own persona, forcing isn't a good idea either.

    Iron showed up and Izzida seemed interested trying to make him more... indepedent, and bringing the... old one back. With some success by what I saw, and that cheered her up. Seems the old one is connected with her, Shellton and Sativa, don't know why but it's not really my turf... and neither the time. She took him to her house and Sativa also left to do personal business, so sit at a bench next to the pad and began looking into starnet, just in case there was something interesting or important. Wrong, geezes.

    Later on, Iron startled me as I was still reading, just to ask me if I needed any help... and in the end I tried helping him out. I heard Izzida and Sativa saying him something about being free, not just following orders, so I took a shot teaching him it. Final result? Not sure, figures, but to me seemed he understood a bit and discovered that playing some instruments can make him bring memories back, so encouraged him doing that. Maybe it's not one of my greatest ideas, but whatever it is will have to be faced if they want the old one coming back...

    Couldn't help him getting any instrument before being too tired to continue, but he seemd fine and glad, and his oldest friends are around, so I'm not worried. Speaking of which, I'm still not sure why he considers me one despite just meeting him, but I'm glad he thinks of that!
  8. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 8:

    Well, it's definitely over. Without a proper place and some extra equipment, can't go further. At least managed to finish the chart regarding size/load time for crystals, spent all morning finishing that and making sure it IS accurate, don't want any funny surprise translated in some explosion that would more than likely blow my entire ship up with me inside.

    After that, picked Maarlek up again and went planetside. Contacted with Blade, she had been working on that project of hers, was quite advanced. Showed us the bath-house , as she called it, along a friend of hers called Luke, he's prompt making puns to people. Maarlek simply went off ahead alone being absolutely out of his mind (later on I discovered he simply was homesick and that place reminded him his lost home). I must say they look unique... and beautiful. Most materials used were wood and... paper. There was a plant I never saw decorating walls around (and stupid of me forgetting to ask about them, will do in the future. Don't forget it, brain). Stools in the water, a backroom with closets to leave belongings in... will have to try this place later.

    While we were there, seems that the baths attracted curious people. First was a male human... detective, as he stated. Very energetic, inquiring about the place, told us his name is Cole. The second one was more disturbing, a female human stalking from the door, whom upon Cole spotting made her run to the other bath room. He was harsh asking lots of questions, I got the feeling she was just shy. In the end, no harm done to anyone, so Maarlek and me took a walk alone, and showed him all town. While doing so, we heard what seemed a small explosion at apartments, and ended finding that girl again. Had a small accident with some chemicals, only got a small burn in her chest. Said having something to treat it and had the know-how, so all's fine, and finally told us her name... Lunetta.

    Maarlek wanted to watch stars without town lights in the way, so we went eastwards. I had a deja-vu doing that some other times with him... but can't remember where or when, images are so blurry I can't make them, didn't mention any of that, he's already jumpy on that topic. We talked a bit and seems prone in the future changing Marathon for Opportunity, likes this place quite a lot. And... he seems a bit different lately, I'm not sure if I'm correct but seems more cheery under that motionless face of his.

    After parting our ways (getting him to his ship once more, I have to tell him to make a visitor's pass so we don't lose time like this), went to eat some on the open rather than my ship again, and found a commotion between Lunetta and whom stated was head of security in Opportunity... which meant Ria, first time I see her. While arguing Lunetta didn't made proper pass to stay, a friend of hers came in only to heat things up. Ria sure is inflexible, but on the other hand it's good these people keep town safe and sound. Lunetta had to abandon Opportunity along her belongings (she has a lot of books!) until paperwork was done.

    When Lunetta got out, I was finally able to talk with her (was about time, mind you). Once more, I didn't understand what was about comms giving up on that, and upond listening her openings I had to take a job as... secretary. Still can't believe it, but all things considered, nothing that could get me into trouble. Ria showed me workplace and break room, the only places I'll be able to access, and also asked her my duties there.

    Time to hit bed... tomorrow I have some work to do.
  9. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 9:

    So there goes my first day working as secretary. Went better than expected, mainly because no one showed up in entire day. Not even peaceshapers.

    Began checking all accessible files, and began sorting files, reports and other fantastic un-special stuff. At that point I realized why Ria was looking someone for this post. Organizing all those boxes and packages in the past is practically the same, except I don't have to lift anything now, ha ha! After doing that (which took it's good time) went and took a break. And even going with radio all day, no one was answering. Just a joke, but there was some sort of quarantine that I didn't hear off -again-? Uh, not a good topic to make fun... that was a horrible incident and almost took me away. Plus what's happening at Alioth and also Marathon. And some still focus more at blaming and arguing rather solving it.

    After going back to desk to do a whole lot of nothing, Blade answered to the radio, again at baths with Luke. Since I really didn't have anything to do, powered off computer, locked doors, and went with them. For some reason, I had to wait outside the baths. When I was finally able to go in, nothing was out of the ordinary. Talked some time with Blade about the baths construction and her future plans for it, then I was quite astonished how they talked eachother and discover those two are an actual couple... even Blade herself asked me if I knew any place to get married. Watched her for a while continuing baths construction, I have to commend her speed and cunning on it, knows what she's doing when ideas are clear.

    Evening seemed to be more of the same. Went back to office to do a whole of nothing, when I got and idea... since I have some basic accesses in systems, made an ad for her baths at Starnet. Haven't done this kind of stuff before, and will have to look how to improve it. Shame there aren't more places like that to show people, but still good to have one. And to make things more interesting, Lunetta answered to one of my calls just to check if there's people out there. Oddly enough, she kept talking with me through radio, maybe not being face-to-face makes things easier for her, or felt lonely... It was getting late, so made sure to close everything and went to the baths, just to try them. And... it was simply amazing! Got to repeat that some other time.

    Anyway, Lunetta proved to be quite a kind person, and... found her laying on a bench next to the pad by coincidence. She got surprised, didn't expect it either. Had a lot of books with her of medicine and a bag of ice to treat her burn, it looked pretty good. Talked with her for quite a bit and discovered some things about her, apart being a book hoarder (literally, she reads every kind of book just for knowledge's sake), being the most interesting is the reason she prefers people away... the poor one, I saw it straight while explaining to me. Oh, and wronging her is a bad idea, she's not proud but doesn't doubt plunging knives and similar actions when someone simply tries to make fun of her.

    After being sure whe was and would be fine, headed out... that bath was more relaxing than I could think of.
  10. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #10:

    Last days haven't been very interesting, and job hasn't been busy. Just some daily reports and no one coming into lobby. Privacy has that effect, I guess.

    What has unsettled me have been.. not those dreams, but what I've come to realize are actual memories. Although I didn't -see- myself, I could listen others referring to me as Silverwing (his name, obviously) and began to see what... he was doing, his life. Didn't see much of any actual research or job, but fragments of how he began questioning on his head the purposes of his investigations, where it's efforts had to lead mostly in weapons.

    I couldn't catch what changed him so much, yet I saw what he did before departing... it's horrible. Much like other days, he went through his usual routine, or at least what the rest of avians though. Upon entering, greeted the co-workers that encountered along his way, going straight into his private investigation room, to put his plan into motion.

    Knowing all his way about powering crystals up and possible dangers, first disabling every security measure and alarms, then put into each room end a crystal rather large (which no one worried about, as he worked a lot with them), and made sure to power up beyond what they can assimilate, making sure to cause an overload... at a time he wouldn't be at that laboratory. While his day went on, he made a copy of his most important researches to an external device as he didn't want to begin again from scrap.

    After his day finished, walked out to the nearest temple to board a ship. It's guardians let him go in to speak with a member of the Clipped council, he headed there more times than needed, and it could even be said he was a friend of some of them to some extent. Me... Silverwing, explained his need of inspecting next shipment for his laboratory, and he was granted a small ship. After it took off land, then orbit, beginning to get away from Avos... crystals went off, I guess. I don't even know the damage they caused, as he wasn't stupid enough to just stay away and see it.

    I jumped off from bed and came back to reality after that, couldn't get any more sleep. That's when I seriously began to think of it, and realized that if it was somewhere in my head, I have to find all of those memories, because if now it's... also my past... it means that I have to confront it and make terms with it, otherwise, it will go on like today. Haunting me.

    I feel pretty tired, but I guess I can take on the day, fortunately. Away I go!
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #11:

    It seemed it was going to be another -boring- day, ended up going into Marathon to check on Maarlek. And while I was relaxing at their bar checking starnet through PDA and drinking some water, in case he came back from whenever he went... I couldn't believe it. Amson came around! It's simply impossible -not- noticing that glitch.

    I can't remember how much time it's been since I saw him, but it's very good being near him. He was doing all fine, and -explanation- (ha ha!) me that he was visiting colonies around for a place to be.
    I didn't know much of it, but I told him about those knights at Taranis, where he would probably feel at home, and then Amson -statement- (I always found that quite silly, but after some time they began to be funny!) he was over with that life and wanted a more relaxed place, or some garbage like that. I know it, he knows, and even his body knows it -he won't do something else. It's just a matter of time.
    I also told him about Maarlek, he seemed pleased to hear about him, and how was he doing.

    While we were talking, Maarlek came back and also saw him again. They catched up on for a bit, and then Amson left to visit other colonies. I felt uncomfortable when he prompted me about what I was doing on Opportunity, couldn't hide that I'm a secretary there. It's not how it's called, but how incredibly boring it can be. At least it has a lot of free time, though, but I'm thinking I need something with a bit more of movement. And Maarlek, one of the few times he makes some joke... or not... goes and mentions that I would look good in uniform, caught me absolutely off guard. What was meant for? Not that i don't know his feelings, but... well.

    Couldn't talk much more other than our latest routines, as he was called in for something. Before going away, I went to find some marine to ask him how was this kind of life, I can't get a wide picture from Maarlek.
    I wrote "some", but it has to be yet again same one I usually find around entrance, talking with a partner of his, an avian. Still, it was pretty interesting talking with him, though he seemed confused why I wanted to know around their lifestyle, and then began talking that I didn't seem to be made out for it, and asked me some questions out of it, felt awkard. He even got the nerve to talk about it with his partner.

    It didn't go further than that, anyway, so I guessed it was about time to come back. Not much else for the record, so hitting bed in minutes.
  12. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #12:

    Haven't had much success trying to -remember- that life yet. Still, I will keep trying.

    I can't believe I slept so much time, was already quite late in the morning when I woke up. Went to work some time, no new surprises. Except I heard Amson through radio inviting people around to visit Taranis (I knew it!). As there wasn't work to do, shut down computer, locked up the Tower, and headed over.

    Obviously, I wasn't the only one going over, we were a lot of people coming around at the same time. Amson was the one greeting the people around, and came straight to me. I could hardly believe it... He wasn't wearing his armor for the first time since I met him!
    Or better, I should write not the same one. Seemed like a downgraded one, he had to upon joining that order (Again, Amson, I knew it). He will be fine, I was there when he suppossedly got destroyed. Some recruit of theirs had to be attended, and so he took off with him.

    Anyway, I wanted to check out that... villa, as someone called it, but there wasn't much to be seen for visitors, after I found out later in the day. At that moment, couldn't even go past the inn for some argument between the knights and some of those creepy people going around. Left them to solve it, they don't need more trouble and I don't need to get scolded for going hero.
    Afternoon went smoothly, I like that environtment of theirs, even if it looks that old. Listened to some music played by Storm, a floran which lives on playing it. A pleasant one, I must say.
    Well, was going fine until another of those dark guys came around and began... courting me... repeatedly, may I add, said his name was Hayate. Seriously, some days I -hate- these damm yellow feathers, it happens too many times around. He creeped me out, acting like that. Where did he learnt it?

    When he -finally- left, I could talk with one of those knights (it was about time that quarrel ended), and presented himself as John, a leader of the kinghts. More people came by while I was asking him about their village (two avians) and the whatnots for visitors (Honestly, I always prefer not getting into embarrassing situations for some stupid mistake). John seems creepy, but when talking with him he gives the feeling of being a decent one, so it's all right.

    About the avians. One had an... let's say interesting... way for setting and taking off his armor, the other one reminded me of those USCM marines, except he's a independent pilot. They were taking some drinks at the inn's porch and when I walked by it, that pilot stopped me right into my tracks and presented himself as Roskii (later I felt he seems to enjoy meeting other avians around, but don't know why yet), the other one Corvus.
    Roskii offered me some vegetable's soup. I didn't feel awkard like with Hayate, so I accepted. The three of us talked some time, Roskii said that he made his living carrying people around, and Corvus seemed interested as he needed to check some particular planet.

    Roskii made an agreement with him, and asked me if I could help somehow. Well, I still remember how to shoot straight and run, it seems that's been ages since last time I made a trip like this.
    Told him I had to go over my ship to retrieve my stuff (seriously, anyone goes around with a spare armor and a big weapon?), and that I would meet them at his ship... not before Hayate showed up and joined at last minute, the nerve. Now that I think of, I would like a guy like this at training sessions with USCM marines with a rule that they can't hit him in any possible form, and endure him (yes, marine, I remember you).

    Before beginning trip, Roskii gave us a quick trip on his ship, he's really proud of it. Much bigger than mine, actually, this one is like a full house. After that, he set course, we could feel how the ship began to move and then, engines entering FTL mode.

    Well, just when we got to the planet, Corvus already didn't like the surroundings, it wasn't what he was expecting. After an hour pushing ahead, without finding even some wildlife, he was convinced that wasn't the place he was looking for and the trip being completely useless. We didn't have reasons to stay there, so a bit later, all of us returned to Roskii's ship.
    Corvus was really upset with whoever gave him the coordinates for that place. After that we began to go our separate ways, I hope to see them again.

    Except Hayate.
  13. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #13:

    Been some busy days now, for a change.

    First, went to Aiko's, as bars seem to attract people, trying to see any familiar face. Didn't took long, I was still walking down the stairs when I ran into Roskii, talking of coincidences. After telling me it was empty (except the bartender), came in again with me and had a... particular talk, not what I would expect of someone that I just meet.
    After offering me soup again (does he ever drink something different, even if it's water?), told me a bit about his life, he's been a lot of years on his ship, alone... now I understand why he's always trying to stick with people. That's what happens when no one or anything wants to either enslave, shoot, rob, bite or claw, I guess. Looked sad while talking of it, he still needs time to put that all behind.

    And then, all of a sudden, he asks me if I'm grounded or loyalist, (now that's a word I haven't heard in decades... damm, not me, but... stupid memory) of all topics... I'm not interested on that kind of talk, I don't want to listen any stupid conflict based on different opinions regarding the same topic. Roskii told me some avians around were loyalists... simply fantastic, if two sides weren't enough, now we have three. If the stargazers were to lose, I really hope grounded and loyalists doesn't end shooting among themselves, as our race seems prone to make some civil war when they get a chance. When we are looking up, bam, war.

    Back to Roskii, he tried to know what was my take on it, and then I replied him what I feel about it. Whatever will be the outcome, there will be a lot of avian blood on the ground, and we'll be lucky if there isn't another issue.

    We had to leave it when another avian came by with a (I still can't really believe he goes around with it) keg of rum tied on his back. Roskii already knew him and introduced both Raideck and me. They began to talk for a bit about Talon's Reach, and Raideck offered us a visit on it, not before another avian called Talon arrived and joined the visit (seriously, seemed the avian meeting day. First time in months I've been even in a small flock like this, made me sort of happy inside).

    Roskii offered his ship to make that little tour, so after boarding it and travelling into Talon's Reach, I see he didn't lie being a huge ship... It's impressive, Raideck explained that it was a Stargazer warship reconverted into a colony ship. First of all, he directed us through the central pillar. After climbing our way into it's main hall, showed up one of the two engine's room (it's even safe showing that to complete strangers and let them wander around it? Maybe I have been... outside too much time).
    I didn't even notice when they were leaving, got busy peering around and didn't like that at all. Seemed like they put more work on room itself rather than engines, I'm not convinced they are that safe... even -shocked- ship has enough power.
    The carvings and sculptures around were good, but... why in the engine room? (I got the feeling Stargazers made that silly work).

    When I got back into my sense, caught up with them along the stairs, into the bar... cozy, if it weren't there are so many curtains, tapestries and flags on it's walls that you can't even stick a single sheet of paper on them. At least, there were large windows to watch upon sky, that's always nice to have.

    The next place he showed us was the ship's bridge, as big as it had to be due to Reach size. Didn't stick much there, just the time to inform us it could be operated by Tale-Teller, the colony leader and ship's ability to move in case it was necessary.

    After that, not much else to see as reconstruction wasn't finished. East side had an inn, west side as much, and that was all. Before we left, Talon talked some time with Raideck, and then we went our separate ways. Roskii took Talon and me back to Aiko's before taking his leave for some of his business, Talon did the same.
    Me, I went back to mine to relax and lunch.

    Afternoon got also better than it has been lately. Was at work sorting the daily reports, much like any other day, when Maarlek called me in to join on some kind of covert operation of his. Or I though so...
    Upon joining him on his ship, explained me that some xenophobic human pissed off the USCM and made rather horrible things to several people that he was sent to try and gather information of his whereabouts, some old man with white hair. Told me that under any circumstance we shouldn't go after him, like if I have to play as a hero. Pfff.
    Maarlek made his ship travel to some planet, then went to his room to change his clothes for something more common while I waited for him at the beam pad.

    After remarking me a lot of important things about discretion, being careful, and when we finally beam down... it was Tanaris, the last place he was seen. DAMM HYLOTL!! Didn't he had the slightest idea how is Tanaris BEFORE going there?? (or even mentioning it) All right, at least is a safe place, but I don't even want to know how he would speak of actual dangerous places.
    Well, we beam down, and the first one we run into it's... no one other than Amson! Glad to see him, and seems to be once more like a mobile wall... even without the helmet, the armor he was wearing this time IS massive, with those big silver-plated shoulders decorated with gold. He looked slightly different, though, and when I asked about it, told me he had some accident some days ago (the way he spoke, had to be a rather big one, though).

    I left all the talk to Maarlek, since he was the one who knew all about that guy. Amson leaded us through the gardens and inside the castle until we reached his private room to talk quietly. However, before talking, Amson offered to bring us something to drink, which we accepted, and wandered off for two goblets and a pitch of water.
    Finally, they began to speak about the man Maarlek was after, which Amson didn't have the slightest clue of, told him that he would prompt it to Taranis leader's and reassuring us they would look into the matter.

    As there wasn't anything more that it could be done about that matter, Amson gave us a tour of both castles, outer and inner ones. I didn't pay that much attention, I'm not exactly used to cold places like that, the only remarkable place was, uh, a incredible cliff at the eastern end. Scary.

    After the little tour, Maarlek suggested to go somewhere else and we ended up at Aiko's bar (not exactly what I had in mind). I followed him into a private room, and it went much as expected. Maarlek, please, the "How are you doing lately" should be voided by now... but surprised me asking about the, eh, other one. Managed to gather some breath to tell a bit about it, but... how can you tell someone about a researcher that goes from only energy applications to weapons development (and quite the weapons). Ugh, thinking on that it's sickening.

    Not much else went on, and as usual parted our ways off. Still, I kept thinking on that pursue of his... and I have some idea to try and help him. I'll see what I come up with.
  14. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #14:

    Heard enough times of Liberty Mills to go and check it out, out of curiosity.

    Couldn't do much, that colony is pretty different from what I expected. Specially for the fact that is entirely covered by smoke. Managed to find the bar, but couldn't even get a clue of how or why has been built from anyone there.
    Nothing has been out of the ordinary, but the place itself it's pretty cozy.
    But uopn leaving, I wondered why it seemed so much fortified. Another time, probably.
  15. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #15:

    I must admit it's been rather unexpected, due to how last months showed me while travelling around. Forgot how it was being around in a flock, I guess. When I got in front of the bar it was closed, something about few working in it.
    I met Lydea there, seemed kind enough. Offered me a snack, and in return gave her some water. Nothing out of the ordinary, so ended asking why tht bar seemed like a fortress when closed.

    Began explaining me some story about slavers attacking more than often the place, when yet another avian showed up, Lydea called her Moon (, and furthered the stories of them when I prompted her... mostly to say that they aren't very bright, on her own words.
    Those two knew eachother pretty well, since I simply sat and listened as they began speaking of some business involving weapons, Lydea is pretty proud of her own work. And when we get to talk again, I had to bring up the most stupid topic I could thing of just to ask. I heard a lot how her father teached her and te time on it, and since that work is not something common in Avos I went ahead asking if she was Grounded. Well, she is, and also got annoyed for it. Couldn't even tell her that didn't matter to me.

    At least I ended finding a bit of Mills foundation. A floran bard (odd enough, but not the first one I've seen) explaines there were two different merchant families out to get the coal off the planet, it's main resource. More than anyone else, works for me.
    Went trough the evening just to relax, while some other people including some avians came trough, not much else

    Still wondering what was that feeling.
  16. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry #16:

    This morning has been one of those you get up and feel like and seeing how's an old friend doing, so I found myself making not the usual system check, but a complete one watching closely. Nothing out of the ordinary except replacing some worn-out wires an gears here and there.
    Additionally, I made sure emergency protocols worked like it should, in case the worst happens. One doesn't ever know what to expect.

    Went to work, another day of the usual reports, nothing new on this end. Finished early as usual, so went again to the baths for what they were built, ha ha.

    When done, I set course again for that bar in Liberty Mills. Being cozy and having the rather pleasant (I'm fine around people in general, but can't beat growing and living among your kin, I guess) presence of many avians make it a sound place to go.

    Once more, it was closed (need to know it's opening time, honestly, but it seems random), but I found Cole waiting there, too. It's been a lot of time since I saw him last, but didn't see too happy. Told me something about shooting an avian pirate, smuggler, or something alike called Eyepecker and leaving him on a deserted planet. I'm... not sure what's the logic in that. Didn't kill him, but leaves him to die somewhere else out of everyone? Sheesh.
    Anyway, the bar opened, and after taking our drinks (he was kind enough paying mine, don't know why but still appreciated) and having yet again an embarrassing situation where I don't know the meaning of a word (this time it was tip), Cole said going to play some songs (a hobby of his) and went with him to listen. He's good.

    Went for an hour or so before Cole got enough of it, so both of us went down again, and it didn't last long before a glitch in a full suit of armor, coloured in a rather weird green tonality, appeared at the bar. They seemed to know eachother, but even Cole got a chance to talk with him, someone called me... a male red avian. Which, by the way, I didn't know at all.

    Thinking back of it, I know I've been sorta idiot. Answered private stuff, but he locked himself in about practically everything I asked of him. Presented himself as Hawke, seemed to know a lot about me (mostly because I simply can't shut my beak up, already know I should ask a lot less around, but I simply can't).
    It seems he's usually in to check on kin, and if there was a topic to start talking about with someone you just meet, it seems to him a good one is asking your past in a crowded room. I'm past it, but not going to tell a stranger why did i leave home.
    ...But when we were alone at a balcony, I did (Close. Beak. Bad habit being like this even with strangers). Began pretty nervous, talking about quite a wide range of topics, nothing really relevant, excepting he knows Joshua and Dusk. And yet again, closed himself. In the end, could relax and be a bit more myself, so he can't be that bad... right?

    Ended with him at the counter to drink something, and since he acted that friendly told him I could use my ship to move shipments around, if needed, and gave him private means to contact me.

    Time to get some good sleep in my wings (ones and only forever!).
  17. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Entry# 17:

    That.. reminded a lot of... unpleasant past happenings. Day couldn't be worse.

    So first think I do this morning is trying to go deeper in Silverwing's memories... I didn't know what to say, or think. After fleeing, it was easy for him to get into contact with Grounded, and set into a large settlement. Got help to build a research laboratory, and used his investigations to... began developing weapons like there's no tomorrow. Personal, and also for ships... the rest of his life dedicated on arming them, hoping they could get ready to give serious trouble to Stargazers.
    At least, until they began to get annoyed how the Grounded were arming with better weapons than them (his most probably guess), and searched where they were coming from. Sent in a mess of ships and a invading force to take it out.
    Stopped getting deeper, still shocked of his actions, just when the attack began. I'll try to look out on it at another moment...

    Work wasn't better, and mood couldn't be worse. At least I could ease off my mind while being busy doing the daily stuff, and calmed down.

    Went again to Mills bar. Sit next to an avian that didn't seem much better than me, and also has an open beak. Didn't really exchanged words, except some rather silly comments about each other.

    And after a while, while thinking again of those memories at morning... I didn't know what was happening, just heard a loud *CLANK* from bar grates! Crouched under the counter, and after a while trying to calm down and hearing some shots up top, placed together my blaster, just in case.
    I'm tired sitting around not doing anything like in the past, so walked up the stairs to take a peek... I saw Cole and a glitch. Weird one, by the way. While deciding what would be the best to do, Omizu comes through the stairs... and places herself in it's way! I pointed blaster at it, just in case, still crouched at stairs.

    I TOLD her to stay off a LOT of times! Went ahead saying "Everything's under control" (sure...), and after Cole got launched her way, she sprayed it with... something... that didn't do anything. After that, she got clawed, far off my spot... but managed to get near stairs, anyway.

    That's when I fired some bursts into what seemed it's soft spots, and pierced them quite well... but like nothing happened. Seeing he was coming our way, tried to fall into lower floor taking Omizu with me... but only me got there, fell on my butt in the end, but it wasn't a bad fall at least.
    Then, the glitch, ignoring Omizu (who was bleeding pretty bad), he came downstairs, I fell back aiming again my blaster... but he kept going down. I don't know what happened with him... but from the looks of it, simply walked it's way out. SO weird...

    While everyone assessed their own damages, I rushed upstairs to see how was Omizu, to find her already attended by two doctors. They assured me that they would patch her up, and took off... I'm no doctor, only possibility was trust them.

    And if we didn't had enough action for one night, while I was still thiking out, another shootout began! I still don't know ANYTHING of this one, kept my feathers off it on a pure defensive stance until it got off, it was so crazy.
    I ended out of the bar, with a lot of people, and saw how someone got off the balcony running away, and the avian I... spoke with earlier felling off it, not in the best stance... got hurt.

    No one of the rest seemed to even notice (how could be, if it was so obvious?) or even ask for him, so tried to take him into bar, but as it was closed once more, I had to treat him myself on a pipe. At least, all the bleeding came from small wounds opened from falling (so relieved...), and as we couldn't get the bar open, I helped him going to his appartment some ways off. Took him all the way, it seemed... basic, what he just needs.
    After all what happened, we presented ourselves... his name is Wren, he's young. I made sure he would be fine on his bed, and that door was locked before leaving... from some names he said, one mentioned was Hawke, of all avians...

    Need to contact him about Wren, he should know what happened to him.

    And real glad he's fine, after all. Can't stand letting people being hurt if I can do something.
  18. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 18:

    It looks life begins to look up! Or at least, it seems so.

    Although at the morning it didn't seem like so. Walk into bar, and what I find? The local looking like a storm has gone by and people that were most likely assessing damages. Turns out, the crazy glitch made another one of his visits (he has annoyed Liberty Mills so much that it's bounty office has put one on him).
    And heard from their talk that whatever it is, it's as sturdy as a ship. Bullets, plasma, emp, slashing, freezing, nothing seems to do much against him, but there's still hope. Explosives and fire scared him off (not before climbing up a 6m wall with its claw after being shot a lot of times, they were still shocked).

    Female barkeep took the worst, from what I could see. While everyone was talking, Hawke went upstairs, bringing a door with him when coming back, to attempt some quick fix behind the counter. Cole came down soon after, didn't look like he had a good night, and filled me in what had happened (sort of).

    Wren walked out while I was talking with Cole, and soon after the rest (even the injured barkeep!) rushed off bar. That's when Cole told me where Wren was headed, and the direction that crazy glitch went off. Didn't have much more talk since I also rushed off in case they stumbled into it again. Luckily, everyone arrived to the hospital safe and sound, and the barkeep got treated right there, with Hawke blocking the doorway. Cole also made his way, and began rambling how he was getting so tired of fighting, specially after getting a bounty on his head somehow, and then took off.

    Everyone went back to the bar after she got treated, and not much else happened, just the usual talk. After getting out since it was going to get closed, beamed back to my ship, and went straight into Starnet to try and finally get some work. Sent some messages to Mills administration, which ended being the best lead since they took the trouble to inform, and also to apply business with Armada, in case I end up their way.

    That's when I saw they had some open relief routes so Alioth Prime and Tetanus Fields, both places are going through hard times. Signed up for it, and apparently... only two ones so far (sheesh), finding out from my messages with R.A and the other ship crew that organization isn't their strong point. With relief aid, at least, will wait some time before getting harsh conclusions.

    After that, went to see if bar was opened... and it wasn't. Some people gathered out of it, being the most noticeable a floran that kept his gun drawed... and answering him about what happened last night wasn't the best idea. Seems to be constantly , eh... hunting, and the second he heard about the bounty on crazy glitch, didn't stop asking about him, and how he would either shoot, stab, or even explode him. Even began trying to put an explosive into the security door to get in! I'm partially responsible, since I told him the only way i knew to contact the mayor... but managed to pull him off in the end (phew).

    When night was near, with people coming and going, it finally opened and walked in. Wren also came in, and now... I must admit I'm... still amazed with the mayor. A minute later asking for him to the barkeep, he appeared out of nowhere, Wren even fell down from his stool! Didnt take much time to follow him to his office (I'm still wondering how in heavens he could blow smoke that way, it's... disturbing). Filled me in about both merchant families and about the shipments, wasn't exactly comforting when I was told they don't play fair as they go after each other cargos... I really hope moving them for both will be enough to be out of the trouble. And if not, I'm always confident of this bird, never let me down in five years and going on!

    Before leaving, he placed TONS of paper to fill in (where did they come from??) for stupid formalities! Never seen so many just to work, it's ridiculous! Took them, placed them in bag... somehow... then, he offered me to rent a deducted (as I'm going to work for Mills) appartment and I accepted. Not much, but I'll be able to call it nest, at least, ha ha. After that, parted ways and walked back to bar.

    Wren was talking with some other avian, which in one word is... idiot. Absolutely. Heard Wren asking him how Alioth was going, and when prompting him about the reliefs, he got real mad. Didn't get much of him, as he also seemed to have a bad day, except that something is clearly wrong with those routes (if his word can be trusted), his name, and a lot of accussations, like being a R.A. pawn taking their orders, being Grounded, among some others. Talks a lot before even thinking, and a strong follower of Kluex. Guess why I fled home. At least, was relieved when he got his attention on another follower, ridding me of this nuisance.

    At least, it wasn't that. Someone left a large sum of pixels to pay everyone's drinks and food, and tried out an ice cream. Wasn't sure of it at the beginning, but it was pretty tasty!
    #18 Keycross, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2014
  19. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 19:

    ...I hate paperwork.

    Well, found the bar opened, and not much happened. Hawke clearly drunk, Skarti was also around (and oddly enough he apologized for some of the talk he made last night), and before he cold tell me something, Hawke vomited all over him, yuck.

    Began filling in the paperwork, and before I knew, everyone left. EVERYONE. Even the barkeepers forgot to kick me out, on their other business that seems to take a lot of their time. I simply continued filling papers, until someone came in... another avian. Didn't talk much... or rather practically nothing. Didn't tell much apart his name, Corson. Looking back, I think I pestered him a lot, since he mentioned several times if I hadnt paperwork to fill... didn't want to even talk with me, but I saw him playing that violin of his... pretty good.

    Of course, he ended leaving... I did too, wasn't in the mood to continue filling silly papers, so it was time to bring some furnitures and extras to my appartment. Had to do several travels to bring them in, but results speak for themselves. I'm proud how the emblem standed out in the middle.

    Walked my way again to the bar... and found Corson again, along other people around. The talk went as expected, and left pretty fast. Began talking to the rest, and what, about twenty minutes later I get a message from him to meet Corson on his ship, and sounded very urgent... so I went.

    I didn't exactly understood what was happening, he first tells me that after being pestering him he cared about me (!!!!) and I got threatened by someone, to the rest of the time offering what to do, if eating, listening to music, or... well, we ended up eating a "pizza"... tricky at first, got the hang of it though Corson ate most. And he also had some sense of humour after all, ha ha.

    Moon came soon after finishing the pizza, and they left to talk alone a LOT of time. When they finally returned, went to the bar, with them. And surprise, it's closed.

    Right almost arriving, Moon began to argue with someone, I only knew it had to do with last night. Wren appeared, I got to talk with him, and I didnt even see when they beamed again to ship to go for Taranis, as Corson sent a message later. Wren... its not exactly well, with his head, decided to stay with him, and to avoid unnecessary trouble (the commotion didn't end after they left), we went to my appartment.

    We talked for some time during night, and more questions that shows I should close my beak up sometimes. Wren is mostly... apathic, but got on his nerves when asking for his headaches.. Anyway, managed to calm him down and we simply had a little chat until I had to take a good rest... on bed, ha ha.

    In the end I didn't do much paperwork, geez.
  20. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    #Entry 20:

    Done with the them all... and also feeling down.

    Been most part of the day just filling the paperwork back in nest, it's been ridiculous. At least had a break when Corson messaged and came over just to check it out, I guess. Nothing relevant, since he still seems like being inside an egg. After leaving, again with papers.

    When I finally finished them all and checked them in administration, found Corson and a lot of people in front of bar. Again, mostly silence. Omizu came by and while I turned back to her to catch up how she was doing, Corson left. Searched for him, finding him at the new cafe that established westside, on a balcony (It doesn't look like much, though).

    Had enough strenght to tell me what was wrong... seems some crazy human girl fell in love with him some days ago, and last night told her he already was with Moony. Her answer? Throwed a conscussion grenade to Moony, whom also was there, and felt guilty about the whole matter. No big harm done, at least. And made me think of myself... and Maarlek.

    Rest of day wasn't good for me. Sat alone at bar, began messaging Corson how he gathered enough courage to tell that girl... and came up with nothing. Hawke came around and began checking some papers of his, and not much else to tell except Wren talking with him before I left, since between my mood and his ability to say absolutely nothing about him leaves just the usual gossip found at places like this.

    Ended up thinking so hard about the whole matter that I left to sleep. I... need to tell him... deserves more than that.
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