Pirate crew? AVAST YE LOGHEADED MILKSWABS! Don't ye know who yer quarrelin' with? I BE THE GREAT CAP'N SHADOWSTEP! So yes I wish to join with my character: Shadowstep. It'll give him something to do.
what if like we did multiple crews of a handful of ships woth different styles/methods to their radical piraticals? like an avian crew a human creew etc. Cuz we got like 4-5 avians so far i think. Eyepecker Kroka Chiggles Groundflyer
I like the idea dirty Put forward and were going to do that so everyone should tell me the race of their character.
Just a reminder for everyone remember that you're character must join IC'ly by going to aikos bar while Eyepecker is there.
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that out too... I'm working on creating a B movie star character who was cryogenically frozen during the 1950's and would find this whole atomic age dream to be a shockingly cool reality and would maybe get caught up in the whole pirate thing, thinking of it more as an acting experience?? Ideas???
Lorne needs to be marked as joined ICly, and you can remove his last name (Buckner) for simplicity and to avoid confusing.
Contact Eyepecker in game OOCly and we'll arrange a IC event for your character to run into the crew.
I've created an Ex-pirate character named Goldplucker. She doesn't really want to join, but you can attempt to offer her a job, you just need to convince her. Even then, she's more of a robin-hood character, so it probably wouldn't work. We'll see.
Just a reminder for everyone that has joined to join the steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/crimsoncorsairs It's public so anyone can join.