((*These entries can be accessed by anyone browsing the Starnet.*)) ((*Entries with Italics can only be found on Lavinda's ship.*)) *Blog Entry 500121010200331031024001251521 - Posted: 999999999999 Years Ago* I keep waking up to find myself somewhere new. But when I rise in hopes of finally escaping, I know that I have not, as the image shifts back to the horrific blend of colors within this prison. I'm going mad. I still want to leave. That has not changed. I've been stuck in this time displacement for god knows how long. Do I really deserve this? Do I? DO I? DOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOIDOI SEEYOUSOON *Blog Entry 500121010200331031024001251520 - Posted: 2403 Years Ago* IAMTRAPPEDONCEAGAINICANNOTGETOUTIWANTTOLEAVEPLEASELETMELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELEAVELETMELEAVEPLEASEGODLETMELEAVETHISPLACE 0101000101010101100110100101010110101010101010101010111010101010101010101010101011010101010011010100101010101001100100101001101010110111010111001010111010010011010101010101010101010100101010101010101010101001010101010000010101011010010101010101001111010101010110100101100110010101010101010101010101010010101010010101010101010101010100101001100101100101011010 *Blog Entry 1 - Posted: 8 Years Ago* So, I suppose I have to start up this here log, otherwise my sister will annoy me about it some more. (Hi Lavinda, you dumb bitch, are you happy now??) So I guess this is where I'll be posting all of my logs, and stuff. Yeah, I'm not very good at this, but I might as well start off with the four W's. Who? I'm Kara Stolheim, a scientist well versed in designing unique fire-arms. What? I make weird guns, pistols that discharge a stationary ball of lightning, a rifle that fires focused gravity shots, that kind of stuff. In other words, I'm a war profiteer, and you guys hate my guts. When? Uhm, I started my job pretty recently, I'm 20 at the moment, incase you're wondering. Why? Because shit's pretty crazy at the moment, and everyone and their mother wants a gun, so.. Okay, with that bull out of the way, I suppose I can start talking about what's going on. I just left my home to start my business selling all sorts of arms, my dumbass sister Lavinda wanted me to start a blog so she could stalk me, although she has no means of chasing me if I stop, to be entirely honest. I suppose i'll do it because I love her and her silly hair, I guess. It's more of a personal thing, between me and her, so if you're some other random who stumbled upon this, I don't mind, but expect to misunderstand alot of things, yeah? See you around, bitches. Welcome to Me. *Blog Entry 2 - Posted: 7 Years, 11 months Ago* So, Lavinda had a hissyfit over me making fun of her hair again, what she fails to understand is that I take the piss out of it because it's stupid. Okay, none of you have seen Lavinda, which is really lucky for you, she's a cynical byotch who tries to act like she's fine on her own, but she's absolutely hopeless. Best part is, she has these two retardedly long twintails, that just look ridiculous. Worst part? She's my sister. Anywho, this blog is also about me, not just how lame my sister is. But I can promise at least 1 Lavinda insult per-blog. Today was good, I managed to sell alot of plasma weaponry, got me some neat pixels, aw yeeh! This girl's going to be eating good tonight, that much I can tell you guys! Anyway, if you guys are interested in some neat weapons, hit me up, I'm officially open for beeswax! Oh, right. That's business for all you stuck up fish assholes. Since I know I won't be seeing their pompous asses, I'll be sure to add an insult per post for them, as well. Except unlike the Lavinda insult, it'll be genuine. Fuck you tuna-faces. Floran master race.
*Blog Entry 3 - Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago* Sales have been awful, nothing has been happening. I got bored so I went home for a month. Now I'm back on the ship and already I'm bored out of my brains. That's it. Sorry. EDIT: Oh right, the fish are annoying, and Lavinda is annoying. Forgot that part. *Blog Entry 3 - Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago* I forgot about this blog. You must be worried sick about me. (Lies.) I'm fine. That's all. I really do suck at this blog thing, don't I? Sorry, Lav. But I don't really like doing this, at all. I did meet this kid on the Starnet, though. Calls himself anon, he's probably like, 10, or something, because he types everything in caps and is really annoying. Wants me to make him a bunch of guns. I might do that.