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The Start of a Journal (Aedan's Logs)

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Terallis, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Right. Not really kept much of a journal in the past, but given how unforgiving the galaxy is and the like, I figure it's probably a good idea to do such.

    Anyways, so my name is Aedan Terallis. I grew up on Earth. After Earth was destroyed, I worked a number of jobs, mostly for my self to keep myself alive. Got really good at salvage operations and the like. Really good with technology. Er.. though, I suppose getting on to a more proper journal entry would be good.

    Aedan's Log, Entry 1
    Day... umm... March 25, 2414

    Been hanging around Tetanus Fields for a few days now. Despite the rust and the fact that the place is made of scrap metal, it's a pretty interesting place. A lot to explore and a lot of mystery. Though, over the few days I've been there, the place appears to have become increasingly more dangerous than when I first arrived. I mean, I was told of a floran brood being formed in the sewers, and that people shouldn't go down there for their own safety. However, in the few short days I've been around, their numbers have increased drastically. They've been coming to the surface in droves, it seems, and they carry disease with them, at the very least. Covered in sewage and growths of sorts. I must wonder if there actually is a level of radiation down there, or something.

    Right. So, on top of that, I've taken on some work for those at the medical center. The disease ridden florans keep managing to get into the medical supplies and causing them to be unusable. Not to mention the electrical system got damaged and the last person to try and help got high off their ass and made the problem even worse. I've got a fairly good stock of materials and the like, so I'm going to work on beefing up the security in that facility. Install some thick bulkheads, security panels that scan fingerprints, eyes, facial recognition, etc, put in some auto-turrets as a last measure, within the high security areas, repair the electrical lines, pump the tar out of the basement, salvage what's left down there... Yeah. I've got a lot of work ahead of me, but it's nothing I can't do, I suppose. Also, on top of that, I'm gonna be keeping an eye out for medical supplies that I can fly in. They definitely need a steady income of medical supplies with how poor of a state the settlement is in.

    On a different note, I've also been working on a bit of a side project with developing some experimental, advanced weaponry. Managed to almost complete a few of these, though a couple of them still have too much kick. A handheld weapon shouldn't really have the power of something like a turbolaser cannon... especially when the kickback sends the user flying into a wall, just by firing one shot. Gonna keep a separate log for my testing logs, however. No need to clog up my personal logs with the research logs.

    But anyways, I think that's mostly everything. Though, also managed to find a familiar face at Tetanus. Chronicle works in the medical facility, so at least that is good.

    End Log."
  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 2
    March 26, 2414

    Completed almost all the work that was needed on the medical facility and more. Security doors are set up, basement is clean of the tar, auto-turret installed in the storage room, and cameras installed throughout the facility. As some added bonuses, I repurposed the entryway. Added in a decontamination chamber, so even if the mucklings were to get in, they'd at least be sanitized first. Was also given the go-ahead to change the basement into a security office. So I'd say the medical facility is a lot more secure than it was before.

    On another note, Rynn seemed a bit down after the small problem that occurred with that one man. I'll need to talk to her and explain she's not in any trouble, though.

    Aside from that, not too much to report on in my personal log. Gonna start tests with some of the weapons I've been constructed, though.

    End Log."
  3. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 3
    April 23, 2414

    My word. I am poor with keeping up with this thing. So much has happened since my last entry, given that it has been about a month, using the Earth's rotational periods.

    Lets see. Where to even begin...

    Tetanus Fields blew up after someone put a bomb in the sewers. Everyone was safe, though. Started assisting with the spore outbreak on Alioth Prime. Had a number of complications arise with various treatments from other people. Some worked a bit, some caused deaths. Not good at all to say the least. Started working on nanite treatment. Finished the development and the nanite development is currently in use. No problems as of yet, at least. So that's good.

    Patients also got brought to Marathon for use of their facilities. Still don't think that was a good idea. More trouble than it's worth, especially since their facilities are honestly crap. Could get better on my ship, to be honest. Though, ship doesn't have enough space. Also, part of the trouble on Marathon is their paranoia of things. Started a lockdown with complete communications blackout in the hospital. That was stupid of them given that some of the major doctors were trapped in there. The lockdown lifted somewhat, however. The entire hospital is a quarantine zone, though. Need hazmat suits to even enter, which is still rather stupid if you ask me. Just need a face mask to block the spores. It's not some virus or radiation, afterall.

    Also initiated the construction of a space station to house a new corporation idea. Rynn, Zahard and I got together to form a corporation for research, development, and repair. Station construction was nearly completed, too. The name we came up with was Titan Corporation. Couldn't think of anything else, but it works well enough. However, as station was about to be completed, it got hit with a massive asteroid. Didn't completely destroy the station, but caused a complete reactor overload that resulted in the destruction of the station. Clean-up is nearly complete, so we'll rebuild. Hopefully doesn't take as long as before, given the knowledge of everything.

    So, I think that pretty much sums up the major events. There are some side things, but they aren't too important to mention. I suppose I should try to keep this log updated, though. Same with my weapons testing log. Haven't had much time to work on those, though.

    End Log."
  4. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 4
    April 30, 2414

    Attempting to keep up with my journal a bit better. This will be short, though, seeing as not too much has occured.

    So far, three patients that were administered the nanite treatment have come out clean. The nanites did their job perfectly. Since then, I believe two more have been given the treatment. I will need to head there and sync up the data feeds to keep an eye on them, though.

    I also got back to my weapons construction and testing. However, the main test I did was a colossal failure. More information can be seen in the weapons test logs. But lets just say it caused a huge explosion that destroyed almost a hundred square kilometres of land.

    That's all that has really happened, though.

    End Log."
  5. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 5
    May 11, 2414

    Right been a little bit since the last entry, again. At least I'm not forgetting about it entirely, though. Also glad I keep backups of all of my logs.

    An experiment went horribly wrong with the singularity generator. After quite some time, I finally managed to get a relatively working prototype model for it. However, my calculations were so far off. The testing yielding unforseen consequences as it became very unstable the instant it was switched on. While it did succeed to create a small singularity, it ultimately started overloading. Barely made it off the ship with Jhori before the generator imploded and took the entire ship with it. I'm glad that my data and other experiments had already been moved to the Celestial Hawk. The Titan of Inauguration is no more.

    That's another thing before I get into talking about what happened following the implosion. A while back I had commissioned the construction of a custom frigate and it was recently completed. So far, I've come up with a few names. Celestial Hawk, Nihilist Phoenix, and others. So far, sticking with Celestial Hawk, but still not sure if I'm satisfied. It is a magnificent ship, though.

    But anyways, getting to the aftermath of the singularity failure. The escape pod crashed on a cold, snow-covered planet. Had to actually dig our way out of the pod after we had been unconscious for about a day. Took a few days to be rescued, too. I'm just glad we managed to salvage materials from a few abandoned USCM buildings. Not to mention the fact that there was, at least, a partially working communicator in one of the buildings.

    But yeah. That's how things have been since the last entry. I managed to get most of my technical instruments repaired. I'll be steering clear of singularity research, at least for the near future. That was far too close of a shave.

    End Log."
  6. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    "Entry 6
    May 13, 2414

    Not a lot going on since my last entry. Mostly been dealing with insurance related stuff. Both for my lost ship and the damages to Phoenix Corporation's station. Managed to get most of the paperwork squared away, at least. Been busy, however, overseeing the repairs on the station to make sure nothing gets messed up. It's coming along rather nicely. I suspect things should be properly repaired within he next few days, at most. From the asteroid hit that damaged the station before, most of the damage was done to the docking bay, the biodome, and the living areas on both sides of the station. The damage was severe, but the repairs are going smoothly. Most of what's left is just the repairs on the living quarters and the docking bay. The docking bay, itself, sustained the most damage by far, and is getting redesigned. But anyways, that's it for today.

    End log."
  7. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 7
    May 15, 2414

    So repairs on the station have been completed. Things actually are a bit better than they were before, so that's good. Only a couple rooms left to be furnished, save for the empty on-station apartments. Gonna leave the biodome to Zahard, and the medical and biological research bay to Rynn. Though, if they aren't around, I'll likely go ahead and do some of it, myself. On that note, I also reposted the hiring message to get some people interested in the corporation.

    End Log."
    #7 Terallis, May 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
  8. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 8
    May 20, 2414

    Alright. Got a bit that's happened since my last entry. I went to Alioth Prime to do a check-up and data sync on the nanites being used there. Overall, they've been performing far better than anticipated. A lot of people have been cleared, already. However, like all treatments, it's not without complications.

    There have been a couple deaths, but while Doctor Suimaa stated that the deaths weren't due to the nanites and more due to how far their symptoms had already progressed, I still don't feel any better about it. There was, however, someone that was suffering from kidney failure, directly linked to the nanites themselves. After closer inspection, the nanites were actually working too well, and through such, were overwhelming the kindeys with the spore waste being left behind. The nanites had been operating at 170% capacity, so I needed to drop that down as best as I could. Managed to cap out their operations at 125%, but was unable to drop it any lower. The nanites were already showing signs of stress from the drastic reduction. If I went any lower, they would have shut down completely. While 125% is still above the operational parameters, it's far less than before.

    In other news regarding the outbreak, Doctor Suimaa was exposed to the spore. After a brief scuttle with a hylotl named Kiyose, she had her mask knocked off. We managed to sedate him, but it was already too late. A short while later, she tested positive for the spore. Luckily, however, we administered the nanite treatment early on, so she should come out of it fine. She's also asked that I assist Jay with the general duties in the hospital. Mostly helping with serving food, but that's perfectly fine. I'm just happy to help.

    Chronicle arrived, as well, and is gonna be helping out. It's been a while since I last saw him. He looked rather dinged up, though. Not sure of what exactly has been going on, but he's definitely seen some action, recently.

    In news unrelated to the outbreak, Arlie came to my ship in a panic. Dropped to the floor right after beaming in, too. After a lot of screaming, I managed to fish something strange out of her head. Some sort of chip. I'll need to analyze it later on, for sure. She's currently resting.

    But anyways, think that just about updates this thing on the latest events.

    End Log."
  9. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 9
    June 9, 2414

    Right. So, I've slacked off on this again. Fair bit has happened since my last entry, but I'm gonna try to keep it short.

    Been working on my armoured power suit project. Hasn't been the most successful, though. Gotten stuck in it twice now. First time was due to actually forgetting to add in a proper release switch, as well as a vocal unit. Second time was just the other day. Remembered to install the two things but I didn't really check the parts. They were somewhat shoddy. The circuit boards and the vocal unit both short circuited. Took a while to get out of it. Scared Jay and this other avian, Twitch, half to death when I showed up on Alioth. Eventually got out of it, though. Had Twitch shock the suit with shock paddles turned up to maximum voltage. Triggered the failsafe and ejected me from the suit.

    That goes on to something further. Glad I was on Alioth at that moment. One of the patients that was undergoing the nanite treatment suddenly had some issues. The nanites started attacking his organs. Really glad Chronicle was there, though. If it was just me, I don't think I would've been able to successfully reroute their programming and put a block on the processes that were causing them to attack the organs. One Eye is the patient's name. He sustained some moderate organ damage, but nothing overly life threatening. I'm not sure what would happen if my own creation were to actually lead one of these people to their deaths. I can't help but dwell on the "what-if" senarios, at times, either...

    But anyways. After the trouble with the suit nearly preventing me from assisting in time, I've put the project on hold until the people of Alioth Prime are clean. Their health is more important. I will also be staying within range as best as I can in order to react more quickly if anything goes wrong. Aside from that complication, though, I suppose I should be glad that there have been next to no major problems. I'm thankful for that.

    In other news, Phoenix Research Co. is finally getting more attention. Got a few applicants for security, as well as an assistant chief of Technological Research and Development and a general Technological Researcher. I'm glad that it's getting such attention. But anyways. I think I'm up to date on important stuff.

    End Log."
  10. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Entry 10
    June 13, 2414

    "Only been a few days since my last entry. Not much has been going on. The damage to One Eye's organs have caused the spore infection to worsen. He's in pretty bad shape. But there's nothing I can do except hope that he comes out of it alright. I keep finding myself dwelling on it, but I need to focus my attention on more productive matters.

    Taking that into mind, I've figured out the first major project of the tech division of the Phoenix Research Company. Perhaps even a good plan to work together with the other divisions. The project will be the research of one or more anti-Agaran weaponry. These weapons will serve as a way to purge the planet of their presence and bring peace back to the people of Alioth. I know that, if nothing is done, they will likely attempt more attacks on the settlement. The spore outbreak is nearly over and I would hate to see it resurface because of those damned fungus. But we'll see how things go.

    End Log."