(( Steven! )) hi i'm buying a handful of things, i only have rubber ducks as currency, so maybe we can strike a deal! i need: -a new black marker, mine dried up -boxes -seeds of most varieties -a hat -a frisbee if those even exist anymore -two metric tons of pressurized steel -an empty jar -a net used for catching butterflies -a gun for self defense if anyone can sell me these things that'll be great, thanks! (( EDIT: Asking for Boxes, seeds, hat, and gun in item form. ))
((Pan)) I suggest, you do not give a person that knows you do not have a means of self defense your location
(( Steven! )) well i mean i do know people that can protect me but i want to protect myself because the universe is a scary place did you know that you can get mugged because you look like you have money? its terrible.
-incoming message- "Hey, I can help with the hat, seeds, and gun part. Send me a message if you're interested. I don't have a good quantity but I have some spares here and there.." -Veronica (Big Foot) -end of message