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[Diary.snet] Mysmarri's Super Secret Biz!

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Mystyice, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    (( As always, these entries are private and kinda hard to get into. It's all hosted on a website though, called Diarydocs.snet which is basically an online Word program with a password. If you manage to hack into the website, or guess Mysmarri's password and username, you can probably see the entries.))

    Entry One

    Just got my new computer! It's made of this crazy metal frame, and it looks so darn sleek! I've been stuck on this dusty 4.13 Jalco computer or something for like a couple months. Now I have a crisp new Findux! It's like some sort of tablet, 'cause I can detach it too. I'm typing on it right now. It feels SO good.
    Anyways I won't be having that pesky tag on my posts now. It's great!

    Today I sent an s-mail to the Carroli corporation. Mayhaps I'll get a job there? And I'm also looking for some sort of university. I really hope it's an online one. Ooh, maybe I could, like, take classes every other day, and then do my job the other days? Probably won't have any free time, but I mean, as long as it involves plants I'll be entertained enough.

    Hey, I should take a mining job.

    Ehh, nah, already took one.

    I wanna set up a shop, but I'm not sure what I should sell. Should I just sell wooden sculptures for like 50 pixels each or something? Or crops? Ooh, wooden sculptures of crops, or maybe edible sculptures. YES EDIBLE SCULPTURES

    I'm going to make a bunny out of an avesmingo right now.
  2. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Two

    I should put the date on these things. Man, I wish I could draw on this. It's so boring to type. URGH
    Wait I just found the thing gamma jug that types what I say.
    What the fog I mean thing gamma jug
    Thing gamma jug
    I meant Thingamajigg. This thing is stupid. Ain't using it again.
    Uhm... date. Date. What day is it? This is my second entry, I guess. Day two.
    You know, since I'm gonna be the only one looking at these, I suppose I'll just talk to myself.
    Hi Mys.
    What's up?
    The ceiling!
    So anyway, remember when I said I would make an Avesmingo sculpture yesterday?
    Guess wht I made.
    A bunny.
    I was too attached to it to eat it completely, so I took just a bit of its tail. It tasted like carrots!
    I bet those avemingoes have CA81 or something. First they confuzzle your tongue, and so your brain ends up having you taste what you think of or what you last tasted. But then it means you can only taste what you've tasted before. And I bet the fruits have vitamin Delta10 too. Makes it so that your brain doesn't fire the exact same signals. Except targeted at the taste part of your brain. Haha! I hope I get into that Carroli corporation. Maybe they'll have some chemical detectors I'll be able to use.
    Ooh, ooh, I'm actually right above the office that I'm supposed to go to. Just waiting in my ship. I'm going to beam down soon to apply, 'cause turns out I had to go there.
    #2 Mystyice, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2014
  3. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry 3

    Urgh, the place literally JUST closed last night. So mad.
    Anyways, I don't really know what I should say about my utter and complete lack of a degree. Let's see... um, I read a couple of books. I have a library of them. And I was homeschooled? Uhh...
    Oh, I could mention the research and discoveries I've made. On my regular adventures through the universe. There's a bunch of trees, but none of them seem too cool, except for that tentacle thing. I couldn't get a sample of one of those tentacle seeds, because it kept trying to smack me in the face. Eugh. I've got some grass and stuff, and some of them seem like possible crops. There's this rice-like plant that seems to grow twice as fast, especially when you apply extra niacin to the soil. Which is pretty weird. I wanna get some sort of chemical tester to see if it's poisonous or not. Hopefully it isn't lethal, otherwise that'd suck.
    Also there's this weird coconut kinda thing. It's taking absolutely FOOOOOOORRRRRREEVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRRR to cut through. I had to use my mining drill!
    And guess what?
    I don't even know how this thing even germinates! Is it even possible for that to happen!?
  4. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry 4

    I've made a few sketches of the plants. They're attached. There's a picture of the rice-like plant - it's somewhat like a cocoa bean, a cob of corn, and a thing of rice mixed all in one plant. And it's blue. BLUE

    Also there's a picture of the woody thing. I finally cut through it today, straight to the core. The seed itself is this fleshy stuff that might be edible, and the texture is similar to that of... uhh... a durian? There's a tiny sapling smack in the middle of that mess.

    I'm really tired today. Gonna go to bed, 'cya.

    View attachment 867 View attachment 868
  5. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Five

    So I got accepted into the Carroli corp! Woo! I'm so excited.
    Anyways, today I decided to celebrate by going on a sapling expedition. I'm planning on making a greenhouse park for Stark, and I heard that this one planet has rose trees on it! ROSE TREES!!! I had to go there, you know? So I did with Corvus.
    Man, that guy is adorable. He's been gone for weeks, and I've been getting worried. He finally got back, and says his ship engine got busted! Oh my gah! That's horrible, but at least we're together again. <3
    We went down to the planet, and first thing we see is a big pile of ash. At first I thought one of those pilgrim Groundeds had left their oven on overnight. But then it started pouring miserably and we found a nearby shelter thing that seemed dry. It was a bit odd that there were freshly planted carrots, but we jumped in anyway.
    Guess what we found.
    A freaking hobo!
    He kept blabbering on about Corvus being this idiot that killed his family, which was sad, but it was like the worst thing ever possible. I was terrified, so I got Corvus to beam to safety. The hobo needed help, so I brought him to my ship. Corvus was there, because he's the most stupid and stubborn cutie in the world, and I had to try to keep the two apart. It was horrid. The hobo kept drawing his bow as if he were ready to shoot us to death. But I managed to get Corvus out and beamed the hobo with me down to Stark. We got him new supplies and stuff. But then I just...
    Let him go.
    I hope it wasn't a mistake.
  6. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Six

    Today I had to take care of a poor fellow Avian!
    Her name was Kandy. She broke her ribs after touching a matter generator. I had to give her two doses of my herbal painkiller remedy, and now I have to make a new batch. Hmmph. And I had to radio in a medic to help out. At least she was friends with that shadow guy... Shadowstop or something. I remember I had to use his bathroom once because of really bad pizza. Haha!
    Welp, I found a pet this morning when I went back to that rose planet. The trees are gonna be in the Stark garden. I named my new pet Bubby. He's like the cutest thing ever! He has little bear ears and looks just like a dog, but with adorable blue stripes! Eeeee! He's so cute. He even snuggles up against me. Hehe! But I was jumping around with him on my ship and I ended up bruising my ankle. It really hurt! But I couldn't cry because the medic and people were still here. Good thing that nice Shadowstop guy gave me an oinment for it. He's nice, but he ain't gonna be replacing Corvus.
  7. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Seven

    I... I hit my head. I... I don't know what happened. Just... Corvus. That's it. That's all. I've lost my memory or something. I don't even know how. But now the guy who saved me... Corvus... We dated. And we're dating again. I had and still have a massive crush on him, uh, heh. So no wonder we were together.

    But I can't remember it! URRRGHH! It's so annoying! I... I don't have any warm memories like what my previous logs said. No happy moments for Mysmarri now. Nope. It's all gone - no Corvus, no time with plants, no jobs or friends. I don't remember and it's like I've lost... Lost everything. It makes me want to throw a tantrum.

    But it's okay. It's okay. Because I got to kiss him! Haha! And... And I can still hug him, right? He still likes me. And... And I like him. So we can still be together. Right? Does... Does he like me?

    I'm too... Too wobbly for this. I can't do this, I have to stop. I always get a horrible headache when I get upset. Like now. I... Can't even see straight. B... Bye.
  8. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Eight
    So... So let me see... I was from, uh, umm... From a village. That we always simply called "The Village". Aand there were c-cult- bastards. There were bastards. There were smelly horrible traitor idiot bastards that destroyed my home... And... A-and...
    Sniffling can be heard.
    And they... They, they killed them. And I escaped because... Because of my... Ughh! I got stuck on a planet! For... For THREE YEARS! And then...
    And then Corvus came. And he brought me to Stark... We talked. We talked about our past. And then... Then I met Big-Mech, and the florans, and... And then... Nothing. Nothing! Nothing nothing nothing. Nothing.
    Okay, so according to my entries and my Starweb posts... Is it Starweb? Um. Soo according to my posts and my entries, I got a new ship. And then I got a new computer. I applied and got a job at Carroli, and then I started writing a book! Wow. Somewhere in there I started... Dating... Corvus.
    I hope that isn't a joke, jeez. I still can't believe it, heh. Man, if someone finds this... Oh god that would be so embarassing.
    Anyway, after I started the book, I somehow got a bunch of seeds and stuff. Or maybe I got the seeds before the book?
    Ummm, yeah, I got the seeds first and then made the book. Then, I got an apartment at Stark. I sent a message to the colony owner if I could build a biodome/shop. I dunno if I did. But I sent the message. So, uh, maybe I did? And then I worked on dissecting plants and fruits while I waited for my Carroli application to go through.
    Then there was an Avian named Kandy. In that entry it said that I made some remedies, so maybe I should look in my library. Then I-
    Woah. What... What is that? What is that? Some sort of shadow? No... It's red. Maybe it's Bubby?
    Ugh, screw this. I'll just put up an ad for memory recovery help or something. I'm done.
  9. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Nine

    Uhh... I had an episode of sheepophrenia or something. I dunno. It's a vision. I used to have them kinda rarely, like once a month since I uh, escaped my home. And they were pretty mild, like maybe a shadow in the corner of my eye or something. But this time I had a vision of like a fire that turned into a bunch of faces, and, and they were whispering things. Horrible things. They wanted me to kill people. Wanted me to kill Kluex and all who worshipped him. And... And I think I would, if I could.
    Hurgh. Anyways, today Corvy and I met at Stark. The trees at my park disappeared, and I was so mad! I set up a camera system. Now I have a live feed in my ship. Corvus and I had some nummies at my apartment, and then we went to Marathon for a drink or two. We played this game where the object is to hit this black thing into the other person's goal. Corvus won 4 to 1!
    I swear I'm gonna beat him next time, haha.
  10. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    (( Sheepophrenia.
    Day 4. The baas are getting louder. If it keeps up like this, I fear I might lose my mind... ))
  11. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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  12. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Ten
    I'm sick today, of all days! It's my birthday! And I got the flu. Hmph.
    Anyways, today I kinda sat around and updated my plant index, posted a bit on Starnet, read a few books. But man, I'm so excited for Monday! We're gonna go - well, Corvus and I - we're gonna go on a camping trip! And there'll be marshmallows and sausages and we can take walks in the forest...
    Oh man, I can't wait! It'll be so romantic, too. If fireplaces are romantic, just imagine a campfire with the moon shining down, and stuff!
  13. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Eleven
    Oh my god... The trip was terrible!
    Absolutely terrible!
    There was this Hylotl that came barrelling out of nowhere, and he KNEW me, and Corvus knew him, and I don't even know it was just so horrible everything was a DISASTER!
    And he tried to kill Corvus, too, he was wearing some sort of mask, and it was so scary! Corvus started talking, just TALKING, wasn't even afraid! He's a maniac, oh my god, why would he ever do that? But then it kinda worked, because the Hylotl stopped trying to kill us.
    The nerve! The absolute NERVE! I chased him for like a mile, because... Oh my god, how DARE HE!?!? And then he just beamed away with the freaking phone!
    Corvus was upset about that stupid asshole. It really hit a nerve hard. We went back to Stark and had a bit of reefshake. We talked, about his mother and what happened to her. It was really rough.
    But, oh my god, I am going to find that Hylotl and choke him to death, and then kick him in the face, and just... Grrrr!
  14. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Entry Twelve
    asdohfffh hah shoudljd drinikn cyanindier some moire s hdoo goodd wi kll go to tarnais morre wheueeee sheeecret diarury stuffgjh cyhsanidierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr imand drunnnkk arehnt i kdlaopol aggdghadsf