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Article: Who is Ray Beluga?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kazi, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Who is Ray Beluga?
    by Lee

    So who is Ray Beluga you might be asking yourself. Well, if you are not now then read further and you might just start asking.

    Wobbegong Polytechnic Institute has him listed as a young exceptional Hylotl who graduated with a double masters in Astronautical and Mechanical, and a Bachelors in Civil Engineering.

    He is an upstanding member of the community who speaks out against the loss of life. (http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/suggestion-racial-conflicts-solution.239/)

    And most defiantly alive.

    Let me go back, I started looking into Ray Beluga as a bit of side research when looking into the theft of the antimatter (see my article Antimatter Hysteria for more details http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/article-antimatter-hysteria.2418/), and at first everything seemed fine. A little unusual, I mean child prodigy with a rare medical illness isn't what I normally come across when looking into someones background, but otherwise fine. But then I looked closer and started finding some startling discrepancies.

    First, for someone you stands up against the loss of life, I found it odd that he developed a Surface-Orbit Magnetic Acceleration Cannon and a high energy oscillating plasma katana. Both extremely deadly.

    Next, I saw his many references to his educational background, some with slight variations. When I asked him about his schooling he completely failed to mention his Bachelors in Civil Engineering.

    Then I looked into his very minor criminal past and found two accounts in his own words on what happened. They are almost the same. Almost. But within those posts I noticed some slight variations in the story. So I asked him directly about it and repeated exactly what was found on the most recent report. Curious, I asked his if he remembered it or looked it up and copied it. He told me, "the latter". Does he not actually remember getting detained? This was most certainly not going to be a normal interview. The criminal matter by the way was getting detained for possession of a chemical for "medicinal use", this "medicine" that contains several harmful substances, which was made by chemical engineers, not pharmaceutical engineers like one would expect. What is it really used for? A rare medical condition like he says or something more bizarre; bizarre like this next fact I found.

    Ray Beluga died. He died about one and a half months ago.
    (http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/hylotl-killed-by-florans.1040/) When confronted with this article he was rattled, he claimed no knowledge of this story and stated that "[he was] entirely new to this galaxy" and then he stopped himself and declined to comment further on the subject. And before you all start saying clone, if you had read the linked article you'll notice that Ray declined the hospital's offer to clone him, stating "If it is time for me to die, then I will die." When I went to follow up at the hospital I discovered that the records of this had all been shipped off worlds and were not available due to the fact that the hospital was now closed.

    So how much should we be trusting this being? This man who calls away Alice from the lab just long enough for a Floran to get in, fix the machine and get out with Antimatter? This man who has been buying neutronium for some sort of classified project which is going to be used in the creation of a device that "would direct a high-speed projectile at a target with maximum accuracy and minimal friction". Now I am not scientist but this sounds like he is designing yet another weapon, this time for the Carroli Corp (coming soon: article on the Carroli Corp) This man who is taking an unstudied drug to fix "a medical condition".
    This man who died. Is he even who he claims to be?

    Who is Ray Beluga?
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    stab and open up and find out what inside fish

    will get answer that way
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Allow me to defend my occupation if I may.

    I believe that peace is the ultimate form of civilization. My people reached this point of perfection many years ago, and we were quite prosperous. However, the virulent Floran took over our homeworld with their endless army, wielding mere spears, swords and clubs. Cavemen's tools. Yet our advanced but unprotected race was put into jeopardy by the primitive invaders. This ought to never have happened. Long have I meditated on this. Should we choose peace and risk safety, or choose war and be safe? I came to the realization that if we had an offline yet prepared military presence to protect us from those who wished to disturb our world of prosperity, we could have prevented the Floran from ever reaching our planet, let alone our colonies.

    Therefore, my intention is to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The innocuous civilian men, women and children who perished on my home planet and countless colonies should not have had to defend themselves against any sort of invader. My machines will be machines whose purpose is to save innocent lives. I would like the hostile force who sees my defenses on a world to flee, but if necessary, I would be willing to end one malicious life to save innocent others.

    Regarding myself and my alleged "Death", if anyone out there has something to say about it, any memories of me or leads to follow, I beg of you, let me know. Surely I am more confused about myself than you are of me. Any information on my... previous life... would be appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Go for it, Sen.