-You turn on your radio to find audio of a mid-twenties man with southern welsh accent- "This is Gareth Yates, if you are getting this message, I'm looking for civilization. I left Earth due to the escalation of fighting and just broke free of FTL travel. Please respond, over."
((Earth is a tentaclized wasteland ya donkus)) Greetings Mr. Yates. You will find a surplus of civilization here. This galaxy has numerous colonies and cities. It may be more appropriate to contact them individually. Your computer should have automatically switched to this galaxy's StarNet, feel free to browse. You...seem familiar. Are you warping in from the Memoria galaxy? ((Aka unbound travels))
((Yeah, Gareth left earth before the Tentacles, FTL travel, time passes, but not for the things traveling at light speed)) Aye, I did do some scavenging in Memoria, but when those I was more fond of left, I felt another beginning was worth looking into. For anyone listening in, I'm not one for drama, or politics, I simply do what I can to make where I am, a better place. Over.
A little bit of everything I suppose. Used to be a detective, was raised in a shaolin monastery. I can handle myself fairly well, I'd say my intellect and the like would be my finer points.
Well, what do you -want- to do? Seems like your skills are pretty broadly spread so I can't give you much direction. Some jobs are engineer, researcher, security personnel, military, ship captain, miner, builder/architect... Waddya wanna do?
hrrrm... Difficult question, friend. used to freelance in Memoria. I like to have a place to call home, but I can really do anything... If there need for partial security, for my detective skills, and I could be a scavenger if such job exists. A miner that also searches for items. Really its all up to where I am. I havent even set foot upon friendly ground yet. Just fuel stops and the such.
(( Misfit! )) mifthests hops u fend a gud jahb 2 werk. u sem lik u hab alodduh potentil. if u ned a jahb, talk 2 mifthesht privat n we cn set uhp a meeten.
Well, in your position I would suggest settling on a colony. Usually they have a few odd jobs that need doing, plus it's a good way to get out, meet new people and figure out your place in this galaxy. Check the list of colonies, I chose to join Opportunity, but it's entirely up to your personal preference. Additionally, check out the various factions on the faction page. Maybe you could find something there that interests you. If you're into R&D and cutting edge tech, I would choose Carroli. If you're into being a mercenary or hired gun, check out DarkStar. If you're into serving on a warship or something, check out the Reizurrat Armada (I think that's what it's called) Plenty of opportunities in this galaxy.
Thank you Misfit, I do hope to meet you under good circumstances after I find my ground. As for colonies, I fear I may be a square peg, so to speak.. I'm not one for politics, I usually align myself with what I find right. That being said, I also respect other beings opinions... hrm.. Where to go..?
As far as I can tell most colonies don't require you to like politics, they generally are pretty relaxed with what you do as a profession, so long as it doesn't harm the inhabitants of said colony. Each colony has an advertisement of sorts on their page. Feel free to explore them to find the best one for you.