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Ray's Holopad

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Toadkid1234, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    (Ray carries an expanding holographic tablet with him nearly everywhere he goes. It is used for surfing StarNet, communicating, drafting and note taking.)

    I would say things are going much better than planned. Prior to my arrival in this galaxy I had prepared for the worst, however this galaxy is indeed rather hospitable. Many local Floran hold no grudges with Hylotl which is fantastic. I didn't think it was possible. Everyone is very warm over the radio, and people are nice to talk to. I have applied for a job and I am awaiting my interview now.

    Perhaps I ought to settle down somewhere. I don't think staying on a ship my whole life is a good idea. I am considering Opportunity, it looks very interesting. Plus it's run by a hospitable, Hylotl loving Floran, whom I would love to get to know. Nothing interesting has occurred yet. Probably for the better.
  2. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    (The proceeding entries are all audio-video files. Ray appears on-screen, professional looking yet relaxed. He speaks in a steady calm voice.)

    I should probably have an entry about my... Condition. Ever since I was... A child, I have had problems with my adrenaline levels. Sure, having high levels of adrenaline helps during activity and when quick decision making is needed, but when you are trying to focus on a problem... You just can't. You keep noticing everything, seeing everything, hearing everything... I am more myself when I have the standard level of adrenaline in my blood for a Hylotl. I am thorough, steady and focused. Everything is clear and I see the big picture. But when I have peak adrenaline levels, I am quick to make decisions as if everything needed an answer immediately, and I pay attention to everything I sense. Unrealistic amounts of data flood my mind, and I micro-manage every little thing. I can handle it, sure. But it is not conducive to social interaction. I experience a sort of emotional magnification, where any minor emotion becomes multitudes stronger. I speak in rapid, choppy, sometimes unintelligibly fast language, and it causes me to be less efficient when communicating.

    (He pulls an Erlenmeyer flask from a drawer in his desk, filled with a deep blue liquid)

    This solution here stops all that. Aunt Lily from the Research Fleet made this for me, taught me how to make it. She gave me all these charts and papers on it's effects and such, but I never bothered to keep them. It's pretty straightforward, if you want to stop feeling hyperactive you take a sip and you get focused. Brilliant. I'm not much of a chemist myself, but my understanding is that this took her quite a lot of time to make. I always liked Aunt Lily, she always tried to indoctrinate me in her chemist ways... (Ray chuckles lightly) ...I miss them.

    (Video feed ends)
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    (Ray appears on screen, taking a sip of blue liquid from a vial. He sighs heavily and tiredly, as it is dated late at night)

    Today I had an interview with the head of the Carroli Corporation, or at least this branch. I... I'm not sure how it went. I got in, sure, but... My adrenal levels unexpectedly skyrocketed in the middle of the interview. I don't know what happened, I took an extra dose of my serum beforehand... Hold on.

    (Ray realizes something, looks away, then runs off screen. The feed cuts after a minute of no movement. The next entry is dated the next night, and opens to Ray looking over data.)

    Well, I found the problem. It seems that the serum effects vary, depending on the level of adrenaline in my blood at the time. I produced a graph of how it changes over time, it's the very next file. I...don't know what to do. Do I take it frequently and maintain stable levels, yet become immune to it's effects later? Or do I take it sparsely, make it last longer until I become immune, but have large oscillations between hypoactivity and hyperactivity? I will have to carefully think about this.
  4. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((A screenshot of test results from a program on his datapad is the next entry. The different deviations denote levels of adrenaline based on time of chemical application. Deviations are based on colored markings on the time scale. The violet line shows his normal adrenal cycle.))

    Attached Files:

  5. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    A text file follows...

    I worry.

    My condition is causing me to have more erratic behavior. Last night, during one of my peaks, I was invited to a party. I went.

    I never go to parties. Modern dance has too much contact, the company are frequently hormone-pumped intercourse-craving lunatics, and party clothing is too... nonexistent. Besides... I dont have friends. I am too analytic and scientifically minded, and no one likes a nerd. During my adrenal spikes, though, I become a bubbly, sociable, daring character. I dont know who I am anymore. Am I a drab scientist, or an outgoing nobody who everyone likes?

    Whether I enjoyed the party is what really concerns me. All the havoc, the excitement... I liked it. I wanted to stay there forever. I drank large amounts of ethyl alcohol solutions, which only made it worse. I hate not remembering what happened after I became intoxicated, however it is probably better that I dont know. Anyway, I had better get to work on my project. Maybe... I think Ill attend the next party, this time with more control. Perhaps I will meet more modest and clothed company.
  6. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Gee willikers, I have been busy. I might be doing too much, I'm working on 3 projects right now. ODIN is nearly done, LOCUST just needs to be programmed into the mass production facility, and a new project has begun. ODIN will strictly be for military companies, LOCUST will be for everyone, hoping to make lots of money off of that, and the new project is for CC. Really tired. All day I calculated derivatives, stresses, pressure, thermal expansion, moment equation, and plenty of 3D curve calculus. Right to bed, might get over 3 hours of sleep. That would be something...
  7. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    (Video file)
    The screen shows Ray pacing across a large, empty room with an enormous window occupying the entire wall. Outside the window is a magnificent view of an enormous black hole. Ray is pacing quickly and erratically, twitching slightly at random occasions. He speaks incredibly quick, almost unintelligibly, definitely having lost his slow, deep voice from before.


    Ray Nozomi Beluga, Log 193. Where to begin? Gone to hell. Everything gone to hell. Supply of solution run out, no longer have reserve supply either. Possible sabotage? No, ship secure. Is it? No. No. Have all chemicals for solution except the hexafluorophosphoric acid. Crucial component. Disintegrates avian plumage. Titration with lithium diisopropylamide creates helpful serotonin inhibitor. Am allergic to only other inhibitor known. Urgently need help. Cannot function correctly. Searching for bio-medical engineer. Find hospital, seek aid. Ironic, situation much like human novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Once brilliant scientist becomes malicious monster. Kills himself. Once was successful engineer. Now monster? Kill myself?

    Other problem. Reporter brings much turmoil. Found old article, says I died. Killed by Floran. Attempted peace, blind to Floran savagery, killed by spears and clubs. Died aboard hospital. Hospital suspiciously abandoned. Who am I? Clone? Ironic circumstance? Twin? Only possibility is clone. Cant be. I feel myself. How would I know? Possibly clone has same personalty and traits? Uncertain. Only other possibility is I was healed, reported dead by crime syndicate. Surely couldnt be benevolent corporation. Likely malevolent corporation exploiting my skills. Wait. Carroli? Couldnt be. So many friends. Seemingly well-intended. Will contact research fleet, see if they can find something. Best hackers in the galaxy, they say. Hmm.

    Addendum to reporter bringing turmoil. Interviewed me, researched past, asked about projects, degrees, etc. Posted on StarNet. Put in bad light. Made me seem self contradictory. Am I? No. No! Already meditated on personal destination, clearly defense based. Peace through Strength. Only reasonable solution to save as many lives as possible. Only solution. Currently majority of galactic population unprepared for galaxywide peace. Floran race still mostly primitive, highly belligerent. Killed me. No, not dead. Wounded, reported dead. Not a clone. NOT A CLONE! Floran evolving many appreciative of lives of others, even Hylotl. Human race still has primal war mongering instinct in blood. Again, some hopeful individuals. Many still mercenaries, soldiers, killers. Me? No, not a killer. A protector. Peace through Strength. Morally sound doctrine. Would work if applied. Glitch very advanced. Likeable. Many achieve self-awareness. All logical. Moral, even. Very advanced. Honor them. Galaxy could learn from them. Make good leaders. Avians divided, not much progress. Followers of Kluex refuse contemporarity. Nonbelievers refuse tradition. Must come to terms, reconcile. Find middle ground. Tradition just as important as progress. Still sacrifice sentients. Heard of Hylotl sacrifice. Despicable. Need to be stopped. Reason for my work. Hylotl scattered because of Floran. Feel hate toward Floran. Ill-founded. Need to move on, realize Floran changing rapidly, becoming morally sound. Hylotl have much to recover. Possibly can see galaxy of peace in my lifetime. Peace through Strength if necessary.

    Much to think about. Cannot think. Problem.

    Big problem.
  8. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((The following is a text file, extracted from StarMail correspondence))

    --Message origin not complicit with StarNet records. Searching memory... Found; Renaming message origin--

    From: [Hylotl Research Fleet]

    Topic: YOU ARE READY

    Ray Beluga,

    After much discussion and contemplation, we have come to agree that you are to be informed of certain things. I will not soften this with fluffy words as usual. Brevity is important in communication.

    When you were first found adrift in space, we realized you were an excellent young tadpole. As you know, your intellectual progress was accelerated because of our help. But to be capable you must want to be capable. You wanted to be capable. This is exactly what we needed. For years we had been planning on attempting to retake our homeworld Anzen which is no small task. We began to assemble a fleet, but none of the ships had weapons and none of us were trained in coordinating attacks and strategy. You were our solution. A young mind, able to learn from the weaponry and organized violence of alien races. We let you explore our old weapons tech and let you play real-time strategy games. We showed you your passion. You pursued it and emerged triumphant, and you are still bubbling with ideas. But we know you want justice. We know you want to end the Floran scourge and bring back an age of peace. Locked up in the Carroli Corporation laboratories will not get you that. Come back and join us, as our head designer and commander. We can retake Anzen, and show the galaxy the epitome of civilization, come back to life!

    The choice is yours.

    Admiral Zaedra, Hylotl Navy High Command


    I dont know what to think of this. I love engineering ships and guns, was I bred to be that way? I love strategy games, was I designed to love strategy? How else have I been engineered to do this?

    I also found out thanks to a medical doctor that my medication increases hostility over time. They wanted me to hate the Floran. To be ready to kill them. Kill them all. Now, knowing so many good Floran, even among the bad ones, there is hope for their race.

    Regardless, I have finally found my purpose. I will accept their offer and lead my race into the future. Instead of eradicating the Floran, I will be diplomatic if possible. We will no longer be a closed, defenseless judgmental race. Our homeworld will be an interspecies hub of trade and prosperity, and maybe, just maybe, we can befriend our former enemy.

    I'm also scared as hell. If this goes wrong I will be known as the one guy who completely failed his entire damn race. Ancestors be with me.
  9. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    The next entry is dated months later than the last. He sits at a desk in front of racks of chemicals, in a small shiny white spaceship.

    Sorry for the long break. I spent the last few months convening with the Science Fleet. We have finalized plans for the HKC, we just need to implement them now. Our timing must be right. We have some support from a small amount of in-the-know Hylotl, so we think our organization will be well accepted. My hope is that when I finally take my place as fleet admiral, I don't succumb to the power lust that has plagued many fictional and non-fictional leaders. Hopefully my morality will remained unwavering and my decision-making abilities will be refined. It will be good to have people by my side to keep me in check.

    Meanwhile I will keep working on weapon schematics. We have an arms contractor ready to work, and my other projects are already under way, so I had better get to work if we are t have a decent security force. Wish me luck, future self.
  10. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is once again in his shiny white spaceship.

    We have publicly announced the HKC to the galaxy. I already have a couple of interested participants. One is a kind woman by the name of Vivian, who is a fellow Memorian. She seems very knowledgeable about shipbuilding and my impressions of her are high. She is morally unquestionable and ethically admirable. She could do wonders for the galaxy should she accept our offer. Another fellow, a glitch, contacted me. His knowledge on technology is quite archaic, as he seems to be a standard glitch who recently achieved awareness. This will be a good place for him. I hope he will feel at home among our fleet.

    I have ordered the fleet to find a planet to orbit about, to be the new focus of our economy. Once they find one we can start setting up shop and return my race to its pursuit of success. My only concern is the galaxy being accepting of our cause. Many of them have an innate desire for conflict, and our peaceful desires may turn them away. We shall see.

    Ancestors be with me.
  11. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    The following recording shows audio files paired with a slideshow of photos. The photos cycle through and all appear to be of a skeleton of a ship under construction in space. Large pieces of white reflective metal hang suspended in space, with various darker structural members like I-beams, gussets and ribbing accompany them.

    The Science Fleet told me they had decided not to send any of their ships quite yet, but they allowed me to have one of their older shipyards. It is functional but does not work at such a rapid pace, and doesn't allow the construction of ships larger than a destroyer. For now, with our current population, a small carrier will do for civilian use. That is what is under construction currently.

    Switches to video feed, Ray is in a large room multitasking between screens showing strange ship, tower and base designs. He talks as he works, quickly and anxiously.

    Many responsibilities as Lead Admiral and Lead Engineer. Not too much Admiral-based jobs. Engineer-based jobs are coming in like... Something frequent. No time to think of a fitting simile. I digress. Many things, yes.

    Lady from Stark, mayor. Alice Matthews. She found an Agraran pod of abnormal size and configuration. Groaned grotesquely when touched. Fed off of apex in pod below. Foolish Floran nearly destroyed it. Is a fascinating piece of organic material. What is inside, unknown. Suggested building research base around it. Designs coming in. Current engineers suck, miss both minor details and tremendous errors. Both lead to catastrophic failure. Tired of correcting them. Should be sent back to WPI. Anywho, large circular structure encircles pod, performs readings with built in equipment and external sensors, pick up possible brainwave emissions or strange behavior. Designs ready. Needs only to be constructed.

    Ships, yes. As I said, currently building carrier for civilian craft. Quaint vessel. Whale-like. Most ships will be modeled similarly to homeworld aquatic life. Foreign races will see beauty in synthetic simulation of nature. Hopefully find appreciation for both life and technology. Life and technology not incompatible. Glitch race proves that. Afterward, building liveship. Then market vessel. Possibly combine into one? Hmm. Maybe massive colony ship. Considering. Hmm.

    After basic necessities accounted for, develop defense ships. Mount SOMACs planetside. Space station. Science fleet sends in more vessels then. Bigger construction yards. Manufacturing centers. Economic boom. Technological advances. Weapon designs able to be put into development. Prototype defense cannons built. Prototype offensive weaponry developed. Stop evil. Diplomacy first. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Try to talk to aggressors first. If no agreement, big stick will be ready.

    Considering nature of opponents, big stick will certainly be needed.
  12. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is wearing an ocean-class envirosuit, and is welding gusset ing to an I-beam intersection.

    Met a Floran interested in joining the HKC. Her name was Peachtri. I had my suspicions but she seems benign, almost innocent. It is good she decided to join. Having a friendly Floran aboard my fleet will remind me there is hope for them. Plus, she seems to be an excellent cook and hunter, and can provide a steady source of meat products for citizens to eat.

    Additionally, a diplomat joined our team. Another Hylotl, who seemed proficient in his field. He will be a valuable asset, and it is good to meet another member of my race. Vivian, a kind woman whom I met while in captivity by pirates a few days ago, was also interested. She is Apex I believe. Up she does not join the apex group she will join our cause. She is a memorian as well, and it is good to see a friendly face.

    The monstrosity of an Agraran pod will have a laboratory built around it. Our designs have been finalized, we just need to put it under construction. I am eager to see test results, however I fear what may be growing within.

    It has been a busy day. There is much more to be done.
  13. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    The next file is the following image, accompanied by a text file.


    The CVC-Humpback has finished production. It is a Civilian Vessel Carrier, used to house the docked ships of the fleet's civilian population. It needs to be equipped with docking bay doors and equipment, but otherwise it is complete. Next up on my priority list is that laboratory. I will need to get the coordinates from Miss Matthews. It seems there will always be something for me to do. Having an assistant engineer would be helpful...
  14. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Well, I just had an interesting two days.

    First off, I saved some dudes life after his liver and digestive system ruptured, along with a nice cybernetics infection. That was fun. Not going into details there.

    Secondly, a member of the HKC was arrested for attempted arson at Liberty Mills. I attempted to get in but the guard did not recognize my status and threatened to kill me.

    I hope this does not harm any potential relationship between the HKC and the Holy Fleet. The Avians can be a charming race, however their conduct about their religion may obstruct our potential partnership. Hopefully the two of us can put this event behind us.
  15. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is sitting in a hospital waiting room, dressed in his scientists cloak. His cloak is perfectly intact but his face is ridden with ash, minor cuts and has dark, smoky blotches all over. He sits, sipping a small cup of steamy tea, and from a distance he would seem at peace. Up close however, it is clear he is shaking and barely holding himself together. His voice quavers, stuttering at times.

    Today... Was quite an eventful day. Where do I begin...? Let's see, I was helping my comrades do some work on the new vessel, the civilian residential ship, when Seaguard shows up sporting our newly developed armor. We exchanged compliments and such, and I received a suit. I must say it was excellent. It functioned very well and was quite stylish. I digress, however. We were chatting about our small arms development when I hear a Hylotl over the radio scream, the sounds of tearing flesh, and a Floran speaking near the radio. We immediately focused our communications team on triangulating the source of the message, and Seaguard and I boarded my ship. The comm. team locked in the location and we quickly warped there.

    The ship in orbit was covered in Hylotl blood. We beamed down and saw a Floran and Agraran. The Agraran was sleeping, and the Floran was... Chopping the Hylotl into... Anyway, the Floran noticed us immediately and hissed, and we drew our firearms. The Floran seemed openly hostile, but obviously feral and ignorant. She was adamant that what she did was morally justified, as the Hylotl had tranquilized her friend and wanted to take her to a laboratory. I felt... Sorry for the Floran... We lowered our firearms, and offered to be friends. She said yes and called us 'Fishbots'. Heh. He smiles weakly.

    Seaguard then set out to explore the planet's surface. I spoke more with the Floran. Her name was Firekiller. I told her my name was Ray. She said 'Ray Fishbot'. Chuckles softly. Her agrarian friend woke up, he spoke in some sort of sign language. He was quite peculiarWe made some small talk, but then Seaguard ran into a bit of trouble, found some hostile creatures and Agraran pods. I immediately turned and ran, saying a quick goodbye. I found Seaguard, who seemed alive and well, and saw the pods. They were unremarkable. There were 3, and 2 were open. We adventured onward, finding a deep hole in the ground. I recognized it immediately; A Floran prison. We dropped down, exchanged fire we a few guards and adventured onward.

    We came across a large pool of molten lava, with empty cages hung from the ceiling. I made it across safely, but Seaguard... Seaguard dropped into the lava for a split second before pulling himself out... His leg was... Gone, almost entirely. His other leg was horribly charred. I didn't know what to do, so I hit him with an anesthetic syringe. We were setting up a distress beacon, when he became unconscious. There was nothing I could do... The chasm was far too far across for me to carry him on my shoulder while jumping across the cages. Soon, however, I heard the voice of Firekiller looking for the 'Fishbots' I called for her, and she eventually found our chasm. She found a hidden passage beneath the molten lava, however was shot twice by Floran with lasers. We all left the prison ASAP, and I sent out a radio message. Both Seaguard ad Firekiller were injured now. Firekiller had a beam go through her abdomen and shoulder. Seaguard nearly flatlined. I tried tending to them both but it was too much. I didn't know what to do.

    A Human male came in over private comms. He said he was with the USCM and has a nice hospital where we can get healed up. We beamed up to my ship and warped directly to his coordinates. Upon beaming down, he saw me, carrying both my friends and was astounded by our state. He had us warp to his ship so se could visit a more adequate medical facility. We warped to a location known as 'Marathon', a USCM colony. We put Seaguard and Firekiller in separate rooms, and thank goodness two doctors were here.

    Right now a surgeon is operating on Seaguard, and a mother surgeon is operating on Firekiller. I'm not allowed in... This wait is killing me. It's my fault we went into the Floran prison. It's my fault Firekiller was shot. All of this is my fault. And I couldn't do anything to help them.
    By this time Ray is on the verge of tears, partly because of the stress and partly his emotional trauma and guilt. An expression of inward anger comes across his face.

    What kind of leader leads his friends into death, and comes out unharmed?

    The recording abruptly ends.
  16. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is sitting at his ship desk once again, all tidy and neat as usual. However, this time he has a hint of sadness loss about him.

    So, to resume from where I left off.

    After my... scene, in the waiting room I quickly composed myself and ascended the elevator to check on my injured friends. Seaguard had to be amputates, which was best case scenario so I was relieved. Firekiller's doctor vanished, so I had to heal her. Her wounds were cauterized so it was easy for a hylotl with fair knowledge of medical science to patch her up. She was, quite peaceful in her sleeping state. It was hard to believe she had killed one of my people when she seemed so innocent. She healed fast, and awakened confused by her surroundings. I reassured her that she was okay, and that the doctor healed her and she was good as new. She seemed shocked by my changed attire. I wasn't in my power armor, I was wearing my lab coat which I wear in any environmentally stable area. She expressed distrust because of my changed state, formerly believing I was different than other Hylotl because of my cybernetic body.

    Well, we returned Seaguard to the Flotilla, and the Science Fleet allowed the use of their quantum teleporter so they could patch him up rightly. I took Firekiller home. Firekiller told me that we couldnt be friends because being friends with a fish is 'weak'. There was nothing I could say. Any change would have to be made within her heart, and that is something she must decide. I said farewell for now, and prepared to leave. As I was about to beam up, she said 'Wait, Shroomy wants to say goodbye!' I waved to her Agraran friend, and Shroomy gestured strangely, pointing to himself and myself. Firekiller said off-hand that Shroomy's name used to be Dave, before he was Shroomy. This sounded strange to me, and I was curious as to Shroomy's past.

    Then he pointed to his forehead and pointed to mine. 'Shroomy say he used to have third eye too', said Firekiller.

    I was silent, not sure if what I was thinking was true. It couldnt be. Shroo... Dave, turned away, and Firekiller said 'Isnt Shroomy silly?' Perhaps there is more to the Agrarans than I thought.

    Firekiller than said that if I returned, she may have to stab and eat me. I am disappointed at this potential break in friendship, but left her a radio so she could contact me. Perhaps we will meet again, and hopefully she won't want to stab me.

    Regardless, I am glad I had this chance to show a Floran that we fishies may not be so bad after all. I am glad I also met Dave. Perhaps he can help me find out more about these Agrarans, and possibly a way to return him to his original state if possible.

    I think I shall visit the Stark lab more often. There is certainly more to these Agrarans than meets the eye.

    He shuts off the camera.
  17. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is in yet another hospital. This time he is in an empty operating room, standing, hunched over an empty table, back to the camera.

    Joshua... He's dead. He's dead. Forever. Never returning. God... GOD DAMMIT *he flips the table, making a loud clanging noise against the tiling on the ground. He kicks it repeatedly, speaking in rhythm*

    I'm so.... Sick... tired...friends... hurt... All... AROUND... ME... GOD... DAMMIT!!!

    He crumples to the floor, broken.


    He stands, taking a deep breath and trying to regain his composure.

    Everywhere I go, death follows. Yesterday Seaguard lost his legs on a trek with me. Yesterday Firekiller was shot trying to save me. Today, Joshua died while hunting a freak Glitch. All I do is get people I love hurt, and now an old friend of mine is... dead. *Shaking now* I... I have to stop this. I cant do things with people if all I do is lead them to their deaths.

    This only strengthens my resolve. I will seek out... and destroy ... whatever evil threatens those who are dear to me. The innocent shall no longer be harmed by the evil. There will be no murder. If I will bring death, I will bring it upon my enemies.

    Screw peace. Screw diplomacy. I want retribution.

    Ray strides powerfully yet shakily across the room and swipes up the tablet, shutting it off.
  18. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is in a small machine shop on board his ship, so naturally everything is shiny, smooth and white. He is working on a jumble of black tubes and wires encased in reflective white shells of white reflective material, which forms the recognizable resemblance of a gun. He is incredibly focused, and speaks absent-mindedly to the camera.

    Yesterday I met with the Avian leadership in the sector. Second Holy Fleet that is. They were disappointing. To say the least that is. I offered trade. Wanted raw materials in exchange for our advanced tech. They were interested in our weaponry. Not exactly what I was going for. Asked what I wanted in return. Suggested raw materials and resources. Among them I mentioned heavier rarer metals and Helium-3. About to mention neutron superfluids but the Avians were confused as to Helium-3. All they knew is it was an isotope of helium, and it wasnt radioactive. I explained its value as an energy source for starships, and suggested that it is possible their resources they could offer would not be able to help us. Avian took offense. Ordered Acolytes to escort me out. Overheard 'arrogant fish' and 'Kluex has all we need' or some ridiculous religious statement.

    Wonder how Avians have declined so much since our downfall. Possibly their economy depended on ours, and promptly collapsed, taking their intellectuals with it leaving priests blinded by Kluex's light behind. A shame. Avians tend to be nice folk. Hopefully will not come to fisticuffs. Would not like to have to kill so many. Seems unfair almost.

    Oh well. Their loss, our gain. Hopefully we can make dealings with other, more insightful and wise groups. Who actually can offer something of value. Kluex guide me. He chuckles sarcastically, fastening a cord to a port.
  19. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is in the midst of shouting curses, firing a machine gun at and kicking various engine parts around a large warehouse full of random pipes, cords, and partially disassembled machines. After a few seconds he stops and throws his firearm across the warehouse, where it hits the floor and explodes with a small bright blast. He speaks with attempted control but his rage is clear, his voice shaking, almost psychotic.

    Vivian was captured. She was violently tortured, humiliated and disgraced. I KNEW this was going to happen! I invited her to stay in the safety of our Flotilla. She refused. She was insistent she was going to be okay. I should have seen this coming. I cant believe... God dammit!

    I will not let this happen again. The galaxy has shown me how uncivilized and treacherous it truly is. I will change that. No more innocent lives killed by evildoers. No more murderers. No more torturers. No more rapists. No more kidnappers. Because I will kill them.

    I will kill them all.

    I ordered the manufacturing centers to stop the construction of the agricultural vessel and the central colony ship. There will be warships. Warships like the galaxy has never seen, with our new weapons and power systems. There will be supercarriers. There will be battlecruisers. There will be dreadnoughts, capital ships... He takes a deep breath. All for the purification of the galaxy.

    This has to happen. The next stage in evolution, the cleansing of our races. The chaff will be burned away. The bush will be pruned. The slag will be eliminated. And what emerges will be perfection.
  20. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray is standing in the center of the bridge of a large ship, gazing out the large panoramic window at a large amount of jellyfish-shaped things, drifting among incomplete pieces of large-scale machinery and what appears to be debris. He stands tall, holding his hands behind his back, dressed in his usual white cloak. He speaks calmly.

    Disregard yesterdays outburst. It revealed to me that I have begun to let myself slip, nearly becoming the very rage-fueled monsters that I have come to destroy. I have reallocated unimportant jobs to my fellow commanding officers and subordinates. As you can see, our new Chironex-Class construction drones are making unprecedented progress with the construction of the fleet. A few frigates will be complete by tomorrow. Remarkable.

    He stares out into the expanse, fascinated.

    It is calming to watch them work. To watch their tendrils and tentacles move gracefully about, building in days what would originally take weeks. To see them drift about as if they were floating on the sea. I have taken up meditation once again. This is an excellent location to do so.

    The avian Holy Fleet contacted me again with renewed interest in our weaponry. He smirks and chortles smugly. Just when we begin to militarize and look our for ourselves. I turned down their offer, respectfully of course. The avian Holy Fleet are irritable folk, likely a result of their religious infatuation. I have nothing against religion, of course. Spiritualistic thinking is what purifies the worst in us. Unfortunately, some religions inspire zealotry, nearly fanaticism, and make them uncompromising toward others. These avians don't want peace. Their interest in our weaponry and oppression toward anyone not conforming to their religion demonstrates that. I informed Kairos of my preference to remain neutral. Dont want to inspire war, do we?

    Besides, I have made a new ally. The Order seems to have mutual interests with the HKC, and are currently friendly with us. We have agreed on sharing the Agraran lab, and there havent been any obstructions thus far. Additionally, the USCM is interested in an alliance, and considering they are already allied with The Order, this would be a mutually beneficial triad of trade.

    He smiles contentedly.

    Lives will be saved. Evil will be a thing of the past. There is a bright future before us, and all we must do is do all we can to reach it. This is going to be a fun ride.

    Ray turns swiftly and strides out the empty bridge, automatic doors opening before him and slamming shut behind him.