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What do Apex and other races sound like?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gorbachev, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Gorbachev

    Gorbachev New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    I was thinking about how the Apex's voice sound, and I was perplexed. Do they have ape-like voices, human voices, or something entirely different? What is your opinion?
  2. Crimeariver

    Crimeariver New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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  3. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    based on the biological structure of the races as well as in-game features-
    Humans: we all know what humans sound like
    Apex: since they're very apelike its likely they sound as such, like a gravely human
    Avian: Avians have beaks, meaning no OOOO or EEE or MMM and a whole bunch of other pronunciations, as for their voice itself, i would imagine rather scratchy and squacky, like nails on a chalkboard even
    Hylotl: most marine life don't make much noise nor need to, but thats earth marine life. since water carries sound far faster and far longer, hylotls would likely be able to make a whole range of whale-like noises to communicate underwater. this noise however would sound awe full and distorted above water making it possibly a cacophony of incomprehensible bloops
    Floran: plants never make noises on earth, but these are all aliens sssssoo floran need voice. The lisp must be there, which would lead one to believe florans are breathy creatures, seeing plants lack vocal cords their language is a bunch of huffs puffs and hisses and clicks
    Glitch: glitch being machines could make any sound within the limits of their speakers. plain and simple.
    Novakid: stars in fact make noise, radio noise. a novakid, being born of a star, might need a radio frequency device of some sort to bend the radio waves into understandable words. novakids themselves being able to understand without the device. if the device theory is accepted then its the same case as glitches, sound depending on the device used.
  4. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    wait fuck apparently they can't make an M sound



    there that's avians yes

    edit: a good idea would be to add race-specific languages for the various races. I know some Glitch players, myself included, have done this with talking in binary, but there's no reason some of the other races couldn't do this as well.

    Glitch have binary.
    Novakids would talk in radio waves?
    Avians could obviously talk in chirps or song.
    Hylotls would talk in whale-noise.

    Florans, Apex and Humans are a little iffy.

    Florans are plants, and plants obviously don't have a "natural" language they could fall back on. I suppose we could say they have their natural Floran dialects they could use.

    Apex and Humans would probably be in the same boat since it's hinted that their biology and general evolutionary progression is similar. I do suppose Apex could talk in grunts and such, much like their real-world counterparts.

    That leaves Humans. Generally, server lore implies that everyone is talking through universal automatic translators, as it would be incredibly dubious for all members of every race to magically know a single spoken language. For mechanical OOC reasons, this language is obviously English, but ICly it would be something completely different (unless your character is a human whose natural language is English, American or otherwise).

    This is a neat and easy way to surpass biological issues, such as Avians having pronunciation difficulties due to their beaks or Hylotls probably talking like whales. The Floran lisp could be either the translators being of a lower quality than other variants (due to Florans probably having more difficulty acquiring/managing monetary funds) or their biology simply being too complex/different - translators probably weren't made for Florans in mind, as they're... well, Florans.

    Glitch probably wouldn't even need the translators, because machines OP.

    Ultimately this leads us back to Humans. To speak in an Earth-based language, English or otherwise, they would probably simply need to turn the translator off. The same would go for the other races. Glitch would simply need to switch to a different language, and then switch back when finished.

    This is mostly just brainstorming, so feel free to add on/object to as necessary. :eek:
    #4 M-Bot, Aug 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  5. UrbanCritter

    UrbanCritter The Elusive Antaran Raccoon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I imagine Florans sounding like Gollum for some reason.
  6. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Floran ssstaby fleshpeople FLORAN! FLORAN! FLORAN! yeeessssss sstabby FLORAN! FLORAN! and ssssoooon Floran be beeessst hunter, yess stabby yeesssss.
  7. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Avians are easy, because we have talking birds. Birds that speak (parrots and the like) can make 'b' 'm' 'p' 'w' and other sounds. Because they don't use their beaks to 'speak' they almost purely use their vocal chords (which are more complex than a Human's). Whether or not Avians have these advanced vocal chords (though it would be convenient for speaking if they did), is hard to say.

    That said, their native language(s) are likely made up of a wider range of chirps and squawks and clicks and other bird sounds. Hard to say, really.
    #7 Felonious, Aug 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014