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Apex Navy Expeditionary Force: A player faction proposal

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by FireDrinker, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    From the Starbound Wiki.

    "The Apex were close to human in appearance until a breakthrough in research, in accelerated evolution led to the creation of the “Vestigi-Evo Process” (VEP). The VEP allowed the Apex to trade physical devolution for intellectual evolution.

    The Apex operate under a collectivist regime controlled by the MiniKnog (The Ministry of Scientific Progression). Each Apex dedicates his life to the survival and progression of the Apex as a whole. The nature of this regime allowed the VEP to be administered species-wide in less than 10 years.

    The most honored members of Apex society are those chosen by the MiniKnog to donate their bodies to furthering the VEP. Those chosen for the experimentation process are rarely seen again, but their names are said to be inscribed on the wall of the chosen which sits deep within the Ministry.

    For a time the MiniKnog received criticism from several prominent Apex for what appeared to be a bias towards selecting only the poorest in society to be members of the chosen. However, this criticism was silenced when the critics themselves were selected.

    There are whispers of a rebel group ready to denounce the MiniKnog and lead the Apex into revolution...but in Apex society even discussion of dissension is punishable by death. "

    "Apex society seems to be based around a technocratic totalitarian regime which prioritises the advancement of their species through a highly scientific governmentality. It appears that this regime has held power since before the Apex began experimenting with VEP, which is the primary reason the species was so quickly and so uniformly altered by the process.

    At the center of this power structure is the Ministry of Scientific Progression (Miniknog). The main drive of Miniknog is to ensure the ever-escalating socio-scientific development of the race, evolving to become ever more intelligent and technologically advanced. This motivation can be seen both in the systematic efficiency of the species-wide implementation of VEP over only a few short generations, as well as in the technology and architecture of Apex star vessels and planetside facilities, all of which share a uniform ultramodern design which is both highly utilitarian and futuristic.

    Apex recorded history only extends backwards a few hundred years, earlier records apparently having been deliberately destroyed by the regime in order to deracinate modern Apex society from any sense of loyalty to or investment in their presumably premodern ancestors."

    Source- http://starbound.wikia.com/wiki/Apex

    There is nothing to suggest that the Apex are "scattered" or "rebuilding", if anything they are the "apex" of their society (huehue). The lore for a new Apex characters states they have decided to rebel against Big Ape and the Miniknog, but it's hardly a huge group.
  2. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The wiki literally doesn't state half of the shit you claim it does. Furthermore, it's a wiki. Any moron who thinks he knows whats best for a races lore can edit it. Note how there isn't a single citation on the whole wiki page?
  3. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I think we have the ability to spawn codexes now, so knowing that I imagine someone read through all of them and pieced together a proper page. Though they are yet to actually post a wiki page for every single codex entry...which would serve as the citation.
  4. Trite

    Trite New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I've actually been considering consolidating all codex/description info on races and making a guide. I've read all spawned apex codexes so far and while I can't 'quote' it, they don't really point at a declining civilization...in fact, most of the codexes focus on the Thornwing/Big Ape/Greenfinger story arc, there isn't much you can distill about the apex society as a whole just from those.
    Right now with apex the best way to get an idea about their culture is to read item descriptions. I know it sucks, its tedious, but it is what it is. Who knows, maybe I'll just wade through it for you guys and compile it in one thread.
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    is this still kicking?
  6. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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  7. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I think that efforts for this faction and other factions really take some time. With this public server, a project like this would thrive more when current arcs/faction stories have been fleshed out. I bet when the times right this Apex faction will get kicking. I hope to plan out an apex faction as well but there's so much to do, and it'd be better to enjoy one cookie at a time than a soggy, choking mouthful that would most likely be gagged up and spit out back onto the plate.
  8. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    If I'd like to get into this, how could I apply?
  9. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    My life got super hectic for a little while, thus why this kind of got dropped. It was just picking up steam when real life intervened too, which is a shame. Apologies to those who were involved. If someone else wants to take a shot at it, that's fine with me.
  10. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I've had pretty good plans for an Apex faction for a while myself, but I alredy have Stark so I'm afraid It's too much.
  11. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I'd like to make one, so anyone else interested can contact me and we can see about doing this.