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Apex Navy Expeditionary Force: A player faction proposal

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by FireDrinker, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    It seems to be doable as far as 'this is who we are and what we will do, love hate or dont care?' and establishing plans or ideas on how said groups will regard each other. It beats the same ol same ol stuff uou get in the bars :p I spent a lot of time/rp focused on such with the RA. A lot of that to gdt pledges og support, funding, and ship buildong contracts and to get some social networking going.
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    thats how the bit with Tetanus, Opportunity, and PDF/Spectre and soon Alioth has gone down :)
  3. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Unfortunately, the only major hub that I'm aware of that isn't a bar where I could do this is Tetanus... Which started out relations with Myth's first visit by shooting at him and launching grenades in his general direction.

    It was a coincidence, but it didn't put him in a position to consider Tetanus as anything but an outlaw shanty. PDF was similarly colored poorly by his experiences with Avalon. I'm not sure what the deal with Spectre Cell is. Opportunity is on my to visit list, but I figured I'd wait until after the wiping ends.
  4. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    really would like to join you with myself and others and spread the rule of big ape
    just tell me whatever you wish to do and I'll help you if you like

    I personally tried to do this alone and made a battle cruiser for Miniknog but it has not had any usage
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Ive relied heavily forum pms as letters/emails and using facilities that are (neutral hround) to explain not using a hub :/
  6. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    and for other purposes here are we in the bridge
  7. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I have an alternative idea to this.... a plan to build a Miniknog representative fleet.... one that would be open to the community to join using alts so they can play both sides of the spectrum. Seems like you've beat me to this idea, HOWEVER I may have, with my idea, a way to not break lore or enforce lore, where the fleet I'd be planning to put together would be, essentially, a rogue fleet. They'd follow protocol set up by big ape, but they wouldn't realize that communications with big ape have ceased....

    Essentially, this would help answer the question as to "Who is big ape" and "Where is the apex homeworld" and "what does it look like". Instead of trying to play the hefty, lore based role of Big Ape, the fleet I'd be set on starting would act like an extension of Big Ape, but there'd be rooom for change, room for the fleet to mess up, room for the fleet to essentially change. That way whoever is playing a high rank or official won't have to worry about being "Big Ape", they could have their own personality and follow protocol as the story permits.

    I could have a thread of my idea, I'm worried though that people will point fingers at me and shun the idea because someone essentially beat me to it.....
  8. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I'd like to propose this, that we get together and share possible ideas.... if you want to continue with your idea, then go for it, and I'll go for starting up an apex fleet from my perspective.
  9. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    With a 60 player cap, this many factions is gonna be a doozy
  10. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Well we can write off the PDF, that much is certain from its activity.
  11. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    With the faction I have in mind, it'd be open to people to join and play when they aren't following their main character's storyline, etc. So if the fleet prepares to do something, people could join up, and fit a role, play the 'bad guy' or in this case a militant apex unit. I need to set up.. guidelines, but if set up right anyone could apply to have a character that's already established in a high rank role, so we don't have to rely on recruiting people who might or might not have the intention of disrupting the operations of the fleet.
  12. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The cap will still block if we tried any huge event that required every member of every faction to come on simultaneously, even with the use of alts. And there's the issue of all the lag that happens when you near the cap.
  13. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I can't wait for director mode to come out, so that maybe we could have people make NPC alts of themselfs, play them out, etc. That would be really cool.
  14. Narial

    Narial Tyrant of Bananas

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Never ever create a faction to be the 'bad guys' its just does not flow well in rp as in history people that have been given the title 'bad guys' thought they were doing the right thing by there standards I still oppose this second feel since its would all be made of alts and is just not right not me.
  15. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I could explain my idea in detail if you'd like over a conversation. I'll submit my idea soon officially just I've been swamped with RL at the moment.
  16. Trite

    Trite New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    If the navy idea is still rolling I'm really interested in participating, we really need an environment for the miniknog to RP in

    not to mention cold war ambience sounds rad
  17. friskydeath

    friskydeath New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Well I like to see the rp fall back into the main lore of starbound. From what I take from it is apex is a culture in its decline. Its not a super power but a racial group scattered. They were advance in technology but are on the slide now. Ape flue has hit them hard and left most their research bases and cities under populated. So other races have taken advantage of this to grow in power. So its more likely apex will be in the rebuilding phase trying to recover lost ground as a whole. They would not be trying to go head on with any large group but be more focus on finding lost cultural centers and other apex survivers. In the lore they are scattered over the stars so to rebuild they would need fleets to do the searching and protecting. They would not be starting a cold war when facing extinction. In the lore humans are out to help in the destruction of apex since apex did experimented on them. It would be inline with the world war 2 and the nazis. In a human eyes the apex committed crimes to evil to be forgiven. So apex would avoid human sectors and deal with younger races to get what they need to rebuild over all. But thats just following the lore and its under tones.
  18. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    So are there sources for this, or are you sitting there making all of this up? Because it's never been mentioned in any human piece.

  19. friskydeath

    friskydeath New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    this was straight from the lore pages you guys posted to read on the starbound forums. So don't get snotty about it if it don't fit in with how you view the apex. The lore is post in the wiki and every point i said is there http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/application-to-join.153/ And I will be playing apex from the wiki point of veiw.
  20. friskydeath

    friskydeath New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    And to be clear here is the wiki and notice it refers to concentration camps hence why it would be more like world war 2 and not a cold war. And being native american myself I know about how disease can set a culture back.

    The ApexEdit
    A highly advanced, militant collectivist and authoritarian regime of Apes. The Apex were once very similar looking to the Humans. However, the Apex society as a whole underwent a process known as the Vestigi-Evo Process (VEP) and devolved physically to apes but advanced intellectually. The Apex are ruled by a figure of extremely high authority who goes by the name of 'Big Ape'. The Apex have spread across the stars primarily by settling various research facilities on many planets, but most, if not all, of the research facilities are abandoned but a few highly-paranoid guards and in some cases victims of the feared 'Ape Flu' are to be found. Steer clear of infected Apes under any circumstances, and it is highly recommended that none other than any MiniKnog Officials enter the facilities, or risk the death penalty.

    The Apex are at the cutting edge of modern technology, with one of the main focuses of their society being the pursuit of greater technological advances.

    "Big Ape" may have used the USCM prisons as a source of free scientific experiments, or even used the prisons as concentration camps. As posters with him on them can somtimes be found around the prison stating "There is no need to be upset". This may also explain why the prisons have been abandoned and no guards are to be found anywhere, if the guards were not human, then maybe they could have been apex. The "Ape Flu" may have broken out one these prisons, possibly originating as a human virus.

    This may be explained with a historical analogy - the Pilgrims and native Americans for example. The Pilgrims had carried smallpox overseas and infected the native tribes, leading to massive outbreaks. The same could have happened when humans came in contact with the Apex. A human who carried a simple desease (such as the flu) could have proved deadly to the Apex. This could explain why the "Research" Labs are abandoned by the Apex as well.