* a soft, floran-like voice is heard, but obviously male* Day one. I don't have many ideass on whatss wrong with me. i will keep ssearching. I will not rest with the explanation that i just have sschizophrenia. I have ssomething much different than that...... *silence* .... and much worse. My current ssituation: i have a voice talking to me in my head constantly. It iss homicidaly insane, and ssuggestss i kill and eat every living thing i come in contact with. Ssometimes, ssemingly at random, this voice takes over my actionss. When thiss happenss, i lock myself up in a code-locked sshelter on my sship. This voice has been with me since i was 22, and the voice currently hass given me no information on if it hass a name. Thiss is currently all the information i have. I will update thiss log as i get more. I hope i do.
((from this point on, the logs are being stored on the starnet database, anybody with decent hacking skills can get into it ICly)) *The same voice from the first log is heard* Day sseven. I have found a new database to store these logss on, and they will be sstored there until i decide to more or delete them. The voice in my head hass sstarted to notice that i'm listening to it now. Instead of it being exited that i'm listening to its "wordss of wisdom", itss gone quiet. Completely ssilent It has not spoken to me ssince thiss morning; i think it might be onto me. I will sstart talking to it, in the hopes of getting information from it. *sighs* I don't know what would be worse, not knowing anything, or knowing everything about it.
* The voice is more rushed, and slightly panicked* Day ten. I knew itss still there. i'm not insane. it iss plotting to kill me or imprison me for life, i know it. *silence* God, that ssounded like the ravings of a madman...... no. I'm not insane. I'm not. the voice is, though. It used to keep telling me to kill, eat the corpse, and then kill ssome more. It likess to kill. It wantss to kill. At least it used to, but itss not sspeaking anymore. but I know itss sstill there *silence* *in a wisper* i can hear it breathing
*the voice is still panicked, and is a little softer* It sspoke It has finally sspoke to me, and told me about itself. It has told me so far that it is, in fact, male, but i will keep referring to it as it. It sstill wants to kill me, though. I know that. I wont listen to anything it ssays about it not wanting to kill me. It does. it wants me dead. *sighs* sso far, it has told me that its male, its floran, it has red sskin, with red crystalss on its forehead. That'ss all itss to- *he voice stops abruptly, like something was speaking to it* No. It cant be true. IT CANT. I WONT ACCEPT THISS. But.... I have to. *his voice is extremely shaky, almost to the point of crying* It ssaid itss name iss Kel
*the voice seems more confident, and is hissing alot less* Hello. i am this voice skeless keeps on ranting about. yes, my name is kel, but it doesn't mean i'm the kel. Even though i am. I have murdered. i have tortured. i have driven people to insanity and pushed them a little farther. but i did it all in the great name of power I believe power should be given to the best. i don't mean the best at having power, i mean the best at their subject. Whether its assassinations, science, or just plain physical power, they should be choosing this section if the universe's choices, not some stuck up politicians in a imperventium USCM bunker. power should be in the hands of the people, more specifically the people who will do the best that the powerful stay powerful. not people who will sympathize with the poor, the weak, and the people who will bend to anybodies will. People who will make sure power does do to waste. This is why is i'll start my own organization, and hope it will grow strong enough to gain a title to be proud of. It may fail. It may be unheard of, but god damn it i will try. This is my dream, and i'm not giving up on it. *says it in a tone indicating that its an anthem of sorts* For the glory of the society i will grow mighty and strong For we were born to rule the weak and right a world that's wrong hail cloak
*the voice is still confident, and isn't hissing a lot* Skeless is the true villain here. i am just a man chasing after my ideals. the best tacticians should decide the warcrims. the best scientists should decide what fields to study. It might go against the USCM, but in all honestly, what doesn't go against them that isn't said by them? Cloak will grow The USCM will shrink Hail cloak