Alright, these aren't my thoughts, I'm speaking for my computer illiterate -and straight up illiterate- buddy, just saying. So, she says that she doesn't quite think this Rizhpa would be that great of a shaman, as she thinks they must be diplomatic, but willing to raise a blade at any moment. She also thinks that a chieftain must uphold the tribal traditions, as long as they do not purposefully bring harm to others, and must keep the tribe open to only Florans in a fashion similar to that which Firedrinker had. Only Florans may join, but visitors of all races may come. Her reasoning to this is that the tribe -to her knowledge- was built as a sort refuge for Florans who had kept to the old ways, or had not been exposed to modern technology, such as her. I remember her telling me about how terrifying it was when she first got to Avalon, and how much of a comforting contrast Tallest tree was, as it was much more in tune with nature, and she had met more of her kind there. if Firedrinker had not kept to a more traditional, tribal fashion, then she probably would've been to freaked out by the everything surrounding her to actually join. That's as much as can be put for now, but if she thinks of something else she wants said, then I guess I'll be back here. Good day to you and have a fantastic weekend, Weavle
: Audio Message Uploaded : : Playing... : Well. Fissh Harem might not be ssso bad. Not know until try. : Stopping... :
-Sharptooth- Hsss! No! Ssharptooth watched and learned from Chiefss predicament! Fisssh not good asss sslavess and will NOT be good ass harem! Hsss...
: Audio File Uploaded : : Playing... : Not good asss sslavess eh? What, they can't work ass well asss any other sslave? : Stopping... :
: Audio Message Uploaded : : Playing... : Better asss foodss? Would it not be eassier to go out and fissh or grow plant insstead of taking the time to hunt down, capture, then kill and cook up a High-Oh-Til? : Stopping... :
-Sharptooth- What Floran ssaying?! Iss fun to hunt fissh! hunted one in sstupid fissh city..iss why iss not allowed there mosst of time... getting off topic.. Fissh fun to hunt, iss way of floran to hunt. fissh taste good. ssimple...
Tch. Its typical to see many of my kind say how terrible Hylotl are, when two of my greatest friends are Hylotl. Those names in which I shall not reveal... Either way, I'm a Floran and enjoy the presence of any Hylotl, or any other race for that matter. Although, I am genetically and physically mechanical somewhat, but still. Forshame, -Unkown (Name not registered)
: Audio Message Uploaded : : Playing... : I am not ssaying they are bad, jusst that they ssshouldnt be eaten or treated unfairly. : Stopping... :
Not you, auto message. I'm speaking to the other Floran... Anyways, shall we just leave this topic for other supporters of the coming Chieftain? -Unknown
-Sharptooth- Hsss.. Floran physssically and genetically mechanical... Iss why iss friends with fissh...
Come fight me you twat. Insult me and and my companions and you'll regret it. I may have mechanical parts, but I'm still a Floran, and one that sure in hell can kick you across a planet and back. Its weaklings like you that cant claim my bounty. -Unknown
-Sharptooth- Hs Hs Hs. Got fissh lover mad now. don't even know where traitor iss located...Ssharptooth iss not dumb, it be Ssharptooth against you and whoever elsse. iss outnumbered. Got good laugh ssince made angry Hs Hs Hs.
You think I would trust even my friends to be around me with a large bounty over my head? You say your not stupid but it seems you are. Find me on the Universal Radio. -Unknown
-Sharptooth- Hs Hs Hs. Doess Fake Floran alwayss get mad over tinesst inssult? even over sstarnet? Ssharptooth iss dumb? Iss only giving more bait to the fisshess Hs Hs Hs.
Bait the fish? Fine by me, more friends the better. As long as I keep my mask off, I doubt they will know. You'll know me when you see me if youve seen the bounty picture. Either way, Starnet is a community. Its my main way of being hired, I see no problem with it. -Unknown
-Sharptooth- Have not sseen sstupid picture. Ssharptooth could care lesss... For once...Ssharptooth agresss with Ssen..
Says the brutal unthinking Floran that has brought nothing but shame on its own kind. I dont know why you havent been killed yet... Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to run... -Unknown