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Sharptooths fumbley made diary

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Switchback, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (( OOC: These are Sharps personal diaries, they are unknown to all unless they manage to find them on her ship or in her room on Taranis. they ARE hidden so one would have to looks, unless she leaves one in the open by mistake, other then that please refrain from posting in here since these are her personal diaries and all that jazz :3 ))

    *some tapping and clicking is heard as the recorder is fiddled with*

    Ssharptooth not think iss working... Hss! There... Uhm..Ssharptooth not know how to do one of thesse..ssaw on sstarnet people..do thingss like thiss when sstuff happens..and needss to talk to sself..thinkss sso anyway...

    * a moment of silence aired followed by a deep breath in and a exhale*

    Ssharptooth...iss worried...about tree..and chief...and humanss and fissh. SSharptooth losst one tribe once...with way thingss are going....
    Ssharptooth don't want to losse Tallesst Tree tribe. Not when Ssharptooth finally found another home...


    * another moment of silence is aired.*

    Ssharptooth...jusst...Hsss..iss dumb idea making thiss...

    * there is some fumbling on the recorder to what can be presumed to find something. after that the recording cuts*
    #1 Switchback, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2014
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *some scratches on the recorder are heard followed by a long sigh*

    Ssharptooth...not know why iss doing thiss again...iss sstupid..but...helped clear head...

    * a long pause is aired over the recording*

    Like ssaid lasst time... Ssharptooth iss afraid of losing Chief Fire Drinker and Tribe. *sniff*
    Talk with Bloodrazer other day....told him how felt...he reassured the tribe is gonna be ssafe.. he..didn't mention Chief though, which makess Ssharptooth worried. Ssharptooth..can trusst Blood right..? The bath...epissode iss one thing and can be forgiving but Ssharptooth finds his wordss...unconvincing. It makess Ssharptooth nervouss...

    * a deep sigh is heard again *

    Ssharptooth not know...only time can tell what gonna happen. Ssharptooth hopess everything will turn out all right. *sniff*

    Ssharptooth....can't lose...tribe again....will not allow anyone in tribe to die..can't...

    * a few delicate taps are heard, sounds like nails tapping on something*

    Ssharptooth...will talk later... needss to watch bone pile for traitorss and enemiess...

    * the sound of someone getting up is heard then the recording ends*
  3. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * the recording starts up*

    Ssharptooth sstarted getting ussed to these...thingss that iss doing.

    Had weird lasst couple of dayss..

    Talked with Bloodrazer again.. more thingss became clear. Ssharptooth trusstss chief, but calling Blood traitor...rassh..maybe...made ssure he wass not when talked with him. *sniff* talked about many thingss.. actually ...hurt him...when..ssaid not know if could trusst him. feelss bad..but...had to be ssure, for tree. made up with Blood, iss sstill friendss with him. trusstss him for mosst part.

    *a long pause is heard*

    Other day, Ssharptooth had drinking contesst with Human Aisssa at a bar. Franz and other floran called crimsson. Wass winning ..but...well..not end up well. ended up in bar hossspital. before vomiting...sscared people, can't remember how got to hosspital..though..

    Day after, had...what humanss call..hangover...head killed Ssharptooth. Talked with Franz for bit..then....went to ssee Human Noah...knowss part of PDF but....not...Aikoss pet thinkss..ssaid wanted to have peace between both.. sstayed there for while.

    * another long pause with a deep breath*

    S..Sstayed...over night..there..trusstss..Noah...*nervous tapping is heard*
    Ssharptooth.....th-think...found mate...sstrong...mate...not ssure what chief...will think if findss out.

    *The recording ends after that last sentence*
  4. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * another recording starts up*

    Day....wass...awful...really bad for Ssharptooth...

    Main event...had talking with sstupid Aiko and her sstupid pet... wanted to kill her badly..really badly... but...would've been killed by her sstupid pet sso didn't. Her pet told Ssharptooth the 'truth' about Chief and her.... if iss true... Chief wass in right! Aiko knew wass sslave for chief! Either way... her pet bodyguard told Ssharptooth what happened... aimed gun at Ssharptooth, made leave. Mentioned may end up like chief...Ssharptooth may be attacked in future like chief...may not be. All knowss iss...Ssharptooth iss more nervouss now..

    Alssso sspoke with Bloodrazer and Zin about thiss...Blood keepss ssaying everyone will be fine... Iss making Ssharptooth not believe wordss... Zin on other hand...wass gonna leave tree...afraid of uss getting hurt... Ssharptooth not know what to do...

    * she pauses for some air, squeaking of a chair is heard. Maybe her shifting position*

    Fought with Ben when Ssharptooth went after Aiko....bear hugged Ssharptooth.. wouldn't let go sso bit into him.... Had not sseen him in bit...only to later find out...had been killed....* She pauses again,clearing her throat* Wanted.....to ssay ssorry..to Ben....but..can't now...ssince wass killed....wass good friend...and sspent lasst moments fighting and biting him....Ssharptooth...regrets...harming Ben....Iss ssorry...

    * another pause, more squeaking of the chair is heard*

    Ssharptooth....thought...had mate...good mate....Human named Noah...But...wass already mated with Bird Nix.... Ssharptooth..liked Human...but...Noah chosse Nix....Can't ssay not ssuprissed though.... Who'd mate with Ssharptooth?

    * a long final pause is aired*

    Gonna go...tiredss...needss ssleep..watch for sstupid petss of Aiko...Need to sstay alive...for tribe and friendss...

    * the recording ends*
    #4 Switchback, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2014
  5. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * yet another recording starts up, this time with a yawn*

    Ssharptooth iss jusst a bundle of attention...

    fought with Aiko other day... lossst... pride hurt.. a little..iss... hard to think about things, wass forced to lissten about chief...

    Ssharptooth...iss....loyal to chief...hass to be but...what Aiko ssaid.. metal man John too.... needss to talk to chief... about things...

    Iss...friendss..with Aiko....again...sstill not like pet bodyguard though...

    * a pause for breath*

    Got drunk again...and meanss DRUNK.

    Ssharptooth rememberss little but became ill in Aikoss new bar. rememberss.. coughing..and blurr then... when woke up, a bird man and woman wass there, wass in flasshy arcade which hurt eyess and...human left... alssso...had container...with syringe on it....wass told by bird people Ssen gave it to Ssharptooth...to give to chief...not know what meanss... If Ssen ssaved Ssharptoothss life for thiss..sshe......doessn't know.

    went back to sship for resst after having water.... can't drink..more whissskey ssadly...wass favorite drink....

    * the recording ends with a sigh*
  6. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    "Poooor Sharptooth." - Skyrax.
  7. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * clacking is heard as the recording plays*

    Hsss.. many thingss happened..

    Ssen wantss Ssharptooth dead...for one...don't know why Ssen ssaved in firsst place then...


    Tree...iss losst...wass told by metal man John... making new colony...John wantss Ssharptooth to be Chief..to lead floran colony..

    Ssaid yess...had too...Blood wouldn't... and chi--..FireDrinker...iss sstill misssing...

    Hss sspeaking of Fire..misssess him..wass friend.... hopess to find him ssoon..

    * she pauses*

    ... Ssharp ass chief..will take getting ussed to...iss weird..

    * she goes quiet for a moment*

    Hsss.. Talked with Bloodrazer...iss..with him..mate wissse...and Zin..if ssayss yesss...thinkss sso anywayss... Liked Firedrinker...for time..but...iss misssing...Blood helped clear mind...make choice...jussst hopess..will work out..

    Random human calling sself Aiko wass sseen at Aikoss bar..iss weird...fisssh Aiko needss to be talked to..to sseee whatss up..

    Iss...all new..to Sshar--...to Chief... iss chief of ssoon to be built tribe...weird Aiko...might be married to Blood and Zin... * she hisses lightly*

    * the recording ends there*
  8. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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  9. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * the recording starts up with sniffling going about*

    Can't..take thisss much longer... nearly died.. twice! For tribe!

    Traitor robot exploded ssharptooth! losst legss and left arm!


    * the recording ends abruptly before starting again at a later time*

    * sighs*

    Ssen..poisssoned .. Ssharptooth... even brought floran...T-Traptooth...in...when Ssharptooth sstupidly went to Ssenss ship!

    Iss...Iss..afraid..of Ssen...sshould not be...! but...iss!..iss weak!...Blood ssayss otherwisse but iss lie!.... I...Can't handle..thisss..nearly died again!..

    Iss..weak...and sstupid...can't lead tribe!.. Jusst..j-jusst...I..

    *coughing as well as sobbing is heard*

    I CAN'T....DO THISS...

    * another couple of seconds of crying is heard before the recording ends for good this time*
  10. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *another recording entry plays, sobbing is still heard for a couple of minutes*

    I..C-Can't do thiss...

    Make..it go back to normal! Iss not ready to be chief!..Fire where are you! Come back...sso I don't have to deal with thiss sshit!


    Jussst..make it sstop!

    *the recording ends abruptly after another couple of minutes of sobbing*
  11. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever number plays, Sharp sounds much more calm this time*

    Hsss.. iss.. better thiss time.... not sstupid and weak..

    Hsss.. many thingss happen... Ssen put uss all on high alert...may have Taraniss cordss..will need to prepare... Iss going to kill him...

    Hsss.. nearly caussed incident at sstark...wanted floran named Ssyntia ass sslave...iss being protected by tin head P-8. Hsss 'training' her...ihass gotten good... can't wait to ssee where thiss goess...can't wait for new sslave..

    hass...not much left to tell....other then..thing with Ssettia...likess..Ssettia..but...not ssure if sshould continue...already hass Blood...and Zin..Hss...not know..

    * the recording ends with a slight hiss *
  12. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * recording number whatever starts up*

    Hsss..sshould sstop making thesse sso fast..of coursse...sshit happenss daily thatss worth noting...I dunno..

    Hsss met Ssen again in Sstark, wass there with Leaf-Runner. Sshot leg.. Leaf wass sshot too, part of chesst and sshoulder. iss okay though..

    Sspeaking of sstark, got new sslave finally Hs Hs Hs. Ssyntia sstill needss to learn how to behave...may get bored with her though. Iss banned from Sstark too until Ssyntia iss releassed... Hs Hs.. humanss never undersstand floran wayss.

    had talk with John about maybe joining that united whatever thing the otehr coloniess are going on about, currently dissscusssing it with them. iss making hard to join them, their wayss are annoying...

    Iss all for now...will update again ssoon-issh, if issn't dead by then.

    * the recording ends*
  13. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever starts up*

    Hsss.. lotss hass happened...

    Iss part of USSDC.. doess not like it but hass to comply..for tribess ssafety. Hsss no attackss from or on Ssen yet...sstill worriess chief though.
    Fire...sspoke about uss on sstarnet, Iss... he would not ssay that..iss SSen in hiss head...would not..iss not The Fire knew...Iss Ssen talking iss ssure of it..Musst have fire or..or ssomething... Hssss

    Had to releasse sslave Ssyntia...Hsss..wanted more play time with her but Nix had compelling argument...Hsss sstupid Nix.. and her Sstupid...sstupid

    * a pause for air and to think*

    Sspeaking of Sslave... P-8 iss now on kill lisst... after what did to chief? Hsss iss gonna wissh he wassn't asssembled... can't eat him..but will be fun playing with hiss limbss.. Hsss

    *another pause, her tone sounds depressing*

    Hsss...had....talk with blood...knowss about Ssettia and chief....lossst hiss trusst...I....gave choice...either him...or.....her....Doess not know....lovess both...but...needss to talk to him..again...to be ssure he iss ready...he did not ssound like it...

    Iss...all for now...

    *the recording ends*
  14. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * recording entry whatever starts up*

    Hsss... more thingss happened.. like ussual..

    Iss.....no longer with bloodrazer...liked him a lot..but...wass not working out...it....it ended in failure, and regret... for Ssharptooth at leasst. Hass made wary of blood... he left the tribe...over radio..ssaying he had no home to return too....and...that Chief wass 'maybe' hiss friend.... well fuck him then! Doess not need a friend like him..! Not ....Not at all!!

    *a pause*

    Hass not Sseen Ssettia ina while.. hopess iss okay... only hass Her and Zinnia now..

    * another pause *

    Sspeaking of Zinnia... iss now Chiefss 'maid' apparently...hs hs..findss it cute... outfit too... really cute... I..uh..mean..yeah...

    * another pause, it sounds like shes drinking some type of liquid*

    Had...talk...with a monkey man...named Pan...wass therapisst. or whatever itss called..

    Iss glad John wass there... otherwisse...might have killed her...

    Told her about goingss on...what feelss...wass....it hurt...bad...Fire...iss asshamed of Ssharptooth for "being a pet of humanss" ass he calls it... iss...not expected to hear him ssay that..

    He...iss gone for monthss on end..and..then ssuddenly sshowss up and posst that?! what iss he...where...w-why..

    * a long defeated sigh is heard*

    Hsss...iss ssuposse to ssee Pan again... not know when...but..ssoon i guesss..

    * another pause*

    Hass....had pondering thought for a while now....about Zinnia...and maybe Ssettia...if it workss out...

    Ssharptooth....wantss..Ssaplingss...and Zinnia hass alwayss been there for Chief...if...sshe agreess..would.....like to make Ssaplingss with her...

    Hell...Mucklurk and Traptooth made sspawnss from hell...why can't Chief and Zinnia...right..?

    Iss all for now...

    * the recording ends*
    #14 Switchback, Mar 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2014
  15. ThePublic3nemy

    ThePublic3nemy New Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    (( :( ))
  16. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * Recording entry whatever starts up*

    *She has a excited tone of voice*

    SSharptooth did it! Ssharptooth and Zinnia had a Ssapling! * a gleefull hiss is heard*

    Isss male...thinkss.. Zinnia Named him TreeBorn... iss.. not besst name but chief not mind... iss ssoo excited!!

    Hss! Chief iss all giddy..! Hsssss Hssss... Floran iss afraid of chief.. but iss normal for ssapling.. i guesss... clingss to Zinnia a lot.. and even clinged to Leaf Dancer... called her ssisster... Hs Hs he sstole her chesst leaf. Hs Hs... can tell iss gonna woo other floranss...
    Hs Hs Hs, he even bit Evanss leg and a tooth came out! already getting bigger better fangss...
    Will teach Tree to be sstrong and fasst, how to usse weaponss and be cunning.. will be sstrong floran... iss really happy..

    * she pauses*

    Assiding that... Hs Hs Hs.. can't sstop being excited about it..

    whew...okayss...assiding that..

    Prissm iss on kill lisst... sshot chief in sshoulder, and hurt Nix and Alice of Sstark.. not that Alice cared for chief anyway... but sstill
    Iss on kill lisst

    will keep eye of human Fave... wass there too.. helped Alice but left uss to die.. hss sstupid...

    Evan iss now bodyguard... iss...okay chief guesssess..will have to talk to John about him though. maybe get into order..

    Hsss..Asstora tellss chief about Ssam...isss worrying chief a little.. knowss Ssam meanss well.. but.. Hsss.. chief doess not know..

    Iss all for now really... Thinkss hearss Tree sscrambling about... will go and check... Hsss

    * The recording ends*
  17. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever starts up*

    * a lot of cluttering and drunken slurs are heard about as well as crying*

    H-Hsss... sstupid..chieeef

    iss sstupid...ruined...everything..

    i...iss sstupid...sstupid.....sstupid.....

    *sniff* sstupid....sstupid..

    * The recording airs for a long time until what seems like the battery running out. through out the time though sobbing,glass breaking and a BUNCH of cluttering and murmurs are heard*
    #17 Switchback, Mar 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2014
  18. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever starts up*

    Hsss... battery thingss..died... had to get more...wonderss how battery thingss died... Hssss Maybe John or Ssam messed with thiss... sshould move recording sstash... if they found where hidess thisss.

    * a gulp of something his heard followed by a sigh*
    Hsss sshould sstop drinking whisskey... will end up Ill again.. or dead...

    Hsss... messsed....messsed up relatiionsship with Ssettia...

    Nearly killed her in a fit of ...whatever thosse are called.... nearly killed Nix and Sskarti too.... Chief... (( OOC: Note. she has no recollection of the fight with Sativa Oran, so she doesn't know that she tried to kill him in a blood rage ))

    I... Need..to control.. sself... I can't hurt... anyone elsse... Iss... I don't.. want to hurt friendss...

    Esspecially....now that hass ssaplingss about...

    * another pause, followed by another gulp of what she said was whiskey*

    Hsss...Sspeaking of Ssaplingss... had another.... Iss female... iss.... Red... ass Fire.. Like... really red... everything on her iss red..

    Named her FireLeaf.... it fitss... Hsss... at leasst TreeBorn will have a ssibling... to play with... or ssomething... Maybe Zin.. will get off back.. Hs.. Hs..

    * another gulp is heard*

    Hsss.. Ssettia...gave sscare... when sshe came to tree... had to usse sstim on her... sshe....... sshe sstopped breathing!!.. Iss.. *sniff* It worried chief...
    Told her to sstay.. at tree... iss her home.. too. Wether sshe likess it or not.. Iss her home too..

    H-Hsss.. I... John..had messsage for chief... from Blood.... he ssaid--

    * a faint hiss is heard in the background*

    F..Fire..? What are you doing up? Iss ssleep well..?

    * the sound of her getting up is heard as well as another faint hiss. *

    *The Recording ends*
    #18 Switchback, Mar 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2014
  19. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever starts up*

    Hssss.. a lot.... hass happened..like ussual.

    sso hard to remember it all...

    Iss... I...


    The relationsship with Ssettia iss over.. Still lovess her... but... Itss over..

    On top of that, Evan... kisssed me.. he wanted to sstart a relatioinsship...with chief... iss.. I.. told him No... could not go through thiss again.. iss ssaid..

    He won't back down.. sstill ssayss he lovess me.... sstupid... iss being sstupid..

    and Ssativa ssaid he had love for me at one point too.. ss...wha... iss doess not get it.. really doess not get it... Who fallss for a demon like chief? iss demon right word? hss sstupid human wordss..

    * a pause for what seems to be a drink*

    Hsss... Fire...ran away...after event with evan... I.....sslapped her out of anger between Evan and her.... wass my fault..

    itss alwayss my fault..

    Thankfully...sshe returned... a sscary and ssap covered messs but... sshe came home... and treated her woundss.. I..

    Sshe fought a dragon...and ssome weird cultisstss causse of me.... I made her go through that... H-Hsss..

    *numerous gulping sounds are heard*

    H-Hsss... Iss jusst a fantaasstic persson.. I am..


    Messsed up Charcoal... quite a bit.... thought he wass a traitor... he.... hss...

    Hass got to go..

    * The Recording ends*
  20. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *Recording entry whatever starts up*

    Hsss.. today wasss...interessting...

    I... Fought with John... all will ssay iss.. we fought.. I ssaid ssome thingss.. that wern't...that I wouldn't ssay...

    Ssen being right? tssk.. even i know then i wass being irrational, I jusst... Hsss..

    Iss terribly ssorry about it... cannot desscribe how bad I feel.... He'ss my friend... and i tried to kill him... Hsss...

    On top of that... Asstora desstroyed the clinic with the mech he aquired... hsss...

    I gotta sstop...being.....thisss...me... Floran....iss only..hurtss people.. H-Hsss...

    *the recording ends*