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Petaldancer's Audio logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Malachar, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((Forenote, the following has my permission to be used as IC knowledge if read IC, as petal doesn't know how to make uploads private IC, and has little concept for privacy in general))

    ((Clarification: These posts are pretty much on the equivalent of "Space Soundcloud" and the only thing you'd need to do to find them is "space-google" her name))

    ((PPS,I also grant permission for responses, since this is also a sort of audio diary/autobiography thing going on, keep it IC))

    Floran feel like upload her perssonal thoughts taken with sound remembring device.

    Entry 1: *An unknown male's voice is heard" I have crash landed on a seemingly uninhabited jungle planet in the X sector, I have little fuel, and there are gaping holes in my ship.

    The most I can try now is survive.

    Entry 2: *The same male voice* I had contact with another.... Person... Today. One of those sentient plants people talk about, florans. I noticed her watching me from the trees and was prepared to put a bullet in her head if she tried anything, but something stayed my hand. I called out to her and she ran off.

    Entry 3: *The same male voice, only slightly less stressed* This floran girl, Petaldancer, as she calls herself, offered to try and help me fix my ship, she doesn't know much about all the parts, but is a quick learner. She can make some kind of weird adhesive, it looks like slime, smells like shit, and holds things together like starship welding. She has said she will ask some others in her village to see if they can come out and help.

    Entry 4: *Same* Apparently Petal was an exemption in her tribe, they're currently working on breaking down my door to get to me. Saying that they'll eat the "meat-man" who intruded on their home. Petal screamed at them to stop, and they stabbed her and told her they'd deal with her traitor self later. There's nothing I can do to save myself, but the fools are all packed together at the door *A beeping is heard as a device is armed* and I'll be damned if i'll go quietly and let them proceed to harm the only one who showed me kindness on this planet. *Heavy footsteps are heard as the beeping intensifies and shouting is heard. COME AT ME YOU LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR REJECTS! *An explosion is heard and the audio cuts into static after 3 minutes*

    Entry 5: *there is a lot of scratched and bumbing heard as the audio recorder is moved around* *A youthful but sullen sounding floran voice is heard*
    Floran isss alone. Lasst remember was her tribe sstab floran because she want to help nice persson, human call sself. Now not see any of anywhere, humanss ship lookss broken, but maybe floran can fix, use to leave planet, maybe find ssomewhere people not sso mean.

    Entry 6: *The same floran voice is heard, only the tone is a little deeper and stronger, as if the person has aged (( 8 years later )) *

    Floran hass finally managed to get ship work again. Sssome. Hass taken sso many sunss and moonss that floran has lost count. But it fly now, Floran is plot course for sssomewhere in A map area. Wass in X area accord to ship computer. Hope for besst in new home.

    Entry 7: *Her voice is now panicked and scared*
    Floran wass sstupid, sship barely hold one piece, and now floran trap on ssome planet with giant rockss fall from ssky. One hit sshelter and shelter gone. Keep running until find building where nice monkey people let Floran hide.

    Entry 8: *((Henceforth shall describe her emotions)) Calm but depressed*
    Floran has been here for two day now. Try talk to radio, but not any responsse. See Apex people do, but floran not figure out how make work yet. *Footsteps are heard*
    Deep Male Voice: *chuckle* The radio? You forgot to turn it on and set the frequency little one. Let me get it for you.
    Petal: Ohh. Thankss, just had press button? Floran feel ssilly now
    *the audio ends abruptly*

    Entry 9: *Anxious* Floran has ssend call on radio to ssee if any can help off planet. Kind man who help floran tell her that mini nogs will come ssoon to take him and all others to base to tesst, and say he cannot let floran sstay for that. Ssomeone who call sself a private skeffer, think was name, ssay he be ssoon to help. Kind Apex give floran space numbers for him.

    Entry 10: ((1 week later)) *Giddy* Floran hass new home. Friend Josh take to place call Mattis Base, ssay is where you ess see em live. Meet lotss new people in firsst earth week. Josh is very nice, help floran, but is very ssilly about some thingss. Act weird about floran's leaf coveringss until other friend DB give floran new clothes and nice, but ssilly hat. Alsso meet ssteven, is nice person, but quiet and not talk much.

    Entry 16: (3 weeks later) *happy and bubbly* Josh ssay iss good idea to delete lasst couple entriess about DB since not good idea to remind what had happen. Floran has meet new friends recent. Lydi is nice human girl, hass pink hair and pink cups. Floran have party with where drink ssomething call tea. Josh act ssilly whole time about cup color. Floran has also met other new freinds at mattis. Meet mushroom man name Lucky, is sweet and love avesssmingoss.

    Entry 17: (2 weeks later) *depressed* Floran leave mattis base... Floran feel sso bad about what happen with DB mate Nat, she leave USIM. Is sure Kernal will not want back, so has move with DB stay at tetnus field.

    Entry 18: *A low grumbling demonic styled synthesized voice is heard* So iss what weak floran talk into to leave notes? Little Petal current unable to leave entry, she seem to have misplace her arms. And legs. Iss okay, trap will take good care to teach not be so careless. *Petal's screams are heard along with mechanical whirring. Before the audio ends, the voice says* Sset file as read-onlys, Permanents.

    Entry 19: ((5 days later)) *Small, quiet, and nervous* Floran...*there is a pause for 5 seconds before an inhale is heard* Floran not do well lately, Was capture and hurt really bad by evil floran who call sself trap tooth. Even leave message floran not able get rid of on own journal. Floran is ssafer now. Sstay close to Josh on mattis, can protect... Bye..

    Entry 20: ((2 days later)) *small and unsure* Floran think want to learn how heal people. Floran not think would be too good in combat after... *she pauses for 4 seconds*
    Floran want learn how heal and help so can be there when friends hurt. Will need talk to kernal and also Annie. Floran also remember sstrange memmry. Not sure if was real or dream. When was rescue from... place... Floran was take back to mattis in Kernal ship. Floran sseem remember kernal call floran hiss little flower. Think was dream or sssomething, kernal alwayss so grumpy, not think talk ssoft like that.

    Entry 21: ((A week Later)) *Neutral* Things have got better and worse. Trap has taken Mister Shaun, we will find and save.

    Floran has taken to learn medic skill and rejoin USIM, first job did was fix Josh leg after he get hit by a mine

    Feel good to be able to heal and help.

    Entry 22: ((1 day later)) *Exasperated* Floran tell Josh to be careful and he lose leg floran fix testerday. Was on mission or something.

    Lucky leg not able be removed and attatch easy or floran would steal and keep at home so can't hurt self again. Not sure what would do if lose josh.

    Entry 23: ((3 days later)) *Anger* Floran was right to leave USIM. Thought maybe Kernal had point about punishment is punishment, but went with DB Rudy and Awe to visit a bar. And some USCM were there. Was neutral area, so think no problem would arise. Until Ashe get up and tell Awe under arrest. The USCM not have any authority there, he had no right. Try calmly tell, and kernal basically tell floran to shut up and follow orders. Half the USCM either point gun at Awe or other people. And floran hear few say if they will destroy whole place if Awe try to leave. Floran take off her helmet and fling in kernal stupid face. Not ever be part of force that would threaten innocent. Live at Tetnus now, if USCM come and try take here, they not get far. Hope Josh not have be one of ones who try. Lydi left later day and join us at tetnus.
    #1 Malachar, Feb 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  2. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry 24: ((Many weeks later))
    Sso much happen ssince time.. Tetnuss attack by big bugss that eat metal, iss gone, we have rebuild.
    Many of USIM have left and join us at tetnuss as well, hope they safer than floran is.
    DB kidnap tarl, he give up his medicine that was hurt him, Tarl make new group to try reform or remake USCM
    *her voice becomes sorrowful and pained*
    Josh vissit few times, lasst time guess floran not hear right.
    Or wanted hear.

    Thought he talk about floran and ssay loved her and hope love back, but tell her he not.

    Floran is fool, hass ben sstay on ship for while, vissit tetnuss when know josh not there.
    Not think ready to see yet..
  3. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry 25:
    Floran is feeling better. Finally tell Josh goodbye, any feelings had are gone. New persson, Felith, nice to floran, keep company.

    Others are trying get plan to capture traptooth, hope goes well.
    Floran will be pretend to be Watchleaf, Traptooth sister, she has been staying at Tetnuss for while, kind ssweet little floran, saddens to know that Traptooth was once ssame way.

    Hopefully will be able to put an end to this, hope plan goess well.

    ((The next entry will be posted by TD, with my permission, legal BS yadayada))
  4. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Entry 26:
    --A low, demonic augmented voice is heard--
    "Iss not work, iss not go well.
    Iss sstupidss, and will never feel happy againss.
    Thiss Trap promisse.

    Read-only. Permanentss."
  5. Ness

    Ness New Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    ((OOC, Totes. You know, Settia [My Floran] Would be more than happy to teach Petal a little more about Medicine. -flop-))
  6. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry 26
    *Weeks later*
    Sso sso much has happen.
    As last message cannot delete ssay, the plan capture Traptooth Fail, plan was to try pretend be Watchleaf, traptooth sister, and stop him when he beam down to get "her".

    Insstead, Traptooth shot Felith and Floran jusst froze, was too afraid do anything, Traptooth grab and beam uss to his ship. Took off helmet and floran ssaw face. He quickly learn floran wass not hiss sisster though.

    He knock floran out and sshe wake up on magma planet, look at floran and tell her run sso he can hunt down.

    Floran ran...

    Wass found by Ssen and Rossy. Fought ass hard as could, but Ssen too strong, and had help.

    When woke again, wass on Ssen or Rosy ship, they talk for while, assk floran quesstions, and not happy with her answerss.

    Not want recount entire detailss, but jusst say that took floran eyess and damage handss, floran's job as medic iss over forever.

    Sstayed at Tetnuss ssince then, and friend give her cybernets after while, will never ssee again but can work around.

    Iss hard to desscribe. Ear oness let floran ssee in head where ssomething is if make noise. Only way can think of desscribe is to imagine is all black, but when ssomeone talk or make noise, or ssomething, floran can ssee in head where is, and mosst basic image of what look like.

    Ssomeone talking look like jusst head, maybe ssome part of body. Can ssee floor where peopless walk, and feets.

    Alsso have implant at back of head, iss what takes what other implants see and turn it into ssomething floran can see in head, it alsso has little chip thing that floran can plug into her data pad and usse.

    Iss one of strangesst things, like seeing screen, but in head, and see nothing but sscreen.
    Floran alsso only need think to move curssor or type, or even talk for logss.

    Blinker ssay floran not even begin to usse implantss properly.
    Oh. Floran almosst forget him, is little floating ball that follow her and can embed with head-back implant to recharge.
    He can be little mean ssometime, but helpss.
    He try talk mean to Lydi and she lick him, wass funny.

    Like wass sasaying, Blinker ssay to use implantss right need to sstop think with eyesss. Iss not ssure what means. But sayss will be able to know what iss all around floran when learnss, otherwisse informations would hurt brain.

    They tell floran be very carefuls around electricitiess or Eee emmm peess. Ssaid it would make implantss not work for while, floran will need remember.

    Iss strange learn how to look at world different, nothing knew iss right way anymore, but though hard, not give up.
    ((Crappy Concept pics I drew))
    #6 Malachar, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
  7. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *a great time later*
    Hass been long time, and is time for an update.

    Many things hass happen, Floran has been mother, donated pollen, didn't know it wass going be ussed for that. Wass not all bad.

    Hass left Tetnuss after thingsss get bad.

    Then bomb go off and desstroy entire city.

    Live on ship with Awe and Sentinel for while.

    One day they ssay they leave for while, but has not heard from ssince.

    Wasss alone even longer then, thought about thingss.

    Floran has been running long time... Going from place to place that would have her, alwayss wondering if USCM would find and arresst.

    Wanting to vissit few friendss in USCM but knowing can't...

    Alwayss being label a criminal, becausse of choicess made to defend friendss.

    Alwayss running... Tired of running and hiding. Alsso jusst tired.

    -nervous yet resolved-
    Floran has decided, iss not going run anymore. Iss going back to Marathon and facing USCM. Will take punishment get if only sso can be free, and can come go, and vissit.

    Hoping all goess well.
  8. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *2 days later*

    Thingss go both better and worse than hoped.

    Floran wasss treat well enough, wasss just having wait for while, near end, Josh let out for while.

    Verita and Gunny get back, yell at Josh, and decide to exile Floran from all US sspace.

    Could have been worsse for punishment, and can try make appeal sso can vissit again, but will need help knowing who talk to and ssuch.

    Either way, Floran iss true free again. Not allow back ins US sspace yet, but no longer call Criminal.
  9. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *about a week later*
    Ssso much change, yet at ssame time more go back way before.

    Ashe gone. Now Gunny iss head of USCM.
    He ssay yes to appeal so iss allow to vissit now.

    Josh have new mate. Isss very big hylotl ssaid, but ssomething sseem different. Name Betty.
    Iss about time Josh find ssomeone, wass thinking was going be old man before did.

    On way back to Marathon in ship, sssomething go wrong and we get force beam to ssome planet. We had ssurvive for few dayss with jusst four of uss.

    Was Floran Josh Dussk and Betty.
    Went well, animalss not challenge, dussk hurt sself more by burning with food than any animalss attack.

    Feel good be free vissit all old placess again. Feel... Free.
  10. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *about 2 weeks later*
    Floran went with Felith to wedding to ssee on of hiss friendss.
    They make Felith admit in front of everyone he like floran.
    Floran had make joke to keep from jump around.

    Later, felith got infect by ssome kind parassite, after he had kill old friend.
    It give him bad PTSD, doctorss and pillss not able help.

    Felith had assked Floran to ssleep with at night to see if that help, it did, Felith finally able get good ssleep.

    Floran feel little sselfish, not only reason wass wanted help Felith.

    Hear Felith wass share room with ssomeone elsse, female avian.
    Iss floranss, not let steal, thiss show that.
    Floran need sstop lissten to all Betty says...
  11. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *few days later*


    Josh dead.
    Floran misss already.
    Funeral tomorrow.
  12. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *2 days later*
    He alive!
    Not know why they label dead or what went on, but he alive.
    Hurt bad though, may take long time walk again.
  13. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *almost a month later*
    -a mix between nervousness and excitement-

    Felith assk floran to marry, ssaid yes, will have wedding ssoon thinkss.

    Floran need find dresss, hope will like, becausse iss only time will be sseen wear big poofy thing.
    Floran never thought would find one who like how iss, even with scarsss and hard time undersstand at timess, but iss happy.

    He even assk right after give floran permament placce call home, after losse sso many, it mean lot.

    Floran will have take picture of ring with datapad ssso can ssee what look like later.
  14. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *month later*
    -sullen and cynical-
    Not know where begin...
    USCM attack Union, they mad that let not humanss into USAF.
    Mosst made out okay, but almosst all hurt.
    UPC, the people who protect city, all die making ssure otherss could get out.

    They ssaid usse Bunker Bust to desstroy city, another home losst. Not even bother Floran anymore.
    We move to tetnusss and then ssomeone tell all we there, sso had leave so nobody hurt them.

    Othersss leave before, not ssure where is at moment, Floran guess Felith sship.
    Not know what elsse exxpect, sso many in thiss ssector cruel and only think of ssself.
    Floran done talk right now.
  15. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    -angry, disgusted, and vindictive-

    Time time again many humanss prove jusst how racisst and ungrateful can be...
    Eden tribe give place sstay, and Josh and few otherss sspit in face. Alwayss talk of how not trusst, and whole group nothing but mindless ssavagess.

    If any wanted kill, would be dead already.

    All come out lasst night. Jossh inssult Ssharp for lasst time. Sshe punch head asss retaliate. Ven pull gun on, Felith sstop, Ven point gun at Felith. Floran tell to sstop, idiot not lissten and trip Felith. Floran ssstab leg.

    Laonie then pull gun and aim at ssharp, floran had trip her. Ssshe not even ssuppose be up walk around on legss, Floran probably make worsse, not care ssadly. Threaten mate and hossts, forfeit life. Iss only old love for that sstop from ssolve problemss right there.

    Otherss all run off to NC, probably get caught by bounty hunterss. Would sserve right.
    Felith, Lily, and Ssol all sstill here at Eden with. Went hunt with Ssharp and had sspar match with ssol. He need learn focuss, Floran wass able take down becausse didn't.

    Not know if will ever talk to Jossh and otherss again. Not know if care either...
  16. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *you can see the dates, we keep an almost 1to1 here*

    Floran found him. Sssee what look like. Notice not able talk.
    Jusst need find alone, and Ssharp able resst in peacce.
    Floran know what sshe do iss murder. Not care. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life, blood for blood. Iss how world workss.
  17. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    -she sounds calmer than before, more in control-
    Felith ssay kill Jacksson not good idea. Floran not ssee why sshould care, after all done, but he ssay death too good for.

    Sso... Will let live, for now at leassst. Jacksson not press luck.
  18. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ||Warning: |Vitals Failing|::Uploading Pre-Recorded Audio-Log||
    ||Last known Coordinates| City of New Chicago||

    -Her tone is serious-
    Floran hate have do thiss, but iss good idea.
    If anyone iss hear thisss, Floran dead or iss dying, wass able link pad with implantsss so would know if Floran dying and ssend thiss before doess.

    Floran hear iss ssuppose tell who getss thingss and ssay wordss to people ssoo...

    Floran not have much... Let Felith decide what do with sship, and Floran givess coat to, ass wass pass on to her.
    And take care of Sscruffy.
    Floran give Matt her old weaponsss, Needlesshoterss, and sspear.
    That all really ownss.
    For goodbyesss...

    Josh, wass firsst persson met, and firsst friend. Not alwayss see each othersss eyess but wass alwayss closse too. Good luckss with RA.
    Lydi, wherever isss, wass like sisster to, be ssafe and good luckss.
    D-B, wherever iss at, wass alwayss one of clossesst friendss, and help look out for. Thankss for all.
    Sssteven, hasss not sseen in very long time, but hope Ssteven and petss iss okay.
    Matt, never got know much, but wass sstill one of friendss
    Ruby, not blame sself, know hass habit of. Be ssafe with crowliss
    Awe, wherever isss, wass like human father too, hope iss ssafe
    Remy, Hope iss do well wherever iss.
    Drige, *she chuckles lightly* Keep up fight againssst cultisstsss Floran ssilly friend.
    Sssharp, iff iss other sside after life, maybe can hunt togetherss

    Floran knowss will hurt mosst from floran be gone, but she assk Felith not do anything ssstupid. Felith have people count on for, sso iss not able wasste life becausse floran losse herss.

    Floran think that all needss be done for thiss. Hope never hass usse it.
    *the recording ends*
  19. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( Crowliss was never mentioned but Steven was? What? ))
  20. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    She never knew crowliss well))