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Carroli Corporation presents to you, the future.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by White, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    We present to you The Carroli corporation, we unlock to you the gates of discovery​

    Our Corporation have a long tradition of advancement and technological progress, even before the fall of earth, and past it we have continued to endure, so can continue to guide you along the path of progression!

    Our Corporation has currently established a public headquarters on Avalon, for fully branching out in the sector for here we can provide many services to improve and assist you're lifestyle dear people of the stars

    Services we can offer are many, if to list our current services​

    • Sale and Production of energy, and plasma based small arms.

    • Production of energy and plasma based weaponry, including planetary defense systems and spaceship weaponry.

    • Medical supplies, we research and develop many kinds of medical solutions, why use a bandage, when you can apply a medical gel to seal up your injuries, safer and more efficient!

    • Cybernetics, (Note, we do not install these parts, as we do not host the facilities, usage of hospital and experienced technician is advised).

    • Spaceship design and construction - Browse our selection of space designs and we will begin construction everything from a cruiser to a frigate, to a transport ship (limited designs currently available, check in later for when we've finished additional designs).

    • Researchers and engineers for your projects may be provided as long as all discoveries are shared with the Carroli corporation, and a mutual beneficial situation agree, the only exception to this is when Governmental bodies makes this request (USCM, PDF, may request researcher support, without requiring to share results with the corporation).

    • We wish to note that additional services may become available as time progresses.

    Our installation in Avalon are designed for comfort and efficiency
    View attachment 515
    Our Researchers and engineers operate at their own pace and space, as their free to direct their own research and projects, as long as they show results and share and follow the goals of the corporation. We do not seek to direct you, but assist you and thus assisting ourselves.

    For those whom wish to seek employment within the Carroli corporation is free to do so, a communication burst addressed to Zeke Carroli, the sub-director of Carroli and in charge of the Carroli operations in this sector will handle your interview and then if prove talent and share our goals, then you may join our ranks.

    We seek researchers, engineers and security officers whom to guard other two employees.

    We thank you for taking the time to watch this broadcast, we of the Carroli Corporation wishes you a pleasant and productive day.

    OOC: This faction is mostly based on less militaristic services, and most RP will conclude to be less combat orientated than whats common, it will involve research, office chatting, writing RP chronicle lore (i hope to set up a system where we can help apply new lore to the game setting, as long as each new subject is approved by the staff, then added to the wiki). making and building ships to sell to players ic ( we provide finished ship files to people, whom to enjoy, not everyone a builder, and we want to help out).

    other activities could conclude research on other planets, weather, animals, excavation of ancient ruins, where to find long lost technology to re-engineer and later produce new products for the corporation etc.

    Security usually handles protection, avoids theft of material, etc, security based, but you've be given a lot of leeway to do your own things on the side, after all sitting in a chair all day is -not- fun, make sure you make the job fun if you take it ^^.

    We also hope for more role play situations can be produced once the director mode comes out, as it would allow for more exciting excavation events and so on.

    Attached Files:

    #1 White, Feb 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2014
  2. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I would ask to join you here on StarNet... But this is not a secure enough channel. However, if you could meet me at the Avalon Bar, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you.

    -Tideborn Bladefang
  3. Dingbat

    Dingbat Strange Quark

    Jan 26, 2014
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    ((This sounds awesome. Definitely interested.))
  4. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Please send a Broadcast to inform us of our presence in Avalon, if we are available, a secretary will issue directions to our headquarters where a meeting can be held, in privacy if so desired

    - a Secretary of CC.
  5. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (( I'm wanting to be a guard and researcher. if only one is allowed, I would prefer the former. My opportunities to get on, however, are typically limited to early morning and late evening. So, could you please reserve a few spots for me?))
  6. Xeras

    Xeras New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    We have cookies! Okay... We don't have cookies. But y'know what? We'll just make our OWN cookies! Yeah! With blackjack, and hookers!... Y'know what forget the blackjack and hookers, cookies with FRICKIN LASER CANNONS.
  7. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Commentarily: We are looking for engineers willing to enlist in the carroli corporation, good terms, good pay, and most of all a working place you'll enjoy
    ((we can do the interview over conversation on the forum, i'd recommend one position per character ( but you can have two), as it makes little sense for a researcher to be his own security, and versa, no worries we all got a rl, and that comes first, so its just to accommodate each other))
  8. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    ((One thing you should know... Tide is his own guardian. He is as skilled with the blade as he is with the microscope. However, he would devote most of his energy from one side to the other, depending on what he feels is necessary.))

    I'm currently having problems with my ship... I fear that I may not be able to return to the galaxy for a while... When I do, though... I'll be sure to tell you. I'm wanting to be a researcher in one of the following fields:

    I could also be a guard, or a guard trainer. When the need rises, I am quite adept at providing entertainment and other services intended to soothe. I would prefer the leeway to alternate between the three. I always apply my skills to the area I feel is needed most. However... I would be a researcher by default.
    I look forward to joining your enterprising venture.

    For the glory of the Void,
    Tideborn Bladefang

    ((and I did the whole thing on a Wii-U))
  9. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Please watch what you're typing over the public Starnet mr Xeras, and did i not tell you to stop using our high precision laser cannon for baking, its intended to cut out electronic pieces for development, not cooking.
    #9 White, Feb 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2014
  10. Xeras

    Xeras New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    As a counterpoint, we could easily make smaller versions of these FOR cooking.

    Time to take some notes.
  11. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Eheheh..."Carrot Lee".
  12. AmyCat

    AmyCat New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Hello, My name is Dr May Izumi. Feel free to just call me May as I never really use my honorific anyway.

    It has been one week since my first encounter in this sector, and I am still trying to re-assemble my lost notes from a long term project as well as get used to the new cultures. I've managed to secure citizenship status on Fort Mattis and I now have access to work inside of their research facilities, but I feel that my projects may require more than USCM's grant money and supervision. I don't know how committed I will be to this proposal, as I am still yet to have my lab set up (Thanks to the wipes) but I am hoping that I could partner up with the Carroli Corporation, purely for research efficiency purposes of course.

    I am willing to share most notes and key research advances, but on a private level as I am not good at trusting others. I wont ask for much as for the moment I'm just trying to branch out, something that i've always feared to do. Any questions, please use my Starnet inbox.
  13. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I must first offer my apology Dr Izumi.
    The Carroli Corporation is a private organization which operates independently under its own researchers, while we offer our skills and talents to the uscm upon request, however we rely on our own research and discoveries to fuel our development section. As of yet I've not heard of C.C. contracting researchers branched in other organizations or groups, as in your case the USCM, Share of discoveries are only done on co-oped research projects managed individually and arranged usually only in specific cases, when a director, or sub-director forms a alliance towards a specific research topic, this has been done usually only with other corporations. the partnerships the Carroli corporation primarily binds lies in security, transportation firms, and similar, depending on the individuals branch's requirements. While i cannot promise anything, I'll rely your message to Sub-director Zeke Carroli, however i warn you its unlikely he'll take to use foreign researchers, less risk insulting his own employees capabilities, as only employees projects are usually funded, and supported, and it would mean diverting grants away from the current research department, alas unless your a employee, such grants are a touchy subject.

    - Secretary of C.C
  14. AmyCat

    AmyCat New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Sad to hear, but understandable. I was not asking for any extra grant money or resources, if that's how it came across, just wanted to find more people who are like minded and could maybe give me a push in the right direction. I've never had the chance to work on my own projects before so I'm feeling a lot of uncertainty, fearing I will hit a dead end in my projects. I understand that it may not be company policy, but I only wish for some guidance and the chance to meet others.

    Thank you for relying my message though. Maybe after settling down in this sector, I can move away from the Mattes Research Center.
  15. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    [As Richald]
    It's refreshing to see a new entity appear in the sector. As EXIA Systems continues to work on a major development project, we'd be interested in extending a hand to Carroli Corporation. Promotion as well as friendly competition could do both of our entities some good. If you'd be open to a discussion about such business, contact me directly by calling my office [Includes comm codes here]. State your affiliation with the secretary and soon we should be able to talk at a later date.

    ((OOC... trying to start up a corp, eh? I've got something big up my sleeve, so if Carroli corp, or any other faction tries to monopolize, EXIA will prove a challenge, since they also will be working with fuel, entertainment, and ship design in the future. I must ask that you please don't take this idea, as I'm currently working on it and hopefully it'll be finished soon. http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/now-presenting-alterion-station-173.1052/ . Aside from that, I wonder what the rp will bring!)
  16. Mordaith

    Mordaith New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    (Angran Rust)
    Nervousness. Greetings Carroli Corporation. I am Angran Rust. I will be quick with this, as not to waste your time. I am interested in joining your organization and sharing my research. My research fields primarily deal with the study and expansion of the field of meteorology. In pursuit of this I often find myself also expanding in to Xeno Archeology, Atmospheric research, and General Planetary Geology.

    Affirmation. While I am keen on most scientific disciplines, and am willing to lend a hand to any research project. It is the study, prediction, and manipulation of Weather patterns that interest me. I would be keen to explain any of these studies and some of my theories to a representative face to face. Hopeful. We could see if I would be a good match. My research has the potential to benefit everyone in the galaxy. Granted, in small, tiny ways.

    Anticipation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Angran Rust
  17. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    heklol is dfs till
    --Audio Log attached--
    "Hello, are openings for researchers still open? I am quite experienced in Biology and Xenobiology, and have been studying fauna for many years.
    What intrigues me is the-- what I assume-- glitch's application. This is because I have been dabbling in Meteorology as well.
    If research papers are ever in need, I may provide them in person. Regards."
  18. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    With time we shall see if we shall be competitiors to allies, i would imagine a bit of both as time goes on.

    - Zeke Carroli

    ooc: We're also into ship designs, and our faction's more or less formed, we took a royal kick in the gut from the recent wipe issues thou, hopefully it's sorted soon so the faction can properly function. and no worries on your station :) We voted on where to build our headquarters after the Avalon incident and it was decided to be based on a planet unlike your space station :) nice design btw.

    We are currently seeking researchers correctly, if you meet the specific requirements and agree to oblige to the natural rules of joining our corporation. and of course share our goals and vision. I'll set up a interview for you with the sub-director Zeke Carroli, may i have you full name sir?

    - Secretary of CC
  19. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    --Audio Log attached--
    " Ah, I sure hope I do qualify! I will look forward to the interview!
    It is Gustcrown! I never remembered my surname, my mistake."
  20. White

    White The Guy who is always working.

    Feb 3, 2014
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    "Well Mr Gustcrown We've set you up with a appointment with the sub-director, please show for your interview if you're able please inform us, details will be sent your data pad momentarily"

    - Secretary of CC

    OOC: Link to CEO Office, for RP: http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/zeke-carrolis-ceo-office-forum-roleplay.2044/