1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Radio Yung Yung

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Aleiksei, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    [Tuning in your radio to see what's the universe up to, you hear soul-crushing flute playing]

    Drums start playing and are overlayed by the sound of 7 bongos gradually, as you hear a soothing voice fading in

    Bingo bongo welcome to Radio Yung Yung, this is DJ Yung your favorite bongo-player, cryptic-hypnotic warlord from the slums of the hoard bringing you the latest Avalonian news, what is up y'all? Yung giving a power-up to all of you magicians out there making the universe a beautiful plaaaace.

    Now Yung wants y'all to feel good just feeling good Universe, none of that ignorant trashtalking over the radio that Yung hears all day and all night, none of that. No Sen and no Firedrinker fighting on here, only the beauty of music and Avalonian news:

    Yung heard from a little biiiird that the bar of Avalon was set on fire. Yung would think this Sen trying hard to pass as a terrorist, but we all seen John smoking 50 cigars at once. That can't be good. Can't fathom John's cigars though, if provoke John, better get ready for arena fight! Yung likes a fair fight.

    Another news being, Avalon actually knows good time! The PDF has proven successful so far, Yung has seen many prisoners and many-less trouble! Words that more and more people take housing in Avalon, which leaves Yung with so many new friends. Keep coming like you want the booty, Universe! This is Radio Yung Yung and Yung is dancing the boogie.

    We all heard of relationship between Firedrinker and Aiko Yori, and Yung thinks it's now a very good time to tell this: It's going to be valentine's day on Avalon tomorrow. Yung didn't know what Valentines was exactly. In fact, heard blood and stridel talk about in front of Avalon sign. Yung thought blood thought Avalon called Valentine, so Yung made fun of Blood. Turns out it's feast! For lovers! So while Firedrinker and Aiko Yori celebrating Valentine days, why not celebrate it yourself? Go buy yourself a tuxedo or a loincloth at Nixt, play your favorite tempo, get the mood on, and watch TV with someone you like a lot. Gross.

    In other news, Cutter died, but now back.

    If you are Avian, Yung would advise to hide, as Disphotic guards are apparently given the right to do their schmick on Avalon now! Hide your Kluex and the baby birds you've thrown from towers, at the risk of getting detaiiiiiiiined, chiki-chiki restraining order on your apartment, pink slip on your door!

    This DJ Yung of Radio Yung Yung, may Gaia be in peace with y'all suckas, Yung will now play sweet sound, has mountain of records from earth. Radio Yung Yung, soul & street poetry. Valentine's themed! Yung dedicates to Firedrinker and Aiko, and all the smoochers out there. Ya'll gross.

    [It seems like your radio is mute on this frequency, and are redirected to another frequency for feedback.]
  2. Lilligant

    Lilligant New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    ((This isn't a IC post on StarNet.)) *Lilly would hear this amazing broadcast while listening to the radio on her ship and listen enthusiastically* "I love Radio Yung Yung! It issss the bessst radio ssshow!"
  3. Flux

    Flux New Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    ((I hate doing OOC in an IC part of the forums... but I wanna say how entertaining this was! I guess the IC bit of this, much like lilligant's, wouldn't be considered part of StarNet. Maybe this radio broadcast would be better suited to being in the Other Roleplay section of the forums? That way people could call in to the show, or otherwise indicate that their characters have tuned in without having to specifically say they are not making a post on StarNet about tuning into a radio program.)) *DJ Yung's ratings have just gone up by 1 listener as Flux tunes in hoping to catch more of the eccentric broadcast*
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    :Voice Message Recieved and Posted as: Comment:
    Aiko Yori is Hi-Oh-Til and Firedrinker isss Floran. Firedrinker iss alssso Chief of Tribe. Floran quesstions Firedrinkerss mate choice.

  5. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I found this for you yung:
  6. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    AYYY. Allow me to reintroduce myself, Avalon, my name is Yung, Y-to-the-HUNG. Who fuckin' with this radio? Yung bringing the latest Avalonian news!

    Yung talked about how today would be Valentine's day, and Yung was met with many lovers: A terrorist in all black and blue started throwing grenades in Avalon and shooting people, and then gased hospital! Hospistal, which was full of people at the time, become intoxicated and not very-hospitalish anymore. Thankfully, a mysterious hero was there to save the day. Hero carried 3 people to the hostel next door for medical care, as they suffocated from toxic gas, and turned the hostel into the hostelpital so doctors would know!

    [A picture would appear on devices that support it]


    The three people were Sarah, Shaun, and certain bird who wished for name to stay anonymous.

    News flash, Phoenix, owner of Nixt is missing a hand. Says was cutted, and Yung thinks it's Cutter! Who else cuts hands then cutter. But is okay, can get a mechanical one, Cutter is used to turning people into cyborg. Seems like Omega and Shellton have already been turned into cyborgs by Cutter! Cutter, trying to make cyborg army, little rascal? Yung watchin' you.

    A new shop has appeared in town, owned by Hylotl Yuki, the Yuki Fashion Palace! Yung has already shopped there, and two observations: the clothing is gorgeous, is all designer, come get your Tom Ford, your Givenchy, your Riccardo Tisci and other delicious Prada in here, but beware, Yuki elitist! If don't have money, switch the style up or don't come in!

    Last but least, Red the Apex is now official representative of Avalon, and the first sane one, Yung would say! Between Aiko that's too busy getting massages, Blood that's too busy playing dominos with ladies and Nate that does whatever the heck Nate doesn, Avalon never had official representative. Now Red is. Red is wise. Good news.

    Yung reminds y'all that this is it, this is the night of valentine! Have some fun gameboys and gamegirls! Music right after Yung answers fanmail!


    Woah, woah! Yung doesn't want none of that rusty-dusty ass nonsense. Yung warned about this, but Floran still talk about this? People, for sake of universe, get away from fools like that. Let it be known that love isn't exclusive to same species, and that it happens regardless of fins, leaves, smooth skin, hairs or impervium plating! Shoo, out of here.

    Yung had a dream he bought his way to Gaia's garden, but when he woke up, he spent that on a bentley.

    Now this is the second day of broadcasting in a Valentine's day mood attitude, people of Avalon and outer space! Here appropriate music to get you in mood tonight!

    #6 Aleiksei, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2014
  7. InfernoFiend

    InfernoFiend Sake Soldier

    Feb 6, 2014
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    ((It was Sarah, not Rachel))
  8. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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  9. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    -A fan voice-mail sent to Yung by Sativa-
    "Hey, Yung. I love lissstening to your show, it alwaysss cheersss me up like Lilly'sss words of the day...and Firedrinkersss quessstion of the day on occasssion, but I like the charm to yours a bit more than both of thossse, no offenssse to the othersss.

    And thanksss for letting people know about Ssshelltonsss leg, Avalon hasss been extremely dangerousss lately, and I'm probably not going to be having my date for tonight there due to the risssk of getting attacked...again. Ssso I have to asssk, do you enjoy being in Avalon, or isss there anything elssse you like to do more with your time? Ya know, other than the radio.

    Love, Sssativa.

    ...Oh, and Ssskully sssaysss "Yung makesss funny noisesss with flute."
  10. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    The jingle starts playing and is much longer than usual

    The flute kicked in. You thought there wasn't gonna be no flute? Not today, sucker.

    Good mornin' midnight, this is DJ Yung sharper than a razor poppier than a tazer and blacker than a blazer, Radio Yung Yung on all pirate and free frequencies! How good is y'all feeling? Me, Yung, I'm feelin' preeee-tty good. Gotta keep your head up in these dark times, smile on your face and gold on your finger, because St Valentines popped some marriages. And also stirred up some trouble, apparently.

    Now, now, it's unknown as to why, but seems like Tallest Tree is on an embargo, refusing to communicate with any colony, settin' up DarkStar to defend 'em, and Aiko breakin' up with Firedrinker. Now what's all this, people?

    This leads to Avalon on a mini-lockdown, security has been heavily reinforced. At least, we safe at last!

    That's for the bad news, s'all a little reminder: the universe out there ain't all flowers and teddy bears, but what gives? Make it a better place. Don't walk in the wrong footsteps. Find your peace wherever you are happy and don't harm others.

    S'all for your good people. Dark exists, Yung hopes y'all been listenin' to Shaman Lilligant and righting your wrongs, don't be that guy. Don't stir up trouble where trouble is not known of. Embrace your brothers and sisters, we all in this together. Some of us starts lower, some of us starts higher, but when we all end up shoulders against shoulders, why should we take knives from our belts, instead of opening our arms?

    Yung is talking to you, you who ain't got it. You know you ain't got it, because you are twelve you got a scar on your face. You know you ain't got it, because you are fifteen and the only way for you to get it is to stab, resell, bootleg or steal. You know you ain't got it because by the time you're twenty, your mind is more troubled than Bayou water and you look back on your childhood and see nothin', because it's never been here in the first place.

    So what can you do? What can you do? Keep struggling, life will smile back at cha, brother, sister, of all specie and all races. Keep giving to those you love. Don't let those who patronize you, those who try to exploit you, or those who oppress you step on your toes. Let it be known you're noone's slave. Be wary of those who are quick to sign a peace treaty, because those are the same who are quick to declare war. Find the good people whom love isn't signed at the end of a page, or yelled in a bar, or found in a common interest for the material things, find love where it's supposed to be: in your heart.

    Radio Yung Yung returns with better news after a sad song, to let y'all think about the decisions some come to, in their life.

    This is DJ Yung, and you are on Yung Yung Radio, 108.8 WKRDD.

    Now to the good news, good people of Avalon.

    Stridel has opened a restaurant in town, whose name didn't stay with Yung, as y'all know Yung is flawed and bad with names. But go there! Order pizza. It's the best thing since clark wallabees, Yung went there and ate. It was all good. It's fancy, though. Close to Yuki Fashion Palace, the perfect place to eat something expensive after buying some expensive clothes. Nothin' less than wealth.

    Ria opened a store called the Warehouse, in which you can find anythin' but doors. There's two doors at the entrance though, I'm sure you can discuss buyin' some of that.

    A bathhouse was constructed close to Stridel's restaurant, Yung loves going there. You got a mixtape you wanna show Yung, so Yung puts it on the radio? Come here in your best swimwear, Yung will be waitin'.

    You know there ain't much happenin', as the universe is watching Tallest Tree right now, but Yung has the solution to that. Yung is generous enough to keep y'all updated on what is going on with the grand DJ, Diva, Superstar, CEO, Super freaky hoe, entrepreneur, self-made tribal-man that is Yung.

    A picture appears on devices that supports it


    That's right! That's right! Yung is building a gigantic space-club in a citadel-like building in orbit. Dancing? In space? To Yung's jams?

    Other DJs gladly invited.
    The construction site is opened to experts, Yung's friends and wealthy people that want to give money to Yung. Soon the club will open, and Yung will host the grandest parties in the universe. Programmed: Bath house, hotel, garden, bar, restaurant, pool, sauna, and theater. Best news? You ain't even need to be a richman, once it's opened. The club itself will be open to anyone. Any-one, except troublemakers HERM, HERM. So, come talk to Yung, get involved with Yung's shiz and biz, and come money dance with the good fellas.

    Now, for fan mail.

    Now, now, Yung wants to start by sayin' that Yung will talk about things like Shelton's leg. Yung is positive, but won't lie about the bad happenin' all around. Thanks for recognizing the good fight!

    Now as to why Yung loves Avalon, sure. Yung will make a little analogy. Now Yung grew up on Earth, a planet that's now gone. Never really held earth in Yung's heart, until earth was gone. Yung never liked it back then. Yung grew up in detroit. So what's up with Yung? Yung loved to sneak away, for the forest. If Sativa had seen the animals on earth, would have loved. Beautiful creatures, all over. Tiny butterflies, deers with such beautiful looking horns...When Yung didn't sneak to the forest, was back at home. Yung's brother liked to call it the place where fathers abandon you. Yung had his father home, that hated him. Nobody liked Yung back in family. Yung was deemed strange, even by own parents. What do you do when your own kin hates you? Yung spent so long in the streets and the forest, everything grew on him. People were shooting each other in these streets, much like Avalon. But it all grew on Yung. Was it because Yung was a kid? Maybe, then Yung is still a kid at heart, because Avalon grew on him.

    What's Avalon, I ask? Is it just a place of murders and crime? Question to which Yung will answer no. It's the place of a thousand stories. It's where Yung was accepted for who he was. It's where Yung isn't frowned upon for his speech impediment, the leaves he wears for clothes, or his skin color. It's where Yung feels at home. It's where Yung's new brother is found: Bloodrazer. It's where Yung found love for the first time in the hearts of many good willed people. It's where Yung feels safe, because even though Yung could get hurt at any time, there isn't nothing like feeling close to your kin. And Yung kin is the adventurous kind. It's the kind of John, Nate Jones, Aiko Yori. So while you may be seeing the bad, you're missing the good.

    Avalon ain't for everyone, but it's where everyone go.

    Yung has been meanin' to visit your colony, though, Yung heard it's hella beautiful. Will contact you some of these days! XOXO, DJ YUNG YUNG, SIGNING OUT.

    Leavin' you with some good jam! 108.8!

  11. Lilligant

    Lilligant New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    *Lilly sends a voice message/fanmail* Hello Yung! I lovesss lissstening to you talk and play the musssic sssongsss! I thinksss you hasss true wordsss and you can presssent them in a fun and inssspiring way! The Galaxy needsss more DJsss like you, Yung!
  12. Shellton

    Shellton New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    -Fan Mail sent by Shellton-
    Hi, there seems to be a little talk about my leg. There's a picture of it on my page if ya want to see it. And another thing, apparently Avalon has a possible breakout of 'tentacle spores' which turns your body into tentacles. Izzy and I may have it, but there are some known treatments. That's all!
  13. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    >>Fanmail from an encrypted source<<
  14. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *Sharptooth sends a voice recording/fanmail*
    Hssss... Yung iss very lively, sssometimess cheerss Ssharptooth up when want to kill ssomeone. Radio..Yung iss interessting...to ssay leasst.. May lissten in future...

    ((OOC note. Yung is like mo fuggin Three dog yo! xD i love it! ))
  15. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    A jingle starts playing

    You know what it is people of Avalon, Radio Yung YUUUUUUNG, hosted by DJ Yung, and I'll break the mystery 'cause everybody by now seems to have learned my secret: Dj Yung of Radio Yung Yung is in fact Yung! Yeah, that's right, that's right. 108.8 WKRRD.

    Woo! I wanna start by giving a shoutout to all y'all good people of Avalon, and I gladly invite however sent me threat on my personal box to come kiss my ass in the studio! I sent you the address and everythin. Come, my ass, literally perfect. Gaia forgives Yung for his rash introduction but Gaia knows no-one should get such brash messages.

    Put your hands in the sky, people of Avalon, for you are safe for a while! Beaming points all over the universes are reported to be malfunctioning, and are being prioritized for important people. So unless you're part of the council, don't step out of Avalon, Kane won't let your ship in.

    Now Yung wants to have a lil talk with all y'all, a little talk about something gross. Feelings. Now, now, don't turn down the radio, because it's the good kind of feelings. It's about friendship and love. Yung sees everyday friendships and hearts broken. It's important to choose the people you want to be with in life, and you should have standard. Stand up for yourself, don't let anyone step on your boundaries, your personal space is more important than anything. Don't let people pressure you into doin' things, don't let people talk to you in a disrespectful way. Yung wants y'all to know that peer pressure and bullying is the worst; at least if you have to fight someone, you know you might be done with it someday, psychological violence is the worst, y'all. Don't let people do that to you, you're much better than this.

    Now when you find the good people in life, that give you loyalty, make 'em royalty. Yung would die for his friends. Ay, Yung doesn't recommend dying, but thinks friendship is an amazing thing, and it's worth risking a part of you for. Yung follows the old code, Yung rides and dies for 'em. What's the point you ask? Protecting amazing people, for if Yung learns from them, and if Yung lives for 'em, then Yung is willing to die for 'em. Let's just skip the dyin' part, though. We don't want to hear none of that, 108.8 we are here for FUN, s'all I gotta say. Choose your friends wisely, and love 'em with all your heart, sap, or core. Don't get involved with bullshit, take care of yourself and the people you love. We are a jammin a dancin and a lovin' radio Yung Yung!

    A picture appears on devices that support it


    Yung hosted his first party on his space citadel, and was a grand success! Half of the avalon council showed up, what's that? Wat's that sound Yung hears? The sound of WINNERY. As always, everybody invited when parties open. Biggest club in the universe. Don't get drunk and throw yourself in outer space.

    We return with fan mail after some JAM!

    Fan mail!

    If that ain't Lilli to the gant, Yung's favorite shaman on an equal level with Rizpha! Hi you! Thanks a lot for the support, Yung would say we're on the same vibe, we doin' what we're doin' for the good of the people, and we are pretty sure we're doing okay, 'cause we ain't drawing no guns on people, imposin' them anything. Just words out there, listen or read if you will, and take advice if you will. We're fighting the real fight. We ain't with the oppression, we ain't with the fear, we bring comfort and joy. That's that good shit.
    Man, we really do need other DJs, but that ain't never gonna happen, they're all blew away by Radio Yung Yung. They too scared to even try, they'd pluck their whole style from king Yung, cause there ain't never heard anythin' of the likes! WOO! Power-up Lilligant!

    Yung went to see the leg, very beautiful! Shiny'n'all, go chrome it, polish it and shine it. The tentacle spore shit has been dealt with, from what Yung heard! Worry not! S'all gone!

    That's where it's at, we go stupid, go stupid, go stupid, over the greatest human jams Yung can offer!

    Shaptooth brother, don't kill people outta nowhere. That ain't the good life, that's the hood life. Yung is the liveliest though! AY! Never will you find someone with that much energy, drive, and lungs so big to spit out that much words to the ears of you all. Yung actually has this show because has way too much to say. Y'know it. Little secret now!

    108.8 signing out, bwoooooooZZZZ.

  16. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

  17. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    -Corvus sends a voice recording/fan-mail-
    Hey, Yung! I just wanted you to know that this broadcast has helped me recently when I'm stressed, or feeling down. Rock on!
  18. Shellton

    Shellton New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Sadly, right before you broadcasted this, a meteor landed on the damn leg. If cutter can read this, do I have an insurance policy on it? Just a sidenote, but that party on the space-bar was pretty awesome. Hope ta see ya sometime.
  19. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    [Using encrypted IP.... suddenly HATEMAIL! DUN DUN DUN!]
    Maybe I'd enjoy the music better if I didn't have a beef with the host. Seriously, is there other news besides Avalon? I'm sick and tired of hearing about Avalon and Tallest Tree on the radio, there needs to be a neutral, official news station instead of some ex-tribe floran-wannabe who happens to have a hold on some broadcasting equipment!

    But now with Avalon and all the major colonies on lockdown... what's the news now huh? Going to talk about your flashy citadel? Maybe you should see what's going on in with the rest of the sector before you start reporting whatever riff-raff you have on the radio.
  20. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Yuncle, your radio show is the best! They always cheer me up!