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Draco's Voice Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by DragonLS, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. DragonLS

    DragonLS New Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    Records of Day 1, Initiated


    Hmm, is this thing on?

    *Muffle sounds and slight popping noises*

    According to the graphs, I'm live. Okay, I might as well start making of log of these things, seeing as how I'm now all by myself. And talking with moi is probably the only thing to settle my nerves.

    I am Draco LS Bogard, Age 26, born here in Outer Space. The LS being both my middle and nickname for any of my close friends. I am of the Bogard family, rightful heir to...


    ...I guess it doesn't matter. My name means nothing for the most part. Just a common every-day last name.

    Hmm... I suppose it's best to start out with what's happened the past few months.

    Three months ago-- after amassing my complete collection of hats mind you-- I had settled on a small planet that was far out in the reaches of space in the Alpha system. It was similar to Earth in structure: Blue skies, brown dirt. Except for the trees: They were rather thorny. But it was to be expected. I was a traveller of space, and I have seen much worse, be it eyeball trees or some other. I'm getting ahead of myself, however. It was colonized by a small group, mostly a village of humans -- which are my own kind. It was kind of rare to find this kind of colony, for most of the humans I've met wanted my head, be it the UMSC, or a prison taken over by juveniles.

    I either ran, or tackled them head-on with my machine pistol. Ah yes, my trusty machine pistol. I will never forget how it saved my life in many battles, how I will miss it so...

    ...Oh, getting off-subject again. Regardless, the colony was quite nice: It was a peaceful community filled with nice people. Small, but it's like they worked together to solve their problems, be it farming or sharing goods.

    It... seemed like the first time I was welcomed by my own kind, an eternity in fact. I had vowed to temporarily retire adventuring and settle upon this planet, in the name of... well, relaxation!

    The villagers seemed to be overjoyed that I would be moving in, as long as I abided by their rules and jobs to do around town, but perhaps they were more joyed that I was an experienced combat specialist. Mind you, I'm no master of everything, but I am handy with a shotgun or a pistol, hell, even War Hammers. Just don't give me any bladed weapons. I wouldn't know the sharp end of a stick or the hilt of the blasted thing. Might even cut myself...

    Cutting by to at least a month, is where my nightmares had begun. Due to my settling down in the village, I had moved all of my items down to that planet while leaving my ship in orbit, since, well, my ship can get rather cramped. I had considered in investing another ship at one point, but that purpose was defeated from me living down in this human colony.

    *The sounds of sniffles could be heard*

    Oh dear... just thinking back onto it just breaks my heart... Who knew that my chance of relaxation would turn into a nightmare of hell? But I guess I need to go on...

    Before the time that I was forced to leave that planet, I had been trying on some of my hats from my collection, be it my Fedora, my Top Hat, or, even my wedding veil. Yes, you heard me, I consider a wedding veil to be a hat. Don't judge me.

    I had just put on my Wizard's Hat until I heard a loud slam from behind me. In that doorway where the door used to be, I noticed three shadowy figures enter. When they stepped into my lantern's light, it turned out to be Florans.

    Now granted, the colony had assured me that the humans were the only ones on this planet, since they had not seen a soul for at least a year, other than passing merchants. But gee, I guess they were wrong, weren't they?

    They looked tribal, armed with wooden spears and their leafy clothes. One of them had lunged at me, and I was forced to unholster my pistol and open fire. Shots ricocheted around the room as the sound of gunfire echoed into the air. I had my eyes closed while firing since it was out of reflex more than anything. Being caught by surprise is not something I'm used to.

    When I had opened my eyes, the room was filled with bullet holes, and within that room, the florans were down on the ground, oozing out amounts of green liquid from underneath. I didn't have time to check if they were still alive, for I had rushed out to see what in god's name was going on.

    When I went out the door, the village was in chaos: Florans roamed the village, murdering the townsfolk and destroying the houses around them. Some were even being eaten alive like a zombie horde. It was a massacre...

    I had heard voices to my right, seeing a small army of Florans rushing towards me. Even with my skills as a gunsman, I couldn't take on this many Floran. I had no choice but to run. But even that proved futile: Every direction I went, more Floran blocked my path. This continued on until the Florans had formed a circle around me, preventing my escape.

    They stood there, starring at me, some of them even taunting me that I was going to die. It was the worst possible situation to be in...

    ...For anyone without a backup plan.

    I needed to leave this planet. Reaching up to my wrist, I immediately hailed my ship to beam me up from where I stood. As I was in the middle of being sent up, the last moments I saw were the Florans attempting to tackle me all at once. Within that split second, I escaped their grasp as the ship had grabbed me within its beam.

    ...And that's everything. Because of that invasion, I had lost almost everything: My items, my hat collection save for the wizard hat I was wearing, but I had also lost most of the known coordinates for my ship. I guess for leaving it alone for so long without proper maintenance the ship's navigation glitched, and I didn't know the planet's either during that time, so it was a huge possibility I'd never go back there again, whether I wanted to or not.

    I still resent the Florans for this, almost enough to shoot one on sight. But I need to show restraint. Shooting one whenever I meet them would surely get me the wrong attention, even worse when in any settlements.

    But where would I go now? I've wandered space for at least two months now, and I've yet to be satisfied with anyt--

    *Sounds of static could be heard over the microphone, several voices in and out overlapped each other*

    What's this? My radio is responding to chatter... I wonder, is this a sign for things to come?

    *Silence, with the sounds of objects clattering together as if they were hit*

    It is settled then. This is a sign for things to come. If my radio is responding to other frequencies, there are others out there that I can meet. This is not a time to sit around doing nothing!

    *Sounds of beeps and boops can be heard, along with small keystrokes as a small whirring sound takes place*

    It is time for adventure! Onward, my ship! For we have much to do: My hat collection, exploration, and most of all... justice!