I'm starting up my Corporation thread later on for my character Zeke and the Carroli corporation i made a attempt at designing a logo and all that, using the only logo designer i could find, but i found it a bit.. lackluster as I'd probably eventually look to draw the logo in game using pixel art too (on walls etc). View attachment 409 and a alternative that i liked better, but the logos designer wouldn't let me export it so only got tiny one View attachment 410 Anyone willing to give me hand and try to Design a nice logo for the corporation? use your imagination, it could be Two CC letters somehow formed with a symbol or just a symbol representing the corporation. to give a bit information about the corporation its a Research and development based company that dwell in developing and applying new technology, mainly dealing in the production of energy, and plasma based weapons, and ships designs fueled on their new designs and technological development, they've also produced several other side products such as howerbased watch towers, point defense drones, planetary anti ship cannons. thou they prefer experimenting with production of these items using new and advanced technology, the sale fueling their funding to continue their research. Their a human based corporation but employ all races, their also known to struggle with miniknog as they've taken chances to steal technology and research from waylaid outposts using armed forces if opportunists showed themselves, likewise exploring ruins and old technologies in the many ruins of lost civilizations in the galaxy. (which is why they've taken a interest in a glitch... which may or may not be to good for the glitch). Thanks for your time