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I invite you... Pray and relax

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EvDo, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    During the time of the pioneers, my ancestor Utokch Kera set out to find a place in which to find peace and build a temple for researchers of space and scientists. The search was long, but he found a planet Ephath The Calm Son. There was built a temple, which has become a refuge of researchers of this sector of space, the place where they could stoped and move on, without a lot of aggressive flora and fauna, and without ignorant and savages. He named this place Djahuti Naos or the Ark of Knowledge. But in the time of unrest and the arrival of aliens the temple was closed from many, becoming the place only for the Council's servants, no longer be the opportunity to reassure of believer's soul in a holy place.
    But my soul cares about them, and I was able to persuade the Council to give the birds an opportunity for a long time, which was lost in this sector. Now the doors of the temple are open to every believer Avian can take a break from the bustle, talk to each other at any confidential topics, prayed to the gods and offer them sacrifice, and perhaps make the place more beautiful, better, build a nest here. In addition, in this place you can hide from threats, as only dedicated will know about it. Coordinates you can take from the traveling Avian, who dressed in a simple robe, his name is Tephetkan. I'm waiting for you, my flightless brothers and sisters...

    And this is the view from the temple's balcony on the two neighbors, Umekh The Quiet Father and Tulkuta The Shily Sister. Huge avian on the balcony is Nathunanon, our guardian.​
    #1 EvDo, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2016
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Do you accept avians who are willing to convert from Grounded to Flightless?
  3. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Of course. We will accept any who believe. However, we have to make sure before you walk up the steps to the temple. Tell me where to find you?
    -Caretaker Nech'Tal Kera​
  4. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Now we can carry out the ceremony.​
    This happy news warms the soul of our peaceful temple after a conversation with a beautiful bird. Priest agreed to conduct the ceremony for us and bring new acolytes. The temple will come to life, maybe someone will live in this quiet place, clean from dirt of ignorance. Once again, thank you, bird in a red robe.
    -Caretaker Nech'Tal Kera​
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You can find me on Mud. I'm usually on-duty as a guard.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Is there any chance for those to visit simply to visit, without any attempts at religious conversion?
  7. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Every visit has a purpose. What is your kin? Your religious way?
    -Caretaker Nech'Tal Kera​
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am a Nova who does not worship any higher power
  9. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    So, what you want to find in the temple, starchild?
    -Caretaker Nech'Tal Kera​
  10. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Tephetkan in the Fallen Upsite right now, after he will travel into Nogun Camp or Loswake, and after he will be on the Mud again. However, as far as I known about the Mud, you can find another bird, Skarti. Speak with him, he will make sure in the purity of your intentions.
    -Caretaker Nech'tal Kera​
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I wish to travel the universe, and see all that I can before I pass- surely a temple such as this would be a great addition to my collection of experiences
  12. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I can't afford it. This place is not for frivolous walks. You will not receive the permission to come.
    -Caretaker Nech'Tal Kera​