Dale S is a towering robot, standing at a full height of 8'0. His new attire fits the skinny skeleton of a metal body, giving him a rather lean appearance. His jacket is a lovely silk red with black highlights, while the pants and boots are grey(?) and black. He speaks with a cracked voice, cold and heartless while soft and warm. It displays emotion through the lights on its head, but usually it's a neutral blue. His older attired consisted of loose fitting clothes, lacking a shirt. The jacket only goes halfway down his chest, and is singed. Occasional burn holes mark it all over, and the same applies for the baggy sweatpants. His new attire. (Thanks Dodec) A sketch of his older attire. (Pre burning. Thanks for the drawing CrescentFury)
OH HI, SAMUEL HAYDEN! HOW WAS MARS? You should maybe make it something like Dale Spark or Dale Sterling.
Updated description Dale continues to stand at a full 8 feet solid, and he still has a skeletal frame. His voice has changed to an obviously synthesized and scratchy tone, his silk red jacket is shredded in spots- but more specifically, his right arm's sleeve looks like it was attacked by a pack of rabid dogs (not literally.) His right arm is also completely missing, the joint where it should be seemingly welded over with a metal plate while he saves up for a new arm. His pants have some tears in them as well, and his 'face' has intricate stripes of red paint along the cheeks.