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Mud Masterthread

Discussion in 'Mud' started by zkkzz, May 6, 2016.

  1. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Hello. My home, Mud, has always isolated itself from the rest of the universe, maybe through necessity, maybe through caution. But now I think it is time for a change. As of this time, Mud is a free and open colony for all outsiders of the Frontier. We are humble people, and our planet is a bit wet for some people’s tastes. But it is full of beauty and community, and hopefully this is enough to encourage you, passersby, to visit, or even stay a while.

    If you ask for it, and are willing to take a job, I am offering completely free and guaranteed housing to any outsiders. I am still granting jobs if you live off-planet, though you will not have priority. If you don’t wish for permanent housing, you can simply spend the night in the inn we’ve recently installed on one of Mud’s great, golden-red bridges. All jobs pay 100px/week.

    This is the form you can submit to me, either here on this thread or in person-- check the office I work in at the top of the hill. It has three teardrop windows, you can’t miss it.

    Requesting house to reside on Mud (Y/N):
    Job of choice:

    Jobs available:
    - Farm work (rice)
    - Building/construction/architecture
    - 2 chefs for cafe in outsider district
    - 1 doctor for clinic in outsider district
    - 4 guards (training by head of guard)
    - 2 shop owners (1 flower shop, 1 unbuilt)

    No firearms are allowed on-planet, although tasers and similar non-lethal weaponry are permitted (would appreciate if you checked in with a guard.) Sharp tools should also be checked in with a guard if possible. I do not permit things like swords or spears. Mud is a peaceful planet, but if you disturb its peace I am charging heavy fines and/or removal from planet.

    Beginning on June 4th, Florans must carry around a visa to be present on Mud, else it is illegal and they will be exiled with haste. You can earn a visa before/after this date by going to the guard at the door and taking a relatively simple test (paper or delivered vocally by the guard) to prove that you understand the rules and have gained intelligence above a certain level (i.e. can complete multi-part math problems like 6 x 6 + 7 without spare paper, can explain various logical concepts, and generally prove that you have cognitive ability above that of a feral, tribal Floran). With this, you get a permanent visa which you can carry around and show if a guard asks about it. Might be smart to wear it on your person, so as to make it easily displayable without hassle.

    Here are the coordinates to come visit yourself:

    93, 183, Nu Rim III-b

    Thanks, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

    - Ernal Piloti
    #1 zkkzz, May 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  2. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Feel it is worth mentioning that if you /have/ a job on Mud and have worked for a week (starting today that is possible) you can see me in my office for payment or post on this thread with your account number and have it transferred. This is the masterthread, so I feel it's fine to post anything in here.

    - Ernal Piloti
  3. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    ((I'm gonna be gone and not able to play SBRP starting tomorrow and ending Saturday. Sorry. This means that during that time Sparrow and Ernal won't be able to be on OOC, but the latter can respond to emails, and I'd be fine chatting on Discord IC as if it's ingame. I'm just gonna be on a laptop that can't run Starbound, so yeah.

    Meanwhile, let me detail the guard system while Sparrow isn't there.

    There is an NPC GUARD at the gate in front of the lockers. That guard will ask you if you have any weapons and anything visible will be put into a locker. If you want to SNEAK SOMETHING PAST A GUARD, your characters needs to be specially able to do this. Not just an average joe, not just a person who's good at shooting people. You need to have IC justification for being able to hide weaponry from the guard, because the guard will pat you down. When I'm on Sparrow you can do all manners of avoiding this, this is just for people who really, REALLY need to murderbone while I'm gone.

    Remember that weapons are still illegal. If you sneak one in and are found with it, you'll be punished with fines/exile. I'm not expecting Mud to be weapon free or violence free, but I /DID/ take in character measures in order to try and get there. If you just say "yeah i sneak it past" and don't have a reason for being able to do so, that's really honestly rude. If you need to do some random murdering, Upside still fuckin' exists, yo.

    Finally, please let me know if you do events and get permission. Like, placing signs and having somebody get murdered using a knife? Please ask me. Umbra appearing on the colony? Please ask me. Please detail it out. You can also probably ask Awe but I'll take most responsibility for this stuff. I'm not doing this to be a dick, I'm doing it because managing a colony is hard enough as is, and it's even harder when I can't play the game to moderate.))
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((I'm around if Zk isn't responding but his decisions overrule mine at the end of the day.))
  5. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    The other day there was a murder on one of the bridges in Mud, via an outsider with a knife. I'm not certain how the knife was smuggled in, but rest assured I will be making sure such events are much, much more unlikely. Frontier is unpredictable enough that I won't be able to stop it guaranteed, but the guards will pat people down at the gate and arrest people on the spot if they have snuck anything past. ((the knife was godmodded in, fwiw.))

    Afterward the assailant was shot with a firearm by Noa Jaycee. Don't approve of firearms and it was the initial reaction for the Mud security to exile her for somehow /also/ smuggling a gun in. ((the gun was also godmodded in.)) Since then we have talked and determined that she can return, as she is a resident, but she will be taking on the task of educating some natives about the dangers of firearms and the proper knowledge about their use, for future reference, as many don't already know. I'm extremely sorry for the events that happened that day... peace on Mud is something I am still learning how to hold up. ((i.e. i can't prevent people from causing events without asking me, godmodding in weapons for said shitty events, and murdering each other randomly all the time.))

    Thanks for reading ((my extremely passive aggressive message)),

    - Ernal Piloti
  6. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Requesting house to reside on Mud (Y/N): Yes
    Job of choice: Guard

  7. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Think I can open a spot for you, and a house will be ready shortly. Meet Sparrow, the head of guard, for the former, and meet me in my office for the latter.

  8. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I cannot bear to fathom how you ban knives yet still manage to have burials, sacrifices, and temple rituals.

    This colony is rightly named, 'Mud' , for Flightless who ignore the commandment of shunning the unfaithful by living here are as dirty as the unenlightened. Not only that, but you also harbor AND listen to the Floran Menace. Their ideals and thoughts spread without colonies such as this, I've seen it before.

    The activism and violent ideas from both mammal and Floran alike cause these normally peaceful, isolationist grounded to rise up and murder their flightless brethren. Thus in doing so, Flightless Extremists rise up and fight back. This vicious cycle starts at these such colonies. Do not bother trying to be all politically correct as these mammals have brainwashed you to believe, if you won't do it for Kluex, then think of the safety of your hatchlings and your nestmate first.

    - Chitlipotonqui Fenuku
  9. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Want to admit that I am not a perfect leader, and there have been a few problems involving Florans that make me think about rules regarding their tribal stay. However, so far there hasn't been anything drastic, nor a necessity for such. I'll do my best to respect your concerns and maintain Mud's peace. I am not intending to be 'politically correct'-- I simply like to give everybody a chance. Were it up to my Ma, we'd have disallowed them entirely. But I've made my own decisions regarding such, and I am glad, in some ways, that you question them. Always good to have people questioning and reconsidering.

    Any concerns with mammals has fallen mostly under the 'outsider' blanket. Outsiders are largely separate from the rest of Mud in their own district to prevent such 'bad ideas' or conflict. It's a measure I took at request of the natives, and I think it's helped keep things calm.

    We do not have burials, sacrifices, nor temple rituals. Early settlers did well to phase those things out. If Flightless choose to live here in spite of the commandment, it is out of my hands. I don't see Mud as a colony particularly well-suited to religion, but people do as they wish, and I'll do my best to accommodate those who choose to reside.

    If you have more concerns (especially of Florans) and you'd like to voice them, you can continue here, of course, but it might be more productive to have such talks in person. You can always come visit my office on-planet.

  10. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    You do not have burials? Not only have you forsaken our peoples religion, but even our culture. These Grounded are more akin to mammals than Avian in behavior then. You've let these mammals come in and order you around, taking their good sides and after they've made their presence, taken their bad, such as their stances on killing.

    I will gladly meet up with you to discuss this in person, as a Flightless Mortician, I take such cultural matters quite seriously.

    - Chitlipotonqui Fenuku
  11. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Sorry. I didn't mean to intend we don't bury our dead. I simply meant it's not in a ceremonial way. People mourn, visit the grave, honor the dead very often. I think it'd be wrong to disallow such a thing.

    Their stances on killing? I am not sure what you mean. Our guards have never killed a single person that I'm aware of and I am personally a pacifist. I am firmly unchanging in the frontier's raging tide.

  12. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    ((Update to the gate entrance for guards and invaders to read if interested!

    There is a small chest-high wall made of thick golden bricks with a smooth wooden top on the right side extending out about 5 feet but not blocking the path out the entrance almost whatsoever. It is meant to be used for guards to protect themselves in case of an attack, and normal stop-and-frisking will completely ignore it. This is for attacks and emergencies only.

    There is also a powerbox near the door which is locked and can be accessed by guards. A switch inside can switch on/off the teleporter as well as the electrified gate door for use in an emergency or attack. The electrified door will repel/dampen energy weapons if applicable, but bullets will pass through mostly unaffected. Organic matter, arrows, spears, thrown weapons etc. will all be electrified and repelled completely or burned up.

    Thanks. HMU in private message if you have any questions. The control for the gate is OOCly hidden underground right underneath the powerbox.))
  13. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( how do bullets pass through but thrown weaponry doesn't? What about grenade launchers? ))
  14. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    ((It's about speed. So unless the grenade was heading pretty quickly it would be stopped/detonate immediately. But this is all just the basic idea and I'm not entirely sure about what speed is which. Can you discuss in PM so the masterthread doesn't get cluttered?))
  15. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    ((Was told that this place banned Florans, please update the first post detailing how Floran are permitted/banned, spent 30 minutes waiting for RP and for nothing.))
  16. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    ((Whoever said that is wrong. Unless it's stated here it's not in effect.))
  17. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Hello. It is a mix of pleasure and misfortune that I have to report this, but it's become clear as a necessary measure. Beginning on June 4th, Florans must carry around a visa to be present on Mud, else it is illegal and they will be exiled with haste. You can earn a visa before/after this date by going to the guard at the door and taking a relatively simple test (paper or delivered vocally by the guard) to prove that you understand the rules and have gained intelligence above a certain level (i.e. can complete multi-part math problems like 6 x 6 + 7 without spare paper, can explain various logical concepts, and generally prove that you have cognitive ability above that of a feral, tribal Floran). With this, you get a permanent visa which you can carry around and show if a guard asks about it. Might be smart to wear it on your person, so as to make it easily displayable without hassle.

  18. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    On Thursday, there will be a music festival starting ((noon PST)) and lasting for the rest of the day. It will take place on the bridge by the cooking pot where people will be able to play improvisational tunes with each-other! Anyone who shows up and plays music will receive fifty pix if they're not disruptive, and drinks will be free for the whole night.
  19. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    ((Ernal has delivered an accurate description of Artois, Glitch with crown, and has decided to ban this person from Mud (via denial at the gate) until further notice.))
  20. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    (This general area [outdoors] would smell quite strongly of urine, broken glass haphazardly strewn about.)
    #20 Ricardo, Jun 21, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016