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State of the Flightless

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dukeminiman, Jan 16, 2016.


Can the flightless be played as peaceful characters?

  1. Yes!

    13 vote(s)
  2. No!

    2 vote(s)
  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    There is currently an argument about whether or not the flightless avians (the ones who worship Kluex) can be RP-ed as peaceful characters or "just regular avians but with religion" and it's getting somewhat heated. I think that this is something that the whole server could benefit from seeing so I'm making a thread that everyone can see and reply in, in case they missed the original one in the chatbox.
  2. Havel

    Havel New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I'm not sure, I believe there should be various subdivisions within the Cult of Kluex, as are there in the Catholic Church, Islam, and such. It isn't canon, but it would make lots of sense.
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I am sure that they could be played peacefully, but HIGHLY doubt it. Frankly most Avian by nature are confrontational and the racial background between Grounded and Flightless just does not make it possible with as rigid as The Commandments of Kluex are. So no I don't think so. Flightless are just a bunch of racial bigits even their commandments are racial: "Thou shall never take dinner with a floran."

    Again I say no. Cause if a flightless was to violate the commandments in any way then they are/become grounded. Also on this server there never has been a peaceful flightless. So there is that. Also I frankly don't see the issue with someone having dinner with a floran, probably as long as it does not involve eating another sapient species juicy meaty flesh.
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    We have seen peaceful Flightless before, and it is very easy to play a peaceful Flightless. You simply don't see many peaceful Flightless because people enjoy playing racist zealots (Which is fun, i'll admit). You are actually just condensing all Flightless into the zealot stereotype, when in fact most Flightless are just average people. Doctor Frohman's Chitl is a great example of this, as the character is a peaceful Flightless. The only thing that could be considered confrontational about Chitl is his snooty attitude and perhaps superiority complex (I don't actually know this character well, apologies to Doc if i'm incorrect about them!). Another good example from our servers past would be Oros, a peaceful servant Flightless. From what I know about the character, there was nothing confrontational, evil, aggressive or malicious about the character, except a reasonable dislike of Florans, which is standard for all Flightless. Even though Flightless dislike Florans, they don't need to be confrontational about it, as they can and often simply ignore Florans. Unrelated to the topic, violating the commandments doesn't make you grounded, silly. That's like saying if a Christian commits a sin, they're kicked out of the religion. Flightless can 'sin' against the commandments, just as long as they repent for their mistake.
    92 people like this.
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    It's not correct to say that one cannot play as peaceful flightless. The belief in Kluex is a religion, and like all religions, there are divisions in them. There are differences in beliefs. The belief in Kluex broke up the Avians into the Loyalists and Stargazers after all. Like how the belief in Jesus broke up Christians into Protestants and Catholics. Or the Islamic people into Sunni and Shi'ite. Or the Buddhist people into Mahayana and Theravada.

    Religion in itself is a practice of following a certain system of belief and worship. Like how many can interpret the Bible, Quran, and teachings of Buddha in different ways, people can interpret a computer game's religion in different ways as well.

    Now, keep in mind that religion is very focused on the present. When scriptures and documents are written to record a belief, they are very biased towards their time period. The commandments are written after the death of Kluex because the Avians never discovered Florans before that. Decades after the death of Kluex is when the Avians decide to go starbound and search for other life. That's when they discover the Glitch and the Florans. The Florans and Avians have a long ongoing conflict according to lore and the Avians try to restrict the Florans to FL1-4 in their homesystem. The commandment was based on racism like how Christians can interpret the Bible to hate on gay people.

    Religion isn't something set in stone. If it was, then there would only be one true path in every religion. There would be no splits. And how each religion is followed is determined by the personality, experiences, and belief of the character.
    92 people like this.
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    For that Doc fine but I/none of my characters had the pleasure of interact with Chitl.

    Rant activate! As far as the conflict go. Avian "Restrict" action was only to try and quall their mistake. Frankly I have issues with the whole conflict cause Hylotl (peaceful or not) should have a massive disdain toward Avian as much a Florans. As it was the Avian actions that cause the floran to spread from their home system and ultimately forcing the hylolt exodus from their homeworld. I honestly think that should be a server lore thing. It only make sense. But I am sure people will disagree with me on that as well. I am not saying the floran don't deserve the hatred but give credit where credit is due. Most people the play hylolt forget about that little tidbit of historical information. And you can't tell me that the an a grounded avian or a floran had not told the hyltols about the avain's fuck up. I frankly will not believe in such a bold face lie.

    But to get back on topic. I never said that it could not be done, I just feel the the avian flightless are more to bigotry then being peaceful. Cause in previous disagreement to this subject. I was referring to the whole of the flightless not individuals. There is a difference. Sure "A" individual flightless could be peaceful, IE Oros or Chitl, but as a whole Flightless are not peaceful, but what they are confrontational, begots, and religious zealots, content in their "belief" of their own superiority over the other species.

    Frankly Smoke you have only pointed the Flightless/Grounded debate. That is what the Grounded is. They are that "splited" group just like the loyalist. I read all the lore Stargazers and flightless are the same. As is the Loyalist and the Grounded. Two sides of the same religious coin.

    However you did made my point for me. True flightless that follow the commandments to the letter are not peaceful. You can't not be racist and be peaceful. There is no way, not going to happen.

    So again on a whole flightless are not peaceful and I highly doubt a true zealot flightless can be peaceful. Cause any true zealot flightless that doesn't follow the commandments is not a true flightless, therefore is designated, labeled or viewed as a Grounded avian. Sure now a Grounded can be peaceful and still remain with various of self discipline to the teaching of Kluex. Not Flightless.

    From Starbounder wik (the official ChuckleFish lore):
    Avians have been known to stray from their religious culture. Dubbed the Grounded, these Avians become outcasts and find solace amongst other races.

    Hence why a or all flightless can't be peaceful. If a flightless does not follow one of the commandments they have strayed.

    My view is this: An individual flightless could possibly be peaceful, however they better watch what they do or say. Slip up once they become Grounded.
    Flightless on a whole can't be peaceful, not in current lore.
    You can't be racist or a bigot and be peaceful.

    I am not surprised that those who play avian would be the first to defend. Predicable and without objective opinion.
  7. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    *Floats by*
    Grounded 4 lyfe

    Some Flightless can be peaceful sure. But like Yotan said most are not.

    One can hope that one day they realize "Wow we worshipped a dead bird and it was really our tyranical overlords known as the Stargazers making us throw our own kin out into space just because they do not approve of them, we are just the smartest."